Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 577 (2005) 125–135 Electrode and pH effects on electrochemical reactions during ohmic heating Chaminda P. Samaranayake, Sudhir K. Sastry * Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, The Ohio State University, 590 Woody Hayes Drive, Columbus, OH 43210, USA Received 23 August 2004; received in revised form 24 November 2004; accepted 26 November 2004 Abstract Undesirable electrochemical phenomena at electrode|solution interfaces during ohmic heating can be avoided or effectively inhibited by choosing an appropriate electrode material. We attempted to understand the electrochemical behavior of four types of electrode materials: titanium, stainless steel, platinized-titanium, and graphite at pH 3.5, 5.0, and 6.5. The electrodes were examined comparatively using a 60 Hz sinusoidal alternating current. Analyses of surface morphologies of the electrode surfaces, electrode corrosion, hydrogen gas generation, and pH change of the heating media were performed. The results highlight the relatively inert electrochemical behavior of platinized-titanium electrodes at all the pH values. A pilot scale study at 39.8 kW further demonstrates the potential use of platinized-titanium electrodes for ohmic heating of foods with commonly available low-frequency alternating currents. 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Ohmic heating; Electrochemical; Electrode; Corrosion; Electrolysis; pH 1. Introduction In ohmic heating, the electrical energy provided to the heating cell is ideally used only for heat generation; and electrochemical reactions at electrode|solution interfaces are considered undesirable. Electrodes in ohmic heating can be regarded as a ÔjunctionÕ between a solid-state conductor (i.e. current feeder) and a liquid-state conductor (i.e. heating medium). They play a vital role by conveying the current uniformly into the heating medium. Various materials, so far, have been used as electrodes in different ohmic heating studies and applications (Table 1). At low-frequency (50–60 Hz) alternating currents, corrosion of electrodes and apparent (partial) electrol* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 614 292 3508; fax: +1 614 292 9448. E-mail addresses: (C.P. Samaranayake), (S.K. Sastry). 0022-0728/$ - see front matter 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jelechem.2004.11.026 ysis of the heating medium were noticed with most of those electrodes. Tzedakis et al. [6] described some effects of these reactions on ohmic heating of foods. In electrochemistry, it is generally known that both physical and chemical properties of electrodes (specifically, the electrode surfaces) have an influence on electrochemical processes at the electrode|solution interfaces. With some electrodes, a particular electrochemical reaction may occur slowly or not at all; but with another type of electrode, the same reaction may be faster under the same set of conditions. Such information about electrodes under ohmic heating conditions is, therefore, important to avoid or inhibit the electrochemical reactions by choosing appropriate electrode materials. The anodic and cathodic half-reactions of electrolysis have strong pH dependences (see Eqs. (1)–(3)). Anodic half-reaction: 2H2 OðliqÞ () O2ðgÞ þ 4Hþ ðaqÞ þ 4e ð1Þ 126 C.P. Samaranayake, S.K. Sastry / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 577 (2005) 125–135 Table 1 Electrode materials used for ohmic heating studies and applications Electrode material Reference Aluminum Carbon (graphite) Dimensionally stable anode (DSA)-type Glassy carbon Platinum Platinized-titanium Rhodium plated stainless steel Stainless steel Titanium [1,2] [3,4] [5] [5] [6] [6,7] [8] [5,9,10] [5] E/V = {1.23 0.015 log p (O2(g)) + 0.059 25 C. Cathodic half-reactions: pH}, at 2Hþ ðaqÞ þ 2e () H2ðgÞ ð2Þ 2H2 OðliqÞ þ 2e () H2ðgÞ þ 2OH ðaqÞ ð3Þ E/V = {0.03 log p (H2(g)) 0.059 pH}, at 25 C. The overall electrolysis reaction: 2H2 OðliqÞ () 2H2ðgÞ þ O2ðgÞ ð4Þ log Kf (H2O(liq)) = 41.546, at 25 C. The pH also affects electrode corrosion. In particular, the above pH dependent cathodic half-reactions of electrolysis (Eqs. (2) and (3)) can couple with the following (generalized) anodic half-reaction of corrosion of the metallic electrode (M): MðsÞ () Mnþ ðaqÞ þ ne ; where n ¼ 1; 2; 3 . . . : ð5Þ Moreover, food formulations subjected to ohmic processing have various pH values. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate comparatively the behavior of various electrode materials at different pH values. We also examined the extents of reactions on a pilot scale during an ohmic heating process. 2. Experimental Fig. 1. The laboratory scale ohmic heater. (1) Hydrogen gas sensor. (2) Teflon coated thermocouple. (3) Electrodes: slightly curved electrodes (electrode gap: 9 cm). (4) Cooling water inlet. (5) Cooling water outlet. (6) Removable lid: the electrodes, hydrogen sensor, and thermocouple, are attached. It was tightly clamped to the cell body during ohmic heating. metal grade concentrated nitric acid (Fisher Scientific, PA), AR grade dichloromethane (Mallinckrodt, KY), concentrated HCl (Fisher Scientific, NJ), HPLC grade acetonitrile (Mallinckrodt Baker Inc., NJ) and TBDMS {N-Methyl-N-[(tert-butyldimethyl)silyl] trifluoroacetamide} (Regis Technologies, Inc., IL) were purchased from the suppliers. Demineralized twice-distilled water (Resistivity: 3 MXcm; pH: 5.5) was obtained from the Reagent Laboratory Store, at The Ohio State University. 2.3. Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) analysis Surfaces of the electrodes before ohmic heating were examined by a JEOL JSM-820 scanning electron microscope. 2.1. Electrodes 2.4. Laboratory scale ohmic heating Titanium, stainless steel (316), platinized-titanium, and graphite were used as electrodes. All electrodes were rectangular (7.5 cm · 5.2 cm) with slight curvature (radius 4.5 cm) (see Fig. 1), and had the same geometric dimensions. 2.2. Chemicals ACS grade sodium chloride (Fisher Scientific, NJ), citric acid monohydrate (Aldrich, WI), and sodium bicarbonate (Fisher Scientific, NJ), anhydrous sodium sulfate (Cooper Natural Resources, Inc., TX), trace 2.4.1. Experimental setup All the laboratory scale studies were performed using a batch unstirred ohmic heater (Fig. 1). The ohmic heater was attached to the experimental setup as shown in Fig. 2, and was powered by a low-frequency (60 Hz) sinusoidal alternating current. An external cooling system was operated by a Haake F3 Fisons thermostatic water bath having an inflow and outflow attached to the ohmic heater. The cooling was required to perform the experiments at relatively low temperatures and currents to avoid potential explosion hazards due to exces- C.P. Samaranayake, S.K. Sastry / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 577 (2005) 125–135 Thermocouple 127 Isolation module ohmic heater Hydrogen gas meter 0 – 250 ppm V 60 Hz/ 0-110 V~ Public utility Supply A Data logger Variac V = voltage transducer A = Current transducer Microcomputer Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the laboratory scale experimental setup. sive hydrogen accumulation (in the headspace) and possible arc formation. 2.4.2. Heating media Each type of electrode was examined at an initial pH of 3.5, 5.0, and 6.5 (at 25 C) using freshly prepared aqueous heating media. The selected pH values represent the entire pH range of food formulations subjected to ohmic processing. These desired pH values of the heating media were achieved by either citric acid or sodium bicarbonate. The initial electrical conductivity of the heating medium was adjusted by NaCl (0.1%, w/v), and was kept constant at 2.35 mS cm1 (at 25 C) in this comparative study to achieve prolonged heating exposure while controlling the temperature and current at the intended levels. The above components used for the pH and conductivity adjustments are also common ingredients in food formulations. 2.4.3. Heating procedure A volume of 250.00 (±0.12) ml was subjected to ohmic heating in each experimental run. The effective geometric surface area of each electrode involved in ohmic heating was constant at 21.5 cm2 with that volume. The ohmic heater was operated at a root-mean-square (RMS) voltage of 110 V, which is the common singlephase public utility supply voltage in the US. The duration of heating was kept constant for the purpose of comparison, and was limited to 307 s by the upper detection limit (250 ppm) of the hydrogen detector, and by pronounced hydrogen generation with some electrode– pH combinations. Since each electrode material had a different electrical conductivity, and resulted in a different effective (capacitive) current, control of the temperature and current during ohmic heating required different cooling water temperatures and/or input voltages, as described below. The temperature of the cooling water was varied from 13–17 C for the metallic electrodes to yield the same time–temperature and time–current histories at all the pH values during ohmic heating. However, since the graphite electrodes exhibited much higher heating rates and currents that could not be compensated by the external cooling, those electrodes were examined at a RMS voltage of 97 (±1) V, instead of the 110 V used otherwise, and a cooling water temperature of 23 (±1) C to obtain the same time–temperature and time–current histories as those of the metallic electrodes (see Figs. 3 and 4). Since rates of electrochemical reactions depend upon the temperature and amount of current [11] passing through the ohmic cell, this precise matching of time–temperature and time–current histories was considered necessary to eliminate the temperature and current as variables. The voltage reduction, however, resulted in a reduced power input for the same time–temperature and time–current histories. Therefore, all data used for comparison were normalized on the basis of unit energy input. The ohmic heating experiments were randomized with respect to the electrode material at each pH. Three replications were made per material at each pH. The electrodes were thoroughly rinsed using demineralized twice-distilled water before each run. Adherent films formed on the titanium and stainless 128 C.P. Samaranayake, S.K. Sastry / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 577 (2005) 125–135 ter (ICP–MS) [12]. The elemental carbon concentrations were determined by a Perkin–Elmer Optima 3000 DV inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrometer (ICP–OES) monitoring the emission spectra near 193.03 nm. 2.4.5. Hydrogen generation and pH measurements A series U hydrogen detector (CEA Instruments, Inc., NJ) was used to measure headspace hydrogen gas generated during ohmic heating. The pH of the medium before and after the ohmic heating treatment was measured by a Cole–Parmer 59003 Benchtop pH meter (resolution: 0.01 pH) at 25 C. Fig. 3. Typical time vs. temperature curve for all the electrodes at all the pH values during ohmic heating. Fig. 4. Typical time vs. current curve for all the electrodes at all the pH values during ohmic heating. steel electrode surfaces during ohmic heating were removed by brushing and cleaning after three replicates at each pH. 2.4.4. Analysis of electrode corrosion Concentrations of Ti (from the titanium electrodes), Fe (from the stainless steel electrodes), Pt (from the platinized-titanium electrodes), and elemental carbon (from the graphite electrodes) migrating into the heating media were taken as measures of electrode corrosion. In each experimental run, once the ohmic heating was completed, a 25.00 (±0.03) ml sample was pipetted out, after removing the electrodes and thoroughly mixing the fluid. A 25.00 (±0.03) ml sample of the respective unheated heating medium was used as a method blank. All the samples were collected into polypropylene sample bottles, and then stabilized by adding concentrated nitric acid (5%, v/v). Quantitative analyses of the metal ions were performed by a Perkin–Elmer Sciex ELAN 6100 DRC inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrome- 2.4.6. Analysis of migrated graphite corrosion products An aqueous heating medium was prepared using only NaCl, and without adding any citric acid or sodium bicarbonate. The initial pH of the heating medium happened to be 5.52 at the same initial electrical conductivity. Ohmic heating was performed as previously described, such that the time–temperature and time–current histories were as same as those of the metallic electrodes. Analysis of electrode corrosion, and measurements of hydrogen generation and pH were also carried out as described above. Identification of the chemical nature of some elemental carbon species migrating into the heating medium was attempted by using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC– MS), and electrospray ionization–mass spectrometry (ESI–MS), as described below. GC–MS analysis. The pH measurements revealed the migration of soluble acidic organic compounds. These compounds were extracted by 2.5 ml of dichloromethane after acidifying 250.00 (±0.12) ml of the ohmically heated medium to a pH of 1 by adding 1:1 (v/v) HCl. The extraction involved 1 min of shaking in a separating funnel, and a settling time of about 5 min. About 0.5 ml of dichloromethane extract could be collected, and it was evaporated to dryness under reduced pressure at room temperature. The acidic compounds were derivatized by a 1:2 mixture of TBDMS/ acetonitrile and incubated at 60 C for 1 h, for the GC–MS analysis. The unheated medium of the same volume, subjected to the same extraction and derivatization procedures, was used as a method blank, and was run under the same GC–MS conditions to identify the migrated acidic organic compounds. Gas chromatography was carried out in splitless injection mode through a 95% dimethyl/5% diphenyl polysiloxane column (30 m · 0.32 mm ID; 0.25 lm film) using temperature ramps of 30 C/min from 40 to 180 C and 7 C/min from 180 to 350 C, with He as the carrier at a flow rate of 2 ml/min. The injector and GC–MS interface temperatures were at 222 and 260 C, respectively. Mass spectra were acquired C.P. Samaranayake, S.K. Sastry / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 577 (2005) 125–135 in scan mode within the m/z range of 42–839, at a rate of 1.4 scan/s. Structural identification of GC peaks was performed by means of the NIST-98 library search database. ESI–MS analysis. The migration of polar organic compounds was further detected by using a Bruker Esquire electrospray ionization mass spectrometer operated in positive ion mode. Heating medium samples before and after ohmic heating treatment were infused directly into the electrospray source at 5–10 ll min1 using a capillary voltage of 3500 V, source temperature 250 C, and nitrogen as the drying gas. Data were acquired using Bruker Dolltonics DataAnalysis 2.0 software, in continuum mode until acceptable averaged data were obtained. 2.5. Pilot scale study of electrode corrosion An aqueous (tap water) solution having an initial pH of 3.5 and an initial electrical conductivity of 1 S m1 was used as the heating medium. The pH and electrical conductivity were adjusted by citric acid monohydrate (0.03%, w/v) and sodium sulfate (0.8%, w/v), respectively. A pilot scale flow-through ohmic heater containing three cylindrical ohmic cells was used for this study. Each cell consisted of two platinized-titanium electrodes; and each electrode had a surface area of 142.7 cm2. Pre-heated (by steam) heating medium at 60 C was pumped through the ohmic heater followed by cooling in a scraped-surface heat exchanger. The heater was operated at 39.8 kW using a 60 Hz sinusoidal alternating current under steady state conditions with a continuous liquid flow of 6.8 l min1. The inlet and outlet temperatures of the ohmic heater were 58 and 138 C, respectively. Approximately 1 l samples were collected from the feed tank (initially containing 220 l) and after running through the heat-hold-cool cycle of the ohmic processor at steady state. From each of the 1 l samples, a 25.00 (±0.03) ml sample was pipetted out into a polypropylene sample bottle, and then stabilized by adding concentrated nitric acid (5%, v/v) for chemical analysis. The above sampling procedure was carried out twice for each experimental run, and the whole experiment was triplicated. Pt and Ti concentrations were determined by a high resolution (double focusing sector based) ThermoFinnigan Element 2 ICP–MS. 2.6. Data analysis The total energy input, in the laboratory scale studies, was determined by integrating the power input (Pinput = VI) vs. time curve for each experimental run. 129 The electrode corrosion normalized per unit energy input was defined as the Ôcorrosion rateÕ. Two-factor analysis of variance was used to determine whether the type of electrode material and pH had significant effects on corrosion rate. The changes in pH of the heating media observed with some electrodes were analyzed by one-factor analysis of variance to determine the effect of pH. The difference between the Pt and Ti concentrations in the pilot scale study was evaluated by a two-sample paired t-test. TukeyÕs specific comparison test determined which particular means were significantly different. The significance of differences was defined as P 6 0.05. A statistical software package, SPSS 11.5 for Windows (SPSS Inc., 2002), was used for the statistical analyses. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Electrode corrosion An important consideration in ohmic heating is the amount and the chemical nature of the corrosion products migrating into the food during the application of electrical power. Table 2 shows a comparison of corrosion rates (ppb kJ1) of the electrode materials with respect to the migrations of their major (surface) elements at different pH values. The analysis of variance suggests that both type of electrode material and pH, as well as their interactions, have significant effects on the corrosion rate. As can be seen from Table 2, the corrosion rates of titanium and platinized-titanium electrodes are not significantly different at any pH value, however these are significantly lower (P 6 0.05) than the corrosion rates of stainless steel and graphite electrodes. On the other hand, the corrosion rates of stainless steel and graphite electrodes are not significantly different except at pH 3.5. Each of the electrode materials exhibits a higher corrosion rate at pH 3.5 than at the other pH values. Table 2 Comparison of corrosion rates (in ppb kJ1) of the electrode materials with respect to the migrations of their major (surface) elements at different pH values Electrode type Corrosion rate* (ppb kJ1) pH 3.5 Titanium (Ti) Stainless steel (Fe) Platinized-titanium (Pt) Graphite (C) a 0.26 (0.21) 14.20b (1.95) 0.25a (0.10) 26.6d (2.2) pH 5.0 a 0.03 (0.01) 8.33c (0.30) 0.07a (0.04) 7.2c (0.0) pH 6.5 0.05a (0.03) 11.43b,e (1.51) 0.05a (0.02) 8.4c,e (1.1) a–e Means with different superscript letters are significantly different (P 6 0.05). * Numbers in parentheses indicate standard deviations of mean (n = 3) corrosion rates. 130 C.P. Samaranayake, S.K. Sastry / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 577 (2005) 125–135 trodes (Fig. 5(c)) would certainly enhance the microscopic surface area possessing a much higher double layer capacitance. Clearly, the graphite electrodes had a very large microscopic surface area because of the high surface roughness (Fig. 5(d)) possessing the highest capacitance out of the four electrodes. The highly efficient heat generation attributed by this huge capacitance could not be controlled by the external cooling system, and therefore necessitated a lower voltage, instead of the 110 V used otherwise, in order to obtain the same time–temperature and time–current histories as those of the metallic electrodes. According to the SEM analysis, variation of the double layer capacitance of the electrodes can be represented as: titanium < stainless steel platinized-titanium graphite. Fig. 5. Typical SEM micrographs of the electrode materials: (a) titanium, (b) stainless steel, (c) platinized-titanium, (d) graphite. 3.2. SEM analysis Fig. 5 shows typical SEM micrographs (magnification: 2000·, accelerating voltage: 20 kV) of the four electrodes before the ohmic heating experiments. Although the apparent geometric surface area of the electrodes involved in the ohmic heating was kept constant, surface morphologies imply the existence of markedly different surface areas on the micro scale. Since the capacitance is directly proportional to the surface area, an electrode having a larger microscopic surface area possesses a higher electrical double layer capacitance per unit apparent geometric surface area. The electrical double layer of such an electrode is capable of holding more charges before the double layer capacitor becomes ÔleakyÕ, inhibiting faradaic-type reactions at the electrode|solution interface. Moreover, the current flowing through the interface then becomes mostly capacitive. Therefore, the use of electrodes having a large microscopic surface area is beneficial in terms of inhibiting the faradaic processes at the interfaces, as well as achieving more capacitive current for the heat generation. Amatore et al. [5] have already introduced this concept, suggesting the use of electrodes with large surface roughness. However, the applications of highly porous electrodes may be hindered because of the possibility of harboring tiny food particles, microorganisms, or macromolecular food components in the interstitial spaces within the electrodes. As can be seen from Fig. 5(a), the titanium electrodes had a smooth surface indicating virtually no enhancement of surface area on the micro scale, and thereby a poor double layer capacitance. The SEM micrograph of the stainless steel electrodes (Fig. 5(b)) also indicates no great enhancement of the microscopic surface area, although it appears to have some cracks and valleys on the surfaces. The tiny cracks, valleys, and bumps spread over the surfaces of platinized-titanium elec- 3.3. Titanium electrodes Titanium is considered to have high corrosion resistance and biocompatibility characteristics [13]. It is generally the material-of-choice for chloride environments. Although the SEM micrograph (Fig. 5(a)) indicates poor double layer capacitance, the corrosion rates of titanium electrodes at all pH values were significantly lower (P 6 0.05) than those of the stainless steel and graphite electrodes. The reason could be the oxide layer that covers active titanium metal, protecting it against corrosion. Since titanium exhibits high affinity towards oxygen [14], the protective oxide layer could be formed by reacting with atmospheric oxygen even before using the metal as electrodes, and also during the ohmic heating treatments. Tzedakis et al. [6] discussed the possibility of forming rutile (TiO2) due to electrochemical processes during ohmic heating, partially passivating the titanium electrodes. Titanium forms various oxides having different colors, such as TiO2:anatase (yellowish), TiO2:rutile (white), TiO1.9:oxygen deficit (bluish), and Ti3O5 (violet) [14]. At all the pH values, we observed formations of adherent surface films with a yellowish-brown color with some blue and violet coloration, which therefore, imply the electrochemical generation of oxygen (not measured) during ohmic heating. There was no detectable pH change of the heating medium at any pH value. The hydrogen generation shown in Fig. 6, therefore, probably indicates the occurrence of an electrolysis reaction (Eq. (4)) on the passivated titanium electrode surfaces. It can be seen that the probable electrolysis becomes more pronounced at pH 6.5 than at the other pH values. Because of the high penetration ability of hydrogen into titanium, the hydrogen generation may cause surface embrittlement followed by surface disintegration [14] contributing to electrode corrosion during ohmic heating. In particular, under more acidic conditions (i.e. pH 3.5), TiO2 can undergo the following cathodic half-reactions [14] causing migration of titanium ions C.P. Samaranayake, S.K. Sastry / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 577 (2005) 125–135 131 Table 3 pH changes of the heating media observed with stainless steel electrodes at different pH values DpH* pH 3.5 pH 5.0 pH 6.5 +0.04a (0.01) +0.18b (0.03) + 0.10c (0.01) a–c Means with different superscript letters are significantly different (P 6 0.05). * Numbers in parentheses indicate standard deviations of mean (n = 3) pH changes. Positive signs indicate increase of pH. Fig. 6. Hydrogen generation with titanium electrodes during ohmic heating. into the heating medium resulting in a higher corrosion rate: 2þ TiO2ðsÞ þ 4Hþ ðaqÞ þ 2e () TiðaqÞ þ 2H2 OðliqÞ ðE ¼ 0:502 VÞ ð6Þ 3þ TiO2ðsÞ þ 4Hþ ðaqÞ þ e () TiðaqÞ þ 2H2 OðliqÞ ðE ¼ 0:666 VÞ ð7Þ 3.4. Stainless steel electrodes Stainless steel is an iron–chromium alloy containing at least 11% chromium. The grade designated 316 belongs to the austenitic family of stainless steels, and contains chromium (17%), nickel (10%), and molybdenum (2%) as major alloying elements [15]. In the food industry, stainless steels are in widespread use as food contact surfaces. The stainless steel electrodes exhibited pronounced corrosion rates (Table 2), hydrogen generation (Fig. 7), and also pH changes of the heating media (Table 3) at all the pH values. In addition to the chemical reactivity of the alloying elements, the lack of double layer capacitance, as implied by the SEM analysis, would be responsible for the pronounced electrochemical behavior. The observed adherent surface films formed on the stainless steel electrodes during ohmic heating were transparent with a light golden color and some brown rust. The films, however, did not cover the electrode surfaces uniformly, and showed several cracks. Since there were pH changes in the heating media, the hydrogen generation shown in Fig. 7 does not solely represent the electrolysis reaction (Eq. (4)). Based on the observations, assignment of predominant electrochemical reactions is attempted as follows. Under more acidic conditions (i.e. at pH 3.5), the cathodic half-reaction shown in Eq. (2) could couple with the following anodic half-reaction (Eq. (8)) resulting in accelerated corrosion and hydrogen generation (Eq. (9)) compared to those at the other pH values. Anodic half-reaction: MðsÞ () M2þ ðaqÞ þ 2e ; ðwhere; M ¼ Fe; Cr; Ni; MoÞ ð8Þ Overall reaction: 2þ MðsÞ þ 2Hþ ðaqÞ () MðaqÞ þ H2ðgÞ ð9Þ When M = Fe, the values of the equilibrium constant (log K = 14.86, at 25 C) and standard potential (E = 0.44 V) also suggest the occurrence (even spontaneously) of the above overall reaction (Eq. (9)). The increase of pH could be attributed to the loss of Hþ ðaqÞ ions as the hydrogen gas, and FentonÕs reaction (Eq. (10)), which liberates OH ðaqÞ ions into the heating medium [16]. Fe2þ þ H O () Fe3þ þ OH þ OH ð10Þ ðaqÞ 2 2 ðaqÞ ðaqÞ The required H2O2 for the above reaction can be generated by the following cathodic half-reaction (Eq. (11)): O2ðgÞ þ 2Hþ ðaqÞ þ 2e () H2 O2 ðE ¼ 0:68 VÞ Fig. 7. Hydrogen generation with stainless steel electrodes during ohmic heating. ð11Þ Under mildly acidic conditions, the significantly high (P 6 0.05) pH changes associated with corrosion and hydrogen generation can be explained by the following overall reaction (Eq. (12)), which is the combination of 132 C.P. Samaranayake, S.K. Sastry / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 577 (2005) 125–135 the cathodic and anodic half-reactions shown in Eqs. (3) and (8), respectively: MðsÞ þ 2H2 OðliqÞ () M2þ ðaqÞ þ H2ðgÞ þ 2OHðaqÞ ðM ¼ Fe; E ¼ 0:39 VÞ ð12Þ It may also be possible to have pH changes together with generation of hydrogen and chlorine gases (Eq. (14)) due to the cathodic half-reaction shown in Eq. (3) and the following anodic half-reaction (Eq. (13)). Anodic half-reaction: 2Cl ðaqÞ () Cl2ðgÞ þ 2e ðE ¼ 1:36 VÞ ð13Þ Overall reaction: 2H2 OðliqÞ þ 2Cl ðaqÞ () Cl2ðgÞ þ H2ðgÞ þ 2OHðaqÞ ðE ¼ 2:19 VÞ ð14Þ Both overall reactions shown in Eqs. (12) and (14) however need to utilize electrical energy provided to the heating cell. 3.5. Platinized-titanium electrodes Platinization of titanium electrodes has been a popular choice because of the high cost of pure platinum electrodes for industrial processes [17,18]. On the other hand, platinization is also an effective method of passivating titanium [14]. The platinized-titanium electrodes exhibited significantly lower (P 6 0.05) corrosion rates compared to those of the stainless steel and graphite electrodes at all the pH values. Further, there were no signs of hydrogen or any other gas evolution at the electrode|solution interfaces, and also no detectable pH changes of the heating media under these experimental conditions. The rich double layer capacitance, as indicated by the SEM analysis, would be the major reason for this superior electrode performance. Tzedakis et al. [6] have already demonstrated the superiority of platinized-titanium electrodes over platinum electrodes for ohmic sterilization of food products with low-frequency (50 Hz) alternating currents. 3.6. Graphite electrodes Graphite, one of the allotropic forms of carbon, has been used as an electrode material in electrochemical applications for a long time. Although there are various types of commercially available graphitic carbons, polycrystalline graphite (PCG) is the material most often referred to as ÔGraphiteÕ [19]. In spite of the very rich double layer capacitance, as indicated by the SEM analysis, the corrosion rates of graphite electrodes at all the pH values were significantly greater (P 6 0.05) than those of titanium and platinized-titanium electrodes. However, as in the case of platinized-titanium electrodes, there were no signs of gas evolution at the elec- trode|solution interfaces, and also no detectable pH changes of the heating media at any pH value tested. The above electrochemical behavior can be explained by means of the chemical structure of graphite, as follows. Graphite consists of sp2 hybridized carbon atoms arranged as parallel sheets of hexagonal rings. Since sp2 hybridized carbon is capable of forming covalent bonds and has a propensity towards adsorption of a broad range of substances, graphite electrode surfaces usually contain various functional groups and oxides [19]. Therefore, the migration of surface functional groups and oxides as organic compounds was anticipated during ohmic heating. In the analysis of these migratory corrosion products (Section 2.4.6), the heating medium exhibited a change of about 0.03 pH units indicating the migration of acidic organic compounds. The observed corrosion rate was 6.1 ± 0.1 ppb kJ1. Fig. 8 shows the organic compounds identified by GC–MS analysis. The quasimolecular ion [M + H]+ peaks observed at m/z 91 and 133 in the ESI–MS spectrum (Fig. 9) of the heating medium after the ohmic heating treatment correspond well with the polar organic compounds identified by GC–MS. In addition, the peaks observed at m/z 109 and 123 may represent [M + H]+ ions for ortho- or para-quinones (C6H4O2) and their corresponding methylated counterparts, respectively. Such types of quinones are reported to be present on most carbon surfaces [19,20]. It is clearly seen that the organic compounds migrating into the heating medium always contain more than one carbon atom per molecule. Therefore, migration of even a few molecules results in intense corrosion rates if the corrosion is measured as elemental carbon. Since sp2 hybridized carbon has a high affinity towards oxygen [19], surface oxides and oxygen-containing functional groups could be formed by reacting with atmospheric oxygen even before using the graphite as electrodes, and also by to the electrochemical reactions during ohmic heating. Soffer and Folman [21] suggested the following anodic and cathodic half-reactions related to the electrolysis of water creating oxides and functional groups on graphite electrode surfaces. OH O O OH OH OH (i) (ii) Fig. 8. Graphite corrosion products identified by GC–MS analysis: (i) 2-hydroxy, propanoic acid (i.e. lactic acid) (molar mass: 90); (ii) 2hydroxy, 4-methyl, pentanoic acid (molar mass: 132). C.P. Samaranayake, S.K. Sastry / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 577 (2005) 125–135 Int. 4 × 10 0.5 After 91.0 Int. 4 × 10 133 Before 123.0 149.0 2.5 0.0 100 200 m/z 75.1 2.0 149.0 109.0 1.5 133.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 20 60 40 100 80 120 140 160 180 m/z Fig. 9. Positive ion ESI–MS spectra of the heating medium before and after ohmic heating. Anodic half-reactions: 2Hþ ðaqÞ ð15Þ C þ H2 OðliqÞ () C OH þ Hþ ðaqÞ þ e ð16Þ C þ H2 OðliqÞ () C O þ þ 2e Cathodic half-reaction: C þ H2 OðliqÞ þ e () C H þ OH ðaqÞ ð17Þ where ÔCÕ represents sp2 hybridized carbon on the graphite surface. During ohmic heating, once a set of carbon atoms leaves the graphite surface as organic compounds, a new set of sp2 hybridized carbon atoms in the graphite structure is exposed to the heating medium, and keep undergoing the corrosion process. The migration of compounds into the heating medium could be due to thermal, electric field and pH (of the heating medium) effects. The significantly high (P 6 0.05) corrosion rate observed at pH 3.5 may be due to acid catalyzed hydrolyses of ester and ether linkages on the graphite electrode surfaces facilitating the migration of functional groups as compounds than at the other pH values. The eqs. (15)–(17) basically indicate the adsorption of electrolysis products on the electrodes causing oxidation and reduction of the surfaces, ultimately creating some functional groups. Soffer and Folman [21] also reported the adsorption of chloride ions on the graphite electrodes according to the following anodic half-reaction: C þ Cl ðaqÞ () C Cl þ e ð18Þ Such adsorption processes, as well as the very rich double layer capacitance, apparently inhibited the gas evolution at the electrode|solution interfaces. Although there were no detectable pH changes of the heating media in the presence of citric acid and sodium bicarbonate, the pH change of the electrolyte due to positive and negative charging of the electrodes is considered to be a unique property of high surface area graphite electrodes [21]. In general, graphite electrodes are also considered to have a wider faradaic reaction-free potential window compared to that of the metallic electrodes [19]. However, ordinary faradaic processes, such as generation of hydrogen and oxygen due to the electrolysis of water without adsorption on the surfaces, can also take place, irrespective of the chemical nature of the surface groups [21]. 3.7. Pilot scale study of electrode corrosion In the laboratory scale studies, platinized-titanium exhibited the best electrode performance out of the four electrode materials tested. Therefore, it was subjected to further investigation on a pilot scale for electrode corrosion. Table 4 shows Pt and Ti concentrations of the ohmically heated medium after running through the heat exchanger when the ohmic heater was at the steady state. The concentrations of Pt and Ti in the blank (i.e. the heating medium in the feed tank before being subjected to ohmic heating) were too low for reliable measurements. Since platinized-titanium exhibited the highest corrosion at pH 3.5 in the laboratory scale stud- 134 C.P. Samaranayake, S.K. Sastry / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 577 (2005) 125–135 Table 4 Pt and Ti concentrations (in parts per trillions) of the ohmically heated medium in the pilot scale study Element Concentration* (ppt) Pt Ti 61.6a (10.3) 69.2a (14.6) a Means with the same superscript letter are not significantly different (P > 0.05). * Numbers in parentheses indicate standard deviations of mean (n = 6) concentrations. Table 5 Comparison of estimated metal intakes via consumption of an 8 oz ohmically heated meal with the published upper-level daily dietary exposure limits for adult consumers Element Estimated intake via 8 oz meal (lg) Published upper-level daily dietary exposure limits (lg day1) Pt Ti 0.014 0.016 0.3a 600b The estimation is based on unit conversions: 1 ppt = 1 picogram/g, 8 oz = 227 g, 1 pg = 1012 g = 106 lg. a Ysart et al. [22]. b Reilly [23]. ies, the values shown in Table 4 would be the ÔworstcaseÕ concentrations. Using these concentrations, we estimated intakes of Pt and Ti with respect to a typical meal of 8 oz (227 g) assuming the same conditions in food processing. The estimated values were then compared with recently published upper-level daily dietary exposure limits for adult consumers (see Table 5). It can be seen that the estimated metal intakes via consumption of an ohmically heated meal of 8 oz are far below the published upper-level daily dietary exposure limits. Therefore, food processing by ohmic heating may be performed on a pilot scale without significant electrode corrosion using platinized-titanium electrodes and the migrations of Pt and Ti may result in concentrations that are far below the published dietary exposure limits. 4. Conclusion Using the alternating frequency of 60 Hz, we demonstrated that the electrochemical behavior of an electrode material is unique to the material itself. Although, in general, a large microscopic surface area can suppress electrochemical processes, the type and extent of electrochemical reactions are determined by the chemical nature of the electrode surface, as well as the pH of the heating medium. All the electrode materials exhibited intense electrode corrosion at pH 3.5 compared to that of the other pH values. Although the titanium electrodes showed a relatively high corrosion resistance, apparent electrolysis was seen at all the pH values during ohmic heating. Stainless steel was found to be the most electrochemically active electrode material during ohmic heating at all the pH values. It was proven that the intense corrosion of graphite electrodes was due to the migration of surface functional groups and oxides as organic compounds during ohmic heating; and the pH of the heating medium seemed to facilitate such migrations. Because of the relatively inert electrochemical behavior, platinized-titanium would be the electrode materialof-choice for ohmic heating at all the pH values. The potential use of platinized-titanium electrodes for ohmic heating operations was further demonstrated on a pilot scale at 39.8 kW; and the concentrations of migrated Pt and Ti were far below the published dietary exposure limits. Acknowledgments Salaries and research support were provided by the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, The Ohio State University. References to commercial products and trade names are made with the understanding that no endorsement or discrimination by The Ohio State University is implied. References [1] S. Mizrahi, I.J. Kopelman, J. Perlman, J. Food Technol. 10 (1975) 281. [2] K. Uemura, A. Noguchi, S.J. Park, D.U. Kim, in: Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Engineering and Food, Blackie Academic & Professional Press, London, 1994, pp. 310– 312. [3] B.E. 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