Pixel 2002 - Carmel The ATLAS Pixel Detector Pixel 2002 Workshop M. Garcia-Sciveres Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Sept. 9, 2002 M. Garcia-Sciveres - The ATLAS Pixel Detector 1 Pixel 2002 - Carmel Aerial View of the LHC Site Circumference of 27 km Main CERN Site Sept. 9, 2002 M. Garcia-Sciveres - The ATLAS Pixel Detector 2 Pixel 2002 - Carmel A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS Muon Detectors Superconducting Toroids Inner Tracking LHC beam pipe Calorimeters Sept. 9, 2002 Tall person Superconducting Solenoid M. Garcia-Sciveres - The ATLAS Pixel Detector 3 Pixel 2002 - Carmel ATLAS Inner Detector Sept. 9, 2002 M. Garcia-Sciveres - The ATLAS Pixel Detector 4 Pixel 2002 - Carmel Pixel Detector 3 hit design 1.3m Sept. 9, 2002 M. Garcia-Sciveres - The ATLAS Pixel Detector 5 Pixel 2002 - Carmel ATLAS Pixel Collaboration • • • • • • • • • • • University of Toronto, Canada Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Czech Technical University Charles University, Czech Republic CPPM, France U. of Bonn, Germany U. of Dortmund, Germany MPI, Germany U. of Siegen, Germany U. of Wuppertal, Germany INFN Genova, Italy Sept. 9, 2002 • • • • • • • • • • • INFN Milano, Italy INFN Udine, Italy Academia Sinica, Taiwan SUNY Albany, USA LBNL, USA Iowa State U., USA U. of New Mexico, USA Ohio State U., USA U. of Oklahoma, USA UC Santa Cruz, USA U. of Wisconsin Madison. USA M. Garcia-Sciveres - The ATLAS Pixel Detector 6 Pixel 2002 - Carmel Detector Parameters • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 Barrel layers, 3+3 Disks covering |h|<2.5 Inner radius: ~5cm Outer radius: ~12cm n+ on n oxygenated sensors, 400mm (z,R) x 50mm (phi) pixels. Number of channels 67M (barrel) + 13M (disks). Readout type: zero-suppressed time over threshold. Lifetime Dose, 1015 neq/cm2, 50MRad. LHC Interaction rate: 40MHz. Max readout rate: 160Gb/sec => 7KHz trigger at 1% occupancy. ASICs: 0.25mm CMOS with rad. Tolerant layout . AC signal protocol: LVDS in active volume, optical outside. Active volume operating power: 6.5kW at 2V Silicon operating temperature: <0oC Cooling system: evaporative C3F8. Radiation length at normal incidence: ~10% R.L. Sept. 9, 2002 M. Garcia-Sciveres - The ATLAS Pixel Detector 7 Pixel 2002 - Carmel Performance s=9mm s=13mm 1 Test beam measurement of single Front End chip bump bonded assembly. For single hits expect s=sqrt(12) x pitch ~ 14mm. Efficiency Test beam measurement of hit efficiency unirradiated and fully irradiated assemblies. 0 Time (10ns/div.) Sept. 9, 2002 Time (10ns/div.) M. Garcia-Sciveres - The ATLAS Pixel Detector 8 Pixel 2002 - Carmel Sensors • • 2 Manufacturers: CIS and Tesla Basic Requirements: – – – – Leakage current after 1015 neq/cm2: <50nA / pixel Total input capacitance: <400fF Inter-pixel capacitance: small Signal after irradiation: >10Ke- Simulation of 70% depletion voltage at innermost layer. 150% LHC nominal fluence. Sept. 9, 2002 M. Garcia-Sciveres - The ATLAS Pixel Detector 9 Pixel 2002 - Carmel Sensors (cont.) Detail of p-side multi guard ring structure Charge collection efficiency (meas) Sept. 9, 2002 100mm wafer with 3 “tiles”, n side n+ implants and bias grid M. Garcia-Sciveres - The ATLAS Pixel Detector 10 Pixel 2002 - Carmel Custom ASIC Electronics • Suite of chips all fabricated in 0.25mm commercial bulk CMOS. • Use circuit library with special layout rules for radiation tolerance (based on RD49 library) Front End Chip 2880 channels Module Control Chip Manages data & control between module’s 16 chips Optical interface chips Doric (from PIN diode to decoded LVDS) VDC array (from LVDS to laser diodes) Sept. 9, 2002 M. Garcia-Sciveres - The ATLAS Pixel Detector 11 Pixel 2002 - Carmel Readout architecture sensor FE chip Module Control Chip FE chip FE chip Optical driver 1m 100m Optical receiver power HV bias bump bonds LVDS control optical LVDS data out Sept. 9, 2002 M. Garcia-Sciveres - The ATLAS Pixel Detector 12 Pixel 2002 - Carmel The “Bare” Module Indium Bumps Solder Bumps OR 2cm 50mm 16 chips. 46,080 bump bonds Sensor Xray of bumps ICs 6.3cm Sept. 9, 2002 M. Garcia-Sciveres - The ATLAS Pixel Detector 13 Pixel 2002 - Carmel Pixel Module Pigtail (beyond) Sensor ASICs Flex Hybrid (green) Bumps Wirebonds Schematic Cross Section (through here) Sept. 9, 2002 M. Garcia-Sciveres - The ATLAS Pixel Detector 14 Pixel 2002 - Carmel Interconnection Flex hybrid. Interconnects 16 Front End chips to 1 Module Control. Distributes power to all chips and bias to sensor. All connections wirebonded. Flex pigtail + Al/Cu wire bundle connect flex hybrid to patch panels at either end of pixel detector. Transition to optical at ends of pixel detector. Power continues on Al/Cu wires to end or inner detector. Sept. 9, 2002 M. Garcia-Sciveres - The ATLAS Pixel Detector 15 Pixel 2002 - Carmel Production line oriented design Bar code Fully assembled module on frame • • • • Flex hybrids mounted on frames immediately after fabrication. All module assembly proceeds on frame. Allows safe shipping & handling, testing, bar-code tracking, storage. Modules are removed from frame (by cutting sacrificial ends of flex) only at the time of attaching to a local support. Sept. 9, 2002 M. Garcia-Sciveres - The ATLAS Pixel Detector 16 Pixel 2002 - Carmel Detector building blocks Sector is replicated to form disks. 3+3 modules (back side looks the same) Bi-stave assembly Is replicated to form Barrel layers. 2x13 modules Same unit repeated many times for production line assembly, uniformity of work at different sites Sept. 9, 2002 M. Garcia-Sciveres - The ATLAS Pixel Detector 17 Pixel 2002 - Carmel Mechanics and services • In the detector volume: – – – – high power density minimum material (=> no thermal mass) cold operation <10mm alignment maintained between room and operating temperatures – Remain cold & dry even during down times • Outside detector volume: – – – – Supply 2V power from 100m away with acceptable voltage drop Supply adequate cooling with minimal plumbing Meet overall detector geometry and installation constraints Minimize material in front of calorimeters at low angles Sept. 9, 2002 M. Garcia-Sciveres - The ATLAS Pixel Detector 18 Pixel 2002 - Carmel Module support Stave Disk Sector Concept PEEK buttons Carbon-carbon faceplate 0.43 mm Aluminum tube Carbon foam CGL-7018 Exploded view of sector Carbon-carbon hard points 1 Sept. 9, 2002 Cyanate-ester film adhesive M. Garcia-Sciveres - The ATLAS Pixel Detector Carbon-carbon faceplate 0.43 mm M. Gilchriese 19 Pixel 2002 - Carmel Global Support Solid computer model of frame (cutaway view) disks Need very stiff low mass structures with near zero CTE (build at room temperatureoperate down to –25C). Use carbon composites, intense computer modeling & simulation Real life prototype Disk section of frame TV Holograph image disks barrel F.E.A. 1st mode546 Hz Sept. 9, 2002 M. Garcia-Sciveres - The ATLAS Pixel Detector 1st mode 515.6 Hz 20 Pixel 2002 - Carmel Pixel and Beam Pipe Assembly A “package” that can be inserted in place into the inner detector (and removed also) rv Se ice an e dB a ip mp Sept. 9, 2002 e Su o pp rt S i erv ce d an B m ea p S ipe u o pp rt Pixel Detector Fits into a support tube that provides mechanical support, but also electrical and environmental isolation from the outside. Cold inside & dry inside & out no matter outside conditions M. Garcia-Sciveres - The ATLAS Pixel Detector 21 Pixel 2002 - Carmel Construction Timeline • • • • • • • • Sensor production: started Pre-production chip submission: Dec. 2002 Production chip submission: Summer 2003 End Production Module assembly: Dec. 2004 Start integration at CERN: Jan. 2005 Start lowering detector into cavern: Fall 2005 Begin commissioning: Spring 2006 First collisions: 2007 Sept. 9, 2002 M. Garcia-Sciveres - The ATLAS Pixel Detector 22