Scholars' Mine Masters Theses Student Research & Creative Works 1949 Water injection in the modern automotive spark ignition engine Leonard Carl Nelson Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Mechanical Engineering Commons Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Recommended Citation Nelson, Leonard Carl, "Water injection in the modern automotive spark ignition engine" (1949). Masters Theses. Paper 6801. This Thesis - Open Access is brought to you for free and open access by Scholars' Mine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Masters Theses by an authorized administrator of Scholars' Mine. This work is protected by U. S. Copyright Law. Unauthorized use including reproduction for redistribution requires the permission of the copyright holder. For more information, please contact i WATER INJECTION IN THE MODERN AUTOMOTIVE SPARK IGNITION ENGINE BY LEONARD C. NELSON A THESIS submitted to the faculty of the SCHOOL OF MINES AND METALLURGY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI in partial fulfillment of the work required for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE, MElJHANICAL ENGINEERING MAJOR Rolla, Missouri 1949 1i ACKNONLEDGEMENTS The author is indebted to Dr. A. J. Miles for his guidance and timely suggestions during the course of this investigation, and t. the students who assisted in oonducting the tests. iii CONTENTS Page Acknowledgements ••••••••••••••••••••••• ii List of illustrations •••••••••••••••••• iT List of tables •••.••.•••••••••••••••••• T List of plates (graphs) •••••••••••••••• vi PART I Introduction•• ~ .••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 PART II Teat equipment .••.•••.••.•.••••.••••••• 6 PART III Test procedure ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9 PART IV Interpretation of test results ••••••••• 14 PART V Conclusions •.•.••.••...•...•.....•..••. 42 Bibliography •••.••••••••••••••••••••••• 43 Vi ta ............••.•......•..........•. 44 iT LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS rig. Page 1. Photograph of test equipment ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 12 2. Photograph of water injection system••••••••••••••••••••• 13 v LIST OF TABLES Table No. Page 1. Performance data for aviation gasoline ••••••••••••••• 18 2. Performance data tor regular gasoline (J) •••••••••••• 20 3· Performance data for regular gasoline (A) •••..••••••• 22 4. Performance data for regular gasoline (B) •••••••••••• 24 5. Performance data for regular gasoline eC) •••••••••••• 26 6. Performance data for regular gasoline (D) •••••••••••• 28 1- Performance data tor regular gasoline (E) •••••••••••• 30 8. Performance data for regular gasoline (F) •••••••••••• 32 eG) •••••••••••• 34 10. Performance data for regular gasoline (H) •••.•••••••• 36 11. Pertormance data for regular gasoline (I) •••...•.•.•• 38 12. Performance data tor regular gasoline (J) ••...••••.•• 40 9- Performance data for regular gasoline vi LIST OF PLATES Plate No. Page 1. Octane utilization•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 2. Performance curves (87 octane gasoline) ••••••••••••••• 19 3· Performance curves for regular gasoline (J) •••.••••••• 21 4. Performance curves for regular gasoline (A) ••••••••••• 23 5. Performance curves for regular gasoline (B) ••••••••••• 25 6. Performance curves for regular gasoline (C) ••••••••••• 27 7. Performance curves for regular gasoline (D) ••••••••••• 29 8. Performance curves for regular gasoline (E) ••••••••••• 31 9. Performanoe curves for regular gasoline (F) ••••••••••• 33 10. Performance curves for regular gasoline (G) ••..•..•..• 35' 11. Performance curves tor regular gasoline (H) ••••••••••• 31 12. Performance curves tor regular gasoline (I) ••••••••••• 39 13. Performance curves for regular gasoline (J) ••••••.••.• 41 PART I INTRODUC TI ON 1 The injecti.on of water in the spark igniti.on engine is not new. The effect of humidity in the air on the performance of the spark ignition engine probably initiated the early investigations. The water vapor in the inlet air decreases the speed of the flame front and necessitates spark advance to assure maximum power and maximum efficiency. Water par- ticles in the air evaporate during the compressi0n and combustion of the inducted charge and decrease the tendency of the engine to detonate. These effects are very evident when operating the spark ignition engine in a moist atmosphere. Water is not a foreign element to the internal combustion engine. It can be easily shown that when one pound of a hydrocarbon fuel burns more than one pound of water is formed in the combustion chamber. average Hie molar ratio of all the hydrocarbons making up a gasoline is approximately 2.12. On the basis of complete combustion, the end pro- ducts will be carbon dioxide and water. we The Balancing the chemical equation have~ (l) Thus 1 mol of fuel forrr~ 1.06 mola of water. 1.125 pounds of water per pound of fuel. On a weight basis this is This combustion water and any injected water becomes superheated and passes out with the other exhaust products as a vapor. The fundamental reason for injecting water is to suppress ~onation. The exact nature as to how this is accomplished is not definitely known, but it is reasoned that the effect is due to the high heat of vaporization 2 of the water. (1) Detonation, according to Ricardo,(l) results from auto- H. R. Ricardo and H. S. Glyde, The High Speed Internal Combustion Engine, pp. 40-69. ignition of the last part of the charge to burn. normally at the electrodes of the spark plugs. Combustion originates The flame front of the burning progresses across the combustion chamber at rates varying from 40 to 100 it/sec. The rate is a function of these folloWing variables: fuel air ratio, initial pressure, initial temperature, residual gases, humidity, engine speed, compression ratio, and fuel composition. The high specific volume of the burned products tends to compress the mixture ahead of the flame front. As a result 'of the compression, the temperature of the unburned charge is raised. If the temperature of the unburned charge is raised above its self-ignition temperature, the entire unburned charge will spontaneously ignite. Once a fuel reaches its self-ignition temperature, a certain amount of time elapses before ignition takes place. The delay period is a function of the fuel com- position, fuel air ratio, and temperature. Although the fuel is above its self-ignition temperature, this delay period may allow the flame to pass through the unburned charge without detonation taking place. If the water acts only as a coolant, then water should affect all gasolines, with the same octane number, alike. When the water is inducted into the cylinder in a vapor state, it reduces the volumetric efficiency of the engine considerably. The specific volume or the vapor at 80 0 r is 30,000 times as great as the specific volume ot the liquid. If the water inducted is in the vapor state, it pro- vides no cooling, and hence no adTSntage can be claimed. The heat from 3 the charge necessary to vaporiz. the liquid water that is taken into the cylinder becomes unavailable since the temperature of the gases on the expansion stroke never drope below the condensation temperature of the water. The work from the superheated steam that forms from the heat exchange between the hot gases and the water caD not be equivalent to the work from the combustion products due to the irreversibility of the heat exchange process. With the aboTe in mind, it is evident that water or water vapor inducted into the engine will lower the output of the engine if the fuel air ratio, compression ratio, or spark advance remains the same. Detonation in a spark ignition engine can be controlled by varying the fuel air ratiG. is the greatest. At the beet power mixture the tendency to detonate MOst aircraft engines control detonation by increasing the fuel air ratio (rich mixture). Decreasing the fuel air ratio (lean mixture) would arrive at the same results with more economy but because a lean mixture burns slowly, the engine would tend to heat. To develop the War Emergency Power Rating established by the Army and Navy for the military aircraft without water injectioJl, it was necessary to enrich the mixture beyond "best power mixture" to supress detonatien. injectian the mixture could b. leaned sulting in 8 t~ With water the "best power mixture," re- gain over that power developed using the rieh mixture with- out water injecti~n.(2) (2) Paul F. Adair, Low Octane Fuel Plus Water Equals High Engine Performance, Aviation Maintenance, Vol. 1, pp. 43-45, February, 1944. Detonation can be controlled by reducing the compression ratio. 4 Lower compression ratios result in lower temperatures after compression, and also lower temperatures of the last part of the charge to burn. This in turn increases the ignition lag and allows normal combustion to take place. The equation for the efficiency of the theoretical spark ignition Otto engine is where 1 N =1 r =compression ratio k = adiabatic - (2) rk _ 1 coefficient It is evident that reducing the compression ratio cuts down on the .fficiency of the engine and the work output. Water injection will allow the use of the higher cODlpression ratio with a corresponding increase in efficiency. In the automobile engine today detonation is controlled to a great extent by spark timing. The compression ratio is considerably greater than that ratio which would allow the correct spark advance for maximum power using the regular fuels available. engine operates at a reduced spark. Hence, at full throttle the Water injection allows the spark to be advanced to the optimum position. Thus, more power, better economy, and cooler exhaust valves result. Mr. Wm. M. Holliday's tests(3) on a 1948 car with a compression ratio (3) Wm. U. Holliday, Progress Report on the Duel-Fuel System, S.A.E. Paper, June 6-11, 1948. of 7.0 to 1 shows that even under adverse conditione the engine could have been operating 80 per cent of the time knock-free with a 50 octane fuel. Hence, it is an economic waste to use high octane fuel during this 80 per cent of the time. Water injection is one of the answers to the solution of thi5 problem. number about 15 Properly injected water could raise the octane octane numbers (a solution of yater, alcohol and tetra- ethyl lead could raise the octane number as high This allows a 65 8S 34 octane numbers). octane fuel to be used instead of 80 octane fuel. The water being injected only during that 20 per cent of the time When it is needed. Tests made by Thompson Products Corporation(4) have shown that no (4) Alcohol Water Injection, S.A.E. Transactions, Vol. 53, pp. 359- 372, 1945. more than normal wear results from water injection. The corrosive wear of the water injected is no more than that wear from the water which fcrroB as a product of combustion. The engine deposits ere about the same, except they are softer and easier to remove. Since 90 per cent of the maintenance trouble in the internal combustion engine is due to high temperature, it is apparent that water injection will result in lower maintenance expenditures. MOst commercial brands of fuels come from different wells, resulting in a wide variation in fuel composition. It is therefore proposed in this investigation to determine if water injection affects different brands of gasoline, with similar octane ratings, alike. PART II TEST EQUIPMENT 6 These tests were performed using a 1940 automotive engine. Number of cylinders Compression ratio Bore and stroke Head design ••••••••• 6 ••••••••••• 6.8-1 ••••••••••••• 3t x 4-3/8 ••••••••••••••••• valve-in-block Rated horsepower •••••••••••• 91 @ 3800 rpm The distributor of the engine was of the automatic advance type. At full throttle the centrifugal mechanism advanced the spark approximately two degrees for an increase in speed of 250 rpm. During part-throttle operation, the vacuum mechanism advanced the spark beyond the advanc. of the centrifugal device. Provision was made to advance the spark manually by rotating the distributor body counterclockwise relative to the engine. The regular Stromberg fixed-jet carburetor was used. The air- bleed jet maintained lean mixtures during part-throttle operation, and the power jet maintained rich mixtures at wide open throttle. The engine was directly coupled to an electric dynamometer supported on ball bearing trunions. A beam scale was used to measure the turning force exerted by the stator of the dynamometer. A counterbalance was attached to the dynamometer to eliminate the tare weight correction. The dynamometer could be used either as a motor to turn the engine or as a generator to absorb the power. An electric tachometer was used to measure the rpm. calculated from ~he folloWing equation: Horsepower was 7 B.H.P. = KFN K =dynamometer F = force where constant = 1/3000 on the scale N = R.P.M. A balance scale was used to measure the fuel consumed. was electrically connected through a mercury switch to 8 The scale revolution counter. This counter gave the number of revolutions to burn one pound of fuel. The following equation was used to figure the brake specific fuel consumption: B.S.F.C. K' =FxR ~--~ = force on the scale R = number of revolutions where F K' - weighing device constant =180,000 A commercial water injection device was used to inject the water into the engine. The water injector was mounted between the intake air strainer and the carburetor. The flow of water could be manually con- trolled by adjusting a needle valve. A differential in pressure between the float chamber and the throat of the venturi forced the metered water to enter the air stream. The flow characteristics of the water injector were similar to those of the carburetor, resulting in practically a constant water/fuel ratio. The spark timing was measured, using a neon light. The light was located in a hole which was drilled radially in a bakelite disc. A slit opening to the hole allowed the glow from the light to make a fine indieating line on the face of the disc. This assembly was mounted on the 8 centerline of the fly wheel. A circular scale, calibrated in degrees, was fixed to the engine at the periphery of the disc. Thus, the indi- cator line showed the position of spark in relation to top dead center. The jumper from the coil to the distributor was made to pass close to the periphery of the disc. The leakage flux, during ignition of the charge in one of the cylinders, was enough to energize the light. This device gave the position, with respect to the crank, at which all six cylinders were sparking. A Sperry gyroscope vibration pick-up was used to assist in indicating borderline-knock. coil. The pick-up housed a permanent magnet and a It operates on the magneto-strictive principle Whereby physical deformations set up in the magnetic path produce a flux change resulting in a voltage being induced in the coil. of the cylinder-head stud bolts. It was mounted directly to on. The fluctuating voltage was fed dir- ectly into a Du Mont 208 oscilloscope. Knock in one of the cylinders would show up as a pip on the oscilloscope screen. PART III TEST PROCEDURE 9 A spark ignition engine will have maximum detonation occurring at full throttle, all other variables remaining fixed. For this reason the comparison tests of the various gasolines were run at wide open throttle, variable speed. Detonation was determined in most cases by ear in conjunction with the vibration pickup. The knock intensity was maintained constant at as Iowa value as was clearly perceptible to the ear. This is often referred to as "trace-knock" or "borderline-knock" conditions. The instrumentation knock detection set-up is usually not as successful as detection by ear, since the sensitiTity of the instrumentation varies with operating conditions. Noise from the engine did not interfere in the detection of the characteristic knock sound at most speeds. However, 1000 rpm was an exception to this, since this was one of the critical speeds for the unit. The cooling water leaving the engine was held at approximately l75°F by manually regulatinc the inlet control valve. To maintain this temp- erature, it was necessary to vary the valve setting at the beginning of each speed run. Although no attempt was made to control the temperature of the lube oil, no test was started before warming up the engine. Tests were begun When the lube oil had reached a temperature of 150 0 F. The engine was operated, using a high octane aviation gasoline, to determine the effect of spark advance on performance. To assure that no detonation would occur, regardless of spark advance, one gallon of i80octane was added to two gallons of the aviation gasoline. The engine was run at a constant speed at 1250 rpm with the throttle fully open. A 10 complete set of readings were taken at each different setting of the spark. The spark was advanced until a definite break was evident iR the B.S.F.C. and the B.H.P. To assure the same barometric condition, the comparison tests on each fuel were conducted during the same evening. Ten different brands of fuels were used for these comparison tests. Nine of these were regular fuels whose octane rating varied only slightly. One fuel was high-test. In all cases the engine was first run with no water being injected. engine was loaded down until the speed was 750 rpm. temperature was adjusted to 175°F. The water outlet Then the spark was advanced until a borderline or trace-knock condition prevailei. locked at this position. The The distributor body Yas The oentrifugal or Mfly ball" advance held the spark to this borderline-knock position throughout the speed range. speed increased at intervals of 250 rpm up to 2500 rpm. The The length of each run was the l.ngth of time necessary to consume the one pound of fuel on the balance scal.. two minutes. The interval between runs was approximately This time was necessary to fill the beaker on the balance scale with the fuel for the next run. were taken during each speed run. Three readings of all variables The aTerage of these was reported. Immediately following this series of runs, the engine was tested with water being injected. at 750 rpm. The amount of water to inject was determined The rate of water flow was varied until the maximum spark advance could be realized with a minimum amount of water. More water than this minimum amount simply decreased the output of the engine. The distributor body was locked at this advanced "borderline-knock" spark setting. The "fly-balls" advanced the spark beyond this original .etting 11 as the speed increased. As before, runs were made at intervals of 250 rpm up to a speed of 2500 rpm. As a result of engine failure during these series of teats, the engine was given a minor overhall job. Carbon was removed from the combustion elmmber, intake and exhaust valves were ground, and the old spark plugs were replaced. This eliminated the ttmiss" which started during Run No. 2 at the high speeds. PA.llT IV INTERPRETATION OF TEST RESULTS 12 ....• 13 Fig. 2. Photograph or water injection system. 14 It was stated in the introduction that most automotive spark ignition engines operate at a reduced spark when using regular fuels to suppress detonation. Plate 2 shows the increase in output and efficiency which could be realized it the octane rating ot the tuel were high enough to allow the spark to be advanced. A comparison with the maximum spark setting for the other regular fuels reveals that at 1250 rpm, the aver0 age apark advance is 6 before top dead center. Plate 2 shows that the optimum spark position for this engine should be 14 0 or more before top dead center. Using a 6° spark advance, the B.R.P. is 33.89 and the B.S.F.G. is 0.591. At a 14° spark advance, the B.R.P. is 34.45 and the B.S.F.C. is 0.570. This represents a 1.6% gain in B.R.P. and a 3.55~ gain in fuel economy. Thus, it is possible to obtain more horsepower and lower fuel consumption if some means are provided to increase the octane rating of the regular fuels. The performance curves for the different gasolines, With one exeepti$n, showed more favorable results without water injection. One reason for this i. the rich mixture whioh was supplied at full throttle. No attempt was made to lean the mixture for tear of damage to the exhaust valves. Although uneconomical, using a rich mixture is one method to suppress detonation. mized. Hence, the effects of water injection are mini- Also, it tuels with lower octane ratings or an engine with a higher compression had been used, the results would have been more ia favor of water injection. the regular fuels. The engine used was designed to operate on The spark advance was set at 150 rpm, b cause at this low speed it wae the easiest to detect detonation. At this speed, 15 however, the distribution of fuel air and water in the inlet manifold is relatively poor. centage of water. Hence all cylinders did not receive the same perSpark was advanced until one of the cylinders knocked. This poor distribution did not sssure the maximum spark advance at all Reference to Plate 3 shows this very clearly. speeds. If the spark is advanced at 1250 rpm, the performance is considerably poorer than when the spark was advanced at 1500 rpm. However, it was felt that since this thesis was to determine the relative etfects of water i_jection on different gasolines, the afore mentioned would not distract from the value of the tests. The performance curves on Plate 13 were obtained before the engine failure. It is interesting to note that here the BHP and BSFC were much better with water injection. this. There are two plausible reaSons for First, when the engine Was overhauled, all carbon and products of combustion were removed from the combustion chamber. These deposits, although small, would cause a noticeable increase in the compression ratio of the engine. To keep away frem detonation without water in- jection, the spark would have to be retarded a number of degrees. The effects of water injection under this condition are more pronounced. Second, the strainers in the fuel system were thoroughly cleaned. dirty strainer may have caused a decrease in the fuel-air ratio. A Sinee a lean mixture is more susceptible to detonation, a retarded spark is necessary. For this reasoh, also, the effects of water injection would be more pronounced. As shown by Plates 4 and 8, gasolines A and E vary the most from 16 the performance curves of the other gasolines. may have partly caused this. The humidity of the air As a Whole, it appears that water injection affects all gasolines of approximately the same octane rating alike. TABLE I Gasoline - Aviation 87 OCtane Wet bulb temperature - 70°F Dry bulb temperature - 790F RPM Barometer - 29.02" Hg. March 28, 1949 Constant at 1250 Spark Water in, OF Water out, OF Air, OF Oil, OF Torque # Fuel # Rev. xlO 5., 16 175 89 170 81.1 1 373 7.5 75 175 90 172 81.9 1 316 9., 75 175 90 113 82.2 1 378 12.0 75 175 88 173 82.5 1 379 14..5' 74 175 90 174 83.0 1 378 16.0 74 175 90 114 82.4 18.0 73 175 90 156 82.1 1 1 380 389 20.0 14 175 89 163 81.6 1 390 I-' 00 19 .:' '.,.. I'····t.lf. " ~-:~T. ~ ~~ r~ "",'" • .· 1I ~'' ., .: :, ._.1I .,T',i , I • j J • t I " • • I I . . .. .• ! . '1 . '. 'i:"'" • I ' , ,. •• , I '" •. .-'t •• " • .,. · :-~ : :., .... .. , ""'." I .. ; , ~ .. : i ... , · I' ~ "T,~i! i;; i j I'II,I:".I'~ 1: . J .. '-I'~I r-Ti" I I I 1 ; \ t! ... I . , , . ,,,.+:-... :fa ~-~~ s r "'-~--1 . l .~i' ., .' j : :' I' .J l' J --i-- '.:" . I t I ' I • ' ,~' : +-------t-J---+-~, . I T ~:-I-.: I " '.<t..,.;r/.' 1"1,, I'Cl /. l./lCrAAof4 I. . 1 • r:-- :. , , . i It ; : ~ I : ~ : I ._-:-+._--.. .. [', 4 ., ---+-'--'- r - - f - - - + - - - 1 f - - - - - i ! • t 1' rI T. .. .I , I 1~-l'l-ll-~~ -1+., .-~., t £'. I• r "i + PI .c;.. 'T'\li"' I' I~ I ~r'ON ~A'.sa4-'''''''Je:. ' . ~~I', I I . t :! ~ti:lz:n ~7.r!.4E;'7t23~,f. .. , j . . . . . . . . ] "j! . j . , .. ! ' "j • j; ! i I I I I 1 r I t - ! I ' I 1: I ,~ · I L, :,'It:';.;: . :. '--.1 ----;-...- ! . ~­ ~- ~' . ' . I, ,: • , I p , . • t ' ,, t • r I . ; I j , , , I I .,, ...lI . • ...:I;"' i I i 1 , I ~ -f---:-,h-+-~------+----~+- ~• .. t I ' .! , • j , I i • 1 i , i ' !~ ., T. , o •• ,-f r. .1 • I . :1' . ' Tn :1' :~~_:- :::.~ ~ 4 ' . .• I ....-\ I •I , . .;~ j ~ TABLE II Gasoline J Wet bulb temperature - 70°F Dry bulb temperatu~e - 80 0 r March 23, 1949 Barometer - 28.6" Hg. Without Water 6.0 1 369 71 115 90 182 81.1 8.5 1 378 1'150 70 175 92 182 80.0 9-5 1 376 2000 70 175 90 185 79.2 11.0 1 378 2250 70 175 91 190 78 .... 13.5 1 379 1500 70 175 90 196 81.7 8.5 1 371 34.3 0.597 40.5 0.587 46.7 0.598 52.8 0.601 58.6 0.612 40.8 0.594 75 175 87 160 80.6 12.0 73 71 175 91 182 78.3 70 175 90 192 81.2 1105 1605 372 150 2'11.6" 75 1'15 87 168 80.3 13.0 1 372 150 1'49.8" 33.6 0.601 0.448 40.2 0.6040.435 RPM Water in, or Water out, Or Air, or Oil, 8r Torque # Spark Fuel # Rev. 12,0 71 175 92 186 BHP BSFC 0 Water in, F Water out, OF Air, OpOil, OF Torque # Spark Fuel # Rev. Water (grams) Time BHP BSFC #~O/# fuel 82.2 1 1,00 With Water 15.0 1 370 150 1'34.5" 12 175 89 178 79.1 16.0 1 376 150 1'24.9" 1 373 150 1'14.6" 46.4 0.614 0.442 52.7 0.606 0.438 58.7 0.617 0.446 175 87 170 7905 1 372 1150 2000 70 175 89 190 10 175 88 190 79.6 80.2 18.0 1 370 20.0 1 380 2250 70 175 89 192 78-5 21.0 1 310 Same as berere 40.6 00596 0.43.5' 46.8 0.607 0.442 53.1 0.596 0.438 58.8 0.622 0.446 1'0> 0 21 TABLE ,III Gasoline A W.t bulb temperature Dry bulb temperature - 64 0 r 67&r Barometer - 29.32" March Hg 15, 1949 Witbout Water RPM Water in, of Water out, Or Air, OF Oil, OF Torque # Spark Fuel # Rev. 17,0 66 175 80 174 80.9 8.0 1 369 2000 66 175 80 174 80.6 1 368 1500 67 175 74174 81.8 6.0 1 371 1000 67 175 73 18, 83.8 3.0 1 368 12;0 175 72 179 82.5 67 405 27.' Bsre 00584- 34.4 0-5'93 40.8 0-5'93 47.1 0.603 Water in, OF Wster out, Or Air, OF Oil, OF Torque # Spark Fuel # Rev. Water (grams) Time 67 17, 65 1;0 83.1 61 175 65 150 80.8 61 175 66 154 79.9 9.5 67 175 75 157 79.9 11.0 BlIP BHP BSFC #H2 0/# fuel 605 1 361 100 l' 22.s" 27.7 0.600 0.5'91 805 2$00 66 115 78 188 78.5 13.0 1 369 ,3.7 0.610 59.9 0.614 65-5' 0.621 66 175 78 166 80.2 12.0 1 370 150 0'58.8" 67 175 81 180 79.8 14.0 1 367 250 1 1 37.3" 67 175 78 18477 ,9 16.0 5305 59.8 0.614 65.0 0.624 00550 00.5'00 905 With Water 1 369 100 1'10.6" 1 1 374 100 371 100 0'53.2" 33.6 0.604 40.0 0.603 00550 00545 1'Q:t" 1 366 22;0 66 115 78 180 79.9 11.0 1 367 46.6 0.606 0.527 0.606 0.628 1 370 200 l'18.8 t1 N N 23 TABLE IV Gasoline B Wet bulb temperature - 640F Dry bulb temperature - 70 0 r RPM Water 1n, of Water out, or Air, of 1000 71 172 Oil, OF Torque # Spark Fuel # Rev. x 10 Barometer - 29.09" H!. 188 82.8 5.0 1 359 12,0 71 174 84 180 81.7 6.0 1 3;7 1,00 70 170 86 180 80.6 7.5 BHP BSFC 27.6 0.605 34.1 0.617 40.3 0.613 Water in, OF Water out, OF Air, OF Oil, OF Torque # Spark Fuel # Rev. x 10 Water (grams) 74 170 82 140 80.7 9.0 1 359 150 2'9.6" 72 170 81 142 79.6 10.0 1 364 150 1'46.6" 72 172 83 150 78.8 1105 1 362 150 1'28.7" 26.9 0.621 0.;88 33.1 0.621 0.543 39.4 0.631 0';38 Time BHP BSFC #I1I;.0/# fuel 8S 1 364 Without Water 2000 17;0 70 70 172 172 87 89 180 180 80.0 79.8 11.0 9.; 1 1 367 365 46.6 0.613 With Water 71 172 84 158 78.; 13.5 1 363 100 0'5;.3" 45.8 0.631 0.496 March 16, 1949 22,0 70 172 87 188 79.0 12.5 1 369 2,00 68 172 87 192 77.4 14.0 1 373 53.2 0.618 59.3 0.617 64.; 0.622 71 1'1485 170 78.7 15.0 1 362 150 1'7.6" 70 172 86 178 78.1 17.0 1 362 150 1'0.3" 70 112 87 186 76.6 19.0 1 367 150 0'58.8".•, 52.5 58.6 0.636 0.$31 63.8 0.640 0.530 0.631 0.$89 .... I\) TABLE V _ Gasoline C Wet bulb temperature - 64 0 r Dry bulb temperature • 10°F Barometer - 29.09 tt Hg. Without Water 1750 69 170 8.5' 180 80.2 9.5 1 367 RPM Water in, of Water out, OF Air, of Oil, or Torque # Spark Fuel # Rev. x 10 1000 70 170 8.5' 186 83.1 .5'.5 1 362 12.5'0 70 170 86 180 82.0 6.;' 1 367 1500 70 170 8.5' 118 80.8 8.0 1 370 SHP BSFe 27.6 0.605 34.1 0.617 Water in, or Water out, OF Air, OF Oil, OF Torque # Spark Fuel # Rev. x 10 Water (grams) 70 168 85 180 81-.5' 10.0 1 350 150 2'10.1" 70 110 85 174 80.0 1 360 1.5'0 1'45.7" 46.6 0.613 With Water 70 70 170 170 85 85 174 116 79.7 79.0 12-5 14.0 1 1 358 359 150 100 1'25.8" 0'50.5" 27.2 0.630 OS33 33.4 0.625 0-.5'38 39.9 0.631 0-.5'49 Time BHP BSFe #H20/# fuel lIS 40.3 0.613 46.1 0.634 0-542 March 16, 1949 2000 69 172 8.5' 182 7905 11.0 1 368 22.5'0 68 171 87 188 7805 13.0 2500 68 172 86 194 77-5 15.0 I- I 367 371 53.2 0.618 59.3 0.617 6405 0.622 70 169 89 180 79.2 16.0 1 357 150 1'8.2" 70 172 89 184 7805 18.0 1 359 150 1'0.0" 69 170 89 190 76.5 19-5 1 363 150 0'54.4" 52.8 0.637 00581 58.9 0.638 0.5'27 63.8 0.648 0.5'28 f\) 0' TABLE VI Gasoline D Wet bulb temperature - 10°F Dry bulb temperature - 800r RPM Water in, Or Water out, Or Air, OF Oil, OF Torque Spark Fuel II II Rev. x 10 BHP BSFC Water in, Water out, Air, or Oil, OF Torque # Spark Fuel # 0 r or Barometer - 28.61" Hg. Without Water 1000 70 175 87 188 82.7 8S 1 359 1250 69 175 84 182 80.7 9.0 1 382 1500 69 175 84 118 79.6 10.0 1 382 1750 69 175 86 178 79.0 12.0 1 380 2000 69 175 85 180 78S 14.0 1 378 2250 68 175 89 182 77.5 15.0 1 376 2500 68 175 89 188 75.5 17.5 1 379 27.6 0.606 33.6 00583 39.8 00591 46.1 52.3 0.606 58.1 0.617 62.9 0.629 69 115 84 168 80.8 10.0 1 70 175 82 162 79.1 70 175 86 164 78.4 13.0 1 317 150 1'49.1" 70 115 85 166 77 .8 14.0 1 374 150 1'34.1" 69 175 85 170 77.4 15.0 1 3'12 150 1'25.3" 69 175 176 76.8 17.5 1 378 150 1'13.3" 69 175 89 184 74.5 20.0 371 150 1'7.2" 45.4 0.618 0.450 51.6 0.62; 0.431 57.6 0.623 0.451 62.1 0.6;1 0.483 lIS 376 Water (grams) Time 150 2'33.1" 1 380 150 2'13.3" BHP BSFC 26.9 0.592 0.494 OS98 Rev. x 10 #H2 0/# fuel March 21, 1949 33.0 0.455 39.2 0.609 0.456 OS99 With Water 86 1 I'\) 00 TABLE VII Gasoline E Wet bulb temperature - 62°' Dry bulb temperature - 730F RPM Water in, or Water out, or Air, or Barometer - 28.94" Hg. 1000 69 175 18 176 83.3 . 6.0 1 369 1250 67 175 18 112 81.3 6.5 1 386 Torque # Spark Fuel # Rev. x 10 7,0 68 175 87 188 80.2 0.0 1 385 BHP BSFC 20.0 0.584 27.8 0.586 33.8 0.573 Water in, or Water out, OF Air, OF Torque # Spark Fuel # Rev. x 10 Water (grams) Time 68 175 80 113 75.8 2.0 1 394 100 2'36.5" 70 175 18 167 80.7 8.0 1 369 150 2'13.8" 68 115 81 164 78.5 9.0 BHP 19.0 26.9 0.605 0-546 32." 0.605 0-571 Oil, or Oil, of BS~ #H2 0/# fuel 0.602 0.454 Without Water 1500 68 175 78 110 80.4 7.0 1 386 1 379 150 1'45.0" 40.2 0-580 With Water 68 175 80 166 78.0 10.0 1 370 150 March 17, 1949 17,0 66 175 82 172 79.5 9.0 1 384 2000 61 175 79 172 79.6 12.0 1 381 22,0 66 175 80 180 78.8 13.0 1 371 2,00 66 175 80 186 17.3 15.0 1 318 46.4 0.590 53.1 0.593 59.1 0.605 64.4 0.616 68 175 77 168 68 175 80 110 77.9 13.0 1 365 67 175 79 176 77.2 15.0 1 364 150 77.6 11-5 1 370 150 1'28-5" 1'17.2" 39.0 0.624 0.552 45.3 0.626 0.542 1'7.7" 1'0.5" 66 115 83 184 75.9 17.0 1 368 150 0'55.3" 51.9 0.634 0-535 57.9 0.640 0-534 63.2 0.644 0-527 150 w 0 TABLE VIn Gasoline F Wet bulb temperature - 62°F Dry bulb temperature - 130F Barometer - 28.94" Hg. March 17, 1~49 Without Water 1000 69 115 76 150 83.0 4.0 1 372 12;0 69 175 Rev. x 10 1;0 67 175 16 152 77 .1 1.0 1 403 BliP B5FC 19.3 0"78 Water in, or Water out, Air, OF Oil, OF Torque, # Spark Fuel, # RPM Water in, or Water out, of Air, of Oil, or Torque, # Spark Fuel, # 0, Rev. x 10 Water (grams) Time BlIP BSFC #H20/1! fuel 152 81.2 6.0 1 376 1500 68 175 79 1;6 80'; 7'; 1 377 1750 68 175 79 162 80.2 9.0 1 376 2000 66 175 79 166 79.8 10'; 27.7 0.,83 33.8 0.;90 40.2 0';93 69 175 80 184 76.7 4'; 1 392 100 2'28.4" 70 175 82 172 81.8 9.0 1 367 150 2'16.8" 69 175 83 166 80.4 11.0 1 369 150 1'46.9" 68 175 79 169 79.7 13.0 1 363 150 1'28.9" 19.0 0.599 0.466 27.3 0.600 0.,31 33" 0.607 0.54; 39.8 0.622 0.537 71 370 2250 66 175 79 174 79.2 12" 1 372 2500 66 175 83 184 71.1 15.0 1 371 46.8 0"96 53.2 0.610 59.4 0.610 64.2 0.624 68 175 78 172 79.0 68 175 1 366 150 1'17.;" 176 79.0 15.5 1 363 150 1'8.8" 66 175 80 184 78.2 17.0 1 362 150 1'1.4" 66 175 85 184 76.2 20.0 366 150 0'".4" 46.1 0.623 0';32 52.6 0.628 0';22 58.6 0.635 0';20 63.5 0.64; 0';25 With Water 1405 1 80 1 wf\) TABLE IX Gasoline G Wet bulb temperature - 72°F Dry bulb temperature - 76.5 0 F RPM Water in, of Water out, of Air, of Oil, of Torque # Spark Fuel fI: Rev. x 10 1000 70 17; 89 186 83.7 ;.0 1 3'13 BHP BSFC Water in, OF Water out, OF Air, OF Oil, OF Torque # Spark Fuel # Rev. x 10 Water (grams) Barometer - 29.00" Hg. 1250 73 175 87 184 81.3 1500 70 175 88 182 1 382 27.9 0.;77 16 17; 8; ;7.0 0.623 61.1 0.638 72 175 88 71 175 88 176 76.2 14.0 34.0 0';81 40.1 0.;86 46.2 0.;89 73 175 85 1;6 78.9 9.0 1 376 1,0 1';0.2" 72 175 81 162 79.0 10'" 1 317 39'; 0.607 0.450 BHP 27.3 0';95 0.423 33.1 0.608 0.400 #HZO/# fuel 51.7 0.613 8S 1 382 ;.; 2';2';" BSFC 2500 70 175 89 192 73.2 15.0 1 38; 70 175 88 183 77.5 11.0 Time 140 379 70 175 90 186 76.0 12'; 1 380 70 115 88 180 79.3 9'; 1 380 74 175 83 150 79.4 7.0 1 373 150 2'14.8" 81.8 6.0 1 370 150 Without Water 2000 1750 80.3 March 22, 1949 1 With Water 22;0 1'34.2" 78.6 12.0 1 372 1,0 1'24.8" 370 1,0 1'1;.2" 10 175 87 186 74.6 17.0 1 360 1,0 1'8.2" 46.1 0.604 0.452 52.40.616 0.434- 57.3 0.640 0.432 62.2 0.671 0.403 ISO 170 1 w ~ 35 TABLE X Gasoline H Wet bulb temperature - 72°F Dry bulb temperature - 76.5°F RPM Water in, of Water out, Air, of Oil, of Torque :# 0, Spark Fuel # Rev. x 10 BHP BSFC 0 Water in, F Water out, of Air, of Oil, OF Torque # Spark Fuel # Rev. x 10 Water (grams) Time BHP BSFC #H2 0/ lf fuel 1000 72 175 90 190 84.9 5.0 1 363 1250 72 175 86 186 81.4 5.0 1 383 1,00 70 175 85 184 80.5 7.0 1 379 28.3 0.584 34.0 0.573 40.2 0-590 70 175 89 182 82.0 8.0 1 372 150 2'27 .2" 70 175 86 176 80.3 10.0 1 376 150 2'14.8" 70 175 87 176 79.4 11.0 1 374 1,0 1'49.9" 27.4 0"90 33.5 0.596 0.442 39.7 0.608 0.448 00501 March 22, 1949 Barometer - 29.00" Hg. Without Water 2000 1750 70 10 175 175 86 87 181 184 80.1 79.5 10.0 9.0 1 1 376 375 46.7 53.0 0.597 0.603 With Water 70 71 115 175 90 89 176 175 78., 79.2 12.0 14.0 1 1 372 369 150 150 1'34.0" 1'23.0" 46.3 - 0.611 0.448 52.3 0.622 0.439 2250 70 175 86 186 78.7 12.0 1 377 2500 69 175 86 192 76.6 14.0 59.2 0.606 63.9 0.639 70 175 90 182 77.8 16.0 1 369 150 1'14.3" 70 175 90 188 76.2 17., 1 372 150 1'7.0" 58.3 0.628 0.438 0.634 1 377 63.4 0.442 w 0' TABLE XI Gasoline I Wet bulb temperature - 70°' Dry bulb temperature - 80 0 r Without Vlater RPJ4 Water in, °, Water out, OF Air, or Oil, of Torque Spark Fuel Rev. 150 65 175 88 187 77.9 2 1 394 1000 71 175 85 174 82.0 7 1 368 1250 6, 175 84 168 80.1 8 1 379 BHP BSFC 19.4 0.586 27.3 0.595 33.4 0.591 Water in, of Water out, OF Air, eF Oil, of Torque Spark Fuel Rev. Water (grams) Time 70 175 82 152 17.4 7 1 390 150 4'21.1" 72 175 85 152 79·2 11 115 88 153 8 1 383 150 2'59.6" 9 1 379 150 2'11.0" BHP 19.3 0.596 0.395 26.3 0.592 0.42; 32.3 0.610 0.460 BSFC #~o/# fuel March 21, 1949 Barometer - 28.61 77.6 2250 69 175 88 179 77.7 2500 376 376 2000 69 175 88 175 18.2 12 1 372 39.6 0.598 45.9 0.607 52.1 0.618 58.3 0.600 70 115 86 158 76.9 10 1 380 150 10 175 88 163 77 .2 1'48.9" 12 1 383 150 1'34.3" 70 175 88 168 77.1 13 1 387 150 1'25.0" 69 175 87 175 76.4 15 1 363 150 1'16-5" 69 175 88 185 74.4 18 1 372 150 1'08.6" 38-5 0.615 0.460 45.1 0.60'/ 0.460 51.4 0.602 0.451 57.1 0.650 0.418 62.0 0.650 0.430 1500 70 175 85 170 79.3 9 1750 69 175 84 172 78.8 11 1 1 With Water. 14 1 386 Vol 00 \.. I ~""":':".:.cL±:L;; I ·lJ TABLE XII Gasoline J CD W.t bulb temperature - 66 F Dry bulb temperature - 82°F Barometer - 28.84" 1250 72 176 97 18; 12S 381 390 1500 71 176 91 189 72.2 -0., 1 397 BSFC 24.4 0.634 30.2 0.635 36.1 0.627 Water in, of Water out, C7 Air, or Oil, OF Torque # Spark Fuel # Rev. x 10 Water (grams) 73 176 93 164 18.3 11.5 1 313 150 13 176 91 169 78" 12.0 1 386 150 73 176 91 116 77.8 13.0 1 392 BHP BSFC 26.1 0.616 32.7 0.,'4 Water in, of Water out, of Air, of Oil, of Torque # Spark Fuel II Rev. x 10 BHP -2" 1 -2" 1 1750 70 176 99 192 11.7 fuel 1,0 --- 38.8 0';91 2000 10 1 399 176 98 191 12.2 3.0 1 401 41.9 0.628 48.2 0.624 1.0 With Water #H.tz0/# March ;, 1949 Without Water 1000 71 176 97 186 73.4 RPll ag. 2250 70 176 99 204 57.2 5.0 1 390 2500 2750 10 176 96 205 13.5 22.5 13 176 91 181 76.8 15.0 1 388 1;0 12 176 91 189 76.5 18.0 1 384 11 176 96 197 75S 20.0 1 381 IS0 1;0 386 150 10 176 97 215 70.3 25.0 1 394 1;0 44.8 ;1.0 0.613 56.6 0.616 61.4 0.635 0.650 0.604 Average 0.;40 --- 1 64-5 ... 0 PART V CON:LUSION5 42 It is the opinion ot the author, as a result ot this work, that the etfects of water injection on the operation of a spark ignition engine are mainly due to the coolant properties ot the water. can be contrasted with tetra~ethyl This lead which has negative anti- detonate effects on some fuels and positive anti-detonate effects on other fuels. The lead acts chemically with the fuel to change its self-ignition temperature. The water, 8S 8 coolant, merely lowers the combustion temperature so that the self-ignition temperature 1s not reached. This investigation indicates that for best results from water injection, the fuel used should have a lower octane rating than that required by the engine, and the mixture used should be at the best power ratio ot fuel and air. MOre tests should be conduoted with an engine with a variable compression rati~ to further establish the authenticity of the results and conclusions of this thesis. 43 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Books: Fraas, A. P. pp. 75-122. CombustiQn engines. N. Y., NcGraw-Hill, 1948. Jennings, B. H., and Obert, E. F. Internal combustiQD engines. Penn., Interaational, 1944. pp. 215-2~5. JQst, W., and Croft, H. O. Explosion and combustion processes in gases. N. Y., MCGraw-Hill, 1946. pp. 160-209. Ricardo, H. R., and Glyde, H. S. The high speed internal combustion engine. London, Blackie and Son, 1945. pp. 40-69. Taylor, C. F., and Taylor, S. T. The internal combustion engine. Penn., International, 1948•. pp. 87-119. 2. Periodicals I Adair, Paul F. Low octane fuel and water equal high engine performance. Aviation Maintenance. Vol. I, pp. 43-45 (Feb. 1944) Collwell, A. T., Cummings, R. E., and Anderson, D. E. Alcoholwater injection. S.A.E. Transactions. Vol. 53, pp. 258-272 . (1945) 3. UnpUblished Material: Collwell, A. T. More effective utilization of high octane fuels. Paper presented sept. 9, 1948 at 1948 National Tractor and Diesel Engine Meeting of Society of Automotive Engineers, !filwaukee, \fis. Holliday, W. M. Progress report on the duel-fuel system. paper. June 6-11, 1948. Naval Air-Technical Training. CA-1-231. Aircraft water injection. SAE SB- Rector, W. R. Description or Pratt and Whitney aircraft water injection equipment for war emergency power. Report, P.W.A., Inst. 92. April 15, 1943. 20 pp. Van Hartesvelt, C. H. Paper presented June 11, 1948. Meeting S.A.E. French Lick, Ind. Summer 44 VITA The author was born August 26, 1920, at Albia, Iowa. pleted his high school education at Albia, Iowa, in 1938. He comHe at- tended Albia Junior College for two years and then enrolled at Iowa State College. He graduated with a B. S. degree in Mechanical Engi- neering from Iowa State in February, 1943. Following graduation,he accepted a job with Fisher Body Division of General Motors. 1943, he was called into service with the U. S. Navy. June, He served 88 a Naval Inspector of Machinery, Ship Superintendent, end Engineering Officer. Following an honorable discharge from the Navy, he returned to Fisher Body on August 20, 1946. a position as Instructor of In February, 1947, he was offered ~chanica1 Engineering at the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, of which he accepted and has continued to date, 1949.