Media information MENNEKES Elektrotechnik GmbH & Co. KG Aloys-Mennekes-Str. 1 D-57399 Kirchhundem Telephone0 27 23 / 41-1 Fax 0 27 23 / 41-214 E-mail info@MENNE Internet www Vehicle inlets and connectors type 2 for AC and DC charging Mennekes, global supplier of industrial plugs and sockets as well as developer of the German standards draft for charging couplers, now introduces another innovation in the field of charging connectors. With this innovation, the company has implemented a part of the new philosophy of combined charging connectors, called "Combo System" in the standards draft, for charging electric vehicles. The concept unites both AC and DC charging in the type 2 plug geometry for the first time. The advantages: One single, universal charging connection for all charging types and an extremely compact and uniform design for all charging capacities. Sufficiently dimensioned contacts presently allow the connection of large cable diameters for charging capacities of up to 40kW. Plans are to realise charging capacities of up to 70kW in the future. Depending on the assignment of the power contacts, the charging connector type 2 can be used in two ways: purely AC or purely DC charging. Purely AC charging Type 2 is known for purely AC charging, in which single to three phases, N and PE contacts can handle up to 63A. This enables charging capacities from 3kW up to 44kW AC and covers charging at the earthed socket at home just as quick charging on a powerful AC charging station. Image text: Contact assignment type 2 with purely AC charging. MENNEKES press contact partners: Burkhard Rarbach, Head of Marketing Services Telephone 0 27 23 / 41 - 380, fax 0 27 23 / 41 - 49 380, e-mail: Page 1 / 8 Media information MENNEKES Elektrotechnik GmbH & Co. KG Aloys-Mennekes-Str. 1 D-57399 Kirchhundem Telephone0 27 23 / 41-1 Fax 0 27 23 / 41-214 E-mail info@MENNE Internet www Alternative AC or DC charging The inlet on the electric vehicle can be used as a fully-fledged AC charging connector for single to three-phases charging. Alternatively, L2 and L3 are used as negative and positive pole for DC charging to realise charging capacities of up to 40kW DC. Coding is ensured via the "Combo System" topology and the stipulated digital communication. The simultaneous provision of AC and DC is not permitted in the topology. PE, CP and PP contact are used to the same extent in both charging types. Image text: Contact assignment type 2 with alternative AC or DC-low charging DC-mid charging A DC-mid version is planned. Here, the N and the L3 contact are used as positive pole and the L1 as well as L2 contact as negative pole for DC charging. In the future, this constellation will allow capacities of up to 70kW DC. Image text: Contact assignment type 2 with DC-mid charging. MENNEKES press contact partners: Burkhard Rarbach, Head of Marketing Services Telephone 0 27 23 / 41 - 380, fax 0 27 23 / 41 - 49 380, e-mail: Page 2 / 8 Media information MENNEKES Elektrotechnik GmbH & Co. KG Aloys-Mennekes-Str. 1 D-57399 Kirchhundem Telephone0 27 23 / 41-1 Fax 0 27 23 / 41-214 E-mail info@MENNE Internet www DC-high charging The concept's last expansion step is the DC-high version. This version features a complete type 2 plug geometry in combination with two additional DC contacts for capacities up to 140kW DC. At present, Mennekes does not offer this concept. Image text: Contact assignment type 2 with DC-high charging. Compact design, also for DC use The large advantage of the DC-low and DC-mid concepts are that these solutions are characterised by a very compact design and absolutely convincing handling advantages in comparison to today's standard DC charging couplers. The coupler rests well in the hand and can also be operated with a single hand thanks to its low weight and the ergonomic shape. One for everything: vehicle inlet Thanks to the universal application possibility of the Mennekes type 2 vehicle inlets, different charging concepts can be realised with one single plug geometry. This reduces the number of system components in construction and production while providing the greatest possible liberty regarding the realisation of possible charging concepts at the MENNEKES press contact partners: Burkhard Rarbach, Head of Marketing Services Telephone 0 27 23 / 41 - 380, fax 0 27 23 / 41 - 49 380, e-mail: Page 3 / 8 Media information MENNEKES Elektrotechnik GmbH & Co. KG Aloys-Mennekes-Str. 1 D-57399 Kirchhundem Telephone0 27 23 / 41-1 Fax 0 27 23 / 41-214 E-mail info@MENNE Internet www same time. Thanks to the type 2 plug geometry, the couplers are similarly compact and space saving, even with high DC charging capacities, as with the lower AC charging capacities. DC charging connector The DC charging cables are permanently installed on the DC charging station. Therefore separate charging cables and infrastructure sockets are not required for DC charging. Mennekes offers the connectors readily mounted and cast on the charging cables. Conclusion With the universal AC/DC vehicle inlets, Mennekes implements a part of the philosophy of new combined charging couplers, called "Combo System" in the standards draft, for charging electric vehicles at a very early stage in the accustomed Mennekes quality. This way, the company offers a charging coupler type 2 suited for AC and DC charging. It can even operate both charging types in one vehicle via the same vehicle inlet. Compared to the DC charging couplers available in the market today, they are much smaller and thus easier to handle. The number of system components and the associated logistics extent are reduced while the application flexibility is increased. MENNEKES press contact partners: Burkhard Rarbach, Head of Marketing Services Telephone 0 27 23 / 41 - 380, fax 0 27 23 / 41 - 49 380, e-mail: Page 4 / 8 Media information MENNEKES Elektrotechnik GmbH & Co. KG Aloys-Mennekes-Str. 1 D-57399 Kirchhundem Telephone0 27 23 / 41-1 Fax 0 27 23 / 41-214 E-mail info@MENNE Internet www Images: 1. Graphic: MENNEKES AC & DC charging coupler type 2 Overview of the contact assignment with the different utilisation options of the type 2 couplers within the “Combo-System” (view of the connector). With the exception of DChigh charging, all charging types can be realised with the Mennekes solution. MENNEKES press contact partners: Burkhard Rarbach, Head of Marketing Services Telephone 0 27 23 / 41 - 380, fax 0 27 23 / 41 - 49 380, e-mail: Page 5 / 8 Media information MENNEKES Elektrotechnik GmbH & Co. KG Aloys-Mennekes-Str. 1 D-57399 Kirchhundem Telephone0 27 23 / 41-1 Fax 0 27 23 / 41-214 E-mail info@MENNE Internet www 2. Image: MENNEKES AC & DC vehicle inlet and coupling The Mennekes AC/DC vehicle inlet offers the highest degree of flexibility when using the charging types. Matching DC couplings are also available. These are mounted directly on the charging cables of the DC charging stations. MENNEKES press contact partners: Burkhard Rarbach, Head of Marketing Services Telephone 0 27 23 / 41 - 380, fax 0 27 23 / 41 - 49 380, e-mail: Page 6 / 8 Media information MENNEKES Elektrotechnik GmbH & Co. KG Aloys-Mennekes-Str. 1 D-57399 Kirchhundem Telephone0 27 23 / 41-1 Fax 0 27 23 / 41-214 E-mail info@MENNE Internet www 3. Graphic MENNEKES D-rating curve AC & DC charging couplers type 2 All in the green: The derating curve shows that the type 2 charging couplers have passed the capacity test with flying colours. MENNEKES press contact partners: Burkhard Rarbach, Head of Marketing Services Telephone 0 27 23 / 41 - 380, fax 0 27 23 / 41 - 49 380, e-mail: Page 7 / 8 Media information MENNEKES Elektrotechnik GmbH & Co. KG Aloys-Mennekes-Str. 1 D-57399 Kirchhundem Telephone0 27 23 / 41-1 Fax 0 27 23 / 41-214 E-mail info@MENNE Internet www Kirchhundem, September 2011 Printing free of charge, copy requested MENNEKES Elektrotechnik GmbH & Co. KG was founded in 1935 and is the developer of the German standards draft for charging couplers as well as leading manufacturer of industrial plugs and sockets. The company has a global presence with subsidiaries and representations in more than 90 countries and employs over 850 people worldwide. The product range comprises standardised plugs and sockets in over 11,000 different variants and designs as well as charging couplers for electric vehicles, which where awarded with the first VDE test seal ever. We take an integrated approach towards electric mobility and develop components like charging plugs, charging cables and vehicle inlets as well as complete charging stations for commercial and private application. The solutions thus fulfil perfectly the requirements of car manufacturers, electric utilities and consumers. In the past business year, the MENNEKES Group achieved a consolidated turnover of around 100 million Euros. More than half of the turnover is made in export. More information at and at Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. MENNEKES press contact partners: Burkhard Rarbach, Head of Marketing Services Telephone 0 27 23 / 41 - 380, fax 0 27 23 / 41 - 49 380, e-mail: Page 8 / 8