Evaluating TOC analytical results Tests indicate particulate fraction of total organic carbon in a natural water is more accurately measured by the combustion method than by the ultraviolet–persulfate oxidation method. Issam Najm, Joseph Marcinko, and Joan Oppenheimer T otal organic carbon (TOC) is commonly used as the primary surrogate for measuring the concentration of natural organic matter (NOM) in drinking water. Several methods are available for measuring the TOC concentration in water. The two most common are the ultraviolet (UV)–persulfate oxidation The Disinfectants/Disinfection By-products (D/DBP) Rule includes method and the combustotal organic carbon (TOC) as a regulatory compliance parameter tion method.1 with the idea that TOC concentration is a direct indicator of the Both methods use the potential for DBP formation upon chlorination. A comprehensive principle of completely study was conducted to evaluate the ability of the two most oxidizing the organic carcommon methods—ultraviolet (UV)–persulfate oxidation and bon in NOM to carbon catalytic combustion—to measure the particulate fraction of the dioxide (CO2) and meaTOC in water and determine whether this fraction contributes to suring the amount of CO2 DBP formation. Results showed that particulate TOC fraction in a produced. The quantified natural water was more accurately measured by the combustion CO 2 level is then conmethod. Therefore, the method used by a water utility to evaluate verted to a TOC concenTOC removal through a water treatment plant can significantly tration in the original affect the chemical dosages required for regulatory compliance water sample on the basis and treatment cost. Furthermore, chlorination testing results of a predetermined stansuggest that the DBP formation reactions may not be affected by dard organic carbon conparticulate TOC, leading the authors to propose that dissolved centration. The only sigorganic carbon rather than TOC is a more appropriate indicator of DBP formation potential in water treatment. For executive summary, see page 158. 84 VOLUME 92, ISSUE 8 © 2000 American Water Works Association, Journal AWWA August 2000 JOURNAL AWWA FIGURE 1 Molecular structure of potassium hydrogen phthalate (A) and proposed structure of natural humic substance (fulvic acid) (B)12 A B O OH O HO O H OH O C H C C O H OH C O C C O O OH O OH C OH O C OH O C O C C OH OH O C OH OH O O O C – + O K O O HO H OH O OH H C C OH OH C O C HO O C O H OH O HO H O C C O C OH O O C OH OH C O C O OH OH O H OH OH OH OH nificant difference between the two methods is the 1, part A). In addition, the standard solution is premeans by which the organic carbon is oxidized to pared in particulate-free water. However, natural CO2. The UV–persulfate method relies on the comwater and KHP solution differ in two primary respects. bined oxidation strengths of the UV light, oxygen, First, natural humic substances have very comand persulfate to convert the organic carbon into plex and varying molecular structures (Figure 1, CO2, whereas the combustion method relies on cat- part B),12 which may have substantially different alytic combustion of the organic carbon to CO2. oxidation potential compared with that of KHP. SecThe TOC values obtained using different oxida- ond, natural water may include a substantial contion processes have been compared in numerous centration of particulate organic matter. Differences studies, many of them performed by the marine in the extent of oxidation of the particulate organic chemistry community.2–5 However, these studies were matter will result in differences in the measured primarily conducted using particulate-free or filtered TOC concentration in the water. This is primarily water. In addition, the high chloride concentration in problematic for raw water and not necessarily for seawater can interfere with the efficiency of photo- settled or filtered water. chemical wet oxidation methods by competing for The Information Collection Rule (ICR) and the the persulfate ion.6 enhanced coagulation requirements of the Stage 1 Other researchers have compared TOC analytical Disinfectants/Disinfection By-products (D/DBP) methods using freshwater.7,8 Their findings suggest Rule are the first to require public water utilities that the UV–persulfate oxidation method measures lower organic carbon concentrations than the highhe greater the particulate organic content temperature combustion method. It is not clear, of the water, the greater the difference however, whether these in the total organic carbon concentrations differences were due to the dissolved or particulate reported by the two analytical methods. fraction of NOM. Studies on the efficiency of oxidation of pure compounds in solution have to monitor for TOC concentrations in raw and demonstrated that numerous chemicals are recalci- treated water. With this requirement, these two trant to various oxidation processes.4,9–11 The standard rules have brought to the forefront the need for an organic compound used to calibrate all TOC analyz- accurate and reliable measurement of TOC coners is potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP),1 which centration in natural water. Both the UV–persulhas a relatively simple molecular structure (Figure fate oxidation method and the combustion method T AUGUST 2000 © 2000 American Water Works Association, Journal AWWA August 2000 I. NAJM ET AL 85 FIGURE 2 The samples contained turbidity concentrations of 8, 16, and 18 ntu, respectively. (The 8-ntu turbidity samples were two distinct samples that contained identical turbidity concentrations.) Results suggest that the higher the turbidity of the sample, the greater the difference between the TOC concentration measured by the two methods. Figure 2 indicates that the UV–persulfate method underestimates the TOC concentration in the water samples with relatively high levels of turbidity. The authors set out to evaluate three possible explanations for this behavior: (1) Because the two TOC analyzers use different purging times for removing the inorganic carbon from the water before analysis, the TOC analyzer using the combustion method may not be purging as much of the inorganic carbon as the UV–persulfate method. (2) Inorganic solids present in the water may be interfering with the UV–persulfate method’s ability to oxidize the soluble organic carbon into CO2. (3) The UV–persulfate method is not capable of oxidizing the particulate organic matter to the extent achieved by the combustion method. Effect of natural water turbidity on total organic carbon (TOC) analytical results Ultraviolet–persulfate method Combustion method TOC Concentration—mg/L 8 6 4 2 0 8 8 16 18 Turbidity—ntu FIGURE 3 Example standard curve for the ultraviolet–persulfate method for total organic carbon (TOC) analysis Adjusted Instrument TOC Reading—mg/L 12 y = 0.9985x + 0.0512 2 R = 0.9998 (10; 9.99) 10 8 6 (4; 4.15) 4 2 (1; 1.06) Analytical methods (0.4; 0.43) 0 0 2 4 5 8 TOC Standard—mg/L are approved for TOC analysis under the ICR. This article evaluates the two methods and compares their ability to measure particulate organic carbon present in natural water. Statement of problem Figure 2 shows TOC concentrations of three natural water samples analyzed using the UV–persulfate method and the combustion method. Analyses were performed in six replicates. Error bars shown in Figure 2 represent the standard deviation range for each analysis. 86 VOLUME 92, ISSUE 8 TOC analyses. TOC analyses were conducted using the UV–persulfate method and the combustion method. The following sections briefly describe the procedures used to prepare samples for each analysis. UV–persulfate method. A TOC analyzer* was used to analyze 10-mL samples by the UV–persulfate method. The samples and all standards were first dosed with 1 mL of 20 percent phosphoric acid and then purged with commercial air† for 2.5 min before analysis. The instrument was calibrated with American Chemical Society (ACS)-grade KHP.‡ Four standard concentrations of 0.4, 1.0, 4.0, and 10 mg/L and one blank laboratory water were used to calibrate the instrument every day. An example cali10 12 © 2000 American Water Works Association, Journal AWWA August 2000 JOURNAL AWWA TOC Concentration—mg/L Adjusted Area Count bration curve is shown in FigFIGURE 4 Example standard curve for the combustion method for total organic ure 3. The value of the TOC carbon (TOC) analysis reading of each standard was adjusted by subtracting the 50,000 instrument reading of the blank water sample. For the 45,000 standard curve shown in Figy = 4265.7x + 290.55 (10; 42,621) 2 R = 0.9992 ure 3, for example, the instru40,000 ment reading for the 1.0-mg/L 35,000 standard was 1.12 mg/L. The blank laboratory water was 30,000 0.059 mg/L. Therefore, the instrument reading of 1.06 25,000 mg/L reported in Figure 3 for 20,000 the 1.0-mg/L standard was (4; 18,173) calculated by subtracting 15,000 0.059 mg/L from the 1.12mg/L reading. This applies to 10,000 all other standards. Combustion method. A 5,000 (1; 4,763) TOC analyzer§ was used to (0.4; 1,687) 0 analyze 40-mL samples by 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 the combustion method. The TOC Standard—mg/L samples were first acidified with three drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid and then purged with commerFIGURE 5 Effect of inorganic dissolved carbon on total organic carbon (TOC) cial air** for 6 min before analytical results analysis. The instrument was calibrated with ACS-grade Combustion method Ultraviolet–persulfate method KHP.†† Four standard con1.0 centrations of 0.4, 1.0, 4.0, and 10 mg/L and one blank laboratory water were used 0.8 to calibrate the instrument every day. An example calibration curve is shown in 0.6 Figure 4. The area count of each standard was adjusted by subtracting the area count of the blank water sample. 0.4 For the standard curve shown in Figure 4, for example, the area count for the 0.2 1.0-mg/L standard was 6,031. The area count for the blank laboratory water was 0 1,268. Therefore, the area 0 50 100 200 count of 4,763 reported in Alkalinity—mg/L as CaCO3 Figure 4 for the 1.0-mg/L standard was calculated by subtracting the 1,268 blank Experimental approach area count from the 6,031 area count. This applies The authors conducted a series of tests to deterto all other standards. Other water quality parameters. Turbidity was mine which, if any, of the three potential factors outdetermined with a bench-top turbidimeter§§ using *Dohrmann DC-180, Rosemount Analytical Inc., Santa Clara, Calif. method 2140A as described in Standard Methods.1 †Ultra Zero, Oxygen Service Co., Orange, Calif. Trihalomethanes (THMs) were determined using ‡Fisher Scientific, Fair Lawn, N.J. §Shimadzu TOC-500, Shimadzu Corp., Columbia, Md. USEPA method 551.13 The sum of five haloacetic **Ultra Zero, Oxygen Service Co., Orange, Calif. acids (HAA5) were determined using method 6251B ††Fisher Scientific, Fair Lawn, N.J. 1 as described in Standard Methods. §§Model 2100P, Hach Co., Loveland, Colo. AUGUST 2000 © 2000 American Water Works Association, Journal AWWA August 2000 I. NAJM ET AL 87 FIGURE 6 Effect of inorganic particulate matter on total organic carbon (TOC) analytical results Ultraviolet–persulfate method Combustion method 5 TOC Concentration—mg/L 4 3 was filtered out using 0.45µm filter paper and then added to a small volume of organic-free water. This final suspension was used to spike a natural water sample with particulate organic matter to obtain various levels of turbidity. The resulting samples were analyzed in triplicate using both TOC analyzers. Discussion 2 1 0 0 5 20 Kaolinite Dosage—mg/L Results of test 1: effect of inorganic dissolved carbon. Results of the inorganic interference testing are shown in Figure 5. Analyses were conducted in triplicate (except for the 0-mg/L point, which was done in six replicates). 50 The bars shown in Figure 5 depict the standard deviations. The replicates for the 100mg/L alkalinity sample analyzed by the combustion method were all equal at 0.5 mg/L and therefore had a standard deviation of zero. Those results with no error bars also had a standard deviation of zero. The data show that alkalinity levels as high as 200 mg/L as CaCO3 did not appear to affect the TOC concentrations measured by each analytical method. This suggests that each method was equally capable of purging all the inorganic carbon from the water before the sample was analyzed for organic carbon concen- lined earlier was responsible for the difference in TOC concentrations reported by the two methods. Test 1: effect of dissolved inorganic carbon. In this test, a deionized organic-free water sample* was spiked with four levels of ACS-grade sodium bicarbonate† to create alkalinity values of 0, 50, 100, and 200 mg/L as calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Samples were then analyzed in triplicate for TOC concentration using both analytical methods. The blank sample (with 0 mg/L as CaCO3 added) was analyzed in six replicates. Test 2: inter ference he combustion method reported from particulate inorganic matter. Powdered kaolinite a corresponding increase in total organic clay‡ was used to represent inorganic solids. Natural carbon concentration with increasing water samples were first filparticulate organic matter concentration, tered through 0.45-µm filter paper§ and then spiked with whereas the ultraviolet–persulfate method four doses of kaolinite clay did not report any noticeable increase. (0, 5, 20, and 50 mg/L), which resulted in turbidity levels of 0.04, 4, 15, and 40 ntu, respectively. All filter papers were washed with tration. Therefore, the discrepancies in the TOC results 100 mL of laboratory organic-free water to eliminate shown in Figure 2 were not caused by interference of possible dissolved organic carbon (DOC) leaching. the inorganic dissolved carbon with either method. Samples were then analyzed in triplicate for TOC The differing values measured by the two instruconcentration using both analytical methods. ments are attributable to the difference in the detecTest 3: measurement of particulate organic matter. A natural water sample was spiked with var*RO Pure LP/Nanopure, Ultrapure Water System, Barnstead/Therious concentrations of particulate organic matter. The molyne, Dubuque, Iowa †Mallinckrodt, Paris, Ky. particulate matter was obtained by dissolving a high ‡Wards Natural Science Establishment, Santa Fe Springs, Calif. concentration of humic material** into an organic§Micron Separation Inc., Boston, Mass. free water. Nondissolved particulate organic matter **Aldrich Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis. T 88 VOLUME 92, ISSUE 8 © 2000 American Water Works Association, Journal AWWA August 2000 JOURNAL AWWA TOC Concentration—mg/L tion limits of each instrument. In other words, the instru- FIGURE 7 Effect of particulate organic matter on total organic carbon (TOC) analytical results ment detection limit of the TOC analyzer used in the Ultraviolet–persulfate method Combustion method UV–persulfate method is 14 approximately 0.05–0.1 mg/L, whereas the detection limit of 12 the TOC analyzer used in the combustion method is close 10 to 0.5 mg/L. Results of test 2: interference from inorganic par8 ticulate matter. These test results are shown in Figure 6. 6 Triplicate analyses were conducted, and standard devia4 tions for all data were < 0.06 mg/L. Data suggest that the addition of up to 50 mg/L of 2 inorganic solids did not appear to increase or decrease the TOC 0 concentration as reported by 0.04 4 8 16 either analytical method. Turbidity—ntu Therefore, the presence of inorganic material was not the cause of the discrepancies in TOC results shown in Figure 2. UV–persulfate method. The authors believe it is this Results of test 3: measurement of particu- difference that explains the discrepancies in TOC concentrations reported by the two analytical methods late organic matter. These test results are shown and shown in Figure 2. in Figure 7. Error bars indicate the standard deviation among the replicate samples. Results with no error Results of chlorination testing. Tests 1–3 demonstrated that concentration of particulate organic bars had a standard deviation of zero. Test results matter affected TOC analytical results reported by indicate that the two analytical methods varied in their ability to oxidize particulate organic matter to CO2. With no particulate matter present (turbidity = 0.04 ntu), both tudies on the efficiency of oxidation methods reported equal concentrations of TOC (approximately of pure compounds in solution 3.6 mg/L). As the concentration have demonstrated that numerous of particulate organic matter increased, however, the differchemicals are recalcitrant to various ences in the TOC results reported by the two methods increased sigoxidation processes. nificantly. For example, with the addition of particulate organic matter to a turbidity of 16 ntu, the TOC concentration the UV–persulfate method but not results reported reported by the UV–persulfate method increased by by the combustion method. As discussed later in this only 0.4 mg/L. However, the TOC concentration article, this difference in TOC measurement by the reported by the combustion method increased by 9.4 two methods may significantly affect the “apparent” mg/L. The 9-mg/L difference in TOC concentration ability of a water utility to meet the enhanced coagreported by the two methods is significant. ulation requirements of the D/DBP Rule. An examination of the results shows that the comThe D/DBP Rule intended for TOC removal to be bustion method reported a corresponding increase an indicator of the removal of DBP precursors. Therein TOC concentration with increasing particulate fore, the authors conducted a series of tests to deterorganic matter concentration (measured as increas- mine whether particulate organic matter actually ing turbidity), whereas the UV–persulfate method contributes to THM and HAA5 formation after chlodid not report any noticeable increase in TOC con- rination. If particulate organic matter does not concentration with increasing particulate organic matter tribute to DBP formation, then the use of TOC as a concentration. This indicates that particulate TOC is surrogate parameter for DBP precursors is not valid, detected by the combustion method but not by the and DOC concentration should be substituted for S AUGUST 2000 © 2000 American Water Works Association, Journal AWWA August 2000 I. NAJM ET AL 89 FIGURE 8 Filtered sample (dissolved organic carbon) Unfiltered sample (total organic carbon) 12 TOC—mg/L 10 8 6 4 2 0 THMs—µg/L 40 30 20 10 0 HAA5—µg/L 40 30 20 10 0 0.04 4 8 Turbidity—ntu TOC as a measurement of only the dissolved portion of organic matter. In the chlorination tests, organic-free water was buffered at pH 8.0 and then spiked with three levels of particulate organic matter, which resulted in turbidity levels of 4, 8, and 16 ntu. Each spiked water was split into two batches, with one batch filtered through a 0.45-µm filter paper. Each batch of water was then analyzed for TOC concentration using the combustion method, dosed with various dosages of chlorine, and incubated in the dark at 20oC for 24 h. At the end of the incubation period, the samples were analyzed for chlorine residual. The chlorinated samples containing a chlorine residual of 0.5 to 1 mg/L were then analyzed for THM and HAA5 concentrations. The selected chlorinated samples containing particulate organic matter were further filtered through 0.45-µm filter paper, and the filtrate was analyzed for DOC concentration. This measurement was used to determine whether the 90 DBP concentrations formed were the result of the reaction between chlorine and particulate organic matter or between chlorine and dissolved organic matter that leached off the particulate organic matter during the 24h incubation period. Results of the chlorination tests are listed in Table 1 and shown in Figure 8. As expected, the buffered organic-free water resulted in very low THM and HAA5 formation. The concentrations of THMs and HAA5 formed in the unfiltered samples were proportional to the TOC concentration (as measured by the combustion method), suggesting that the THMs and HAA5 concentrations formed resulted from the reaction between the added chlorine and the particulate organic matter. The ratio of THMs to TOC in these samples was < 5 µg/mg, which is significantly lower than the common ratio of approximately 15 to 20 µg/mg. 14,15 However, DOC concentrations were also measured in the chlorinated 16 samples after the 24-h incubation period (right-hand column in Table 1). Comparison of the DOC concentrations at the end of the 24-h chlorination period and the DOC concentrations in the filtered samples before chlorination suggests that approximately 6–13 percent of the particulate TOC may have leached into the water during the 24-h incubation period (i.e., the 16-ntu sample contained 10.1 mg/L TOC and 0.4 mg/L DOC). If the DOC concentrations measured after the 24-h period are used, the ratio of THMs to DOC in the samples was approximately 20 to 42 µg/mg. Therefore, it is possible that the THMs and HAA5 formed were not due to the direct reaction between chlorine and the particulate organic matter but rather to the reaction between chlorine and the dissolved organic matter that leached off the particulate matter during the 24-h incubation period. This conclusion is supported by the observation that the required simulated distribution system chlorine dosage for the 16-ntu unfiltered sample (which contained up to 10.1 mg/L TOC) was only 2.5 mg/L. The authors’ past experience with chlorination of natural water with similar organic content suggests Concentrations of total organic carbon (TOC), trihalomethanes (THMs), and five haloacetic acids (HAA5) formed in filtered and unfiltered synthetic water samples VOLUME 92, ISSUE 8 © 2000 American Water Works Association, Journal AWWA August 2000 JOURNAL AWWA TABLE 1 Experimental conditions and results of chlorination tests* TOC—mg/L Sample Description Turbidity ntu Buffered water 0.04 THMs µg/L HAA5 µg/L 24-h DOC–TOC mg/L NA† 0.3 1.0 0.9 1.5 <2 0.3 1.0 1.0 3.4 NA 2.7 0.5 1.2 0.6 14 0.4 0.4 1.0 0.8 4 8 5.2 0.6 2.0 0.6 30 0.4 0.3 1.0 0.8 16 10.1 0.9 2.5 0.4 4 16-ntu spike—filtered 16-ntu spike—unfiltered 24-h Chlorine Residual mg/L 0.2 8-ntu spike—filtered 8-ntu spike—unfiltered Chlorine Dose mg/L 0.4 4-ntu spike—filtered 4-ntu spike—unfiltered Combustion UV– Persulfate 7.1 46 14 0.7–2.8 4.6 30 NA 0.8–5.5 6 NA 45 1.1–10 *TOC—total organic carbon; UV—ultraviolet; THMs—trihalomethanes; HAA5—sum of five haloacetic acids; DOC—dissolved organic carbon †NA—not applicable that water containing 10 mg/L TOC has a chlorine demand considerably > 2.5 mg/L. However, DOC leaching tests in the absence of chlorine were not conducted to confirm the proposed hypothesis. Test results’ significance for D/DBP Rule compliance expected to give comparable settled water TOC results. The higher TOC measured by utility B is primarily attributable to particulate organic matter; compared with dissolved organic matter, particulate organic matter is more easily removed by chemical precipitation. In fact, if utility B adds enough coagulant to remove particulate TOC only, it will achieve a settled water TOC of 3 mg/L and meet its enhanced The ability of a TOC analyzer to accurately measure particulate organic carbon significantly affects a water utility’s ability (and associated costs) to comply with the enhanced coagulation requirements of the Stage 1 D/DBP Rule. he ability or inability of a total organic The percent TOC removal carbon analyzer to measure particulate required with enhanced coagulation for a conventional water organic carbon present in a raw water treatment plant is dependent on the TOC concentration in the raw source can distort results and affect water received by that plant. a utility’s regulatory compliance cost. Obviously, the ability or inability of a TOC analyzer to measure particulate organic carbon present in a raw water source can distort TOC results and affect coagulation requirement. Therefore, it is possible that a utility’s regulatory compliance cost. utility A will actually require a higher coagulant Sample scenario. For example, utility A uses a dosage to reduce the apparent TOC concentration water source that has an alkalinity of 75 mg/L as from 3 to 2.25 mg/L, compared with the dosage CaCO3, a DOC concentration of 3 mg/L, and a par- required by utility B to reduce the TOC concentration ticulate organic carbon concentration of 2 mg/L. Using from 5 to 3.25 mg/L. Consequently, meeting the the UV–persulfate method, utility A measures its raw enhanced coagulation requirements of the D/DBP water TOC at 3 mg/L and determines that it is Rule may be more costly to utility A than to utility B required to remove a minimum of 25 percent of the simply because of the differences in the TOC analyzraw water TOC by enhanced coagulation. Utility B, ers used by the utilities. which draws from the same water source, uses the combustion method and measures the TOC concen- Summary and conclusions tration in the raw water at 5 mg/L. Using this value, This study evaluated the two analytical methutility B determines that it is required to remove a ods—the UV–persulfate method and the combustion minimum of 35 percent of the raw water TOC. method—most commonly used to determine TOC The target settled water TOC concentration for concentrations in natural water. Study findings utility A is 0.75 X 3 = 2.25 mg/L, whereas the tar- included the following: get TOC concentration for utility B is 0.65 X 5 = • Results suggest that the combustion method is 3.25 mg/L. Because the turbidity of settled water is more capable of detecting particulate or suspended commonly < 1–2 ntu, the two instruments are organic matter than the UV–persulfate method. T AUGUST 2000 © 2000 American Water Works Association, Journal AWWA August 2000 I. NAJM ET AL 91 • The greater the particulate organic content of the water, the greater the difference in the TOC concentrations reported by the two TOC analytical methods. • Inorganic dissolved carbon concentrations (up to an alkalinity of 200 mg/L as CaCO3) as well as particulate inorganic carbon (up to 50 mg/L) did not affect the ability of each method to measure the TOC concentration in a natural water sample. • The analytical method used to measure the TOC concentration in a raw water source may have D ifferences in the extent of oxidation of the particulate organic matter will result in differences in the measured TOC concentration in the water. a significant effect on a water utility’s ability to meet the enhanced coagulation requirements of the D/DBP Rule. • Based on the chlorination test results, the authors hypothesize that free chlorine may not react with particulate organic matter to form THMs and HAA5 and that all DBP concentrations formed in samples containing particulate organic matter were likely attributable to the reaction between chlorine and the dissolved organic matter that leached off the particulate organic matter during the chlorine contact period. Additional testing is needed to confirm this hypothesis. • Based on the DBP formation results obtained, the authors believe that DOC concentration is more appropriate than TOC concentration as a surrogate for DBP precursor concentration. Acknowledgment The authors thank the Passaic Valley Water Commission, Little Falls, N.J., for providing the water samples and Montgomery Watson Laboratories, Pasadena, Calif., for conducting analyses for trihalomethanes and the five haloacetic acids. The authors also thank Bryan Trussell for assistance in conducting the experimental portion of the project. References 1. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. APHA, AWWA, and WEF, Washington (19th ed., 1995). 2. GERSHEY, R.M. ET AL. Comparison of Three Oxidation Methods for the Analysis of the Dissolved Organic Carbon in Seawater. Marine Chemistry, 7:289 (1979). 92 VOLUME 92, ISSUE 8 3. SHARP, J.H. 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Wet Oxidation of Acetic Acid Catalyzed by Co-bi Complex Oxides. Ind. Engrg. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev., 21:570 (1982). 10. MANTZAVINOS, D. ET AL. Partial Wet Oxidation of p-Coumaric Acid: Oxidation Intermediates. Reaction Pathways and Implications for Wastewater Treatment. Water Res., 30:12:2969 (1996). 11. OLLIS, D.F.; PELIZZETTI, E.; SERPONE, N. Destruction of Water Contaminants. Envir. Sci. & Technol., 25:9:1523 (1991). 12. SCHNITZER, M. & KHAN, S.U. Humic Substances in the Environment. Marcel Dekker Inc., New York (1972). 13. USEPA. Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water. EPA/600/4-88/039, Washington (1988). 14. NAJM, I.N. ET AL. Evaluating Surrogates for Disinfection By-products. Jour. AWWA, 86:6:98 (June 1994). 15. AWWA. Water Quality and Treatment. (R. Letterman, technical editor). McGraw-Hill, New York (5th ed., 1999). About the authors: Issam Najm is vice-president and manager of the applied research department at Montgomery Watson, 555 E. Walnut St., Pasadena, CA 91101. Najm holds a BS in civil engineering from the American University of Beirut, Lebanon, and MS and PhD degrees in environmental engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign. He has 10 years of experience in the field of water quality and evaluation and optimization of water treatment processes. Joseph Marcinko is a chemist and Joan Oppenheimer is principal chemist at the Pasadena office of Montgomery Watson. © 2000 American Water Works Association, Journal AWWA August 2000 JOURNAL AWWA