NT Cardiac Service patient information sheet

Darwin Private Hospital Rocklands Drive Tiwi 0810
P: 89206250 F: 89451365 ABN 73 234 509 975
What it is
Patient preparation
A simple test to record the electrical rhythm
of the heart
An ultrasound scan of the heart
(like a gall bladder scan) obtained
With a probe on the chest wall
No Preparation required
Approx 10 minutes
No preparation required but we ask if you
are a smoker you refrain from smoking at
least 1 hr before the test.
Exercise Test
Holter Monitor
24 Hour
BP Monitoring
Exercise Stress
Exercise Stress
6 Minute Walk
The heart is monitored while you
walk on a treadmill machine to assess
for any angina or other heart problems.
For accurate monitoring, ten sticky dots are
placed on the chest after the skin is prepared
with slight rubbing and or shaving
The heart rhythm is recorded for 24hrs
through 7 sticky dots applied to the chest.
The skin is prepared with slight rubbing. A
digital recorder is used to record your heart
rhythm and this is worn on a belt or shoulder
strap allowing you to carry on with most
normal activities
Blood pressure is recorded for 24 hours with
a digital monitor and arm cuff. These must
be worn for the entire monitoring period.
The monitor is worn on a belt allowing you
to carry on with most normal daily activities.
Used to assess heart function before and
after exercise. Patient has echo at rest then
exercises on treadmill. Straight after exercise
patient has another echo while heart rate is at
its maximum.
This test uses a drug called Dobutamine to
increase the heart rate. It is the same as a
stress echo however; the patient does not
exercise, as the Dobutamine makes the heart
beat faster.
Observations (Heart Rate, Oxygen
saturations, blood pressure and respirations)
are taken. Patient then walks for a 6 minutes.
The distance is measured and then the
observations are repeated
Approx 40 minutes
Avoid heavy meals prior to test. Wear
comfortable walking shoes and clothes and
bring a towel. Ladies please wear separates
Approx 30 minutes
You will not be able to shower or bathe
with the monitor on. If you are a male
patient and are able to, could you please
shave your chest area. If you are unable to,
the technician will shave your chest for you.
Please return it the next day between 8.009.00am. The Holter monitor will take
approx 15 min to apply
You will not be able to shower or bathe
with the monitor on. Please return it
punctually for the next person. The monitor
will take approx 15 minutes to apply.
Avoid heavy meals prior to test. Wear
comfortable walking shoes and clothes and
bring a towel. Ladies please wear separates
Approx 60 minutes
Approx 60 minutes
No Preparation required
If you have any questions please phone the number above.
Thank you
Y:\aaaNewforms\pantientinformationfortests 05/02/2010