Overview of Concepts Covered: Class work and Homework:

A Little Bit
About Me:
I graduated from North
K -2 Jacki e
Hi l l
2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6
Overview of Concepts Covered:
Central College with a BA
in Music Education and
I moved to the city in
Students will cover the broader concepts outlined below. While concepts are
taught in each grade level, activities are differentiated by grade to meet student needs.
August and have enjoyed
Understanding Musical Elements
this is my Second year
teaching at Chesterbrook.
exploring my new
neighborhood and everything downtown Chicago
has to offer. My main
instrument is voice and I
play piano as well as
many other instruments.
When I’m not teaching, I
enjoy cooking and bike
Beat and rhythm, ear training, music reading
Production and Performance
Singing, instruments, technology, movement, performance etiquette
Music Appreciation and Connections
Listening through various activities, exploring genres and composers,
and analyzing music both past and current). Students will perform in two
concerts during the year.
riding and singing and
playing piano a small
acoustic venues .
Communicatio n
I am available via
email at
or website at: http://
My website includes a
homework section,
where you may find
homework due dates
and assignments. My
weekly newsletter is
emailed directly to
you, as well as posted
outside my classroom
door, and on the website.
Class work and Homework:
Music is very hands on, and most of the activities and assessment will be done in
class through various activities. In class activities are informally assessed and recorded for progress and effort. I ask students to put forth their best effort and
participate at all times. Homework may be assigned occasionally, and graded
for completion and accuracy. Students should return their homework to Miss Hill
during the next music class. Homework is posted on my newsletter and website,
and parents will be notified of missing work via notes home or email.
Students are both self-evaluated and teacher evaluated on the following questions:
Grade Calculations:
Homework: 10%
Assessments: 60%
Effort: 30%
Did I do my best work today?
Was I using my time wisely?
Did I complete the task?
Students can earn their effort grade by showing they are engaged in discussion, participating
through singing or playing, and investing in their own learning. Here are some behaviors I am
looking for when assessing participation:
Active participation
Responding to statements and questions
Signaling when they don’t understand
Daily Points
Student is actively
and positively engaged in their learning, is on task and
displays respectful
behavior towards
teacher and peers.
Student required 2-3
reminders to actively and positively
engage in their
learning, remain on
task, or requires
reminders to demonstrate respectful
behavior towards
teacher and peers.
Student requires 4 or
more reminders or
interventions to
remain actively
learning in class. The
classroom teacher
and parent will be
notified via email or
Music Clubs!
Chesterbrook Singers provides
students K-5, the opportunity to
sing in a large ensemble a variety of songs for performances in
Materials (2nd Grade):
school and around our community.
Beginning third quarter, second graders will be responsible for bringing
their recorders and music to class each time. Parents will receive a detailed outline the first full week back in January describing the program
and expectations. Students will have the opportunity to purchase a recorder for a small fee at the beginning of the unit if need be.
Gold Bell Choir provides students
in 3rd-5th grade, the opportunity
to play the bells in an ensemble
setting with the goal of public
performance in our school and
around our community.
Orchestra is an invitational club
for students enrolled in music
lessons. Students have the opportunity to play their instrument in
an ensemble setting.
Music Lessons are offered for
piano, guitar and violin. Students
meet weekly for a half hour and
participate in an annual recital.
Students are required to participate in two concerts a year as part of their
assessment grade. This year the Winter Concert will be Thursday, December 10th at 6:00 p.m., and the Spring Concert will be Thursday, May 12th at
6:00 p.m. Please let me know as soon as possible if there is a conflict with
either date. Performances take lots of planning and practice from the students. Every student is a piece of the puzzle in putting together a performance. If a student has an excused absence from the performance, a written assessment will be given in place of the performance assessment.
K-2Jack ie H ill
Inside Story Headline
picture or
This story can fit 150-200 words.
One benefit of using your
newsletter as a promotional
tool is that you can reuse content from other marketing ma-
terials, such as
press releases,
develop and write your own
articles, or include a calendar
market studies,
and reports.
of upcoming events or a special offer that promotes a new
While your main
goal of distributing a newsletter
You can also research articles
or find “filler” articles by ac-
might be to sell your product
or service, the key to a successful newsletter is making it
cessing the World Wide Web.
You can write about a variety
of topics but try to keep your
useful to your readers.
articles short.
A great way to add useful
content to your newsletter is to
Much of the content you put
in your newsletter can also be
“To catch the
place an
Inside Story Headline
sentence or
quote from
This story can fit 100-150 words.
customers or clients.
The subject matter that appears in newsletters is virtually
If the newsletter is distributed
internally, you might comment
endless. You can include stories that focus on current technologies or innovations in your
upon new procedures or improvements to the business.
Sales figures or earnings will
show how your business is
You may also want to note
business or economic trends,
or make predictions for your
issue, for instance, an advice
column, a book review, a letter from the president, or an
editorial. You can also profile
new employees or top customers or vendors.
the story
Some newsletters include a
column that is updated every
Inside Story Headline
This story can fit 75-125 words.
appear to be out of context.
Selecting pictures or graphics
is an important part of adding
content to your newsletter.
Microsoft Publisher includes
thousands of clip art images
from which you can choose
and import into your newsletter. There are also several tools
you can use to draw shapes
and symbols.
Think about your article and
ask yourself if the picture supports or enhances the message you’re trying to convey.
Avoid selecting images that
Once you have chosen an
image, place it
close to the article.
Be sure to place the
caption of the image near the image.
Caption describing picture or
Nobel Learning Communities, Inc
Primary Business Address
Your Address Line 2
Your Address Line 3
Your Address Line 4
This would be a good place to insert a short
paragraph about your organization. It might
include the purpose of the organization, its mission, founding date, and a brief history. You
could also include a brief list of the types of
products, services, or programs your organization offers, the geographic area covered (for
example, western U.S. or European markets),
and a profile of the types of customers or
members served.
It would also be useful to include a contact
name for readers who want more information
about the organization.
Phone: 555-555-5555
Fax: 555-555-5555
E-mail: someone@example.com
Your business tag line here.
We’re on the Web!
Back Page Story Headline
This story can fit 175-225 words.
If your newsletter is folded and
mailed, this story will appear on
the back. So, it’s a good idea to
make it easy to read at a
A question and answer session is
a good way to quickly capture
the attention of readers. You
can either compile questions
that you’ve received since the
last edition or you can summarize some generic questions that
are frequently asked about your
A listing of names and titles of
managers in your organization is
a good way to give your newsletter a personal touch. If your
organization is small, you may
want to list the names of all employees.
If you have any prices of standard products or services, you
can include a listing of those
here. You may want to refer
your readers to any other forms
of communication that you’ve
created for your organization.
You can also use this space to
remind readers to mark their
calendars for a regular event,
such as a breakfast meeting for
vendors every third Tuesday of
the month, or a biannual charity
If space is available, this is a
good place to insert a clip art
image or some other graphic.
Caption describing picture or