CURRICULUM VITAE Professor Stephen J Ball, PhD, FRSA, AcSS

Professor Stephen J Ball, PhD, FRSA, AcSS
Karl Mannheim Professor of Sociology of Education
EPRU, Policy Studies,
Institute of Education
University of London
59 Gordon Square
London WC1H-ONT
tel: (44) (0)20-7612-6973
fax: (44) (0)20-7612-6819
Date of Birth: 21.1.1950
Married/No children
Academic Qualifications/Previous Appointments
B.A. (Hons) Sociology, University of Essex
M.A. (Sociological Studies) University of
D. Phil. University of Sussex
Doctor honoris causa University of Turku, Finland
Lecturer in Education, University of Sussex
Lecturer in the Sociology of Education,
King's College, London.
Reader in the Sociology of Education,
University of London.
Professor of Education, King's College
Director, Centre for Public Policy Research, Kings
College London
Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts
Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences
Director Education Policy Research Unit, University of
London, Insitute of Education
Other Professional activities:
Member and Chairman, British Sociological
Association, Teaching and Programmes
Member, Association for the Teaching of
Social Sciences, Sussex Branch Committee.
Research Associate, Social Science
Research Council funded Educational Case
Records Project, Centre for Applied
Research in Education, University of East
Anglia. Director: Professor Lawrence
Course Team Consultant, Open University
Course E205.
Academic Consultant, BBC/Open University
television programme "Organizing to
English Correspondent, International
Mother-Tongue Education Network.
Series Editor "Issues in Education and
Training", Falmer Press.
Governor, Elm Grove Middle School,
Consultant Case Study Worker, Consultancy
in Education Project, University of
Co-Director, SREB (Southern Regional
Examination Board) funded "CVPE-Pilot
School" Research Project.
1985Managing Editor, Journal of Education
1985Abstractor, Sociology of Education
Tutor on the ESRC funded summer school
'Qualitative Methods in Educational
Research', University of Warwick
Series Editor "Explorations in
(Sept-Oct) Visiting Scholar, Institute of
Educational Research, University of
Member of the Advisory Board: Research
Papers in Education.
British Regional Editor: International
Journal of Qualitative Studies in
Visiting Summer School Tutor, Faculty of
Education,University of Western Ontario.
External Examiner, MA EPDM, University of
External Examiner, B.Ed course in sociology
of education, University of Warwick.
Adviser to the NUT Executive on the
National Curriculum.
(Feb-April) Visiting Scholar: School of
Education, Monash University, Melbourne,
(June) Visiting Scholar, Dept of Education,
Uppsala University, Sweden
Contributions to BBC Radio programmes:
Third Ear, File on Four, and PM.
(August)VisitingFellow Tokyo Metropolitan
Visiting Lecturer, Volda College, Norway
Consultant and contributor BBC Television
series New Jerusalem: The Welfare State.
Contributions to BBC Radio; PM, Analysis,
Viva Radio, Sunrise Radio, etc.
Member of ESRC Research Grants Board
Fellow Royal Society of Arts
Visiting Professor, School of Social and
Policy Studies in Education, University of
Visiting Scholar Havens Centre for Social Structure
and Social Change, University of Madison-Wisconsin
Wei Lun Visiting Professor, Chinese University of
Hong Kong
Visiting Professor, School of Education, University of
Western Australia
Visiting Professor, School of Education, Universidad
de San Andres, Buenos Aires
Nominated by BERA to Academy of Social Sciences
Member of Advisory Committee of ESRC Qualidata
Editorial Board member of following Journals:
British Journal of Sociology of Education, International Journal of
Inclusive Education, Discourse, Hong Kong Journal of Education, British
Journal of In-service Education, Sociology of Education Abstracts, Australian
Journal of Education, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in
Education, Social Psychology of Education, Forum For Education, Education
Today and Tommorrow, International Journal of Leadership in Education,
Education et Societies. London Education Review
(1981) Ball, S.J.Beachside Comprehensive: A case study of secondary
schooling, Cambridge University Press.
(1986) Ball, S. J. Sociology in Focus - Education,
London, Longmans.
(1987) Ball, S.J. The Micro-Politics of the School: Towards a theory of
school organization, London, Methuen. London, Routledge. (SCSE annual
book prize 'Best book on education')
(1990) Ball, S.J. Politics and Policymaking in Education:
explorations in policy sociology, London Routledge.
(republished in Chinese 2003 East China Normal University Press)
(1992) Bowe, R. and Ball, S.J. with Gold, A. Reforming Education
and Changing schools: case studies in policy sociology, London, Routledge.
(1994) Ball, S.J. Education Reform: A Critical and
Post-Structural Approach, Buckingham, Open University Press.
(republished in Chinese 2003 East China Normal University Press)
(1995) Gewirtz, S., Ball, S.J. and Bowe, R. Markets
Choice and Equity in Education, Buckingham, Open
University Press.
(1996) Radnor, H. and Ball, S.J. Local Education Authorities:
Accountability and Control, Stoke-on-Trent, Trentham Books.
(2000) Ball, S.J., Maguire, M.M. and Macrae, S. Choices,
Pathways and Transitions Post-16: New Youth, New Economies in
the Global City. London, RoutledgeFalmer
(2003) Ball, S. J. Class Strategies and the Education Market: the
middle class and social advantage. London, RoutledgeFalmer.
(1984) Ball S. J. (ed) Comprehensive Schooling: a reader, Lewes,
Falmer Press.
(1984) Goodson, I. F. and Ball, S. J. (eds) Defining the
Curriculum: Histories and Ethnographies, Lewes, Falmer Press.
(1985) Ball, S. J. and Goodson, I. F. (eds) Teachers'
Lives and Careers, Lewes, Falmer Press.
(1988) Green, T. and Ball, S. J. (eds) Inequality and
Progress in Comprehensive Education: A Reconsideration
for the 1980s, London, Routledge.
(1989) Ball, S. J. and Larsson, S. (eds) The Struggle for
Democratic Education: Equality and Participation in Sweden,
Lewes, Falmer Press.
(1990) Ball, S.J. (ed) Foucault and Education, London,
Routledge (also published in Spanish; (1993) Foucault
y la educacion, Madrid Paideia/Morata; Polish (1994) Foucault i
Edukacja, Kracow, Impuls. and Japanese (1999)
(2000) Ball, S.J. (ed) Sociology of Education: Major Themes. Vol.1
Theories and Methods; Vol. 2 Inequalities and Oppressions; Vol. 3
Institutions and Processes; Vol. 4 Politics and Policies, London,
(2003) Ball, S.J., G. Fischman, and S. Gvirtz (Eds) Crisis and
Hope: the Educational Hopscotch of Latin America, New York,
(2003) Tamboukou, M. and S.J. Ball (Eds) Dangerous Encounters:
Genealogy and Ethnography, New York, Peter Lang.
(2004) Ball, S.J. (Ed) The RoutledgeFalmer Reader in Sociology of
Education, London, RoutledgeFalmer
Published Articles in refereed journals
(1980) Ball, S. J. "Mixed-ability teaching: the Worksheet
Method", British Journal of Educational Technology, Jan-Feb., Vol.
No. 1.
(1981) Ball, S. J. "The Sociology of Education in Developing
Societies: a review essay", British Journal of Sociology of Education,
Vol. 2, No. 3.
(1981) Ball, S. J. "Continuity and Conflict in Comprehensive
Schooling", New Universities Quarterly, Vol. 35, No. 2, Spring.
(1981) Ball, S. J. "Doing Teaching: a phenomenological
analysis of teacher-pupil relations", Reflections: Essays in
Phenomenology, Vol. 2, No. 1, Winter, pp. 54-69.
(1982) Ball, S. J. "Competition and Conflict in the
Teaching of English: a Socio-Historical Analysis", Journal of
Curriculum Studies, Vol. 13, No. 4.
(1982) Ball, S. J. "A Reply to Torode", Reflections:
Essays in Phenomenology, Winter/Spring, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 30-33.
(1983) Ball, S. J. "Imperialism, Social Control and the
Colonial Curriculum in Africa", Journal of Curriculum Studies,
Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 237-63.
(1987) Ball, S. J. "Großbrittanien: Im Konflikt von Erzienhungsknozepten", Der Deutschunterricht, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 45-52.
(1988) Ball, S. J. "Staff Relations During the Teachers' Industrial
Action: context, conflict and proletarianisation",
British Journal of Sociology of Education, 9, 3, pp. 289-306.
(1990) Ball, S.J. "Putting Politics back into Micropolitics: a
response to R.G. Townsend, Curriculum Inquiry, 20 (2), pp.225-9.
(1990) Ball, S. J. "Self Doubt and Soft Data: Social and Technical
Trajectories in Ethnographic Fieldwork", in Allen, J. B. and Goetz, J.
(eds) Qualitative Research in Education: Teaching and Learning Qualitative
Traditions, College of Education, University of Georgia. Also in
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, Vol. 3. No. 2. pp.
157-72, and reprinted in Hammersley, M. (ed) Educational Research Vol.
1, London, Paul Chapman, (1993).
(1990) Ball, S.J. "The Sociological Implications of the Education
Reform Act; Review Essay" British Journal
of Sociology of Education, 11 (4), pp. 485-91.
(1990) Ball, S.J. "Markets, Inequality and Urban
Schooling", Urban Review, 22 (2) pp.85-100
(1991) Ball, S.J. and Bowe, R. 'When the garment
gapes': Policy and Ethnography as Process and Practice,
Habitus, 1 (1), pp. 55-64.
(1992) Ball, S.J. and Bowe, R."Subject Departments
and the 'implementation' of National Curriculum Policy",
Journal of Curriculum Studies, 24 (2), pp.97-115
(1992) Ball, S.J. and Bowe, R. "Education, Markets
and Professionalism: some reflections on recent policy
developments in England and Wales, Melbourne Studies
in Education, 1992, pp.56-62.
(1992) Ball, S.J. "Lar Restauration Neo-Liberale et
le systeme d'enseignement en Grand-Bretagne", Sociales
Critiques, 3-4, pp.153-62.
(1993) Ball, S.J. "Education Markets, Choice and
Social Class: the market as a class strategy in the UK and US",
British Journal of Sociology of Education, 14 (1), pp. 3-19.
(1993) Ball, S.J. “Education Policy, Power Relations and
Teachers' Work.” British Journal of Educational Studies 41 (2), 106-121.
(1993) Ball, S.J.“Education, Majorism and the
Curriculum of the Dead.” Curriculum Studies 1 (2).195-214. (also
published in Socjologia wychowania X11, Acta Universitatis Nicolai
Copernici, Torun 1994)
(1993) Ball S.J. “What is Policy? Texts, Trajectories
and Toolboxes.” Discourse 13 (2), 10-17.
(1993) Gewirtz, S., Ball, S.J. and Bowe, R. “Values
and Ethics in the Education Market Place: the case of Northwark
Park”, International Studies in Sociology of Education,
3 (2), 233-54.
(1994) Gewirtz, S., Ball, S.J. and Bowe, R. "Parents, Privilege and
the Education Marketplace" Research Papers in Education 9 (1), 3-30
(1994) Bowe, R., Ball, S.J. and Gewirtz, S. "Captured by the
Discourse? Issues and Concerns in Researching Parental choice"British
Journal of Sociology of Education, 14 (1), 63-79
(1994) Bowe, R., Ball, S.J., and Gewirtz, S. "Parental
choice, Consumption and Social Theory: The Operation of
Micro-Markets in Education", British Journal of Educational Studies, 42
(1), 38-52
(1994) Cribb, A., Bignold, S. and Ball, S.J. "Linking
the Parts: an exemplar of philosophical and practical
issues in holistic nursing", Journal of Advanced Nursing,
20, 233-238
(1994) Ball, S.J., Bowe, R. and Gewirtz, S. "Competitive
Schooling: Values, Ethics and Cultural Engineering",
Journal of Curriculum and Supervision 9 (4), 350-367
(1994) Ball, S.J. "Visions, Costs and Commonsense:
Whatever happened to the National Commission on
Education?", The Political Quarterly, 65 (3), 337-340
(1994) Maguire, M. and Ball, S.J. "Researching Politics
and the Politics of Research: recent qualitative studies in
the UK", International Journal of Qualitative Studies
in Education, 7 (3), 269-86
(1994) Maguire, M. and Ball, S.J. "Discourses of Education
Reform in the UK and USA and the work of Teachers", British
Journal of In-Service Education, 20 (1): 5-16
(1994) Ball, S.J. "What is criticism? A Continuing
Conversation? A Rejoinder to Miriam Henry" Discourse,
14 (2) 108-10
(1995) Batteson, C. and Ball, S. J. "Autobiographies and
Interviews as Means of 'Access' to Elite policy making in
Education", British Journal of Educational Studies
43 (2), 201-216.
(1995) Herring, R., Wilson-Barnett, J. and Ball, S.J.
"The Role of Macmillan Nurse Tutors: an interview study
with post-holders", Journal of Palliative Nursing
1 (4) 217-225.
(1995) Bignold, S., Cribb, A. and Ball, S.J. "Befriending
the Family: an exploration of a nurse-client relationship",
Health and Social Care in the Community (3), 173-180.
(1995) Ball, S.J., Bowe, S.J. and Gewirtz, S. "Circuits
of schooling: a sociological exploration of parental choice
of school in social class contexts", Sociological Review
(43) 1, 52-78.
(1995) Ball, S.J. "Parents, schools and markets: The
Repositioning of youth in UK Education" Youth: Nordic
Journal of Youth Research (3) 3, 68-79.
(1995) Ball, S.J. "Intellectuals or Technicians?
The Urgent Role of Theory in Educational Studies",
British Journal of Educational Studies, (43) 3, 225-271
(1996) Ball, S.J. , Bowe, R. and Gewirtz, S. "School
Choice, social class and distinction: the realisation of social
advantage in education" Journal of Education Policy
(11) 3, 89-113
(1996) Bowe, R., Ball, S.J. and Gewirtz, S. "La Eleccion
de los padres, el consumo y teoria social: functionamiento
do los micromercados en la educacion",Proquesta Educativa
14, August. Flasco/Ediciones Novedades Educativas.
(1996) Ball, S.J. and Gewirtz, S. "Education Markets,
School Competition and Parental Choice in the UK:
A Report of Research Findings", International Journal of
Educational Reform, (5) 2, 152-58
(1997) Ball S.J. "On the cusp: parents choosing between state and
private schools" International Journal of Inclusive Education (1) 1, 1-17
(1997) Ball, S.J. and Gewirtz, S. "Girls and the
Education Market" Gender and Education, 9 (2), 207-222
(1997) Reay, D. and Ball, S. J. "Spoilt for Choice: the working
class and education markets" Oxford Review of Education, (23) 1, 89-101
(1997) Ball, S.J. "Policy Sociology and Critical Social
Research: a personal review of recent education policy
and policy research" British Education Research Journal,
23 (3), 257-274
(1997) Radnor, H., Ball, S.J. and Vincent, C. "Whither
democratic accountability? An investigation into teachers'
perspectives on accountability in the 1990s with reference
to their relationships with their LEAs and governors"
Research Papers in Education, 12 (2), 205-222
(1997) Ball, S. J. "Good school/Bad school: paradox and
fabrication" British Journal of Sociology of Education,
18 (3), 317-336
(1997) Ball, S.J. and Gewirtz, S. "Is research Possible? Rejoinder
to Tooley's 'On School Choice and Social Class'"British
Journal of Sociology of Education, 18 (4), 575-586
(1997) Macrae, S., Maguire, M. and Ball, S.J.
"Whose Learning Society? A tentative deconstruction"
Journal of Education Policy, 12 (6), 499-510
(1998) Radnor, H., Ball, S.J. and Vincent, C. "Local
Educational Governance, Accountability and Democracy
in the United Kingdom" Education Policy, 12 (1&2), 124-137
(1998) Reay, D., Bignold, S., Ball, S.J. and Cribb, A.
"'He just had a different way of showing it': gender
dynamics in families coping with childhood cancer"
Journal of Gender Studies, 7 (1), 39-52
(1998) Ball, S.J. and Van Zanten, A. "Logiques de marche et
ethiques contexualisees dans les systemes scolaires francais et
britannique" Education et Societes, 1 (1), 47-72
(1998) Ball, S.J. and Vincent, C. "'I heard it on the grapevine':
'hot' knowledge and school choice" British Journal of Sociology of
Education, 19 (3) 377-400
(1998) Ball, S.J. "Introduction: International Perspectives on
Education Policy" - Guest Editor - Comparative Education 34 (2) 117-118
(1998) Ball, S. J. "Big Policies/Small World: an introduction to
international perspectives on education policy" Comparative Education,
34 (2) 119-130
(1998) Reay, D. and Ball, S.J. "'Making their minds up': family
dynamics of school choice" British Educational Research Journal, 24 (4)
(1998) Ball, S.J. and Bowe, R. "El curriculum nacional y su
'puesta en practica': El papel de los departamentos de materias o
signaturas" Revista de Estudios del Curriculum, 1 (2) 105-131
(1998) Ball, S.J., Maguire, M.M. and Macrae, S. "Race, Space and
the Further Education Marketplace" Race, Ethnicity and Education, 1 (2)
(1999) Ball, S.J., Macrae, S. and Maguire, M. "Young Lives,
diverse choices and imagine futures in an education and training
market" International Journal of Inclusive Education, 3 (3) 195-224
(1999) Ball, S.J. "Labour, Learning and the Economy: a 'policy
sociology' perspective" Cambridge Journal of Education, 29 (2) 195-206
(1999) Ball, S.J. "The Market Form in United Kingdon Education:
Information, Values and Political Control" La Revue Tocqueville, 10 (2)
(1999) Maguire, M. M., S.J. Ball and S. Macrae "Promotion,
Persuasion and Class-taste: marketing (in) the UK post-compulsory
sector British Journal of Sociology of Education, 20 (3) 291-308
(2000) Reay, D. and Ball, S.J. "Essentials of Female Management:
Women’s ways of working in the Education Marketplace?" Educational
Management and Administration, 28 (2) 145-158
(2000) Ball, S.J. "Performativities and Fabrications in the
Education Economy: Towards the Performative Society" Australian
Educational Researcher, 27 (2) 1-24
(2000) Ball, S.J., M. Maguire and S. Macrae "Space, Work and the
'New Urban Economies'" Journal of Youth Studies , 3 (3) 279-300
(2001) Reay, D., Davies, J., David, M. and S.J. Ball "Choice of
degree or degrees of choice?: Class, race and the higher education
choice process" Sociology, 35 (4) 855-847
(2001) Maguire, M., Ball, S. J. and Macrae, S. "'In all our
Interests': internal marketing at Northwark Park School British Journal
of Sociology of Education, 22 (1) 35-50
(2001) Reay, D., David, M. and Ball, S. J. "Making a Difference:
Institutional Habituses and Higher Education Choice" Sociological
Research Online, 5 (4) http//
(2001) Ball, S.J., Davies, J., David, M. and Reay, D. "Decisions,
differenciations et distinctions: vers une sociologie du choix des etudes
superieures" Revue francaise de pedagogie, 136, Juillet-Septembre
(2001) Ball S.J. 'New Youth, New Economies, New Inequalities'
Studies on Education and Society, 11, 11-19
(2001) Vincent, C. and Ball, S.J. "A Market in Love? Choosing
Pre-school Childcare British Educational Research Journal, 27 (5) 633-651
(2002) Ball, S.J., Davies, J., David, M. and Reay, D.
"'Classification' and 'Jugement': social class and the 'cognitive structure'
of choice of Higher Education" British Journal of Sociology of Education,
23 (1) 51-72
(2002) Reay, D., Ball, S. J. and David, M. "'Its taken me a long
time but I'll get there in the end': mature students on access courses
and higher education choice" British Educational Research Journal, 28 (1)
(2002) Ball, S. J., Reay, D. and David, M. “'Ethnic Choosing':
Minority Ethnic students and Higher Education Choice.” Race Ethnicity
and Education, 5 (4) 333-357
(2002) Ball, S. J. "School- Based Management: new culture and
new subjectivity" da invetigacao as practicas: estudos de natureza
educacional 3(1) 59-76
(2002) Tamboukou, M. and S.J. Ball "Nomadic Subjects: young
black women in Britain" Discourse 23 (3) 267-284
(2002) Ball, S.J. "Textos, discursos y trayectorias de la politica"
Paginas 2 (2/3) 19-33
(2003) David, M., Ball, S.J., Davies, J. and Reay, D. "Gender
Issues in Parental Involvement in Student Choices of Higher
Education" Gender and Education, 15 (1) 21-37
(2003) Ball, S.J. “The Risks of Social Reproduction: the middle
class and education markets” London Review of Education, 1 (3) 163-175
(2003) Ball, S.J. “The teacher’s soul and the terrors of
performativity”, Journal of Education Policy, 18 (2) 215-228
(2004) Ball, S.J. “Suorituskeskeisyys ja yksityistaminen
jalkihiyvinvointivaltion koulutus-politiikassa” The Finnish Journal of
(2004) Vincent, C., Ball, S. J. and Kemp, S. “The Social
Geography of Childcare: making up a middle class child” British
Journal of Sociology of Education, 25(2) 229-244
(2004) Ball, S.J., C. Vincent, S.Kemp and S. Peitakienen “Middle
Class Fractions, Childcare and the ‘relational’ and ‘normative’ aspects
of class practices.” 54(4)
Contributions to Books
(1980) Ball, S. J. "Initial Encounters and the Process of
Establishment" in Woods, P. E. (ed) Pupil Strategies, London, Croom
(1980) Ball, S. J. and Lacey, C. "Subject disciplines as the
opportunity for group action: a measured critique of subject
sub-cultures" in Woods, P. E. (ed) Teacher Strategies, London, Croom
(1981) Ball, S. J. "The teaching nexus: a case of mixed-ability"
in Barton, L. and Walker, S. (eds) School, Teachers and Teaching,
Lewes, Falmer Press.
(1982) Ball, S. J. "Participant Observation as a Research
Method"in Deakin University, Case Study Method:
Readings 34-44. The Conduct of Fieldwork, Deakin University Press.
(1982) Ball, S. J. "The Application and Verification of
Participant Observation Case Study" in Deakin University,
Case Study Methods 26-33. Perspectives on Case Study 4: Ethnography,
Deakin University Press.
(1983) Ball, S. J. "Case Study Method: Some Notes and
Problems" in Hammersley, M. (ed) The Ethnography of Schooling,
Driffield, Nafferton Press.
(1983) Ball, S. J. "A subject of privilege: English and
the school curriculum 1906-35", in Hammersley, M. and
Hargreaves, A. (eds) Curriculum Practice: Sociological
Perspectives, Lewes, Falmer Press.
(1984) Ball, S. J. "Beachside Reconsidered: Reflections
on a methodological apprenticeship" in Burgess, R. (ed)
The Research Process in Educational Settings: Ten Case Studies, Lewes,
Falmer Press.
(1984) Ball, S. J. "Participant Observation", International
Encyclopedia of Education: Research and Studies,
Oxford, Pergamon Press.
(1984) Ball, S. J., Hull, R., Skelton, M. and Tudor, R.
"The Tyranny of the 'devil's mill': time and task at school"
in Delamont, S. (ed) Readings on Interaction in the Classroom, London,
(1984) Ball, S. J. "Comprehensives in Crisis?" in Ball, S.
J. (ed) Comprehensive Schooling, Lewes, Falmer Press. pp. 1-26.
(1984) Ball, S. J. "Becoming a Comprehensive: Facing
to falling rolls" (Ibid.) pp. 227-246.
(1984) Ball, S. J. "The Making of a School Subject:
English for the English 1906-82" in Goodson, I. F. (ed)
Histories of the Secondary Curriculum: Subjects for Study,
Lewes, Falmer
Press, pp. 53-88.
(1984) Ball, S. J. "Conflict, Panic and Inertia: mother
tongue teaching in England 1970-83" in Herrlitz, W. et. al. (eds)
Mother Tongue Education in Europe, Studies in Mother Tongue
Education1, International Mother Tongue Education Network,
National Institute for Curriculum Development, Enschede,
Netherlands, pp. 160-193.
(1985) Ball, S. J. "Participant Observation with Pupils"
Burgess, R. G. (ed) Strategies of Educational Research,
Lewes, Falmer Press, pp. 23-54.
(1985) Ball, S. J. "School Politics, Teachers' Careers
and Educational Change: a case of becoming a comprehensive
school" in Barton, L. and Walker, S. (eds) Education and Social
Change, Beckenham, Croom Helm. pp. 29-61.
(1985) Ball, S. J. and Goodson, I. F. "Understanding
Teachers: Concepts and Contexts" in Ball, S. J. and Goodson, I. F.
(eds) Teachers' Lives and Careers, Lewes, Falmer Press.
(1986) Ball, S. J. "The Sociology of the School: Streaming,
mixed-ability and social class" in Rogers, R. (ed) Education and
Social Class, Lewes, Falmer Press.
(1986) Ball, S. J. "Relations, Structures and Conditions in
Curriculum Change: A Political History of English Teaching"
in Goodson, I. F. (ed) International Perspectives in Curriculum History,
Beckenham, Croom Helm.
(1987) Ball, S. J. "English Teaching, the State and
Forms of Literacy" in Kroon, S. and Sturm, J. (eds) Research on
Mother-Tongue Education in an International Perspective, Enschede,
(1988) Ball, S. J. "Comprehensive Schooling, Effectiveness
and Control: an analysis of educational discourses", in Slee, R. (ed)
Disruptive Behaviour and School Effectiveness,
Sydney, Macmillan.
(1988) Ball, S. J. "A Comprehensive School in a pluralist
world - divisions and inequalities", in O'Keeffe, B. (ed) Building
Walls or Building Bridges: Education for Tomorrow, Lewes, Falmer
(1988) Ball, S. J. "Costing Democracy: Schooling,
Equality and Democracy in Sweden", in Lauder, H. and
Brown, P. (eds) Education in Decline: Policies for
Reconstruction, Lewes, Falmer Press.
(1988) Stacey, M. and Ball, S. J. "A Portrait of Twelve
English Lessons at Boundary School, England". Prepared
for the International Mother-Tongue Education Conference,
University of Antwerp.
(1989) Radnor, H., Ball, S. J., and Burrell, D. "The
Certificate of Pre-Vocational Education: an analysis of
curriculum conflict in policy and practice", in Hargreaves, A.
and Reynolds, D. (eds) Policy and Practice in Contemporary
State Education, Lewes, Falmer Press.
(1989) Ball, S. J., Kenny, A. and Gardiner, D. "Literacy
and Democracy: policies and politics for the teaching of english", in
Goodson, I. and Medway, P. (eds) Bringing English to Order, Lewes, Falmer
(1990) Ball, S. J. "Power, Conflict, Micropolitics and
that!" in Walford, G. (ed) Doing the Sociology of Education Vol. 2, London,
(1990) Ball, S.J. "Introducing Monsieur Foucault" in
Ball, S.J. (ed) Foucault and Education, London, Routledge.
(1990) Ball, S.J. "Management as morale technology",
Ball, S.J. (ed) Ibid.
(1991) Ball, S.J. and Bowe, R."The Micropolitics of
Radical Change: Budgets, Management and Control in
British Schools", in Blase, J. (ed) The Politics of Life in Schools, Newbury
Park, CA., Sage.
(1991) Bowe, R. and Ball, S.J."Doing what should come
naturally: an exploration of LMS in one secondary school", in
Wallace, G. (ed), Local Management of Schools: Policy and
Practice, Clevedon, Multi-Lingual Matters.
(1993) Ball, S.J. Culture, Cost and Control: Self Management
and Entreprenuerial Schooling in England
and Wales. in Smyth, J. (ed) A Socially Critical View of the Self- Managing
School. London, Falmer.
(1993) Gold, A., Bowe, R. and Ball, S.J. Special Educational
Needs in a new context. Slee, R. (ed) The Politics of Integration,
London, Falmer Press
(1993) Ball, S.J. Leadership, Governance and Policy: England
and Wales. in Crump, S. (ed) School-Centred Leadership.
Melbourne, Nelson. 225-236.
(1993) Ball, S.J. Participant Observation. in International
Encylopedia Of Education (2nd ed), (eds) Husen, T. and
Postlethwaite, N., Oxford, Pergamon
(1993) Ball, S.J. The Micropolitics of Schools. in
International Encylopedia Of Education (2nd ed), (eds)
Husen, T. and Postlethwaite, N., Oxford, Pergamon
(1994) Ball, S.J. "Political Interviews and the politics of
interviewing", in Walford, G. (ed) Researching the Powerful
in Education, London, UCL Press.
(1994) Ball, S.J. "Researching inside the state: Issues
in the interpretation of elite interviews", in Halpin, D. and
Troyna, B. (eds) Researching Educational Policy: ethical and
methodological issues, London, Falmer.
(1994) Ball, S.J. "Market Forces and Parental Choice"
in Tomlinson, S. (ed) Educational Reform and its
Consequences, London, IPPR/Rivers Oram Press.
(1995) Ball, S.J. "Culture, Crisis and Morality: the
struggle over the National Curriculum", In Atkinson, P.,
Davies, B. and Delamont, S. (eds) Discourse and Reproduction: Essays in
Honor of Basil Bernstein. Cresskill NJ: Hampton Press.
(1995) Maguire, M. and Ball, S.J. "Teacher Education
and Education Policy in England", in Shimahara, N. and
Holowinsky, I. (eds) Teacher Education in Industrialized
Nations. New York: Garland Publishing.
(1995) Jones, D.M. and Ball, S.J. "Michel Foucault and
the Discourse of Education", in McLaren, P. and Giarelli, J. (eds)
Critical Theory and Educational Research, Albany, SUNY.
(1995) Bowe, R., Ball, S.J. and Gewirtz, S. "Market Forces,
Inequality and the City" in Jones, H. and Lansley, J. (eds) Social
Policy and the City, Aldershot, Avebury Press.
(1995) Ball, S.J. and Lacey. C. "Revisiting Subject
Disciplines as the opportunity for group action: a measured
critique of subject sub-cultures" in Siskin, S.S. and Little, J.W. (eds) The
Subjects in Question, New York, Teachers College Press.
(1995) Bignold, S., Cribb, A. and Ball, S.J. "Creating a
seamless web of Care", in Richardson, A. and Wilson-Barnett, J.
(eds) Nursing Reseach in Cancer Care, London, Scutari.
(1995) Herring, R., Wilson-Barnett, J. and Ball, S.J. "The two
worlds of the Macmillan Nurse Tutor: contrasts and conflicts",
in Richardson, A. and E Wilson-Barnett, J. (eds) Nursing Reseach in
Cancer Care, London, Scutari.
(1995) Ball, S. J. "Mercados Educacionais, Escolha e Classe
social:o mercado como uma estrategia de classe" in Gentili, P. (ed)
Pedagogia da exclusao, Petropolis, Voces, Brasil. (second edition 1998)
(1996) Ball, S.J., Bignold, S. and Cribb, A. "Death and the
Disease: Inside the Culture of Childhood Cancer", in Howarth, G.
and Jupp, P.C. (eds) Contemporary Issues in Death, Dying and Disposal,
London, Macmillan.
(1996) Ball, S. J. "Analysing British Reform Policy in the
1990s" in Haug, P. (ed) Pedogogiki i ei Reformtid, Volda, Norges
(1997) Ball, S.J. "Markets, Equity and Values in Education"
in Pring, R. and Walford, G. (eds) Reaffirming the Comprehensive
Ideal, Brighton, Falmer.
(1997) Macrae, S., Maguire, M. and Ball, S.J. "Competition,
Choice and Hierarchy in a Post-16 Market" in S. Tomlinson (ed)
Education 14-19: Critical Perspectives, London, Athlone Press.
(1998) Ball, S.J. "Performativity and Fragmentation in
'Postmodern schooling'" in J, Carter (ed) postmodernity and the
fragmentation of welfare, London, Routledge.
(1998) Ball, S.J. "Education Policy" in N. Ellison and C. Pierson
(eds) British Social Policy, London, Macmillan
(1998) Ball, S.J. "Cidadania global, consumo e politica
educacional" in L. Heron da Silva (ed) A Escola cidada no contexto de
globalizacao, Petropolis, Editora Vozes
(1998) Ball, S.J. "Educational Studies, Policy Entrepreneurship
and Social Theory" in R. Slee and Weiner, G. with Tomlinson, S. (eds)
School Effectiveness for whom?, London, Falmer
(1999) Ball, S.J. "Industrial Training or new vocationalism?
Structures and discourses", in M. Flude and S. Sieminski (eds)
Education, Training and the Future of Work II, London, Routledge
[reprinted from Education Politics and Policymaking]
(1999) Ball, S.J. "School Management. Myth: Good Management
Makes Good Schools", In B. O'Hagan (ed) Modern Educational Myths:
The future of democratic comprehensive education, London, Kogan Page
(1999) Marshall, B. and Ball, S.J. "Tales of Fear and Loathing:
Teachers' work and recent educational reform", In M, Hammersley
(ed) Researching School Experience: Ethnographic Studies of Teaching and
Learning, London, Falmer
(1999) Ball, S.J., Macrae, S. and Maguire, M.M. "Young Lives at
risk in the 'Futures Market': some policy concerns from onoing
research", In F. Coffield (ed) Speaking Truth to Power, Bristol, Policy
(2000) Ball, S.J. "The Sociology of Education: a disputational account
- General Introduction" to S.J. Ball (ed) Sociology of Education: Major
Themes (in 4 Volumes), London, RoutledgeFalmer
(2000) Ball, S.J., Maguire, M.M. and Macrae, S. "Worlds Apart Education markets in the post-16 sector of one urban locale 1995-98" in:
F. Coffield (Ed) Differing Visions of a Learning Society, Bristol, Policy
(2001) Ball, S. J. and Vincent, C. "New Class Relations in
Education" in: J. Demaine (Ed) Sociology of Education Today, London,
(2001) "Performativities and Fabrications in the education
economy: Toward the performative society"in: D. Gleeson and C.
Husbands (Eds) The Peforming School: Managing, Teaching and Learning
in a Performance Culture, London, RoutledgeFalmer
(2001) Ball, S.J. "Globaalit Toimintaperiaatteet ja kansalliset
politiikat eureooppalaisessa koulutuksessa" in Jauhiainen, A., Rinne, R.
and Tahtinen, J. (Eds) Koulutuspolitiikka Suomessa: ja ylikansalliset,
Turku, Suomen Kasvatustieteellinen
(2001) Ball, S.J. "Schulwahl und Schulqual in der Grobstabdt:
Zur Politik des "Elternrechts" auf Schulwalh" in Achs, O., Gruber, K-H,
Tesar, E. and Weidinger W. (Eds) Urban Education: Bildung und
Schulentwicklung in Grobstadten, Wein, Obv&hpt
(2002) Ball, S.J. "Grandes Politicas, Un mundo pequeno:
Introduccion a une perspectiva internacional en las politicas
educativas" in Naradowski, M., Nores, M. and Andrada, M. (Eds)
Nuevas Tendencias en Politicas Educativas: Estado, mercado and escuela,
Buenos Aires, Granica
(2002) Ball, S. J. "The Teachers' soul and the terrors of
Performativity" Proceedings from the 26th Annual Conference of the
Association for Teacher Education In Europe, Stockholm, Stockholm
Institute of Education Press 43-63
(2003) Fischman, G.E., S.J.Ball and S.Gvirtz “Toward a
Neoliberal Education? Tension and Change in Latin America” in Ball,
S.J., G.E. Fischmann and S. Gvirtz (Eds) Crisis and Hope: The Educational
Hopscotch in Latin America, New York, RoutledgeFalmer
(2003) Ball, S. J. "Education for Profit and Standards in
Education: the ethical role of Markets and the Private Sector in State
Systems". In J. Oelkers (Ed) Futures of Education II: essays from an
interdisciplinary symposium, Bern, Peter Lang.
(2003) Ball, S. J. "Market mixes, Ethical Re-tooling and
consumer heroes : Education Markets in England". In J. Oelkers (Ed)
Economy, Public Education and Democracy' Zurich, Peter Lang.
(2003) Ball, S. J. "Social Justice in the Head: are we all
libertarians now?" In C. Vincent (Ed) Social Justice, Identity and
Education. London, RoutledgeFalmer.
(2004) Ball, S.J. “The Sociology of Education: a disputational
account” in Ball, S.J. (Ed) The Routledge Falmer Reader in Sociology of
Education, London, RoutledgeFalmer.
Other Publications
(1980) Ball, S. J. "Work in a Changing Society: an
approach through Social Studies",The Social Science
Vol. 9, No. 3, February.
(1980) Ball, S. J. "Using Worksheets: Problems and
Possibilities" in Beavis, R. and Weatherley, C. (eds) Worksheets and
School Learning, Scottish Council for Educational Technology,
Occasional Working paper No. 8.
(1987) Ball, S. J. "Management vs. Micro-Politics:
and the Mystification of Control", Radical Health Promotion, No. 5,
Winter/Spring, pp. 14-19.
(1988) Ball, S. J. "Schools of Management (Thatcherism,
Management and the teacher)", The English Magazine, No. 20,
pp. 7-10
(1990) Ball, S. J. "A National Curriculum for the
1990s", NUT Education Review, (Spring), pp. 9-14.
(1990) Ball, S.J. Education, Inequality and School
reform: Values in Crisis!", Inaugural Lecture, Kings
(1990) Ball, S.J. "La Perspectiva micropolitca en el
analisis de las organizaciones educativas", I Congreso
Interuniversitario de Organizacion Escolar Actas, Areas y
Departmentos de Didactica y Organizacion, Esolar de Cataluna,
(1991) Ball, S.J. "Case study methodology in Research
on Mother Tongue Education: theorising the object", in
Haueis, E. and Herrlitz, W. (eds) Studies in European Standard
Language Teaching", Enschede, IMEN.
(1993) Ball, S.J. "Market Forces in Education",
Education Review, 7 (1) 8-11
(1993) Ball, S.J. The Education Reform Act: Market
Forces and Parental Choice. Education in the 1990s.
Pavic Publications.
(1994) Ball, S.J. "...and this little piggy has none:
Education goes to Market", Education Today and
46 (1) 2-4
(1994) Ball, S.J. "School Competition, Market Choice
and Education Markets in the UK", UK-Japan Education
Forum Newsletter, No. 4 (4/7/94), pp. 1-10
(1994) Herring, R., Ball, S.J. and Wilson-Barnett, J. A
Review of the Changing Role of the Macmillan Nurse
Report to the Cancer Relief Macmillan Fund,
London, CES/KCL.
(1994) Bignold, S. Cribb, A. and Ball, S.J. Nursing
Families with Children with cancer: the work of
oncology outreach nurses, Report to Department
of Health and Cancer Relief Macmillan Fund, London, CES/KCL.
(1998) Fitz, J. and Ball, S.J. "Selection mechanisms in secondary
education in Japan and England and Wales" Working Paper No. 24,
School of Education, University of Cardiff.
(1998) Ball, S.J. "Ethics, self interest and the market form in
education" in A. Cribb (ed) Markets, Managers and Public Service?
Professional Ethics in the New Welfare State, Centre for Public Policy
Research, Occasional Paper No. 1, King's College London.
(1999) Ball, S.J. "Global Trends in Education Reform and the
Struggle for the Soul of the Teacher!" Education Policy Studies Series,
No 17, Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, Chinese
University of Hong Kong.
(2000) Ball, S.J. "Reading Policy Texts: an excavation of Michael
Barber's "High expectations an standards for all - no matter what',
Education and Social Justice 3 (1), pp. 6-8
Main Areas of Research Interest
Policy and Practice of Comprehensive Education
Education markets and social exclusion
Education, the state and privatisation
Politics and Policy-making in education.
Techniques of qualitative research (case study,
ethnography and participant observation).
Recent and Current Major Funded Research Studies
1. Director Kings College Research Strategy
"Reforming Education and Changing Schools", 1989-91
2. Director ESRC funded
Education", 1991-94; £229,000
3. Co- director (with Dr Alan Cribb) Department of Health funded
study of "The palliative care provision for families
with children with
cancer", 1992-93; £55,000
4. Co- director (with Professor Jennifer Wilson-Barnett) Cancer
Relief Macmillan Funded "Review of Nurses Tutors", 1993-94;
5. Co-director (with Dr Alan Cribb) Department of Health/ Cancer
Relief Macmillan Fund project "The Effects of Survivorship on Families
with Children with Cancer" 1994-96; £67,000
6. Director ESRC funded study "Schools, Cultures and Values: the
impact of the 1988 and 1993 Education Acts" 1994-96 ; £86,000
7. Co-director (with Dr Hilary Radnor, University of Exeter) Rowntree
Foundation funded study "Local Education Authorities: Accountability
and Control" 1994-5; £73,000
8. Co-director (with Dr Meg Maguire) ESRC funded study "Education
Markets in the Post-16 sector in one Urban Locale" 1995-97 ; £100,000.
9. Director, King's College Research Strategy Fund study "Markets,
Differentiation and Children's Lives" 1997-98; £42,838.
10. Co-applicant (with Dr Meg Maguire and Dr Sheila Macrae), ESRC
Funded study "Choice Pathways and Extended Transitions" 1997-99;
£134,145. (Completed project rated "excellent")
11. Co-director (with Prof. Miriam David, Keele University), ESRC
funded study, "Choice of Higher Education" 1998-2000; £162,142.
(Completed project rated "excellent")
12. Co-applicant (with Dr Diane Reay and Helen Lucey), ESRC funded
study "Children's choices and transition to secondary school" 19992001; £109, 123.
13. Co-applicant (with Dr Carol Vincent), ESRC funded study "A
Market in Love: middle class families choice of child care" 2001-2003:
£xxx, xxx
14. Director, EU funded project "Changes in regulation modes and
social production of inequalities in education systems: a European
comparison", English part of 8 team project, based at Institute of
Education and King's College London: £180.000