FET Amplifiers 20v 20v 6.6kΩ 6.6kΩ vgs VGS = 5v + VDS+vds 0 IDS (mA) VT0=1.0V Kp=2e-5 [A/V2] W=100 microns L=10 microns VGS = 5v 10 VDS + VDS - 20 3 VGS=5.0V 2 VGS=4.0V 1 VGS=3.0V 0 VGS=2.0V VGS=1.0V Lecture 21-1 FET Amplifiers 20v RD=6.6kΩ vgs VGS = 5v • A 200mv peak ac input voltage will cause more than a 1v peak ac output voltage • What would we change to make the voltage gain even larger? 0 10 VDS 20 3 VGS=5.2V IDS (mA) VGS=5.0V VGS=4.8V 2 1 v DS = V DD – R D i D 0 ~2V Lecture 21-2 dc Solution of FET Amplifier • Set the ac source to zero and analyze the dc bias point • Solution should agree with that from load line approximation RC 6.6k IDS1 1.919 mA VD L=10E-6 W=100E-6 VGS1 5V + - 7.335 V + VDD 20V -+ Lecture 21-3 dc Solution of FET Amplifier • Response for a 5kHz, 0.2v peak ac input signal 0 2 4 6 8 time 10 e-4s 9 Vout 8 7 6 Vin 5 4 Lecture 21-4 dc Solution of FET Amplifier • The output signal is somewhat distorted for a 0.4v peak ac input 0 2 4 6 8 time 10 e-4s 10 Vout 9 8 7 6 Vin 5 4 Lecture 21-5 Small Signal Assumption • The distortion is due to the nonlinear effects when the ac vgs is too large: bias point equations: I D = K ( V GS – V t ) ac & dc equations: v GS = V GS + v gs 2 V D = V DD – R D I D i D = K ( v GS – V t ) 2 Lecture 21-6 Transconductance -- Gain • The transconductance, gm, for a MOSFET is much smaller than that for a BJT which uses the same silicon area (BJT approx. 100 times better) vGS 0 2 4 6 8 10 20 iDS (mA) gm = ∂i D ∂ v GS v GS = V GS 10 0 Lecture 21-7 Transconductance -- Gain • BJT gm’s are independent of area dimensions • FET gm’s are dependent on channel W and L dimensions gm = ∂i D ∂ v GS W = 2K ( V GS – V t ) = µ n C ox ----- ( V GS – V t ) L v GS = V GS Lecture 21-8 Small Signal Voltage Gain v D = V DD – R D i D = V DD – R D ( I D + i d ) • Under the small signal assumption: v d = – R D i d = – g m R D v gs vd ------- = – g m R D v gs Lecture 21-9 Small Signal Model • The small signal model is very similar to that for the BJT amplifier: D G g m v gs i ds ro S • ro is the drain-source voltage change with change in ids due to channel length modulation. Lecture 21-10 Channel Length Modulation • Given lambda and the bias point, we can calculate ro • For our example, we can estimate ro from an enlarged view of IDS vs. VDS at the bias point (with VGS=5v) VDS 7.0 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8 8.0 1950 uA 1940 1930 1920 1910 1900 IDS Lecture 21-11 Small Signal Model • Short the dc supplies and analyze the small signal equivalent ckt: 20v G 6.6kΩ VGS = 5v vgs i ds D vgs S g m v gs 28k 6.6k Lecture 21-12 Biasing • Since ID determines gm we’d like to bias the transistor so that the small signal gain remains as stable as possible with variations in temperature and process VDD R G2 V GG = V DD ---------------------------R G1 + R G2 RG1 VGS 0 2 4 6 8 10 20 RG2 IDS mA Kp=2e-5 10 Kp=1.6e-5 0 Lecture 21-13 Negative Feedback Resistor • RS provides negative feedback for unwanted changes in IDS due to process variations or temperature fluctuations VDD RG1 V GG RG2 RS Lecture 21-14 Negative Feedback Resistor • We can get a similar negative feedback effect with a drain to gate bias resistor • This resistor guarantees that the transistor is biased in the saturation region -- - why? Find the RD which establishes a 1mA ID K=0.25mA/V2 VDD=20V VDD Vt = 2V RD RG + _Vin + VDS _ Lecture 21-15 No negative Feedback Resistor • What is the change in ID for the circuit below if the threshold voltage changes from 2V to 3V? 20v 16kΩ VGS = 4v Lecture 21-16 Negative Feedback Resistor • But this change is much less with negative feedback control VDD RD RG + _Vin + VDS _ Lecture 21-17