Student Attendance Framework for Academic Year 2016/17

Student Attendance Framework 2016/17
Student Attendance Framework for Academic Year 2016/17
This Framework has been approved by the Academic Board of Birkbeck, University of
London and sets out the expectations the College has of students participating in our
learning community. The Student Attendance Framework is a key document that is
accepted as a condition of enrolment and when agreeing to the College’s Terms and
1. Principles
The College delivers teaching and learning for classes that are some of the most
intellectually stimulating in the country according to the National Student Survey. This can
involve online discussion, face to face interaction in classroom and/or laboratory
Consistent and regular student attendance in class (or equivalent) promotes and affords
student success. Inconsistent and irregular attendance is less likely to result in student
success and is consistent with lower marks and degree classifications being achieved and
a. A high level of attendance and participation in learning and teaching in class will
mean you will develop a strong sense of identity with members of the Birkbeck
learning community.
b. Student support is most relevant and beneficial when a member of staff is able
to talk to a student they know.
c. Regular attendance means that you can take full advantage of the learning and
teaching opportunities available to you and gain the greatest benefit from the
d. If you are undertaking a programme of study by distance or blended learning,
you are expected to engage in your studies and learning materials/tutor with the
same diligence as if you were physically attending.
e. Attendance is expected where active engagement with teaching staff is provided.
Physical non-attendance in certain classes is detrimental to your academic
success and is therefore highly discouraged.
f. Poor attendance not only affects you but also affects others who rely on you in
group projects and for peer learning: where group work and peer learning is
central to the subject, poor attendance can lead to the failure of an assessment.
g. Irregular or intermittent attendance is not sufficient justification for submitting a
Mitigating Circumstance request for an upcoming assessment. (See Mitigating
Circumstances Policy, Procedure and Guidance)
Student Attendance Framework 2016/17
2. The attendance expectation
Birkbeck, University of London expects you to consistently attend all timetabled
sessions, including lectures, seminars, group and individual tutorials, learning support
sessions, workshops, laboratories, field trips, inductions and demonstrations.
a. Our students are often in full or part time employment and may have other
commitments such as childcare or caring responsibilities. However the College
does expect you to manage these commitments around timetabled sessions in
order to take part in the module or programme fully.
b. Further details of specific Programme or module attendance requirements e.g.
attending field trips, are noted in your Programme Handbook. You should
familiarise yourself with specific programme or module level attendance
c. If you expect to be absent over a number of days or weeks, you are expected to
make contact with the relevant member of staff in your School or Department
and make arrangements to ensure you engage appropriately in your studies for
the duration of your absence from class.
d. If there is insufficient information about you attending and you do not respond
to communications, the Registry (on the recommendation of School Managers)
reserves the right to inform the relevant funding body or sponsor and where
appropriate withdraw your enrolment. The date of withdrawal will be
communicated to you in writing.
e. The last day of attendance for the purposes of withdrawing or suspending study
is the date the College is informed in writing that you are withdrawing. If you
decide to stop attending, you must follow the Cancellation Procedure and
consider the financial implications of withdrawal and/or suspension which are
outlined in the Fees Policy.
f. What constitutes sufficient attendance in class is a matter of academic
judgement for your Programme Director/Personal Tutor (or equivalent).
3. E-registers
All Birkbeck students are issued with student cards. Students are expected to take them
to classes and to assessment venues and to present them to a member of staff if
requested. This is for the purpose of identifying Birkbeck students.
a. You should use your electronic student card to ‘swipe’ into each learning and
teaching session when you are in a Birkbeck managed facility with a card reader.
Distance learning students will use their activity on a virtual learning
environment e.g. Moodle as a proxy for ‘swiping in’.
b. The College collects student data for the purposes of supporting your
engagement with learning and teaching. This includes activity in College
computer systems and swiping into teaching venues. If you are not actively
engaging with your studies, the College may contact you to signpost you to
services to help you succeed. All data is held in accordance of the Data Protection
Student Attendance Framework 2016/17
c. A member of the public is not permitted to engage or participate in Birkbeck
learning and teaching without having enrolled and paid their module or
programme fees. The College only expects attendance from and provides
services to enrolled students who have paid their fees.
d. The College may allow a maximum period of up to 28 days after your course
starts to allow you to complete your admission and enrolment. You need to
complete your enrolment to access a student card.
e. You can attend and start fully engaging in learning and teaching once you have
completed enrolment and paid your fees.
f. Learning or scholarship events that are open to members of the public which do
not require enrolment and/or a fee will be identified as such and are not subject
to this Student Attendance Framework.
g. Members of the public who attend learning and teaching events provided by the
College without permission may be asked to leave the teaching venue by
authorised members of staff. There is no right of appeal to this decision as
services are only provided to enrolled students who have paid their fees.
h. There are no fee refunds for non-attendance.
4. Tier 4 Sponsored Students
a. In addition, if you are a Tier 4 student, you must complete Registration before
starting your programme of study, and attend the termly registrations at the
beginning of each term thereafter.
b. You must comply with all United Kingdom Visa & Immigration (VISA) guidance
and requirements.
c. Tier 4 students are sponsored by the College to complete their studies in the UK.
However the College recognises that some postgraduate research students may
need to leave the UK during term time to complete elements of their research. If
you are away from the College for study purposes, such as research field trip or
data collection, and would like to retain a Tier 4 Student visa, it is your
responsibility to obtain the permission from the College before your planned trip.
You should discuss your planned trip with your research supervisor and the
School Administrator and submit the ‘Off-campus Study Agreement form’
(available from Registry Services or your School Office) for approval.
d. For short term ‘authorised’ absences (e.g. illness) of students who hold Tier 4
sponsorship, documentary evidence on the reasons for absence must be offered
to your School Office. For absences of up to two weeks in length, an email is
required from you detailing the reason for your absence and logged. For
absences longer than two weeks, more formal documentation should be
provided (e.g. letter from GP). Registry Services maintains a list of relevant
documentary evidence.
If you do not receive relevant permission prior to the planned trips, it may not be
possible for the College to continue your visa sponsorship. Failure to adhere to
the agreement may jeopardise your student status and your Tier 4 Student visa.
e. Some degree programmes may offer ‘work placement’ as an assessed part of the
programme. If a programme offers this and you wish to take it up, you must
discuss this further with your academic department. A completed ‘Work
placement form’ (available from Registry Services or your School/Department
Student Attendance Framework 2016/17
Office) must be submitted to the academic department for approval. If it is
approved, the Home Office will be informed.
f. The College is required to report to the Home Office any Tier 4 student who
misses 10 consecutive expected contacts or who interrupts or withdraws from
their studies. The Home Office will then curtail the visa to 60 days. It is,
therefore, very important that you maintain attendance and inform your
academic department of any possible absences.
Academic Board
June 2016