PREDICTION OF PULL-IN AND PULL-OUT TORQUE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PERMANENT MAGNET STEP MOTOR MIROSLAV BJEKIĆ1, ALENKA MILOVANOVIĆ2, BRANKO KOPRIVICA3 Key words: Permanent magnet step motor, Electromechanical characteristics, Measurements. The aim of this paper is to present a novel procedure for the prediction of the stepping motor characteristics, in terms of determining its electromechanical properties. For this purpose, a magnetic circuit of this motor was solved using the finite element method, and its self- and mutual inductances were calculated. The static torque characteristic of the motor was solved analytically and the algorithm for determination of the dynamic characteristics was developed. On the basis of these results, the simulation of the pull-in and pull-out characteristics of the permanent magnet step motor was done. The obtained characteristics were compared with those obtained by measurement and a very good agreement of these characteristics was obtained 1. INTRODUCTION The Permanent Magnet Step Motor has many applications, owing to their advantages over other types of electric servomotors, mainly, and the possibility of simple digital control. Thus, analysis of this motor has been matter of interest for many authors [1–8]. While its construction is relatively simple, analysis of its dynamic characteristics is very complicated. The papers devoted to this issue generally apply only to certain parts of the problem, such as geometry, non-linearity, higher harmonics of current, and other. In these analyses, authors used various simplifications in order to reach solutions, and to obtain a motor model [7–9]. The following approximations have been used: magnetic circuit is linear; distribution of the magnetic flux is simple; periodic hysteresis; and eddy currents losses are negligible. In some models, such simplifications have led to solutions that are significantly different from those obtained by measuring. So, main characteristics of this type of motor have been obtained by measurements after its production. 1 University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Cacak, Svetog Save 65, 32000 Cacak, Serbia, 2 3 Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn. – Électrotechn. et Énerg., 60, 1, p. 29–38, Bucarest, 2015 30 Miroslav Bjekić, Alenka Milovanović, Branko Koprivica 2 In this paper, the authors have presented a new procedure for predicting the stepping motor electromechanical characteristics without any simplification or idealization. The application of this procedure facilitates the easier design of the step motor, and provides determination of the dynamic characteristics during the projecting process. Characteristics of the analyzed permanent-magnet stepper motor are: − No. of Phase: q = 3 − No. of Pole: p' = 8 − Step Angle: θ = 150 − Steps Per Revolution: N = 24 − Rated voltage: U = 24V − Rated Current [A/phase]: I = 0.8A − DC Coil Resistance [Ω/phase]: R = 30Ω − Inductance [mH/phase]: L = 74.7mH − Pull-out torque: Mgr = 2.2 Nm. 2. PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONS AND PROCEDURE FOR SOLVING Equation of motion of the step motor can be expressed as: J d2θ dθ +F = M mot (θ) − M load , 2 dt dt (1) where J is the moment of inertia, F is the coefficient of viscous friction, Mmot(θ) is the electromagnetic torque and Mload is the load torque. Solving of this equation is very complicated in case of the motor with complex construction, when all nonlinearities have been taken into consideration. The step motor is movement affected by successive control pulses which excite each phase by predicted order and frequency. The characteristic of static torque is stepwise in moments of time, when the pulse stops in one phase and starts in another. Therefore, Mmot(θ) cannot be expressed analytically, but it can be presented as the sum of torques created by each phase in the time intervals in which these phases have been excited. Also, for motors with variable reluctance the reluctance torque must be considered: M mot = M f 1 + M f 2 + M f 3 + M rel . (2) The electromagnetic torque of each phase depends on time t, stator currents i1, i2, i3 and rotor position relative to the stator θ, Mfi = f(t,i1, i2, i3, θ). Currents i1 depend on the control unit voltage u1 the winding resistance Ri, the self-inductance Lii, the mutual inductance Lij and the rate of change of magnetic flux, created by 3 Characteristics of pull-in and pull-out torque for step motor 31 permanent magnets, Ψi in i-th winding, ii = f (Ri, Lii, Lij, Ψi). Self-inductances Lii and mutual inductances Lij are constant only in linear operating area, when the step motor is not saturated. In general, the inductances depend on the stator currents, and the rotor position relative to the stator (because of the stator grooves and the existence of the reluctance torque). Flux ψ i is a function of the rotor position relative to the stator. If the magnetic circuit is not linear this flux depends on stator currents. Therefore, Lii, Lij, Ψi = f(i1, i2, i3, θ). From these dependencies all the complexity of the problem that should be solved can be seen. The concept of a new numerical simulation for predicting the stepping motor electromechanical characteristics consists of several steps. At the start, based on the desirable construction of the stepping motor, and taking into account the actual geometry and materials of the motor, the analysis of the magnetic circuit was performed by using FEM (Fig. 1). Fig. 1 – Triangular mesh with 22,871 nodes and 45,651 elements. Its self- and mutual inductances have been calculated taking into account initial magnetization and magnetic nonlinearity [10–13]. Also, values of the static torque for each rotor position and all stator currents have been calculated. Fig. 2 shows the variation of the static torque and its components with angle, obtained by using FEMM software, when two phases have been excited simultaneously. 32 Miroslav Bjekić, Alenka Milovanović, Branko Koprivica 4 Fig. 2 – Static torque and its components. After analysis of the graphs presented in Fig. 2, it can be concluded that the step motor works in a linear working regime and that total electromagnetic torque can be calculated as a sum of the torques created by each phase and the reluctance torque. In the second step, these values have been used to obtain the general analytical expression of the electromagnetic torque of the motor. For that purpose the trigonometric collocation polynomial has been used [13] M mot (θ) = 3 ∑C i (θ)ii + M rel (θ), (3) i =1 Ci (θ) = 130 180 (ψ f i (θ' ') − ψ f i (θ')), π (4) M rel ( θ) = 0.13614 sin (18θ), (5) ψ f i (θ ) = Bi1 sin( θ) + Bi 3 sin(3θ) + Bi 5 sin(5θ) + Bi15 sin(15θ) + Bi17 sin(17θ) + + Ai1 cos( θ) + Ai 3 cos(3θ) + Ai 5 cos(5θ) + Ai15 cos(15θ) + Ai17 cos(17θ). (6) Table 1 Calculated coefficients Aν and Bν ψf1 ψf2 ψf3 Bν Aν Bν Aν Bν Aν ν=1 0.01597 0.45914 –0.40557 –0.21574 0.38968 –0.24337 ν=3 0.00309 0.02954 0.00308 0.02952 0.00309 0.02954 ν=5 0.00046 0.00265 0.00205 –0.00172 0.00252 –0.00091 ν = 15 –0.00013 –0.00024 –0.00013 –0.00023 –0.00014 –0.00023 ν = 17 –0.00020 –0.00030 –0.00016 –0.00032 –0.00036 –0.00002 5 Characteristics of pull-in and pull-out torque for step motor 33 At the end, using results obtained from first and second steps, the dynamic equation of motion of the rotor was solved [13, 14]. So, the transient state simulations were conducted. By multiple consecutive repetition of the simulation for different motor torque and rotor positions the pull-in and pull-out characteristics of the motor has been obtained. These characteristics are the most significant results of a new procedure proposed in this paper. 3. SIMULATION RESULTS Motor Data: windings resistance R = 30 Ω, self and mutual inductances Lfe = = 0.074706 H, Mfe = –0.049165 H, moment of inertia Jfe = 0.00086 kgm2, reduced load torque Jload = 0.01 Nm2/(rad/s), friction coefficient Ffe = 0.05 Nm2/(rad/s). Working Regime Data: plug-in voltage U = 18.6 V, impulse duration T = 5 s, load torque and its character (active or reactive) Mload= 0.77254 Nm − initial angle and initial rotation speed θ0= 0 rad, ω0= 0 rad/s, sequence of exciting the phases N = 500, number of positions per step t = T/500 = 6 ms. Phase Excitation Sequence: F1: 10-1; F2: 011; F3: -1-10. This part of the programme solves the dynamic movement equation in which its coefficients were changed for each new position. Simulation results have been presented in Fig. 3. 4. DETERMINATION OF PULL-IN AND PULL-OUT TORQUE Pull-in and pull-out characteristic of the step motor have been derived, using the presented procedure by multiple repetition and dynamic simulation by changing the load torque. If dynamic simulation shows that the motor stays synchronized, the load torque should be increased by half of its previous value. If the motor lost synchronicity the load torque should be decreased by half of its previous value. After 5 iterations the accuracy achieved is 3.125%. For 7 iterations the accuracy increases to 0.78%. Figure 4 show defined motion of the motor used in the determination of the pull-out characteristic, in the case of simultaneous excitation of only one stator phase. The simulated pull-in and pull-out characteristic of the step motor, for active and reactive load and two stator currents values are presented in Fig. 5. 34 Miroslav Bjekić, Alenka Milovanović, Branko Koprivica M [Nm] ω [rad/s] Fig. 3 – Stepping movement with the simultaneous excitation of two phases. Fig. 4 – Motion of the motor for pull-out characteristic determination. 6 7 Characteristics of pull-in and pull-out torque for step motor 35 Fig. 5 – The simulated pull-in and pull-out characteristics. 5. MEASUREMENTS RESULTS In order to confirm the obtained simulated results, several measurements were carried out. Figure 6 presents graphs of simulated and measured voltage and currents in all three phases, for load torques when only one phase has been excited. The results have been found to be in very good agreement. In particular, it is very important to notice that the good agreement between these results, with minimal deviation, has been obtained when the frequency of the control pulses was high (in this case the influence of the induced electromotive forces from permanent magnets is significant). This confirms the validity of the voltage equation used for calculation of all three currents. Since this currents cause the electromagnetic torque, in the transient change in the position of the rotor, in moments of turning on or turning off of certain phases, it was necessary to calculate them as accurately as possible. Comparison of the simulated and the measured pull-out characteristic is presented in Fig. 7. 36 Miroslav Bjekić, Alenka Milovanović, Branko Koprivica Fig. 6 – Simulated and measure values of voltages and current. Fig. 7 – Two phases simultaneously excited In = 0.8 A, pull-out characteristic. 8 9 Characteristics of pull-in and pull-out torque for step motor 37 6. CONCLUSION A novel general procedure for projecting step motors was proposed in this paper. Using this procedure, it is possible to predict pull-in and pull-out characteristics of the step motor in the projecting phase. Also, the geometrical, electrical and mechanical parameters of the motor, which should satisfy the specified requirements, can be obtained by using this procedure. Therefore, it is possible to find the optimal construction of the motor without manufacturing of the prototype. The accuracy of the results obtained by using the proposed procedure was confirmed by the measurements. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This paper has been supported by the Scientific Project TR 33016 financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. Received on September 17, 2014 REFERENCES 1. K. C Kim, D. S. Ryu, Torque Characteristic With Respect to the Load Angle of a Permanent Magnet Motor, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 48, 11, pp. 4200–4203, 2012. 2. J. 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