KIPBS Tools –Observation Forms –Event Recording (Rev. 3-9-06) Event Recording (Frequency / Behavior Count) Form Tar getPer s on’ sName:_____________________________________________________ Person completing this form: ________________________________________________ Location: _________________________ Date(s): ___________________________ Procedures: * Write down the behavior that you will be looking for and its definition * Ev er yt i met hatyouar e“ ont hel ookout ”fort hebehav i or : Write down the date Write down the time Make a tally mark every time that the behav i oroccur s( i ft hebehav i ordoesnotoccur ,makes ur et oent er“ 0”– zero) At the end of your observation period, total the number of tally marks for that day (if using a different method to keep track of behavior, enter the total in the Total column) (This is what you graph) Behavior Definition (in specific, observable, measurable terms): ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Date Time Tally every time that the behavior occurs Total number of times behavior occurred