Implied Expressed = legislative powers of Congress specifically

Legislative Branch Study Guide - Write your answers on a SEPARATE sheet of paper!
a. regulates
b. revenue
c. foreign trade
d. bicameral
e. interstate trade
f. levies
two houses
controls (with laws)
trade within the states
money; income
trade with other countries
Short Answer
7. Which of these BEST completes the web? Define each term.
Expressed = legislative powers of Congress specifically
listed in the U.S. Constitution
Implied = legislative powers of Congress used to carry
out the expressed powers
8. Which BEST completes the web?
interest groups
9. Powers of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government at the local, state, and national
levels are limited as a result of 
 
checks and balances
10. The Congress checks the courts when legislators
confirm or refuse to confirm federal judges or justices
impeach and convict federal judges or justices
11. What prevents the branches of government from abusing their power?
distributing power among the 3 branches
12. The House of Representatives has 435 members. This number is based on ___.
states’ population
13. Congress has two houses. a) What description could replace the question marks? b) How many
members are in each house? c) How is the number determined?
a) House of Representatives
b) Senate = 100
House = 435
c) Senate = 2 per state
House = based on population
14. Which is a primary responsibility of the state level of government?
promote public health, safety, and welfare
15. What completes the chart?
impeach and/or convict the president
16. Tensions exist when federal mandates require state actions without 
adequate funding
17. The responsibility of conducting foreign policy falls primarily on which level of government?
national (federal)
18. What solution BEST completes the decision-making model?
elected officials write laws and take action
19. The Constitution of the United States of America establishes a division of power between the states and
the national government. This system of government is known as 
20. If a power is NOT specifically given to the national government, then the power is held by the 
21. The legislative branch functions to (List the 6 functions.)
1) make laws
2) approve annual budget
3) confirm presidential appointments
4) raise revenue through taxes and levies
5) regulate interstate and foreign trade
6) declare war
22. Who has to approve a bill before it becomes a law?
Complete each statement.
23. The lawmaking process in Congress:
1. ________________________ a bill by a Senator or a Representative
2. Working in ____________________________________________
1) introducing
2) committees
3) debating
3. ____________________________ the bill on the floor of each house
4) voting
4. ___________________________________ on the bill in each house
5. Sending the bill to the _________________________ to sign into law
5) president
Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If a statement is false, rewrite it to make it true.
____ 24. The legislative branch is the interpreter of the country's laws.
F – The legislative branch makes the country’s laws.
____ 25. Individuals and interest groups help shape legislation.
____ 26. The implied powers of Congress are specifically listed in the U.S. Constitution.
F – The implied powers of Congress are used to carry out the
specifically listed powers in the U.S. Constitution.
____ 27. The expressed powers of Congress are specifically listed in the U.S. Constitution.
____ 28. Membership in the House of Representatives is based on state population.
____ 29. Because Delaware is very small, it has no representatives in the House of Representatives.
F – Even though Delaware is very small, it still gets to have at
least one representative in the House of Representatives.
____ 30. Congress has the power to pass a bill over a presidential veto.