STEREO Images of Extreme UV Radia6on at 1 Million C
Fission is
• the breaking apart of a nucleus
• what occurs during radioac6ve decay
• naturally occurring and happens in power plants
Fusion is
• the combining of two nuclei to form a heavier nucleus
• what occurs inside the core of the Sun
• the magic bullet for solving human energy problems… or maybe not
(1920s) Sir Arthur Eddington: Puts it all together….
1) Gravitational forces pressurize the center of the Sun.
2) Compression heats the interior (he thought to 40 million K).
3) Thermal collisions strip electrons from their nucleus, creating a plasma .
4) Free protons collide and stick to form helium nuclei.
5) The mass difference between H and He is converted to energy and
released as light!
There are problems with this idea: Protons are VERY hard to make fuse! Where does all the extra positive charge go????
There was still a problem though.
The beginning of the process requires: p + p è D + e +
The amount of thermal energy, even in the core of the Sun, is NOT enough to overcome repulsion between the two protons.
How does it happen then?
Classical Mechanics vs. Quantum Mechanics
Classical Picture: Think of the electron as a point par6cle.
Electron moves towards the barrier.
Electron bounces off of the barrier.
This is NOT what happens quantum mechanically!!!
Classical Mechanics vs. Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Picture: Think of the electron as a wave, which describe the probability an electron will be found at a given loca6on. probability wave
Electron wave moves towards the barrier.
Electron has large probability of not passing through the barrier.
But it has a small probability of passing through the barrier
Most of the 6me, the electron does not pass through the barrier.
Classical Mechanics vs. Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Picture: Think of the electron as a wave, which describe the probability an electron will be found at a given loca6on. probability wave
Electron wave moves towards the barrier.
Electron has large probability of not passing through the barrier.
But it has a small probability of passing through the barrier
Quantum Tunneling :
Occasionally the electron passes through the barrier.
How likely is it for two protons to combine in the core of the Sun?
P + P è D + e + has ~1 chance in 4 x 10 16 , each second!
Your chances of winning the lottery are 40 BILLION times greater .
So how does this happen?
• Density in the solar core = 150 g/cm 3 .
• Mass of a proton = 1.7 x 10 -30 g.
• Proton density in core = 8 x 10 31 p/cm 3 .
• Thus there are ~ 10 15 reactions/s-cm 3 .
• Hans Bethe (~1940): Developed a theory for the ways in which fusion (4H è He) could work in stars.
• What kind of fusion happened depended on how hot and dense the core is and how massive the star is.
• Very massive stars have one kind of fusion, called the CNO cycle (Weizsäcke r ), that involved `rare` elements (carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen).
• Less massive stars (like the Sun) are neither dense or hot enough for CNO fusion. Instead they fused He directly from H.
He called this the Proton-Proton
(P-P) chain.
Step 1: p + p ⇒ D + e + + ν e e + + e -
⇒ 2 γ
Reaction Rate = 10 15 reactions/s-cm 3 ; once in every 1.4 x 10 10 yr per pair of Ps
Step 2: D + p ⇒
3 He + γ
(p+n) (2p+n)
Reaction Rate = occurs once every 0.6 s per D and P pair
Step 3: 3 He + 3 He ⇒
4 He + 2P
(2P+2n=alpha particle)
Reaction Rate = once every
10 6 yr per 3 He pairs
Step 1: p + p
D + e + +
ν e
(0.42 MeV) e + + e -
⇒ 2 γ (1.02 MeV)
Step 2: D + p
3 He +
γ (5.49
Step 3: 3 He + 3 He ⇒
4 He + 2p (12.86 MeV)
Need two of Step 1 & 2 to have one of Step 3
Net: 4p + 2e -
4 He + 6
+ 2
ν e
(~ 26 MeV)
(Where 1 MeV = 10 6 eV = 1.6 x 10 -13 J)
The P-P chain is very hard to do on the Earth.
Instead we can do:
1) D + D è T (1 MeV) + p (3 MeV)
è He 3 (0.8 MeV) + n (2.5 MeV) split
50% - 50%
2) D + T è He 4 (3.5 MeV) + n (14 MeV)
3) D + He 3 è He 4 (3.7 MeV) + p (14.7 MeV)
These three paths are not equal in usefulness
• Paths 1) and 2) produce fast neutrons that irradiate the containment vessel and reduce efficiency.
• Path 3) produces the most energy, is the most efficient, and is cleanest.
There’s a problem However:
3 He is not found on Earth!
• The Apollo Missions found 3 He in the lunar soil. Estimates range up to 10 6 Tons of it.
• The energy content of 3 He is:
Energy ( 3 He)= 2x10 8 kWh/kg
• The average person uses 250 kWh each month:
1 kg powers 10 5 people for a YEAR!!
• 1 kWh of Energy “Costs” about $0.10
3 He is worth $600,000 an ounce!
10 6 Tons = 300,000 years of power!!!
Lawson Criterion
Plasma Density (n i
Plasma Temperature (T i
• Energy Confinement Time (T
= Fusion Triple Product
ITER: D + T hap://
• Magne6c field cause moving charges to perpendicular to the field lines
• Charges are bound to magne6c fields
• Charges can move along field lines
= Magne6c field into the page
Plasma is bound to the magne6c field.
Magne6c fields are bound to the plasma.
Posi6ve ion
• Uses magne6c fields to confine hot plasmas
• Types of expt
– Tokamaks (ITER, NSTX,
– Stellerators
– Compact Torus (HIT-‐SI…)
– Innova6ve Confinement
• A lot of work s6ll needs to be done
• Uses lasers to crush a full target very rapidly
• Types of facili6es:
– Solid State Lasers(NIF,
– Gas Laser (NRL, PALS…)
• Lots of work here too