Before you proceed to the next step, please make sure your student

1701 Prudential Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32207
(904) 390-2037
Do you want to attend Duval Virtual Instruction Academy for the 2014-2015 school year?
If so, here is what you need to know!
Duval Virtual Instruction Academy is a kindergarten through twelfth grade home based public school. We offer a few
different learning platforms to fit your student’s needs. The two main platforms that we use, VSCHOOLZ and Calvert
School, are each taught by certified Duval County teachers. The first, our internet based fully digital platform, is powered
by VSCHOOLZ. Our second learning platform, Calvert School, is our book based program that serves kindergarten
through eighth grade. This platform is designed to encompass more parent involvement as it is predominately a book
based curriculum. If you have child with specific learning needs, please contact our guidance department to learn about
your other options.
Still interested? Then follow the next steps!
Step 1: Online Information Session
Attend an online information session. These sessions will begin over the summer. You will need to check the school
website calendar for dates and links. This session will introduce you to Duval Virtual Instruction Academy and also to our
learning platforms Calvert and VSCHOOLZ. All Calvert (book based) K-8 information is available with the Calvert
information session. The middle and high school sessions are for VSCHOOLZ (our digital curriculum) only. If there are no
immediate sessions, please go to step 2!
Step 2: On-Site/On-line Orientation Session
Come to an onsite orientation session over the summer. Check our website for dates. If there are no immediate
orientation sessions, please go to step 3!
CALVERT ONLY: Calvert (K-8) sessions are ongoing. To ensure your Calvert materials arrive on time, it is important you
attend a session. If you cannot attend a session, please move to step 3, 4 and 5.
VSCHOOLZ ONLY: Every student will be registered into an online orientation class after being accepted to the program.
Step 3: NEW DVIA Registration
FORMS: Registration Form, Conditional Agreement, Academic Integrity Agreement, Technology Survey,
Testing Location Survey, Student Information Sheet, Basic Information Online Form
If you choose to come to Duval Virtual, most of your registration forms can be picked up, mailed, emailed to you or found
on our website. You may pick up forms in the office or at an onsite session. If you would like them sent to you, please
call 390-2037 and request these forms be mailed or emailed to you. Once we receive completed registration forms, we
will pull the student’s academic and test history to determine eligibility. Please call the office one week after returning
your registration forms to ensure your child is eligible for the program.
You may print these forms and send them in the following ways:
Email these forms to
Fax to 904-390-2075 to the attention of: Denise Rogers
Mail or drop off to: Duval Virtual Instruction Academy, Attn: Denise Rogers, 1701 Prudential Drive, Jacksonville,
FL, 32207
Please bring these forms with you to an onsite orientation session
Before you proceed to the next step, please make sure your student is eligible for Duval
Virtual. Eligibility status notifications will begin after May 1st. Please allow one week
application processing time.
(Registration and enrollment information continued on next page)
STEP 4: Create your learning platform account ONE PLATFORM PER STUDENT
Choose from either:
VSCHOOLZ ACCOUNT (digital platform grades 6-12)
After attending the online information session you will be given a link to register for your new VSCHOOLZ account.
In log in box, choose REGISTER
Create a user name and password for the student
Create a student profile. Make sure to add a parent email in the profile!
A confirmation email will be sent for parent to create an account. Check junk mail if email isn't received.
Registration will not proceed without the parent approving the student’s request for enrollment.
DVIA will confirm both student and parent account. All registration forms must be in for account approval.
Once approved, the student will be added to an orientation course which should be completed prior to August 15th. Each
student should log back in using their user name and password that they created on initial registration to access the
orientation course. Classes will be available for viewing and practice navigation on August 14th. Teachers will be
available on the first day of school on August 18th! Parents will be able to login using their credentials to view valuable
student information and progress throughout the year.
CALVERT ACCOUNT (book based platform grades K-8)
Register in Connexus for your Calvert account.
Go to
This link can also be found at
Applicant Status: You will create a parent account. Complete basic information, placement information, strengths and
other information. An enrollment counselor will review your information.
Approved Status: A student’s information will be reviewed and then placement tests will be assigned if needed. Only
NEW DVIA students in grades 1-8 will take the placement test. Returning DVIA students, K12 transfers and students
entering kindergarten DO NOT have to take the placement tests. To take placement tests, students should login into
Connexus using the parent portal. Hit online placement link. Grades 1-4 have 2 tests. Grades 5-8 have 3 tests. Once the
student has taken the test, a DVIA enrollment counselor will call you to review results and order Calvert materials.
Enrolled Status: Student has completed all necessary information in Connexus, taken placement tests (if applicable)
and Calvert materials have been ordered. **If you only do Connexus registration and do not complete DVIA registration,
your materials WILL NOT be ordered.
STEP 5: OTHER DOCUMENTATION (new to Duval County or transfer from private school)
In addition, we need a birth certificate, immunization records, physical, transcripts, social security card, and proof of
address if you are NEW to Duval County or transferring from a private school. For any 7th grade student, we need an
updated immunization record which includes the required Tdap immunization.
Please note: *Student should only register in one platform. If you have registered in VSCHOOLZ and
Connexus please call the office to discuss your options. *There are cut off dates for Calvert registration in
Connexus. For specific cut off dates and Calvert availability, email Ms. Jumber.
Questions? Please contact us!
We will be happy to put you in touch with one of our enrollment counselors.
(904) 390-2037
If you have decided against attending DVIA, please call the office and let us know! We will make a note on your inquiry
so no one else will contact you. (904) 390-2037
Powered by
Registration Checklist
New and returning students must fill out the following forms:
_____ Conditional Enrollment Agreement
_____ Academic Integrity Contract
_____ Technology Survey
_____ Student Information Sheet
_____ Testing Location Survey
_____Basic Information Online Form (Available this summer) –
New Duval County Public School students must also complete the following
_____ DCPS New Student Registration Form – All students who are entering kindergarten or new to DVIA must
fill out the form.
_____ Birth Certificate – Copy of state issued certificate
_____Immunization Records
_____Physical – Copy of current physical
_____Transcripts – Copy of most recent transcript or report card.
_____Social Security Card
_____Proof of Address – Provide electric bill, cable, etc. with current address
Email to
Fax to 390-2075
Mail or drop-off to:
Duval Virtual Instruction Academy
Attn: Denise Rogers
1701 Prudential Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32207
Telephone: (904) 390-2037 Fax: (904) 390-2075
Conditional Enrollment Agreement
I ________________________ the parent(s)/guardian(s) of
Parent’s/Guardian’s Name (Print)
_________________________ understand that Duval Virtual
Student’s Legal Name (Print)
Instruction Academy (DVIA) requires my child to meet all conditions that foster a
successful online education. During the first 28 days of my child’s enrollment,
he/she will be evaluated by teachers, guidance counselors, and the assistant
principal based on the following minimum conditions of a successful online
1. Consistent parent(s)/guardian(s) supervision.
2. Maintaining appropriate academic pace in all courses.
3. Establishing regular communication with all teachers.
4. Daily engagement in course activities.
5. Maintaining a passing average of “C” or higher in the coursework
6. Honoring “academic integrity” as established by DVIA and Duval County Public
Schools (DCPS) for student conduct.
7. Attendance at all required standardized testing required by DVIA, Duval County,
and the State of Florida.
If during the initial 15 instructional days it is determined by DVIA that my child is
not fulfilling the conditional agreement, he/she will placed on academic
probation for an additional period of 13 days. If at 28 days he/she is not
recommended for online education, my student will be withdrawn and scheduled
for a conference to be evaluated for an appropriate educational institution. (If I
have a grievance with the recommendation/withdrawal process, I will be required
to sign a waiver and schedule a conference.)
__________________________________ _________________
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Signature
DVIA Academic Integrity Contract
Student Agreement:
I, ____________________________________, have been made aware of and understand the
Duval Virtual Instruction academic integrity expectations. I understand the consequences
of violating academic integrity and I promise that all of the work that I submit will be 100%
my own work, 100% of the time.
____________________________________________ _____________________
Student Signature
Parent Agreement:
I, ___________________________, parent(s) of __________________________,
have been made aware if the Duval Virtual School Academic Integrity rules. I understand
the expectations for my student’s work as well as the consequences of an academic integrity
Parent Signature
Parent Signature
Circle one answer for each question and complete the student information
requested below.
1002.45 F.S.S. requires that each student enrolled in a full-time virtual
instruction program who qualifies for free or reduced-priced school lunches or
who is on the direct certification list who does not have a computer or internet
access in his or her home be provided with all equipment necessary to
participate in the full-time program.
1. Does the student have access to a computer for daily usage in the home?
Yes or No
2. Does the student have access to the internet in the home?
Yes or No
Student Information:
Student Name: _____________________________________________ Grade: _____________
Parent Name: ______________________________________________
Parent Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ______________
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions and would like assistance in acquiring a computer,
and/or internet usage, please make sure to complete the Free/Reduced Lunch Application. Once
approved for Free/Reduced Lunch, contact DVIA at 390-2037 to complete the request process.
Application Completed: Yes No Date verified: _____________ Verified by: ____________
Student Information Sheet
DVIA is updating all records. It is IMPERATIVE we have the
correct and current contact information for both the student
and parent. Communication through the year may come to you
via phone, text, or email. Please list below the correct and
current contact information.
2014-15 Grade: _________
Circle one:
New or Returning
1ST Contact Relation: __________________
Last Name ___________________________
First Name: __________________________
1st Email: ____________________________
Student Number: _____________________________
Last Name: __________________________________
2nd Email: ____________________________
Home Phone: ________________________
Cell or landline
First Name: _________________________________
Cell: ________________________________
Work: ______________________________
Student Email, please print legibly:
Student Cell Phone:__________________________
Mailing address: _____________________________
Cell or landline
2nd Contact Relation: __________________
Last Name: __________________________
First Name: __________________________
1st Email: ____________________________
Apt. #________
2nd Email: ___________________________
Home Phone: ________________________
Cell or landline
City: ___________________ St: _______
Cell: ________________________________
Zip code: ____________
Work: ______________________________
Cell or landline
For office use only
Date received: ______________________________
Genesis Update Date: ________________________
Calvert Update Date: _________________________
FLVS Update:__________________________
Vschoolz Update Date: _______________________
Testing Location Survey
Please complete the survey below to indicate your preference of testing site/location for assessments which
have a mandated physical presence. We will make every effort to honor your choice but it may not be possible
in every case. Testing may include, but not limited to FCAT, EOC, or CGT.
Last Name:_______________________ First Name:_____________________ Grade:_____________
Phone Number:______________________ Email:__________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name:_______________________________________________________________
Phone Number:______________________ Email:__________________________________________
Please circle all that apply to your student:
Please select the order of preference from 1-3 where 1 = 1st choice, 2 = 2nd choice, and 3 = 3rd choice.
_____ I prefer that my child attend our attendance area (zoned) school for mandated assessments.
Print name of attendance area school
_____ If a location is available, I prefer that my child test with DVIA for mandated assessments.
______I prefer that my child attend an alternative DCPS school for mandated assessments.
Print name of alternative DCPS school
Parent/Guardian Signature
For office use only
Assigned testing location: ________________________________________________________________________________________________