Low-Risk Site Closure Guidance Manual to Accelerate Closure of Conventional and Performance Based Contract Sites S.K. Farhat C.J. Newell M. Vanderford T.E. McHugh N.T. Mahler GSI ENVIRONMENTAL INC. HOUSTON, TEXAS J.L. Gillespie P.N. Jurena A.A. Bodour AIR FORCE CENTER FOR ENGINEERING & THE ENVIRONMENT LACKLAND AFB, TEXAS JULY 2012 DISCLAIMER The Low-Risk Closure Guidance Manual is made available on an as-is basis without guarantee or warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. The United States Government, GSI Environmental Inc., the authors, and reviewers accept no liability resulting from the use of this documentation. Implementation and interpretation of the predictions of the manual are the sole responsibility of the user. Cover Art: Cover photograph courtesy of Dr. Thomas Sale, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. For Citation: Farhat, S.K., C.J. Newell, M. Vanderford, T.E. McHugh, N.T. Mahler, J.L. Gillespie, P.N. Jurena, and A.A. Bodour, “Low-Risk Site Closure Guidance Manual to Accelerate Closure of Conventional and Performance Based Contract Sites”, developed for the Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment by GSI Environmental Inc., Houston., Texas, July 2012. Contacts: Dr. Shahla Farhat – skfarhat@gsi-net.com Dr. Chuck Newell – cjnewell@gsi-net.com L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L i Low-Risk Site Closure Guidance Manual to Accelerate Closure of Conventional and PBC Sites AIR FORCE CENTER FOR ENGINEERING AND THE ENVIRONMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page No. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................ ES-1 1.0 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 What is a Low-Risk Site? .................................................................................. 1 What is Site Closure? ....................................................................................... 1 What is Low-Risk Site Closure?........................................................................ 2 Goals of this Document..................................................................................... 2 2.0 NEW THINKING ABOUT CLOSING GROUNDWATER SITES .............................. 4 2.1 New Technical Concepts .................................................................................. 4 2.2 New Low-Risk Closure Regulatory Approaches ............................................... 5 3.0 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? ............................................................................. 8 3.1 QUESTION I. Do You Have a Complete CSM That Reflects Key Low-Risk Closure Concepts? ........................................................................................... 8 3.1.1. Question I.1. Have all of the components of the CSM been evaluated?............................................................................................. 8 3.2 QUESTION II. Are Sources Controlled? ........................................................ 13 3.2.1. Question II.1. Are there any significantly mobile source materials?............................................................................................ 13 3.2.2. Question II.2. Is the source zone free of any environmentally significant quantity of NAPL? .............................................................. 14 3.2.3. Question II.3. Is it possible that any further source zone cleanup will be constrained by matrix diffusion processes? ............................. 16 3.2.4. Question II.4. Are sources relatively small? ......................................... 18 3.2.5. Question II.5. Are source zone concentrations stable or decreasing?......................................................................................... 19 3.2.6. Question II.6. Is there evidence of on-going source attenuation processes? .......................................................................................... 21 3.2.7. Question II.7. Will future source remediation only marginally improve site conditions?...................................................................... 23 L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L ii TABLE OF CONTENTS 3.3. QUESTION III. Will Residual Contamination Have No Adverse Effect on Present and Future Land and Water Uses? ................................................... 26 3.3.1. Question III.1. Is the groundwater plume stable, decreasing, or probably decreasing? .......................................................................... 26 3.3.2. Question III.2. Is there evidence of on-going natural attenuation processes in the plume? ..................................................................... 26 3.3.3. Question III.3. Are conditions protective of potential and future receptors? ........................................................................................... 29 3.3.4. Question III.4. Is there a near-term need for the impacted groundwater resource or any impacted land uses? ............................ 31 4.0 REDUCING LONG-TERM MONITORING INTENSITY ......................................... 34 5.0 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 36 6.0 CASE STUDIES – FIELD APPLICATION OF LoRSC MANUAL ......................... 39 APPENDICES Appendix A. Summary Of State Programs For Site Exit/Closure ................................ 101 Appendix B. Low-Risk Site Quick Reference Checklist and Blank Forms ................... 102 Appendix C. Conceptual Site Model ............................................................................ 109 Appendix D. 14 Compartment Model Step-by-Step Guide and Template ................... 110 TABLES Table ES.1. LoRSC Manual Decision Logic Table 1. Application of the Plume Magnitude Classification System Table 2. Summary of Natural Attenuation Footprints at MNA Case Study Sites (NRC, 2000) FIGURES Figure ES-1. LoRSC Manual Decision Logic Flow Chart Figure 1. Example of site with source excavation, but where groundwater plume remains Figure 2. Criteria for low-threat closure of chlorinated solvent sites, San Francisco Bay California Regional Water Quality Board (Figure from CRWQCB, 2009) Figure 3. Example of a CSM for a monitored natural attenuation remedy (USEPA, 2004) Figure 4. Depiction of a low-risk site using Sale’s 14 Compartment Model Figure 5a. Example of DNAPL mobility Figure 5b. Example of LNAPL mobility Figure 6a. Example of significant quantity of DNAPL Figure 6b. Example of significant quantity of LNAPL Figure 7. Conceptual model of matrix diffusion effects as part of plume response (AFCEE, 2007) L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Figure 8. Figure 9. Figure 10. Figure 11. Figure 12. Figure 13. MAROS plume trend classification system Method for assessing the geochemical environment for groundwater chlorinated solvent MNA (Truex et al., 2006) Qualitative Decision Chart on the merits of source depletion (Sale et al., 2008; Kavanaugh et al., 2003) RBCA analyses for both potential and actual receptors (Figure A.3 from GSI, 2007) Economic value normalization methodology of groundwater in the SRT (Newell et al., 2008) Architecture of the Groundwater Sensitivity Toolkit (GSI, 2002) L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AFCEE CDPHE CF cis-DCE COV CRWQCB CSM DNAPL ESTCP ITRC GSI GTS LIF LNAPL LoRSC LTMO LUFT MAROS MCL MNA NAPL NRC NSZD PBC PCE POE PWS RBCA SERDP SRT TCE TCEQ TDS USAF USEPA UST WQP Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Confidence Factor cis-Dichloroethene Coefficient of Variation California Regional Water Quality Control Boards Conceptual Site Model Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid Environmental Security Technology Certification Program Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council GSI Environmental Inc. Geostatistical Temporal/Spatial Laser Induced Fluorescence Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid Low-Risk Site Closure Long-Term Monitoring Optimization Leaking Underground Fuel Tank Monitoring and Remediation Optimization System Maximum Contaminant Level Monitored Natural Attenuation Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid National Research Council Natural Source Zone Depletion Performance Based Contracting Tetrachloroethene Point of Exposure Public Water Supply Risk Based Corrective Action Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program Sustainable Remediation Toolkit Trichloroethene Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Total Dissolved Solids U.S. Air Force U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Underground Storage Tank Water Quality Protection L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L v EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY To help provide United States Air Force (USAF) site managers and site consultants a roadmap for effective exit strategies, the Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment (AFCEE) has funded the development of a comprehensive decision support tool, the Low-Risk Site Closure (LoRSC) Manual. While the LoRSC Manual can be applicable to any type of groundwater contaminant, such as petroleum fuels, chlorinated solvents, pesticides, and metals, some of the decision logic is based on key processes at hydrocarbon and chlorinated solvent sites. The Manual is also designed for sites managed under Performance Based Contracting (PBC) approaches, as well as other contracting methods. This guide was developed to help site managers determine if they have a low-risk site by combining key concepts, information, and experience into one dynamic decision support tool. This information can then be used to assist site managers build effective exit strategies for closing low-risk sites and/or reducing long-term monitoring intensity. An exit strategy for a given site can be strengthened by using multiple lines of evidence; therefore, this guide provides weight-of-evidence decision logic to build consensus between site stakeholders. The LoRSC Manual was developed to provide site stakeholders with a specific, focused, technology transfer roadmap that can be used to support regulatory decision making by outlining: 1) how low-risk sites work, 2) why they won’t cause a future environmental problem, 3) why they should be closed, or at a minimum, should be monitored only on a very limited basis, The Manual is intended to provide a methodology that can be used by site personnel to identify the type of USAF site and its probability for potential closure (e.g. gasoline spill on shallow soil only, TCE under 500 feet of fractured rock), and evaluate and prioritize sites based on threat criteria grouping sites as LoRSC Type A, B, or C: LoRSC Type A Sites: Strongest case for low-risk closure or reduced monitoring; LoRSC Type B Sites: Moderately good case for low-risk closure or reduced monitoring; LoRSC Type C Sites: More difficult for low-risk closure or reduced monitoring. The decision logic is based on identifying and examining three main categories of data: a comprehensive Conceptual Site Model (CSM), control of sources, and adverse effects of residual contamination. The low-risk site decision logic is presented below. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L ES-1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Low-Risk Sites FAQ 1. Is this concept just for solvents and fuels or are there any other types of contaminants for which this Manual can be used? The AFCEE LoRSC Manual can be applied to any type of groundwater contaminant including chlorinated solvents, petroleum fuels, metals, and pesticides. 2. What are the key types of data I need to apply the LoRSC Approach? Almost all of the data collected to characterize and remediate a site are used: the Conceptual Site Model, presence and mobility of NAPL, site history, hydrogeology, trends in groundwater concentration data, lines of evidence for natural attenuation processes, receptor information, and need for the impacted groundwater. 3. Can this occur just for residential or also for industrial levels? Does this change the concept of low-risk? Low-risk closure will apply for both residential and industrial levels as long as the conditions are met. 4. This sounds too risky, what if I don’t want to apply any risky technology to my site? The AFCEE LoRSC methodology is not a “risky technology”. It is a methodology for examining and analyzing data that should have already been collected. Additionally, the methodology provides a pathway for identifying critical missing gaps in the data. 5. Can this be applied to metals sites? Low-risk closure will apply to metals as long as the conditions are met. 6. Can the Manual be used to identify what additional work needs to be done to close a site? The AFCEE LoRSC methodology provides a pathway for identifying critical missing gaps in the data. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L ES-2 Table ES.1 LoRSC Manual Decision Logic Low-Risk Decision Questions I. Do You Have A Complete Conceptual Site Model (CSM) That Reflects Key Low-Risk Closure Concepts? 1. Have all of the components of the Conceptual Site Model been evaluated? II. Are Sources Controlled? Answers For “Supporting” Questions Answers For “Must Have” Questions Key Low-Risk Decision Criteria Manual Reference Conceptual Site Model checklist. Yes ⧠ No ⧠ Section 3.1.1 1. Are there any significant mobile source materials? DNAPL sites: no mobile DNAPL observed. LNAPL sites: no expanding LNAPL zone and zero or low LNAPL transmissivity. Yes ⧠ No ⧠ Section 3.2.1 2. Is the source zone free of any environmentally significant quantity of NAPL? Little or no DNAPL observed in transmissive zones, and no significant LNAPL accumulation based on specific volume calculations. Yes ⧠ No ⧠ Section 3.2.2 3. Is it possible that any further source zone cleanup will be constrained by matrix diffusion processes? Qualitative evaluation of matrix diffusion processes based on geology, chemical properties, timing of initial release, and remediation efforts. Yes ⧠ No ⧠ Section 3.2.3 4. Are sources relatively small? Plume is classified as a Mag 4 Plume Magnitude Category or less based on mass discharge estimates, OR maximum source concentrations are < 20x Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL). Yes ⧠ No ⧠ Section 3.2.4 5. Are source zone concentrations stable or decreasing? Representative source zone concentrations over time are shown to be stable, decreasing, or probably decreasing. Yes ⧠ No ⧠ Section 3.2.5 6. Is there evidence of on-going natural attenuation processes in the source zone? Footprints of source zone attenuation are seen (such as generation of daughter products or consumption of electron acceptors). Yes ⧠ No ⧠ Section 3.2.6 7. Will future source remediation only marginally improve site conditions? There is “Less Need For Source Treatment” based on the Qualitative Decision Chart. III. Yes ⧠ No ⧠ Section 3.2.7 Will Residual Contamination Have No Adverse Effect on Present and Future Land and Water Uses? 1. Is the groundwater plume stable or shrinking? Plume trend analyses showing decreasing plume over time. Yes ⧠ No ⧠ Section 3.3.1 2. Is there evidence of on-going natural attenuation processes in the plume? Analyses of natural attenuation processes and footprints of natural attenuation in the plume. Yes ⧠ No ⧠ Section 3.3.2 3. Are conditions protective of potential and future receptors? Analyses showing all exposure pathways for receptors are incomplete or present acceptable risks, and that future exposure will not occur. Yes ⧠ No ⧠ Section 3.3.3 Yes ⧠ No ⧠ Section 3.3.4 4. Is there a near-term need for the impacted groundwater Evaluation of future needs for groundwater resource and associated overlying land uses. resource or any impacted land uses? KEY: “Must Have” Data: Critical Line of evidence for low-risk site closure - necessary to demonstrate these criteria at almost all sites if applicable. “Supporting” Data: Supporting line of evidence, with 0-4 of the supporting lines recommended for low-risk site closure. MUST HAVE: All Yes? Yes (Type A or B) No (Type C) SUPPORTING: How Many “Yes”? Type A if 3-4 Yes Type B if 0-2 Yes WHAT IT MEANS LoRSC Site Type A (Strongest case for low-risk closure or reduced monitoring) = All “Must Have” Questions = Yes AND 3 or 4 of the “Supporting” Questions = Yes LoRSC Site Type B (Moderately good case for low-risk closure or reduced monitoring) = All “Must Have” Questions = Yes AND 0 to 2 of the “Supporting” Questions = Yes LoRSC Site Type C (More difficult for low-risk closure or reduced monitoring) = Any “Must Have” Questions = No L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L ES-3 FIGURE ES.1 LoRSC Manual Decision Logic Flow Chart L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L ES-4 INTRODUCTION 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 What is a Low-Risk Site? Complete cleanup of contaminated groundwater sites is often difficult, and consequently, clean closure in the immediate future is unattainable at many sites. This problem is particularly acute at sites with releases of chlorinated solvents, but hydrocarbon and other releases can also result in persistent groundwater concentrations in excess of closure criteria. While contaminant concentrations at such sites may decrease significantly due to remediation and/or natural attenuation, persistent low-levels of groundwater contamination above closure criteria can preclude objectives such as reaching background concentrations or drinking water standards. However, this type of contamination, when combined with other key factors, can mean that the site actually poses very little risk to human health and the environment. Such a Low-Risk site may be amenable for complete closure in some regulatory jurisdictions, or a conditional closure where limited monitoring is required while the site attenuates. Figure 1. Example of site with source excavation, but where groundwater plume remains (photograph courtesy of Dr. Thomas Sale, Colorado State University). 1.2 What is Site Closure? Site closure has different meanings under different regulatory programs. For example, hydrocarbon sites regulated by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) can be closed by meeting the following criteria that indicate a low-risk site: No impacted or threatened water wells are present within 0.5 mile radius of the site. The affected groundwater zone is not considered part of a state designated major/minor aquifer. The affected groundwater is unlikely to be used in the future. There is no discharge of the affected groundwater to a surface water body used for human drinking water, contact recreation, or habitat to a protected or listed endangered plant and animal species located within 0.25 mile radius of the site. A depth to water greater than 15 feet (or depth to utilities that is greater than 15 feet) and an affected aquifer that is not part of a karst or fractured bedrock geology. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 1 INTRODUCTION Other sites in Texas can obtain a reduction in natural attenuation monitoring under the Texas Risk Reduction Rules if the site is shown to have a stable plume in a designated “Plume Management Zone” institutional control. Furthermore, groundwater monitoring may be terminated if the plume is shown to be shrinking and there is no threat of future impact on downgradient locations. Likewise, the California Regional Water Quality Board allows: No Further Action closure of Underground Storage Tanks (UST). Under specific conditions, concentrations at the site may be greater than the water quality objectives at the time of closure. The San Francisco Bay Region allows low-risk/low-threat closure at both petroleum fuel and chlorinated solvent sites under specific conditions. Under this guidance, concentrations at the site may be greater than the water quality objectives at the time of site closure. Seven different state regulatory programs were found that currently have some type of program that appears to address low-risk sites. Section 2.2 below discusses these in detail. 1.3 What is Low-Risk Site Closure? For certain sites, the risk posed by residual, hard-to-remove groundwater contamination is very low. Depending on the particular regulatory program, this class of site might be suitable for: Complete Closure: No further action; or Conditional Closure: Some type of conditional closure where future site maintenance requirements (such as long-term monitoring) are greatly reduced. In theory, low-risk closure could apply to either residential or industrial land uses, although applying a low-risk type closure would likely be easier for industrial land uses. 1.4 Goals of this Document The goal of this document is to provide site consultants, site managers, and regulators tools and new information to: Better understand the lifecycle of sites with groundwater contamination (for example, sites contaminated with chlorinated solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons, metals, pesticides, etc.) and how low-risk sites work. Learn about previously under-appreciated groundwater fate and transport processes. Balance what can and what cannot be achieved with existing groundwater remediation technologies. Bring together key pieces of site information to build a comprehensive CSM and determine if the site can be categorized as a low-risk site. Explain why low-risk sites won’t cause future environmental problems. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 2 INTRODUCTION At sites with the right characteristics and at the right stage of the plume lifecycle, build a technically sound, science-based case for some type of Low-Risk Closure. Provide a framework useful for both PBC projects and other approaches for closing sites. It should be emphasized that this document is not regulatory guidance, does not establish policy, nor does it replace any existing state or federally mandated programs or requirements. This guide is intended to help site managers determine if they have a low-risk site by providing key concepts, information, and experience in one dynamic decision support tool. This information can then be used to assist site managers build effective exit strategies for closing low-risk sites and/or reducing long-term monitoring intensity. The exit strategy for a given site can be effectively strengthened by using multiple lines of evidence; therefore, this guide provides weight-of-evidence decision logic to build consensus between site stakeholders. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 3 NEW THINKING ABOUT CLOSING GROUNDWATER SITES 2.0 NEW THINKING ABOUT CLOSING GROUNDWATER SITES Over the past several years, there has been an increased focus on the “end game” of site remediation projects, and how to get sites to closure, both from a technical and regulatory perspective. 2.1 New Technical Concepts The difficulties experienced at hundreds of these sites has led to a more detailed look at the performance of remediation technologies and on previously-underappreciated environmental processes that now appear to be a major constraint in our ability to close sites. A series of scientific and engineering studies, many of them funded by the Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment (AFCEE) and the Department of Defense’s Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) and Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) have shed new light on: Expectations for in-situ remediation technology performance such as thermal remediation, chemical oxidation, bioremediation, and chemical reduction. The importance of “matrix diffusion”: stored contaminant mass resulting from diffusion of dissolved groundwater contaminants into low-permeability zones. Understanding that many groundwater source zones naturally attenuate over time, even ones containing light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPL) and dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPL), due to natural flushing and degradation processes within the source zone itself. How simple groundwater tools and models can help understand and account for key source and plume processes for site closure purposes. Examples include AFCEE’s SourceDK model (Farhat et al., 2004), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA) REMChlor model (Falta et al., 2007), ESTCP’s Mass Flux Toolkit (Farhat et al., 2006), and the upcoming ESTCP Matrix Diffusion Toolkit (Farhat et al., 2012). The “14 Compartment Model”, which guides users to consider where the mass and mass fluxes are located at the site and in what phase (i.e., vapor, NAPL, aqueous, and sorbed). This model is centered on matrix-diffusion effects, where 7 of the 14 different compartments are “low permeability” compartments. Each one of these major points is discussed in the Low-Risk Closure approach presented in the following pages. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 4 NEW THINKING ABOUT CLOSING GROUNDWATER SITES 2.2 New Low-Risk Closure Regulatory Approaches There is increasing emphasis on managing and closing low-risk sites. Several state regulatory programs currently allow the closure of low-risk sites. Example programs are listed below with details of documents currently available in Appendix A. California (both chlorinated solvent and petroleum http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/), Alaska (petroleum fuel sites, www.dec.alaska.gov), Florida (low yield/poor quality sites, www.dep.state.fl.us), Texas (petroleum fuel sites, www.tceq.state.tx.us), North Carolina (underground storage tank sites, www.ncdenr.gov), Wisconsin (petroleum fuel sites, www.dnr.wi.gov), and Wyoming (storage tanks, www.deq.state.wy.us). fuel sites, Several states (California, Florida, North Carolina, and Wisconsin) also allow groundwater site closure with contaminants in place under specific conditions. Two programs that are particularly relevant were developed in California and Colorado. In 2009, the San Francisco Bay Region of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB), developed the “Assessment Tool for Closure of Low-Threat Chlorinated Solvent Sites” built upon their 1996 guidance for low-risk closure of fuelimpacted sites. In this document, The Groundwater Committee, a staff committee of the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board (S.F. Bay Water Board) embarked on a project to develop criteria for evaluating if and when chlorinated solvent sites that pose little threat to human and ecological health, water quality, and beneficial uses but do not yet meet cleanup standards at all locations, could be closed. This process is referred to as “low-threat closure.” Under this system, nine separate criteria1 must be met for a “low-threat closure” (CRWQCB, 2009) (Figure 2). On May 1, 2012, the California State Water Board adopted the statewide “Low-Threat Underground Storage Tank Case Closure Policy”: With the knowledge and experience gained over the last 25 years of investigating and remediating petroleum UST releases, site conditions and characteristics have been identified that if met, will generally ensure the protection of human health, safety and the environment. This Policy identifies those standardized criteria. The Policy is necessary to establish consistent, statewide case closure criteria for low-threat petroleum UST sites in California. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 5 NEW THINKING ABOUT CLOSING GROUNDWATER SITES Figure 2. Criteria for low-threat closure of chlorinated solvent sites, San Francisco Bay California Regional Water Quality Board (CRWQCB, 2009, Table ES-1). The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) also issued a draft “Guidance for the Closure of Low-Threat Sites with Residual Ground Water Contamination” in August 2010. This methodology is based on six lines of evidence that must be met for a “low-threat closure”: 1. Adequate characterization of the site. 2. Remediation of source areas. 3. No exposure to contaminants. 4. Demonstration of natural attenuation processes. 5. Definition of the timeframe for achieving remediation goals. 6. Ability to enact, implement and maintain institutional controls over time. The Colorado guidance does not have specific criteria for determining what is needed to have “adequate” site characterization; it is site and regulatory program specific (CDPHE, 2010). The document states: Division personnel will apply professional judgment in each case, factoring in such elements as: the cause of the suspected release, the chemicals of concern, the complexity of the site hydrology and hydrogeology, the magnitude of the problem, and the potential for future exposures. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 6 NEW THINKING ABOUT CLOSING GROUNDWATER SITES The CRWQCB (2009) specifies this type of characterization work is needed to apply their low-threat closure guidance: Site characterization work should be designed to minimize uncertainty and maximize accuracy to 1) effectively characterize pollutant distribution and migration pathways in all media, including soil, soil-gas, and groundwater, and 2) identify potential migration pathways to allow for appropriate decision-making pertaining to risk, monitoring and remediation. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 7 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? 3.0 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? This section provides a variety of methodologies, calculations, graphics, scientific literature, and modeling approaches/tools that can be used to determine if a site could be considered low-risk, and be a candidate for closure and/or reduction in intensity of long-term site care. The methodology relies partially on key concepts presented in the “Assessment Tool for Closure of Low-Threat Chlorinated Solvent Sites” (CRWQCB, 2009) and the “Draft Guidance for the Closure of Low-Threat Sites with Residual Ground Water Contamination” (CDPHE, 2010). A quick reference checklist for the LoRSC Manual decision logic is provided in Appendix B. 3.1 QUESTION I. DO YOU HAVE A COMPLETE CSM THAT REFLECTS KEY LOW-RISK CLOSURE CONCEPTS? 3.1.1. Question I.1. Have all of the components of the CSM been evaluated? Criteria: CSM checklist is complete. Development of the CSM should start in the early stages of site investigation and it should be updated and refined continuously as additional information becomes available. The CSM is typically supported by visual aids such as tables, diagrams, maps, figures, and hydrogeologic cross-sections. Critical information contained in a comprehensive CSM should include, where available: 1. Site Information – including historical, current, and future property use or industrial activities. 2. Site Investigations – including dates of investigations, soil borings, geophysical investigations, site geochemistry, presence of off-site affected groundwater, evidence of NAPL, and dates of most recent NAPL observation. 3. Source Characterization – including primary (e.g., tank, drum, sump, etc.) and secondary (e.g., NAPL, contaminated soil, etc.) source locations, release mechanisms (e.g. spills, landfill), size and boundary, substance(s) released, date(s) of release, volume and mass of substance(s) released, and source control measures taken. 4. Constituents of Concern – including chemical constituents of regulatory concern; identification of those most likely to pose some risk due to their presence, toxicity and mobility at the site. 5. Nature and Extent of Contamination – including the horizontal and vertical distribution of the contamination and concentrations. 6. Hydrogeology – including stratigraphy, vadose (unsaturated) and saturated zone types, aquifer properties such as hydraulic conductivity, gradient and porosity, confining unit soil type, depth to top of aquifer, depth to groundwater, direction of L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 8 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? groundwater flow including preferential pathways, recharge, proximity to surface waters, and interaction between groundwater and surface water. 7. Geochemistry – geochemical parameters and conditions such as oxygen concentrations, nitrate, sulfate, and iron. 8. Migration and Exposure Pathways – including groundwater, surface water, soil, air, sediment, and biota, and identification of both complete and incomplete exposure pathways. 9. Contaminant Attenuation Pathways – including advection, dispersion, chemical and biological transformation mechanisms, sorption, and dilution. 10. Receptors – including identification of and mitigation activities protecting actual and potential a) human receptors (e.g., well locations, groundwater-to-surface water discharge locations, underground utilities, etc.), b) ecological receptors, c) sensitive receptors (e.g., day-care centers, schools, residences, hospitals, etc.), and d) current and future groundwater and surface water resources. Identification of any potential adverse effects should also be included. 11. Soil Remediation – including date(s) of soil remediation initiated and completed, remediation technology employed, soil volume treated (or removed), results of treatment/removal, and adequacy of treatment in meeting regulatory standards. 12. Groundwater Remediation - including date(s) of groundwater remediation initiated and completed, remediation technology employed, information on NAPL recovery, results of treatment, and adequacy of treatment in meeting regulatory standards. 13. 14 Compartment Model – diagram of different contaminant phases/compartments at the site. The 14 Compartment Model is discussed below. 14. Stakeholders – including regulatory agencies, property owners, developers, municipalities, and adjacent communities. If possible these elements should be described in a graphic, such as a block diagram showing key parts of a CSM. Figure 3 shows an example CSM for a Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA) remedy (USEPA, 2004). A template for a CSM is provided in Appendix C. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 9 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? Figure 3. Example of a CSM for a monitored natural attenuation remedy (USEPA, 2004). L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 10 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? A very useful conceptual framework is the 14 Compartment Model developed by Sale et al. (2008) (Figure 4). The model provides a means for 1) accounting for the relative distribution of contaminant mass at a site, 2) assessing the stage of plume maturity, and 3) evaluating site response to remedial treatment. Source Zone Zone/ Phases Plume Low Permeability Transmissive Transmissive Low Permeability Vapor IP IP IP IP DNAPL 0 0 NA NA Aqueous 2 1 1 2 Sorbed 2 1 1 2 Legend: Figure 4. Depiction of a low-risk site using Sale’s 14 Compartment Model. Solid arrows represent reversible mass transport between compartments, while dashed arrows represent irreversible transport. See Appendix D for instructions on completing the 14 Compartment Model for a specific site. (NA = Not Applicable; IP = Incomplete Pathway.) As described by Sale and Newell (2011): “It is important to realize that the 14 Compartment Model is a useful tool, but it is only part of a conceptual site model. Explicitly considering the 14 Compartment Model helps ensure that all of the different phases and transmissive zones are considered when making management decisions. But it is also important that a conceptual site model include a mass balance that addresses the spatial distribution of the mass of contaminants, and the fluxes of contaminants within the site, as well as the hydrogeologic and biogeochemical information needed to evaluate fate and transport. The use of the 14 Compartment Model is designed to encourage the development of integrated strategies, in conjunction with the other aspects of a quantitative conceptual site model.” The quantitative application of the 14 Compartment Model is discussed in detail in the Decision Guide document prepared by Sale and Newell (2011). In general, the user puts in an order-of-magnitude estimate of the pre-remediation concentration in each box (for example, 1000 mg/L would be a “3” as shown in 103 mg/l). Some compartments may not be measured directly, but the concentrations can be inferred by evaluating L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 11 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? concentrations in adjacent compartments. The change in concentration due to remediation would then be applied using an order of magnitude approach. If a remediation technology is thought to reduce concentrations in a particular compartment by two orders of magnitude (to 0.01 of the pre-remediation concentration, or a 99% reduction), then the post-remediation version of the 14 Compartment Model would have a “1” in that box. Similar before-and-after versions can be developed for the mass discharge (sometimes called mass flux) between compartments. The overall goal is to show order-of-magnitude changes on a semi-quantitative basis. Detailed measurements of concentration in each compartment are helpful, but not necessary (Sale and Newell, 2011). Note there is an increasing interest in the regulatory community to use this model for regulatory decision making. The Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council’s (ITRC’s) Integrated DNAPL Site Strategy Technology and Regulatory Guidance (2011), depends heavily on the 14 Compartment Model to guide accurate decision making about remediation and management of chlorinated solvent sites. A template and step-by-step guide for the 14 Compartment Model is provided in Appendix D. A qualitative application of the model includes identifying all phases/zones that could potentially contain the contaminants. If the CSM includes all of items 1-14 (Section 3.1.1) relevant to the Site, and includes a qualitative 14 Compartment Model, then Question I.1 is answered “YES”. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 12 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? 3.2 QUESTION II. ARE SOURCES CONTROLLED? 3.2.1. Question II.1. Are there any significant mobile source materials? Criteria: No mobile DNAPL. No expanding LNAPL zone. A controlled chlorinated solvent source zone should have no consistently observed mobile DNAPL in monitoring wells, should not discharge to surface water, nor exhibit any other evidence of an expanding DNAPL zone (e.g., Figures 5a and 5b). For hydrocarbon sites, any LNAPL accumulation must not be expanding spatially. For other types of NAPL, the NAPL accumulation must not be expanding spatially. Figure 5a. Example of DNAPL mobility. Top panel depicts no mobility of DNAPL while the lower panel shows the mobility of DNAPL (brown color). Light red color indicates dissolved phase plume. Figure 5b. Example of LNAPL mobility. Top panel depicts no mobility of LNAPL while the lower panel shows the overall LNAPL footprint increasing in size, indicating mobility of LNAPL. Chlorinated solvent sites: DNAPL is extremely mobile, and in most cases any consistent, observed DNAPL accumulations in wells should be remediated before a site can be L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 13 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? considered a low-risk site. However, most chlorinated solvent DNAPLs have high density and low viscosity, so that migration in relatively permeable media can cease within a few months to a few years following the time of release (USEPA, 2009). Therefore, it is unlikely that there is a currently expanding DNAPL zone at a chlorinated solvent site if: 1) the most recent release is more than a few years old; 2) the site is a smaller release; 3) DNAPL has not been observed in any monitoring wells; and 4) the site is adequately characterized. Hydrocarbon sites: LNAPL presence in monitoring wells can, in certain circumstances, be caused by low-mobility, low volume LNAPL accumulations. Therefore, the key criterion is to confirm that the LNAPL zone is not increasing in size by comparing maps of the observed LNAPL accumulations over time. If consistently LNAPL-free wells on the periphery of the LNAPL zone change so that LNAPL is consistently observed, then the LNAPL zone may be expanding. If the overall LNAPL areal footprint is not expanding over time, then there are no significantly mobile source materials. (Note that the size of the LNAPL footprint is considered at the scale of the entire site, and that very small scale changes at the pore level or hypothesized changes between monitoring points would not be considered as indicating the presence of mobile LNAPL). If LNAPL is found in monitoring wells, LNAPL transmissivity calculations can be made. The ITRC LNAPL technical guidance (ITRC, 2009) states that “Beckett and Lundegard (1997) proposed that appreciable quantities of LNAPL cannot be recovered and that there is little migration risk associated with a well with an LNAPL transmissivity (Tn) of 0.015 ft2/day. However, ITRC LNAPL Team members’ experience indicates that hydraulic or pneumatic recovery systems can practically reduce Tn to values between 0.01 and 0.8 ft2/day.” Alternatively, if the LNAPL transmissivity is 0.01 ft2/day then there are no significantly mobile source materials. Apparent thickness (the thickness of the LNAPL in monitoring wells) should not be used as an indicator of mobile LNAPL or of significant LNAPL accumulation because formation effects in fine-grained soils can greatly magnify the amount of LNAPL in the well compared to the specific volume of LNAPL in the formation. Adamski et al. (2005) provide a detailed description of the conceptual model of LNAPL behavior in fine-grained soils. LNAPL mobility tracer technology and companion calculations, developed by Colorado State University, can be used to determine if the LNAPL zone is expanding. The LNAPL tracer technology utilizes a fluorescent dye that is only visible in an LNAPL. The dye is injected into a well containing LNAPL and intermittently agitated to obtain uniformly mixed tracer concentrations at the time of measurement (Smith et al., 2012). The rate of disappearance of the dye is then used to estimate the LNAPL migration rate (LNAPL velocity). More importantly, corresponding calculations and simple modeling can be used to determine if the rate of Natural Source Zone Depletion (NSZD) is enough to keep the LNAPL body from expanding (Mahler et al., 2012). If tracer tests and NSZD calculations indicate no expansion for the LNAPL body, then there are no significantly mobile source materials. If there is no significantly mobile NAPL in the source zone, then Question II.1 is answered “YES”. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 14 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? 3.2.2. Question II.2. Is the source zone free of any environmentally significant quantity of NAPL? Criteria: Little or no DNAPL observed in transmissive zones, and no significant LNAPL accumulation based on specific volume calculations. Chlorinated solvent sites: To answer yes, DNAPL is either not directly observed in core samples; or the average saturation (percent of pore spaced filled with DNAPL) of the DNAPL observed in cores collected from the transmissive zone is less than 1% (e.g., see Figures 6a and 6b). For core analyses, dye testing or other enhanced DNAPL evaluation techniques are preferred to help reduce the occurrence of false negatives. General indirect rules about DNAPL occurrence (such as the 1% rule) should not be used by themselves to indicate the presence of DNAPL, but only with other, converging lines of evidence (see USEPA, 2009 for a discussion of the 1% rule). This is because the indirect methods have a considerable uncertainty (the USEPA says the 1% rule is a generality, and that “DNAPL may be present”), and some matrix diffusion experts are now suggesting that 1% of solubility could be generated by matrix diffusion processes alone, resulting in false positives. In summary, if DNAPL has never been observed in core samples, and/or if DNAPL has been observed, but has an average saturation of less than 1% in the source zone, then there is no environmentally significant quantity of DNAPL in the source zone. Figure 6a. Example of significant quantity of DNAPL. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 15 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? Figure 6b. Example of significant quantity of LNAPL. Hydrocarbon sites: For sites with LNAPL observed in monitoring wells, specific volume (the volume of LNAPL divided by the area) can be used to evaluate the actual amount of LNAPL present. Average LNAPL specific volumes less than 0.1 feet can be considered to be relatively low accumulations of LNAPL (this is equivalent to 33,000 gallons of LNAPL per acre). This value is based on recent research that indicates that NSZD in LNAPL zones are degrading at the rate of thousands of gallons per year (or a potential degradation time of about 30 years) (Adamski et al., 2005; Mahler et al., 2012). If LNAPL has never been observed in core samples, and/or if LNAPL has been observed, but has a specific volume of less than 0.1 foot in the source zone, then there is no environmentally significant quantity of LNAPL in the source zone. Apparent thickness (the thickness of the LNAPL in monitoring wells) should not be used as an indicator of mobile LNAPL or of significant LNAPL accumulation because formation effects in fine-grained soils can greatly magnify the amount of LNAPL in the well compared to the specific volume of LNAPL in the formation. Adamski et al. (2005) provide a detailed description of the conceptual model of LNAPL behavior in fine-grained soils. If there are no environmentally significant quantities of NAPL in the source zone, then Question II.2 is answered “YES”. 3.2.3. Question II.3. Is it possible that any further source zone cleanup will be constrained by matrix diffusion processes? Criteria: Qualitative evaluation of matrix diffusion processes based on geology, chemical properties, timing of initial release, and remediation efforts. Most remediation programs specify that source control actions should use treatment to address "Principal Threat" wastes (or products) wherever practicable (USEPA, 1999). Principal threat wastes are those source materials that are “highly toxic or highly mobile that generally cannot be reliably contained or would present a significant risk to human health or the environment should exposure occur. They include liquids and other highly mobile materials (e.g., solvents) or materials having high concentrations of toxic L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 16 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? compounds” (USEPA, 1991). Low-level threat wastes are “source materials that generally can be reliably contained and that would present only a low risk in the event of release” (USEPA, 1991). Since contaminated groundwater is not source material, it is neither a principal nor a low-level threat waste (USEPA, 1991). Furthermore, matrix diffusion sources are neither highly toxic (low-strength) nor mobile, and can be reliably contained at most sites via MNA (because they are typically low strength sources). Consequently, because matrix diffusion sources are not a Principal Threat Waste, there is no need for immediate or near-term treatment. However, future remediation of matrix diffusion-dominated sources would be more difficult (i.e., likely more difficult than removing NAPL from transmissive zones). Therefore, matrix diffusion sources are a supporting line of evidence for Low-Risk Site designation (it is a “Supporting” question, not a "Must Have" question). The potential for matrix diffusion effects can be seen at virtually any site with heterogeneity in the subsurface, NAPL, and/or where persistent groundwater contaminant concentrations after source-zone remediation have been observed (Figure 7). Key factors favoring matrix diffusion (adapted from Sale et al., 2008), ordered from more important to potentially less important, include: Presence of Low-Permeability lenses or strata in an affected aquifer in contact with transmissive zones containing plumes. High concentrations of contaminants. Older release sites (i.e., significant elapsed time since contaminant release). Geologic settings where transmissive zones are only a small fraction of the total volume of the aquifer. Aquifers with relatively slow groundwater flow rates. Sediments with high fraction organic carbon content. Presence of contaminants that exhibit stability in their physical setting. Release of large amounts of contaminants. Advancing solvent plume Low permeability silts Transmissive sand Expanding diffusion halo in stagnant zone Simultaneous inward and outward diffusion in stagnant zones Figure 7. Conceptual model of matrix diffusion effects as part of plume response (AFCEE, 2007). L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 17 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? Site factors can be evaluated to qualitatively estimate if matrix diffusion effects are expected to be significant. In general, there is potential for significant matrix diffusion effects if NAPL, or the aqueous phase contaminant plume in the transmissive unit, has been in direct contact with Low-Permeability material (i.e. fine-grained sands, silts, or clays) or sedimentary rock for 20 years or more. Simple planning-level models such as the “square root model” or the “Dandy Sale model” in the ESTCP Matrix Diffusion Toolkit develop by GSI Environmental (Farhat et al., 2012), can be used to quantitatively determine if matrix diffusion could be an important component at a site. Although most groundwater research to date related to matrix diffusion has focused on chlorinated solvent sites, other research has indicated potential matrix diffusion effects for MTBE releases (Rasa, 2011). Interestingly, one of the earliest multiple-site research studies, the 1995 California Leaking Underground Fuel Tank (LUFT) Historical Case Analysis (Rice et al., 1995) may have found evidence of matrix diffusion effects when they identified a category of “exhausted plumes” with low concentration, stable benzene/toluene/xylenes/ethylbenzene plumes. The cause of the exhausted plumes was never identified, but is consistent with matrix diffusion effects at old, weathered hydrocarbon site plume zones. If it is possible that any further source zone cleanup will be constrained by matrix diffusion processes, then Question II.3 is answered “YES”. 3.2.4. Question II.4. Are sources relatively small? Criteria: Plume is classified as a “Mag 4” Plume Magnitude Category or less based on mass discharge estimates, OR maximum source concentrations are < 20x MCL. Estimates of mass discharge (mass per time, also called mass flux) have become increasingly valuable at sites with contaminated groundwater plumes (ITRC, 2010). However, understanding the broader implication of flux measurements is not always intuitive. Specifically, because mass discharge values lack context, it can be difficult to communicate the magnitude and significance of mass flux/mass discharge to stakeholders and decision makers. New classification methodology has been developed (Newell et al., 2011) that bases mass discharge on a “plume magnitude” (“Mag”) scale (see Table 1). Based on 10 different categories of mass discharge ranges, the system provides a simple contextual method for understanding plume strengths. The classification system can assist site managers in using site specific mass discharge to refine CSMs, prioritize sites, determine potential impacts, and evaluate plumes both temporally and spatially. For example, with this approach, a “Mag 4 Plume” was used to define a low-risk plume because a Mag 4 plume cannot cause an exceedance of a 5 μg/L MCL in a drinking water well pumping ≤ 100 gallons per minute due to mixing of clean water and the plume. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 18 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? Table 1. Application of the Plume Magnitude Classification System. Mass Discharge Plume Low-Risk (g/day) Classification Plume? Impact* < 0.001 Mag 1 Limited impact YES Could impact a domestic well, pumping at 0.001 to Mag 2 YES 150 gallons per day (gpd) or less 0.01 Could impact a well pumping at 1 gallons 0.01 to 0.1 Mag 3 YES per minute (gpm) or less Could impact a well pumping at 10 gallons 0.1 to 1 Mag 4 YES per minute (gpm) or less Could impact a well pumping at 100 gpm 1 to 10 Mag 5 MAYBE or less Could impact a stream with a mixing zone 10 to 100 Mag 6 MAYBE base flow of 1 cubic feet per second (cfs) or less 100 to Could impact a stream with a mixing zone Mag 7 LIKELY NOT 1,000 base flow of 10 cfs or less 1,000 to Could impact a stream with a mixing zone Mag 8 LIKELY NOT 10,000 base flow of 100 cfs or less 10,000 to Could impact a stream with a mixing zone Mag 9 LIKELY NOT 100,000 base flow of 1,000 cfs or less Could impact a stream with a mixing zone >100,000 Mag 10 LIKELY NOT base flow of >10,000 cfs * Impact based on a drinking water standard in pumped water or mixing zone of 5 μg/L. Natural attenuation (both biotic and abiotic) is assumed to be the main mechanism for residual pollutant concentrations achieving cleanup standards within a reasonable timeframe. Based on a study of low-risk closures in the California San Francisco Bay area, sites with residual concentrations less than or equal to 20 times the site cleanup standard (e.g., the MCL), have a greater probability of achieving these standards in a reasonable timeframe via natural attenuation (CRWQCB, 2009). Using these two data sources, the LoRSC Manual defines a source as a small source if the key constituent being discharged from the source is either: 1. A “Mag 4” plume or less based on the Plume Magnitude Classification System in Table 1, AND/OR 2. The current maximum concentrations of key groundwater constituents in the source zone are all less than ~20x their MCLs. If the source is small, then Question II.4 is answered “YES”. 3.2.5. Question II.5. Are source zone concentrations stable or decreasing? Criterion: Representative source zone concentrations over time are shown to be stable, decreasing, or probably decreasing. Representative concentrations could be average, geometric mean, or maximum observed concentrations from each sampling event. Decreasing trends in source zone wells can be demonstrated by: L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 19 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? Graphing natural log concentration (typically in mg/L or μg/L, or molar concentration for parents+daughter compounds) vs. time for several source zone wells (see Newell et al., 2002 for a discussion of this method for MNA analysis). At least five years of temporal data are preferred to ensure enough time to determine source zone trends. Spatial and temporal trends for both parent compounds and key breakdown products (if any) should be evaluated. Data can be analyzed using linear regression or non-parametric tests (such as the Mann-Kendall test) and the methodology shown in Figure 8 (Aziz et al., 2003). Several software tools, such as AFCEE’s Monitoring and Remediation Optimization System (MAROS) program (Aziz et al., 2003) and the GSI MannKendall spreadsheet (Connor et al., 2012) are available to help site managers make these types of computations. Note that it is easy to confuse different types of rates in natural attenuation analysis. A USEPA document is available that describes different types of rates used in MNA evaluations and how to calculate them (Newell et al., 2002). Figure 8. MAROS plume trend classification system. CF = Confidence Factor, S = MannKendall Statistic, and COV = Coefficient of Variation (Aziz et al., 2003). If the average trend in all source zones wells (using a method such as the one employed in MAROS and shown in Figure 8) is either “Probably Decreasing” or “Decreasing” or “Stable” then the source zone concentrations indicate natural attenuation processes are active. If the source zone concentrations are stable, decreasing or probably decreasing, then Question II. 5 is answered “YES”. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 20 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? 3.2.6. Question II.6. Is there evidence of on-going source attenuation processes? Criteria: Footprints of source zone attenuation are seen (such as generation of daughter products or consumption of electron acceptors). Since 2004, there has been increased emphasis on MNA as a remediation technology for source zones, with the development of field studies, process information, models, and protocols designed specifically for source zone attenuation. For this low-risk criterion, “footprints” of natural attenuation describe indicators of change in groundwater other than a decline in the concentration of the original contaminant in or near the source zone. Examples include: Depletion of oxygen, nitrate and sulfate indicate hydrocarbon degradation. Low oxygen, nitrate, and sulfate concentrations indicate more anaerobic geochemical conditions that support reductive dechlorination of many chlorinated solvents such as trichloroethene (TCE) and tetrachloroethene (PCE). Generation of cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cis-1,2-DCE) and other daughter products indicates that biodegradation of TCE is occurring in groundwater. Generation of 1,1-dichloroethene (1,1-DCE) indicates that abiotic degradation of 1,1,1-trichloroethane is occurring in groundwater. Abiotic degradation is the chemical transformation that degrades contaminants without microbial facilitation. This can result in partial or complete degradation of contaminants. Typically, only halogenated compounds are subject to these mechanisms in the groundwater environment. Presence of reactive minerals and soils that can abiotically degrade chlorinated solvents, e.g., magnetite. Changes in compound specific isotope ratios can provide supporting evidence documenting that biodegradation or abiotic transformation processes are actually destroying contaminants at the site (USEPA, 2008). Genetic analyses of microbial populations can provide an optional line of evidence supporting MNA. Members of the Dehalococcoides group of bacteria are the only organisms known to date to completely degrade chlorinated ethenes to harmless products. Therefore, for chlorinated solvent sites, the presence or absence of these organisms can provide information on whether MNA is an appropriate approach at a specific site (USEPA, 2006). Other metabolic and genetic indicators can also demonstrate the presence of microbes capable of cometabolic degradation of compounds. Key references that discuss footprints and indicators of MNA include: The National Research Council’s (NRC) book on Natural Attenuation for Groundwater Remediation (NRC, 2000). Scenarios Evaluation Tool for Chlorinated Solvent MNA (Truex et al., 2006) (e.g., see Figure 9). USEPA Technical Protocol for Evaluating Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater (USEPA, 1998). Technical Protocol for Implementing Intrinsic Remediation with Long-Term Monitoring for Natural Attenuation of Fuel Contamination Dissolved in Groundwater (Wiedemeier et al. 1999a). L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 21 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? Natural Attenuation of Fuels and Chlorinated Solvents (Wiedemeier et al., 1999b). Frequently Asked Questions about MNA in the 21st Century (Adamson et al, 2012). Figure 9. Method for assessing the geochemical environment for groundwater chlorinated solvent MNA (Truex et al., 2006). Note the authors of this document use the term “anaerobic” for sites with conditions known to support reductive dechlorination, and the term “anoxic” for more border-line but still low-oxygen conditions. Note that while most of these protocols have focused on evaluating MNA in the plume, it is the intent of this low-risk document to apply these specific MNA criteria (footprints of natural attenuation) in or near the source zone. If there is evidence of on-going natural attenuation processes in the source zone, AND there are key footprints of natural attenuation in the source zone, then Question II.6 is answered “YES”. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 22 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? 3.2.7. Question II.7. Will future source remediation only marginally improve site conditions? Criteria: There is “Less Need for Source Treatment” based on weight of evidence from the Qualitative Decision Chart (Figure 10). In 2003, the USEPA convened an Expert Panel to evaluate the state of DNAPL site remediation. The outcome from the Expert Panel was later modified for use as a chart in the “Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Management of Chlorinated Solvents in Soil and Groundwater” document (Sale et al., 2008, p. 26). The chart uses a “weight-ofevidence” logic to resolve the relative need for source treatment. Primary reasons for considering source treatment include reducing the potential for DNAPL migration, decreasing source longevity, reducing loading to downgradient plumes, attainment of MCLs, complying with regulations, and achieving intangible benefits. While developed for chlorinated solvents, the chart can easily be adapted for hydrocarbon sites by changing DNAPL to LNAPL in the first row. One key consideration is that one must have realistic expectations for what source remediation can provide and at what cost. This topic was covered as “Frequently Asked Question 13” in Sale et al., (2008) for chlorinated solvent sites where the results from several multiple-site remediation performance studies have indicated that chemical oxidation, bioremediation, and thermal treatment projects have, as a very general rule, reduced source concentrations by one, and sometimes two orders of magnitude (i.e., 90% to 99%) (Sale et al., 2008). These studies include a 59-site study that included four different types of in-situ remediation technologies (McGuire et al., 2006), a detailed state-of-the-practice review of thermal treatment (Johnson et al., 2009), and a comprehensive survey of chemical oxidation performance (Krembs et al., 2010). The cost of treatment can be estimated using general unit costs (i.e., see Sale et al., 2008) or by getting quotes from technology vendors. Another tool that can be used to evaluate the benefits of source treatment is the USEPA’s REMChlor model (Falta et al., 2007; Falta et al., 2005a and 2005b). This simple analytical model can be used to estimate the impact of source zone remediation, plume remediation, or combined source and plume remediation projects, plume concentrations, and mass discharge rates. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 23 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? Figure 10. Qualitative Decision Chart on the merits of source depletion (Sale et al., 2008; Adapted from USEPA’s “The DNAPL Remediation Challenge: Is There a Case for Source Depletion?” (Kavanaugh et al., 2003). L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 24 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? These same general concepts, as shown in Figure 10, and remediation performance and cost information, as shown in Sale et al.’s FAQ 13 (2008), can often be applied to other types of sites besides chlorinated solvent sites. If the Qualitative Decision Chart in Figure 10, when used with a weight of evidence approach, indicates “Less Need for Source Treatment”, then Question II.7 is answered “YES”. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 25 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? 3.3. QUESTION III. WILL RESIDUAL CONTAMINATION HAVE NO ADVERSE EFFECT ON PRESENT AND FUTURE LAND AND WATER USES? 3.3.1. Question III.1. Is the groundwater plume stable, decreasing, or probably decreasing? Criterion: Plume trend analysis showing stable, decreasing, or probably decreasing plume over time using method in Figure 8. Decreasing trends in plume wells can be demonstrated in a similar fashion as the techniques for the source zone described in Section 3.2.5: Graphing natural log concentration vs. time for several plume zone wells. At least five years of temporal data are preferred to ensure enough time to determine source zone trends. Spatial and temporal trends for both parent compounds and key breakdown products (if any) should be evaluated. Total mass and center of mass can be evaluated for plumes over time. Trend analysis for total mass in the plume can demonstrate overall decreasing trends, providing strong evidence for a shrinking plume. Data can be analyzed using linear regression or non-parametric tests (such as the Mann-Kendall test). Several software tools, such as AFCEE’s MAROS program (Aziz et al., 2003) and the GSI Mann-Kendall spreadsheet (Connor et al., 2012) are available to help site managers make these types of computations. Note that it is easy to confuse different types of rates in natural attenuation analysis. A USEPA document is available that describes different types of rates used in MNA evaluation and how to calculate them (Newell et al., 2002; Wilson 2011). If the average trend in all plume wells (using a method such as the one employed in MAROS and shown in Figure 8) is either “Probably Decreasing” or “Decreasing” or “Stable” then the plume concentrations indicate natural attenuation processes are active. If the groundwater plume is stable, decreasing, or probably decreasing, then Question III.1 is answered “YES”. 3.3.2. Question III.2. Is there evidence of on-going natural attenuation processes in the plume? Criteria: Analysis of natural attenuation processes and footprints of natural attenuation in the plume. “Footprints” of natural attenuation describe indicators of change in groundwater other than a decline in the concentration of the original contaminant in or near the plume. For example: Depletion of oxygen, nitrate and sulfate indicate hydrocarbon degradation. Low oxygen, nitrate, and sulfate concentrations indicate more anaerobic geochemical conditions that support reductive dechlorination of many chlorinated solvents such as TCE and PCE. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 26 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? Generation of cis-1,2-DCE indicates that biodegradation of TCE is occurring in groundwater. Generation of 1,1-DCE indicates that abiotic degradation of 1,1,1-trichloroethane is occurring in groundwater. Abiotic degradation is the chemical transformation that degrades contaminants without microbial facilitation. This can result in partial or complete degradation of contaminants. Typically, only halogenated compounds are subject to these mechanisms in the groundwater environment. Presence of reactive minerals and soils that can abiotically degrade chlorinated solvents, e.g., magnetite. Changes in compound specific isotope ratios can provide supporting evidence documenting that biodegradation or abiotic transformation processes are actually destroying contaminants at the site (USEPA, 2008). Genetic analyses of microbial populations can provide an optional line of evidence supporting MNA. Members of the Dehalococcoides group of bacteria are the only organisms known to date to completely degrade chlorinated ethenes to harmless products. Therefore, for chlorinated solvent sites, the presence or absence of these organisms can provide information on whether MNA is an appropriate approach at a specific site (USEPA, 2006). Other metabolic and genetic indicators can also demonstrate the presence of microbes capable of cometabolic degradation of compounds. A reduction in mass flux/mass discharge along the flow path (in both time and space) can be used to indicate natural attenuation of the plume (USEPA, 1998). Key references that discuss footprints and indicators of MNA include: The NRC’s book on Natural Attenuation for Groundwater Remediation (NRC, 2000) (e.g., see Table 2). Scenarios Evaluation Tool for Chlorinated Solvent MNA (Truex et al., 2006). USEPA Technical Protocol for Evaluating Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater (USEPA, 1998). Technical Protocol for Implementing Intrinsic Remediation with Long-Term Monitoring for Natural Attenuation of Fuel Contamination Dissolved in Groundwater (Wiedemeier et al. 1999a). Natural Attenuation of Fuels and Chlorinated Solvents (Wiedemeier et al., 1999b). An Approach for Evaluating the Progress of Natural Attenuation in Groundwater (Wilson, 2011). Frequently Asked Questions about MNA in the 21st Century (Adamson et al, 2012). L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 27 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? Table 2. Summary of Natural Attenuation Footprints at MNA Case Study Sites (NRC, 2000). L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 28 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? The NRC (2000) compiled a list of sites where the footprint approach was employed, and this summary is reproduced as Table 2 above. If there is evidence of footprints of natural attenuation in the plume, then Question III.2 is answered “YES”. 3.3.3. Question III.3. Are conditions protective of potential and future receptors? Criteria: Analysis showing all exposure pathways for actual receptors are incomplete or do not present excess risk, and that future exposure will not occur at levels above risk criteria. An assessment of actual receptors in the area needs to be developed to determine if any exposure pathways are complete. Key exposure pathways are: Groundwater ingestion through existing water supply wells. Discharge to sensitive receiving (surface) waters. Indoor air impacts results from the groundwater to indoor air pathway for existing receptors. Demonstration of protective conditions will usually include an evaluation of current and possible future property use. The presence of deed notices, zoning restrictions and other institutional controls limits potential exposure and can be used as one line of evidence supporting low threat conditions. Additionally, an assessment of future hypothetical receptors and exposure pathways, or an analysis that demonstrates that there will be no future complete exposure pathways, supports a conclusion of no adverse effects from the residual contamination. Overall, this assessment should ensure that unacceptable risks to water quality, human health, ecological, and sensitive receptors, both current and future, are identified and mitigated. It should be demonstrated that the residual contamination present at the site will not adversely impact current and future receptors. Evaluation of potential impacts to current and future receptors should include (CRWQCB, 2009): Human health. Ecological exposure, e.g., aquatic life, wildlife, wetlands, crops, vegetation, and habitats. Sensitive receptors. Downgradient groundwater. Downgradient surface water. Anticipated cross-media transfer exposures, e.g., non-domestic or agricultural uses, indoor air vapor intrusion through volatilization, surface water or other aquifer contamination through hydraulic connections. Changes in use or potential use of site or surrounding properties. Sensitive or vulnerable groundwater basins. Discussion of feasibility of existing or future engineering or institutional controls applied to limit or prevent exposures. Vapor intrusion. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 29 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? Estimating mass discharge reaching a potential Point of Exposure (POE) such as a water well or surface water body can be used to demonstrate protective conditions (Einarson and Mackay, 2001; Newell et al., 2011). Tools that can be used to estimate risks to receptors include the RBCA Tool Kit (GSI, 2007, see Figure 11 below). Off-site plumes will need special consideration to ensure no illegal or uncontrolled access to residual contaminated media. Figure 11. RBCA analyses for both potential and actual receptors (Figure A.3 from GSI, 2007). Sites where residual contaminant concentrations are above groundwater cleanup standards pose potentially unacceptable threats or risks, based on current or anticipated use of land or water resources, and often necessitate risk management measures. Such measures include institutional controls (e.g., land-use covenants, deed restrictions, and soil management plans) and engineering controls (e.g., soil capping, fencing, sub slab venting, and vapor barriers). Measures such as these are necessary to protect human health and safety, and the environment. Sites with risk management measures may be eligible for low-risk site closure provided: The risk management measure is appropriate for the site circumstances, both current and future; The site meets all other closure criteria; Continued oversight from a regulatory agency is not required for the risk management measure(s); and The risk management measures are robust, durable, and sustainable over time. Placement of any institutional control on a property may require: Providing appropriate agencies with property information, e.g., title insurance and survey of affected property. Verification with local municipalities that proposed use prohibitions are consistent with local zoning requirements. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 30 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? Providing all site stakeholders with notification of intent to install institutional control. Documentation must be provided to appropriate agencies verifying the notification of all site stakeholders. Examples of risk management controls eligible for low-risk site closures include: Deed restrictions, for sites where only the drinking water standards have not been met, prohibiting use of groundwater for drinking water. Zoning restrictions limiting property use to commercial or industrial. Voluntary protective measures, e.g., vapor barriers preventing potential indoor air exposures due to soil gas intrusion. However, these protective measures cannot be required to prevent an existing, eminent, or potential threat. Conversely, some risk management measures may make a site ineligible for low-risk closure, e.g.: Containment zones or other required waste-containment measure for high concentration/high risk sites. Institutional controls prohibiting sensitive land use or restricting excavation or soil trenching. Active engineering controls required to mitigate exposure to or prevent the spread of the constituent residual concentrations. All exposure pathways for actual receptors should be incomplete or present acceptable risk, and an analysis should show there will be no unacceptable risks in the future. If current and future risks are zero or acceptable, then Question III.3 is answered “YES”. 3.3.4. Question III. 4. Is there a near-term need for the impacted groundwater resource or any impacted land uses? Criteria: Evaluation of future needs for groundwater resource and associated overlying land uses. Evaluation of potential impacts to current and future water resources should be based on best professional judgment and include review and documentation of (adapted from CRWQCB, 2009): All relevant water resources publications. Local groundwater and surface water management plans. Groundwater protection and beneficial use evaluations. Domestic and agricultural water well locations. Municipal water supply and monitoring well locations. Consultations with local water agencies. Future beneficial use timeframes. The current yield and water quality can be important factors in determining the nearterm uses for the groundwater resources. For example, the State of Texas defines L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 31 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? groundwater with yield <150 gallons per day or total dissolved solids concentrations >3000 mg/L as not being usable groundwater. The AFCEE Sustainable Remediation Toolkit (SRT) (AFCEE, 2010) (Figure 12) provides a method for estimating the economic value of water in a contaminated groundwater unit, based on the estimated yield of the formation, volume of affected groundwater, and other factors. Plumes in groundwater with little to no economic value may be considered at low risk for future exploitation. The hydraulic communication between a plume in a shallow unit with a deeper unit, when aquifer data (e.g., pumping tests) are not available or not substantial, needs to be considered. This can be done by: Evaluating the local and regional stratigraphy and establishing if a competent aquitard is present. Employing tools such as the American Petroleum Institute’s Groundwater Sensitivity Toolkit (Figure 13) (GSI, 2002) that account for vertical flow across an aquitard or vertical flow in an artificial penetration such as an abandoned well. Using indicators such as geochemistry, groundwater age, local discharge points, and other factors. Note that in some regions the beneficial uses assigned to groundwater basins and surface water bodies do not differentiate between shallow and deeper groundwater aquifers (CRWQCB, 2009). Typically in such cases, the shallow aquifer will have the same beneficial use designation as the deeper aquifer unless an exception, as allowed by state regulations, can be demonstrated. In certain instances, resource degradation, such as pre-existing poor quality or salt-water intrusion due to excessive pumping, may deem the use of a deeper aquifer impractical as a drinking water source. Figure 12. Economic value normalization methodology of groundwater in the SRT (Newell et al., 2008). PWS = Public Water Supply; WQP = Water Quality Protection; TDS = Total Dissolved Solids. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 32 DO I HAVE A LOW-RISK SITE? Figure 13. Architecture of the Groundwater Sensitivity Toolkit (GSI, 2002). The residual contamination should show no large adverse economic impact or denial of large-scale beneficial land or water use if residual contamination remains at the site. If there are no adverse effects to land and water uses from the residual contamination, then Question III.4 is answered “YES”. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 33 REDUCING LONG-TERM MONITORING INTENSITY 4.0 REDUCING LONG-TERM MONITORING INTENSITY An alternative available when a complete low-risk/low-threat site closure is not justified is the reduction in the long-term monitoring intensity at the site. Groundwater characterization and remediation efforts at most sites result in large data sets and a number of monitoring locations that may or may not be useful in long-term plume management. Depending on the size and complexity of the plume, several tools and techniques are available to improve the efficiency of groundwater monitoring networks. When negotiating reduction in monitoring intensity, results of several qualitative and quantitative evaluation strategies should be assembled to clarify the evidence for streamlined data collection. Qualitative evaluation strategies rely on expert professional opinion and understanding of site-specific conditions. Tools for qualitative evaluation include decision logic trees, assembling and comparing site data, and forming a ‘lines of evidence’ approach to site data. Most long-term monitoring optimization (LTMO) techniques involve either an initial or final qualitative evaluation of the monitoring program. Quantitative techniques include statistical, geo-statistical and mathematical optimization methods. Common steps in developing an optimized long-term monitoring network include: Identification of site goals and objectives: Sampling strategies should provide sufficient data to support site reporting and regulatory goals. Each sample should address one or more monitoring objectives such as demonstrating containment of the plume, attenuation of mass and protectiveness of the remedy. Sampling frequency should be proportional to the rate of change of concentrations in the plume and sufficient to satisfy the reporting frequency of regulatory programs. CSM: A thorough CSM is essential to developing appropriate monitoring strategies. LTMO techniques can be beneficial for sites where characterization efforts and active remedial work are largely complete. Aspects of the CSM that are of particular importance in LTMO strategies include source control, delineation of the plume, consistent hydrogeological environment, contaminant attenuation mechanisms and location of potential receptors. Minimum data requirements: As a general rule, sites where minimum data requirements are met (e.g., four to six separate sample events, between six and 15 monitoring locations) and where concentrations have largely stabilized are good candidates for reduction in monitoring effort. Plume stability: The determination that a groundwater plume is ‘stable’ can be the prelude to a reduction in monitoring effort and frequency (USEPA, 1999; USEPA, 2004; ITRC, 2007). Most methods recommended to demonstrate plume stability include analyzing historic groundwater data from individual well locations, preparation of contaminant concentration contour maps, concentration vs. time, and concentration vs. distance graphs. Quantitative statistical approaches to stability assessment include a review of summary statistics, data distributions, and appropriate trend analyses for both individual monitoring locations and plume-wide measures (Vanderford, 2010). L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 34 REDUCING LONG-TERM MONITORING INTENSITY Attenuation Mechanisms: Qualitative approaches to demonstrating the appropriateness of reduced monitoring efforts can include analyses of geochemical biodegradation indicators and evaluating the sustainability of mass destruction mechanisms (Chapelle et al., 2003; TNRCC, 1997). Institutional and Land Use Controls: Restriction of access to groundwater and elimination of potential exposure factors can be strong support for a reduction in monitoring effort. Software tools, such as the peer-reviewed and nationally recognized AFCEE Geostatistical Temporal/Spatial (GTS) Optimization Algorithm (Cameron and Hunter, No Date; Hunter, 2011) and MAROS (Aziz et al., 2003), are available to assist site managers optimize LTMO analyses. A new AFCEE software tool, the 3-Tiered Monitoring Optimization (3TMO) tool, will be available in the near future (Hunter, 2011). AFCEE has also developed a comprehensive Long-Term Monitoring Optimization Guide (AFCEE, 2006) for effective identification and application of appropriate LTMO strategies and optimization. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 35 REFERENCES 5.0 REFERENCES Adamski, M., V. Kremesec, R. Kolhatkar, C. Pearson, and B. Rowan, 2005. LNAPL in FineGrained Soils: Conceptualization of Saturation, Distribution, Recovery, and Their Modeling, Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 25(1):100-112. Adamson, D.T. and C.J. Newell, 2012. “Frequently Asked Questions About Monitored Natural Attenuation in the 21st Century”. Environmental Security and Technology Certification Program(ESTCP) Project ER-201211, In Preparation. AFCEE, 2006. “Long-Term Monitoring Optimization Guide”. HQ Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence, Brooks City-Base, TX. AFCEE, 2007. “AFCEE Source Zone Initiative”. Prepared by T.C. Sale, T.H. Illangasekare, J. Zimbron, D. Rodriguez, B. Wilking, F. Marinelli for AFCEE, Brooks City-Base, San Antonio, TX. AFCEE, 2010. Sustainable Remediation Tool (SRT), version 2.1, Brooks City-Base, San Antonio, TX. Aziz, J.J.; M. Ling, H.S. Rifai, C.J. Newell, and J.R. Gonzales, 2003. MAROS: a Decision Support System for Optimizing Monitoring Plans, Journal of Ground Water, Vol. 41, No. 3. Beckett, G. D., and P. Lundegard. 1997. “Practically Impractical—The Limits of LNAPL Recovery and Relationship to Risk,” pp. 442–45 in Proceedings, Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water: Prevention, Detection, and Remediation Conference. Houston: Ground Water Publishing Company. Connor, J.A. S.K. Farhat, M. Vanderford, and C.J. Newell, 2012. GSI Mann-Kendall Toolkit for Constituent Trend Analysis, GSI Environmental Inc, Houston, TX, July 2012. Cameron, K. and P. Hunter, No Date. Optimization of LTM Networks Using GTS: Statistical Approaches to Spatial and Temporal Redundancy, AFCEE. http://www.afcee.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-070831-023.pdf. Accessed July 25, 2011. Chapelle, F. H., M. A. Widdowson, J.S. Brauner, E. Mendez, and C.C. Casey, 2003. “Methodology for Estimating Times of Remediation Associated with Monitored Natural Attenuation. Columbia, S.C.”, U. S. Geological Survey (USGS): 58. CDPHE, 2010. “Draft Guidance for the Closure of Low-Threat Sites with Residual Ground Water Contamination”. Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, August 13, 2010. CRWQCB, 2009. “Assessment Tool for Closure of Low-Threat Chlorinated Solvent Sites”. California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region, July 31, 2009. Einarson, M.D. and D.M. Mackay. 2001. Predicting the Impacts of Groundwater Contamination, Environmental Science and Technology 35, no. 3: 67A-73A. Falta, R.W., P.S. Rao, and N. Basu, 2005a. Assessing the Impacts of Partial Mass Depletion in DNAPL Source Zones I. Analytical Modeling of Source Strength Functions and Plume Response, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 78(2005): 259-280. Falta, R.W., N. Basu and P.S.C. Rao, 2005b. Assessing the Impacts of Partial Mass Depletion in DNAPL Source Zones: II. Coupling Source Strength Functions to Plume Evolution, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 79(1-2):45-66. Falta, R.W., M.B. Stacy, A.N.M. Ahsanuzzaman, M. Wang, and R.C. Earle, 2007. REMChlor Remediation Evaluation Model for Chlorinated Solvents User’s Manual, USEPA, Center for Subsurface Modeling Support, Ada, OK, September 2007. Farhat, S.K., P.C. de Blanc, C.J. Newell, J.R. Gonzales, and J. Perez, 2004. SourceDK Remediation Timeframe Decision Support System, User's Manual. Developed for the Air Force Center for Engineering (AFCEE) and the Environment by GSI Environmental Inc., Houston, TX, http:// www.gsi-net.com/en/software/free-software/ sourcedk.html. Farhat, S.K., C.J. Newell, and E. Nichols, 2006. Mass Flux Toolkit to Evaluate Groundwater Impacts, Attenuation, and Remediation Alternatives. Developed for the Environmental L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 36 REFERENCES Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) by GSI Environmental Inc., Houston, TX, http:// www.gsi-net.com/en/software/free-software/ MassFluxToolkit.html. Farhat, S.K., C.J. Newell, M.A. Seyedabbasi, J.M. McDade, and N.T. Mahler, T.C. Sale, D.S. Dandy, and J. Wahlberg, 2012. Matrix Diffusion Toolkit. Developed for the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) by GSI Environmental Inc., Houston, TX, available September 2012. http:// www.gsi-net.com/en/software/free-software/ MatrixDiffusionToolkit.html. GSI, 2002. Groundwater Sensitivity Tool Kit, Software User’s Guide, version 1. GSI Environmental Inc., Houston, TX. Developed for the American Petroleum Institute. 2002. GSI, 2007. RBCA Tool Kit for Chemical Releases, Software Guidance Manual, version 2. GSI Environmental Inc., Houston, TX, 2007. Hunter, P, 2011. Air Force Long-Term Monitoring Optimization Tools, http://www.frtr.gov/pdf/meetings/may11/presentations/hunter-presentation.pdf. Accessed September 14, 2011. ITRC, 2007. “A Decision Flowchart of the Use of Monitored Natural Attenuation and Enhanced Attenuation at Sites with Chlorinated Organic Plumes”, the Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council: 13. ITRC, 2009. “Evaluating LNAPL Remedial Technologies for Achieving Project Goals. Technical/Regulatory Guidance”, the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council, LNAPLs Team, Washington, DC., December 2009. ITRC. 2010. “Use and Measurement of Mass Flux and Mass Discharge”, Interstate Technology Regulatory Council MASSFLUX-1. 154. ITRC. 2011. “Integrated DNAPL Site Strategy”, Interstate Technology Regulatory Council IDSS-1. November 2011. Johnson P., P. Dahlen, J. T. Kingston, E. Foote, and S. Williams, 2009. “Critical Evaluation of State-of-the-Art In Situ Thermal Treatment Technologies for DNAPL Source Zone Treatment”. Developed for the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program, ESTCP Project ER-0314. May 2009. Kavanaugh, M.C., S.C. Rao, L. Abriola, J. Cherry, G. Destouni, R. Falta, D. Major, J. Mercer, C. Newell, T. Sale, S. Shoemaker, R. Siegrist, G. Teutsch, and K. Udell. 2003. “The DNAPL Remediation Challenge: Is There a Case for Source Depletion?”, National Risk Management Research Laboratory Report EPA/600/R-03/143. Krembs, F.J., R.L. Siegrist, M. L. Crimi, R.F. Furrer, and B.G. Petri, 2010. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, doi: 10.1111/j1745–6592.2010.01312.x. Kueper, B. and K. Davies, 2009. “Assessment and Delineation of DNAPL Source Zones at Hazardous Waste Sites”, U.S. EPA, EPA/600/R-09/119. McGuire, T.M., McDade, J.M., and Newell C.J., 2006. Performance of DNAPL Source Depletion Technologies at 59 Chlorinated Solvent-Impacted Sites, Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, 26(1): 73-84. Mahler, N., T. Sale, and M. Lyverse, 2012. A Mass Balance Approach to Resolving LNAPL Stability, Ground Water, doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2012.00949.x Newell, C.J., H.S. Rifai, J.T. Wilson, J.A. Connor, and J.J. Aziz, M.P. Suarez, 2002. “Calculation and Use of First-Order Rate Constants for Monitored Natural Attenuation Studies, USEPA Remedial Technology Fact Sheet”, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. EPA/540/S02/500, November 2002. http://www.epa.gov/ada/pubs/issue.html Newell, C. J., E. Becvar, G. Moore, D. Ruppel, D. Woodward, T.N. Swann, L.M. Beckley, and A. Rahman, 2008. Building Sustainability into the Air Force Remediation Process: Sustainable Remediation Tool. Proceedings of the Sustainable Remediation Forum 8, Philadelphia, PA. Oct 2008. Newell, C. J., Farhat, S. K., Adamson, D. T. and Looney, B. B., 2011. Contaminant Plume Classification System Based on Mass Discharge. Ground Water, 49: no. doi: 10.1111/j.17456584.2010.00793.x L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 37 REFERENCES NRC, 2000. Natural Attenuation for Groundwater Remediation, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. Rasa, E., S. Chapman, B. Bekins, G. Fogg, K. Scow, and D. Mackay, 2011. Role of Back Diffusion and Biogeochemical Reactions in Sustaining an MTBE/TBA Plume in Alluvial Media, J. Contaminant Hydrology 126: 235-247. Rice, D.W., R.D. Grose, J.C. Michaelsen, B.P. Dooher, D.H. MacQueen, S.J. Cullen, W.E. Kastenberg, L.G. Everett, and M.A. Marino, 1995a. “California Leaking Underground Fuel Tank (LUFT) Historical Case Analyses”, Environmental Protection Department. Sale, T., C. Newell, H. Stroo, R. Hinchee, and P. Johnson, 2008. “Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Management of Chlorinated Solvents in Soil and Groundwater”. Developed for the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP), July 2008. Sale, T. and C. Newell, 2011. “A Guide for Selecting REMEDIES FOR Subsurface Releases of Chlorinated Solvents”. Developed for the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program, ESTCP Project ER-05 30. March 2011. Smith, T., T. Sale, and M. Lyverse, 2012. Measurement of LNAPL Flux Using Single-Well Intermittent Mixing Tracer Dilution Tests, Ground Water, doi: 10.1111/j.17456584.2012.00931.x TNRCC, 1997. Interim Guidance: Monitoring Natural Attenuation for Verification of Groundwater Plume Stability, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (formerly Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission): 5. Truex, M.J., C.J. Newell, B.B. Looney, K.M. Vangelas, 2006. “Scenarios Evaluation Tool for Chlorinated Solvent MNA”, WSRC-STI-2006-00096, Savannah River National Laboratory, Aiken, South Carolina. USEPA, 1991. “A Guide to Principal Threat and Low Level Threat Wastes”, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington DC. USEPA, 1998. “Technical Protocol for Evaluating Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents in Ground Water”, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington DC. USEPA, 1999. “Use of Monitored Natural Attenuation at Superfund, RCRA Corrective Action, and Underground Storage Tank Sites”, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. USEPA, 2004. “Performance Monitoring of MNA Remedies for VOCs in Ground Water”, US Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH, EPA/600/R-04/027. USEPA, 2006. “Evaluation of the Role of Dehalococcoides Organisms in the Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Ethylenes in Ground Water”, US Environmental Protection Agency , Washington DC, EPA/600/R-06/029, July 2006. USEPA, 2008. “A Guide for Assessing Biodegradation and Source Identification of Organic and Ground Water Contaminants using Compound Specific Isotope Analysis (CSIA)”, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington DC, EPA/600/R-08/148, December 2008. Vanderford, M., 2010. A Comprehensive Approach to Plume Stability. Remediation Winter 2010: 21-37. Wilson, J.T., 2011. “An Approach for Evaluating the Progress of Natural Attenuation in Groundwater”, US Environmental Protection Agency EPA 600/R-11/204, www.epa.gov/ada Wiedemeier, T.H., J.T. Wilson, D.H. Kampbell, R.N. Miller, and J.E. Hansen, 1999a. “Technical Protocol for Implementing Intrinsic Remediation with Long-Term Monitoring for Natural Attenuation of Fuel Contamination Dissolved in Groundwater”, Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence, San Antonio, TX, March 1999. Wiedemeier, T.H., H.S. Rifai, C.J. Newell, and J.T. Wilson, 1999b. Natural Attenuation of Fuels and Chlorinated Solvents in the Subsurface. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 38 CASE STUDIES 6.0 CASE STUDIES – FIELD APPLICATION OF LoRSC MANUAL 6.1 Site 1. Old Base Landfill Site at Fairchild Air Force Base 6.2 Site 2. Fire Training Area 3 at Offutt Air Force Base L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 39 CASE STUDY 1 – FAIRCHILD AFB CASE STUDY 1 OLD BASE LANDFILL SITE FAIRCHILD AIR FORCE BASE L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 40 CASE STUDY 1 – FAIRCHILD AFB 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The AFCEE Low-Risk Site Closure (LoRSC) Manual methodology was applied to determine if the Old Base Landfill Site, at Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington, could be classified as a low-risk site. This information could then be used to assist site managers build effective exit strategies for closing the site and/or reducing long-term monitoring intensity. The exit strategy for a given site can be effectively strengthened by multiple lines of evidence; therefore, the LoRSC Manual provides weight-of-evidence decision logic to build consensus between site stakeholders. The methodology was applied to the Old Base Landfill Site. Three main categories of data were examined: 1) a comprehensive Conceptual Site Model (CSM), 2) control of sources, and 3) adverse effects of residual contamination on present and future land and water uses. Based on an evaluation of existing data, the Old Base Landfill Site has: a comprehensive CSM, control of sources, and no potential for adverse effects of residual contamination on present and future land and water uses. Consequently, the site may be categorized as a LoRSC Site Type A, “Strongest case for low-risk closure or reduced monitoring.” L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 41 CASE STUDY 1 – FAIRCHILD AFB Table ES.1 LoRSC Manual Decision Logic Low-Risk Decision Questions I. Answers For “Must Have” Questions” Key Low-Risk Decision Criteria Answers For “Supporting” Questions Reference Do You Have A Complete Conceptual Site Model (CSM) That Reflects Key Low-Risk Closure Concepts? Conceptual Site Model checklist. Yes ⊠ No ⧠ Section 3.1.1 1. Are there any significantly mobile source materials? DNAPL sites: no mobile DNAPL observed. LNAPL sites: no expanding LNAPL zone and zero or low LNAPL transmissivity. Yes ⊠ No⧠ Section 3.2.1 2. Is the source zone free of any environmentally significant quantity of NAPL? Little or no DNAPL observed in transmissive zones, and no significant LNAPL accumulation based on specific volume calculations. Yes ⊠ No ⧠ Section 3.2.2 3. Is it possible that any further source zone cleanup will be constrained by matrix diffusion processes? Qualitative evaluation of matrix diffusion processes based on geology, chemical properties, timing of initial release, and remediation efforts. Yes ⊠ No ⧠ Section 3.2.3 4. Are sources relatively small? Plume is classified as a Mag 4 Plume Magnitude Category or less based on mass discharge estimates, OR maximum source concentrations are < 20x Maximum Concentration Limit (MCL). Yes ⊠ No ⧠ Section 3.2.4 5. Are source zone concentrations stable or decreasing? Representative source zone concentrations over time are shown to be stable, decreasing, or probably decreasing. Yes ⊠ No ⧠ Section 3.2.5 6. Is there evidence of on-going natural attenuation processes in the source zone? Footprints of source zone attenuation are seen (such as generation of daughter products or consumption of electron acceptors). Yes ⊠ No ⧠ Section 3.2.6 7. Will future source remediation only marginally improve site conditions? There is “Less Need For Source Treatment” based on the Qualitative Decision Chart. 1. Have all of the components of the Conceptual Site Model been evaluated? II. III. Are Sources Controlled? Yes ⊠ No ⧠ Section 3.2.7 Will Residual Contamination Have No Adverse Effect on Present and Future Land and Water Uses? 1. Is the groundwater plume stable or shrinking? Plume trend analyses showing decreasing plume over time. Yes ⊠ No ⧠ Section 3.3.1 2. Is there evidence of on-going natural attenuation processes in the plume? Analyses of natural attenuation processes and footprints of natural attenuation in the plume. Yes ⊠ No ⧠ Section 3.3.2 3. Are conditions protective of potential and future receptors? Analyses showing all exposure pathways for receptors are incomplete or present acceptable risks, and that future exposure will not occur. Yes ⊠ No ⧠ Section 3.3.3 Yes ⊠ No ⧠ Section 3.3.4 4. Is there a near-term need for the impacted groundwater Evaluation of future needs for groundwater resource and associated overlying land uses. resource or any impacted land uses? KEY: “Must Have” Data: Critical Line of evidence for low-risk site closure - necessary to demonstrate these criteria at almost all sites if applicable. “Supporting” Data: Supporting line of evidence, with 0-4 of the supporting lines recommended for low-risk site closure. MUST HAVE: All Yes? Yes ⊠ (Type A or B) No ⧠ (Type C) SUPPORTING: How Many “Yes”? Type A if 3-4 Yes ⊠ Type B if 0-2 Yes ⧠ WHAT IT MEANS LoRSC Site Type A (Strongest case for low-risk closure or reduced monitoring) = All “Must Have” Questions = Yes AND 3 or 4 of the “Supporting” Questions = Yes LoRSC Site Type B (Moderately good case for low-risk closure or reduced monitoring) = All “Must Have” Questions = Yes AND 0 to 2 of the “Supporting” Questions = Yes LoRSC Site Type C (More difficult for low-risk closure or reduced monitoring) = Any “Must Have” Question = No L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 42 CASE STUDY 1 – FAIRCHILD AFB 2.0 BACKGROUND Located approximately 12 miles west of Spokane, Washington, Fairchild Air Force Base occupies approximately 4300 acres. The Old Base Landfill Site (SW-1, Site) is situated on the western part of the base, adjacent to the west end of Parallel Taxiway B (Figure 1). Old Base Landfill (Site) was the main disposal area for the base in the 1950s and wastes disposed there may have included industrial wastes, plating sludges, solvents, lubricating oils, cutting oils, shavings, dry cleaning filters and spent filtrates, paint wastes, ash, and miscellaneous sanitary wastes (Battelle, 1989). The Site is approximately 16 acres in size, capped with a 1 to 3 ft thick non-engineered soil cover, and contains an estimated 10 to 20 ft of mounded landfill (CH2MHill, 2004). Currently, the landfill is a topographic high elevation in an area of relatively flat natural topography (CH2MHill, 2004). A Record of Decision (ROD) was signed in July 1993 with trichloroethene (TCE) identified as the primary constituent of interest in groundwater. In accordance with the ROD, institutional controls were implemented to prevent potential exposure and consumption of contaminated groundwater at the Site. A long-term monitoring (LTM) program was initiated in 1994. In 1998, with TCE concentrations routinely below the cleanup level in seven wells, the number of LTM wells was reduced from ten to three, with approval of the Washington State Department of Ecology and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Provision of point-of-use treatment or an alternate water supply for offsite residences located in the vicinity of the Site has not been necessary (CH2MHill, 2009a). TCE concentrations at the last monitoring event (September 2008) were below groundwater protection standards (CH2MHill, 2009b). 3.0 SITE ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY The LoRSC Manual methodology was applied to determine if the Old Base Landfill SW-1 site could be classified as a low-risk site. This information can be used to assist site managers build effective exit strategies for closing the site and/or reducing long-term monitoring intensity. The exit strategy for a given site can be effectively strengthened by multiple lines of evidence; therefore, the LoRSC Manual provides weight-of-evidence decision logic to build consensus between site stakeholders. The LoRSC Manual decision logic is based on identifying and examining three main categories of data: 1) a comprehensive Conceptual Site Model (CSM), 2) control of sources, and 3) adverse effects of residual contamination. Evaluation of the decision logic is presented below. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 43 CASE STUDY 1 – FAIRCHILD AFB Figure 1. Site location (Battelle, 1989, Figure ES-3). L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 44 CASE STUDY 1 – FAIRCHILD AFB 3.1 QUESTION I. DO YOU HAVE A COMPLETE CSM THAT REFLECTS KEY LOW-RISK CLOSURE CONCEPTS? 3.1.1 Question I.1. Have all of the components of the CSM been evaluated Criteria: CSM checklist is complete The site conceptual model, summarized in Figure 2, is described in detail in the references cited below. 1. Site Information Former Use: Landfill SW-1 was the main disposal site for the base from about 1949 to 1958. Covering approximately 16 acres, the landfill is 10-20 ft in depth, and was used for disposal of all base waste including industrial wastes, plating sludges, solvents, lubricating oils, dry-cleaning filters, paint wastes, and miscellaneous sanitary wastes (SAIC, 1990a). Current Use: The site is currently capped with a 1-3 foot thick non-engineered soil cover and is a topographically high elevation in an area of relatively flat natural topography (CH2MHill, 2006). The site is restricted to both the public and Base personnel. Off-base agricultural, residential, or open space areas exist around SW-1 (HEC, 1992). Future Use: None anticipated (HEC, 1992). 2. Site Investigations Soil borings: 1989 - Drilled 3 boreholes, collected soil samples (SAIC, 1990b). Sep 1991 - Drilled and installed 11 new monitoring wells (HEC, 1993a). Oct 1991 - Excavated 8 Test Pits and collected 18 subsurface soil samples (HEC, 1993a). Oct 1991 - Collected 11 surface soil samples (HEC, 1993a). Sep-Dec 1991 - Performed Quantitative Soil Gas Survey (HEC, 1993a). Geophysical investigations: 1986 – Metal detector, electromagnetic conductivity, magnetometry, and ground-penetrating radar surveys performed (SAIC, 1990b). 1990 – Magnetometry and refraction seismic surveys performed (SAIC, 1990b). Site geochemistry: 1986/1987 (Battelle, 1989); 1991 (HEC, 1993a); 2008 (CH2MHill, 2009a). L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 45 CASE STUDY 1 – FAIRCHILD AFB Figure 2. Conceptual site model (CSM). L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 46 CASE STUDY 1 – FAIRCHILD AFB Figure 3. Areal extent of SW-1 Site (CH2MHill, 2009b, Figure 2.2-1). L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 47 CASE STUDY 1 – FAIRCHILD AFB Presence of off-site affected groundwater: Several residential wells in the vicinity of site SW-1 have been periodically sampled for volatile organic compounds (VOC) since 1986. TCE was the only contaminant detected above the maximum concentration limit (MCL) during the 1991/1992 sampling, in wells located north and northeast of the landfill (HEC, 1993a; CH2MHill, 2009b). Evidence of Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (NAPL): No NAPL has been detected at the site. Most recent NAPL observation: None. 3. Source Characterization Primary source location: The primary source of contamination is the landfilled materials (HEC, 1992). Secondary source locations: Secondary sources are the potentially contaminated surface soils that act as a source of surface water contamination through intermittent surface water runoff (HEC, 1992). Release mechanisms: Infiltration of precipitation and percolation through the landfill, as well as biodegradation of landfill wastes, generates leachate which transports and releases contaminants to groundwater (HEC, 1992). Size and boundary: The areal extent of the landfill is approximately 16 acres as shown in Figure 3 (CH2MHill, 2009b). Substance released: TCE (HEC, 1993a). Date of release: 1949 – 1958 (HEC, 1993a). Volume and mass of substance(s) released: The volume and mass of TCE released is unknown. However, the 1993 estimated volume of contaminated groundwater within the shallow bedrock aquifer is 20 million gallons, assuming an average depth of contamination of 28 feet, and an average bedrock porosity of 0.1 percent (Air Combat Command, 1993). Source control measures taken: None – Institutional controls were maintained (i.e., restrictions against on-base usage of TCE-contaminated groundwater). Onsite groundwater and off-site water supply wells were monitored. Provision of point-of-use treatment or an alternate water supply for offsite residences located in the vicinity of the Site has not been necessary (CH2MHill, 2009a). 4. Constituents of Concern TCE is the main chemical of concern in groundwater (HEC, 1993a). L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 48 CASE STUDY 1 – FAIRCHILD AFB 5. Nature and Extent of Contamination During the September 2008 sampling event, TCE was the only VOC detected in groundwater with concentrations ranging from 0.94 μg/L (MW-131) to 1.4 μg/L (MW-309) (CH2MHill, 2009a). Vertical migration of TCE appears to be limited to the upper portion of Basalt A, which contains Low-Permeability layers between a depth of 21 and 100 feet, thereby restricting vertical migration of TCE (HEC, 1993a). 6. Hydrogeology Stratigraphy: Sediments overlying the basalt are 6 to 25 ft thick and consist of layers of silt, clay, sand, gravelly silt, and clayey sand (SAIC, 1990a). Landfill material may approach 20 ft thickness in the central area due to mounding of the fill material (HEC, 1993a). Basalt A was estimated to be about 166 ft thick, with relatively few fractures down to approximately 100 ft below ground surface (bgs). Finally, the silty claystone of Interbed A is approximately 10 ft thick at SW-1 (HEC, 1993a). See Figures 4a through 4c for cross-sections (HEC, 1993a). Vadose (unsaturated) and saturated zone types: Fill material, silt, clay, sand, gravelly sand, and clayey sand (Figures 4a through 4c) (HEC, 1993a). Aquifer properties: Average hydraulic conductivity ranges between 150 to 250 ft/day. Using an estimated effective porosity of 25 percent and average gradient of 0.0045, the estimated range of groundwater velocity within the coarse-grained overburden is 2.7 to 4.5 ft/day (HEC, 1993a). Confining unit soil type: Groundwater in the overburden is under unconfined to locally semi-confined conditions (HEC, 1993a) Depth to top of aquifer: Groundwater at SW-1 is encountered within bedrock (Figures 4a through 4c). The water table in the area around the landfill has not been observed to extend up into the overburden (HEC, 1993a). Depth to groundwater: Groundwater in the site vicinity is found in the overburden overlying bedrock, and in the bedrock itself. Groundwater is encountered at approximately 8-12 ft bgs (HEC, 1993a). Direction of groundwater flow including preferential pathways: The potential for contamination migration from shallow zones of contamination to the basal portion of Basalt A is very limited but not absent, and the volume of water migrating through this deeper flow system is low (HEC, 1993a). Generally, groundwater flow is to the east (ICF, 1995), but the landfill exerts a local mounding effect on the groundwater with a localized radial groundwater flow pattern away from the landfill (HEC, 1993a). Recharge: The aquifer is considered a leaky confined aquifer with recharge provided by the overlying aquitard (HEC, 1993a). L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 49 CASE STUDY 1 – FAIRCHILD AFB Figure 4a. Cross-section, SW-1 Site, Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington (HEC, 1993a, Figure 3-13). L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 50 CASE STUDY 1 – FAIRCHILD AFB Figure 4b. Cross-section, SW-1 Site, Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington (HEC, 1993a, Figure 3-14). L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 51 CASE STUDY 1 – FAIRCHILD AFB Figure 4c. Cross-section, SW-1 Site, Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington (HEC, 1993a, Figure 3-15). L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 52 CASE STUDY 1 – FAIRCHILD AFB Proximity to surface waters: Surface water is present as storm water, snowmelt runoff, and industrial wastewater. It does not infiltrate into the ground and is channeled into the wastewater lagoons via drainage ditches (HEC, 1993a). Fairchild AFB is located approximately 7 miles south of the Spokane River. The two main surface drainages near Fairchild AFB are Deep Creek (2 miles northwest of the Base) and Marshall Creek (8 miles to the southeast), both of which flow northwards into the Spokane River (HEC, 1993a). Interaction between groundwater and surface water: Runoff at SW-1 infiltrates into the ground, mainly via a low area southeast of the landfill which accumulated ponded surface water during storm events and period of high snowmelt runoff (HEC, 1993a). 7. Geochemistry Limited groundwater geochemical data were collected. Concentrations of oxygen, nitrate, sulfate, and iron are summarized below. Dissolved Oxygen: Stated in CH2MHill (2009a), but data not reported. Nitrate/Nitrite: 1986/1987: 1.3 mg/L (Battelle, 1989). Sulfate: 1986/1987: 25.8 mg/L (Battelle, 1989). 8. Migration and Exposure Pathways Groundwater: Groundwater could affect drinking water wells of offsite residents through ingestion, inhalation, and dermal contact (HEC, 1992). Surface water: Surface water could affect Base personnel through ingestion, inhalation, and dermal contact. Surface water runoff flows radially away from the site. Runoff flowing southeast is collected by the storm drainage system and is discharged to a tributary of Deep Creek (HEC, 1992). Soil: Infiltration and percolation through soils may impact groundwater (HEC, 1992). Air: Dust and/or volatile emissions could be inhaled by Base personnel and residents (HEC, 1992). Sediment: Same as surface waters (HEC, 1992). Biota: Terrestrial biota could be exposed through air, surface waters, and sediments via ingestion, inhalation, and dermal contact (HEC, 1992). Site access is restricted; therefore, Base residents or offsite residents would not be directly exposed to potentially contaminated surface soils. Offsite residents may be indirectly affected via particulates migrating in the wind (HEC, 1992). L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 53 CASE STUDY 1 – FAIRCHILD AFB 9. Contaminant Attenuation Pathways No information available. Contaminant concentrations show a decreasing trend, indicating that all attenuation pathways are active at this site. 10. Receptors a) Human receptors: Off-base residents who use domestic water supply wells downgradient of the site. Additionally, Base personnel may be exposed to contaminated surface soils during the performance of assigned duties in the vicinity of SW-1. Site access is restricted, however, and Base residents or offsite residents would not be directly exposed to potentially contaminated surface soils (HEC, 1992). b) Ecological receptors: Terrestrial biota in the vicinity of or migrating through the landfill (HEC, 1992). c) Sensitive receptors: None identified (HEC, 1992). d) Current and future groundwater and surface water resources: The water supply wells serving the Base are located in the Base-owned well field located approximately 10 miles northeast of the Base. The water from these wells is used for domestic, industrial, and fire protection purposes as well as for irrigation of base grounds. At least two residential wells are located in the vicinity of SW-1. Residents in these areas do not currently have the option of tapping into a public water supply system. There are no current plans to further develop the groundwater aquifer underlying the Base as a water supply resource for any purpose (HEC, 1992). Intermittent surface water may exist as a result of precipitation, but a permanent surface water source does not exist in the vicinity of SW-1. 11. Soil Remediation No soil remediation was conducted at this site because minimal contamination was detected in the surface and subsurface soil samples collected from the landfill. Although the soil gas results suggested the presence of hot spot areas of TCE and tetrachloroethene (PCE), these compounds were not detected in the surface or subsurface soil samples (HEC, 1993a). 12. Groundwater Remediation No groundwater remediation was conducted at the site. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 54 CASE STUDY 1 – FAIRCHILD AFB 13. 14 Compartment Model The qualitative 14 Compartment Model (Figures 5a and 5b) for this site identifies all phases/zones that could potentially contain the contaminants. The 14 Compartment Model was completed using the conditions stated below to determine if mass is likely to be present in low-permeability compartments: The release at the site occurred between 1949 and 1958. Therefore, significant time has elapsed since contaminant was released. The cross-sections do not show significant low-permeability lenses in the source or plume area. Overall, it is expected that low-permeability lenses or strata exist in the source area or the affected aquifer due to heterogeneity of aquifer. Source Zone Zone/ Phases Plume Low Permeability Transmissive Transmissive Low Permeability Vapor IP IP IP IP DNAPL 0 0 NA NA Aqueous 2 1 1 2 Sorbed 2 1 1 2 Legend: Figure 5a. Depiction of SW-1 Site using the 14 Compartment Model. Higher numbers in cells represent higher concentrations. Arrows represent mass transport between compartments. (NA = Not Applicable; IP = Incomplete Pathway.) L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 55 CASE STUDY 1 – FAIRCHILD AFB Source Zone Zone/ Phases Plume Low Permeability Transmissive Transmissive Low Permeability Vapor Incomplete Pathway Incomplete Pathway Incomplete Pathway Incomplete Pathway DNAPL Same as Transmissive Zone DNAPL No NAPL observed = “0” NA NA Aqueous Transmissive zone “number” + 1 = “1”+1 = ”2” Maximum observed concentration in source well = TCE 1.7 μg/L = “1” Maximum observed concentration in plume well = TCE 1.4 μg/L = “1” Plume life >30 yrs, therefore number = “1”+1 = ”2” Sorbed Same as Source Low-Permeability Zone Aqueous Same as Source Transmissive Zone Aqueous Same as Plume Transmissive Zone Aqueous Same as Plume Low-Permeability Zone Aqueous Figure 5b. Methodology and decision logic used at this site on how to fill in the concentrations for the 14-Compartment Model in Figure 5a. (NA = Not Applicable). 14. Stakeholders U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), AFCEE, Department of Defense (DoD), and Washington State Department of Ecology. Key Point Question I: The CSM includes all items 1-14 relevant to the Site, and includes a qualitative 14 Compartment Model, therefore Question I.1 is answered “YES”. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 56 CASE STUDY 1 – FAIRCHILD AFB 3.2 QUESTION II. ARE SOURCES CONTROLLED? 3.2.1. Question II.1. Are there any significantly mobile source materials? Criteria: No mobile DNAPL. No Expanding LNAPL Zone. There is no evidence of free phase product observation/measurement in the monitoring wells or any other wells. Therefore, it is concluded that there are no significantly mobile source materials. Key Point: There are no significantly mobile NAPL in the source zone. Question II.1 is answered “YES”. 3.2.2 Question II.2. Is the source zone free of any environmentally significant quantity of NAPL? Criteria: Little or no DNAPL observed in transmissive zones, and no significant LNAPL accumulation based on specific volume calculations. No NAPL has ever been detected beneath the site. Key Point: There are no environmentally significant quantities of NAPL in the source zone. Question II.2 is answered “YES”. 3.2.3. Question II.3. Is it possible that any further source zone cleanup will be constrained by matrix diffusion processes? Criteria: Qualitative evaluation of matrix diffusion processes based on geology, chemical properties, timing of initial release, and remediation efforts. The potential for matrix diffusion effects can be seen at virtually any site with heterogeneity in the subsurface, NAPL, and/or where persistent groundwater contaminant concentrations after source-zone remediation have been observed. At SW-1, time of release and soil/groundwater remediation was evaluated as well as the lithology and cross-sections. Key factors favoring matrix diffusion at this site include: Release at the site occurred between 1949 and 1958. Therefore, significant time has elapsed since contaminant was released. While cross-sections do not show large-scale low-permeability lenses in the source or plume area. Overall, it is expected that heterogeneity is typical in this hydrogeologic setting, and that matrix diffusion effects would likely affect future remediation at some point. Key Point: It is possible that any further source zone cleanup will be constrained by matrix diffusion processes. Question II.3 is answered “YES”. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 57 CASE STUDY 1 – FAIRCHILD AFB 3.2.4. Question II.4. Are sources relatively small? Criteria: Plume is classified as a “Mag 4” Plume Magnitude Category or less based on mass discharge estimates, OR maximum source concentrations are < 20x MCL. In 2008, a maximum of 1.4 μg/L of TCE (MCL = 5 μg/L) was detected in the monitoring wells located both in the source and plume areas. Since March 2005, TCE concentrations at MW-90/MW-309 have been below 5 μg/L. Concentrations at MW-131 and MW-132 have been below 5 μg/L since 1998 and 1994, respectively. Monitoring at the other wells was suspended because of historically low detections of TCE. Key Point: Source is small. Question II.4 is answered “YES”. 3.2.5. Question II.5. Are source zone concentrations stable or decreasing? Criterion: Representative source zone concentrations over time are shown to be stable, decreasing, or probably decreasing. In 1998, with the concurrence of Washington State Department of Ecology and the USEPA, the number of wells sampled at SW-1 was reduced from ten to three (MW90/MW-309, MW-131, and MW-132), as detected concentrations of TCE in the other seven monitoring wells were routinely below the MCL of 5 μg/L (CH2MHill, 2006). The concentration vs. time plot for TCE in the currently monitored source well (MW-131) is shown on Figure 6. Trend analysis was performed using the non-parametric Mann-Kendall methodology (as developed for AFCEE’s Monitoring and Remediation Optimization System (MAROS) program). For this purpose, a value of half the detection limit was substituted for the nondetect results. Based on the trend analysis, the source zone well exhibits a “Decreasing” trend. Consequently, it is concluded that natural attenuation processes are active in the source zone and the source zone concentrations are stable or decreasing. Key Point: Source zone concentrations are decreasing. answered “YES”. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ Question II.5 is M A N U A L 58 CASE STUDY 1 – FAIRCHILD AFB GSI MANN-KENDALL TOOLKIT for Constituent Trend Analysis GSI Environmental Inc., Houston, Texas Date Analyzed: 18-Jun-12 Facility: SW-01: Fairfield AFB Well Identification: Distance from Source (ft): Sampling Event Constituent: Trichloroethene Concentration Units: ug/L MW-131 TRICHLOROETHENE CONCENTRATION (ug/L) Date 1 Jun-91 2 Dec-91 3 Feb-94 4 May-94 5 Aug-94 6 Nov-94 7 Apr-95 8 Jun-95 9 Sep-95 10 Dec-95 11 Mar-96 12 Sep-96 13 Mar-97 14 Sep-97 15 Mar-98 16 Sep-98 17 Mar-99 18 Sep-99 19 Mar-00 20 Sep-00 21 Mar-01 22 Sep-01 23 Mar-02 24 Sep-02 25 Mar-03 26 Sep-03 27 Mar-04 28 Sep-04 29 Mar-05 30 Mar-06 31 Sep-06 32 Sep-07 33 Sep-08 Coefficient of Variation: Mann-Kendall Statistic (S): Confidence Factor: Concentration Trend: 18 11 4.2 7.9 3.5 5.1 10 9.2 9 9 4 5.8 6 6 4 4 3.5 3.5 2 4.5 2.7 1.9 6.6 6.3 3.5 3.4 2.2 2.4 1.7 0.73 2.1 1.2 0.94 0.72 -333 >99.9% Decreasing Concentration (ug/L) 100 MW-131 10 1 0.1 05/07/90 01/31/93 10/28/95 07/24/98 04/19/01 01/14/04 10/10/06 07/06/09 04/01/12 Sampling Date Notes: 1. At least four independent sampling events per well are required for calculating the trend. Methodology is only valid for 4 to 40 samples. 2. Confidence in Trend = Confidence (in percent) that constituent concentration is increasing (S>0) or decreasing (S<0). ≥ 90% = Probably Increasing or Decreasing; >95% = Increasing or Decreasing. 3. Methodology based on "MAROS: A Decision Support System for Optimizing Monitoring Plans", J.J. Aziz, M. Ling, H.S. Rifai, C.J. Newell, and J.R. Gonzales, Ground Water , 41(3):355-367, 2003. 4. Values in bold represent detected values. Values in italics represent values below the detection limit and are shown as half the detection limit. No values were below the detection limit for this monitoring location. Figure 6. Source area concentration vs. time plots and Mann-Kendall analysis. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 59 CASE STUDY 1 – FAIRCHILD AFB 3.2.6. Question II.6. Is there evidence of on-going source attenuation processes? Criteria: Footprints of source zone attenuation are seen (such as generation of daughter products or consumption of electron acceptors). There is evidence that natural attenuation of TCE is occurring to some degree, as dissolved oxygen and oxidation-reduction potential field readings indicate that anaerobic conditions exist at least seasonally, and cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cis-1,2-DCE, a biodegradation daughter product of TCE) has been detected (CH2MHill, 2006, 2009a). Key Point: Source zone attenuation is occurring as evidenced by the generation of daughter product cis-DCE and presence of anaerobic conditions. Question II.6 is answered “YES”. 3.2.7. Question II.7. Will future source remediation only marginally improve site conditions? Criteria: There is “Less Need For Source Treatment” based on weight of evidence from the Qualitative Decision Chart (Figure 10 of LoRSC Manual). Future source remediation will have very little to no effect on site conditions as groundwater concentrations are already below MCL. Since March 2005, TCE concentrations at MW-90/MW-309 have been below 5 μg/L. Concentrations at MW-131 and MW-132 have been below 5 μg/L since 1998 and 1994, respectively. Monitoring at the other wells has been suspended due of historically low detections of TCE. Based on the Qualitative Decision Chart, a weight of evidence of 8 was obtained, therefore, there is “Less Need For Source Treatment” (Figure 7). Key Point: Future source zone remediation will only marginally improve site conditions. Question II.7 is answered “YES”. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 60 CASE STUDY 1 – FAIRCHILD AFB Figure 7. Qualitative Decision Chart on the merits of source depletion (Sale et al., 2008; Adapted from USEPA’s “The DNAPL Remediation Challenge: Is There a Case for Source Depletion?” (Kavanaugh et al., 2003). (3c was selected due to the low concentrations and evidence of on-going MNA; 5c was selected because remediation of the low concentrations in the source zone will not significantly reduce time to reach MCLs; 6c was selected assuming a 16 acre site and remediation cost of $3MM/acre (Sale et al., 2008)). L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 61 CASE STUDY 1 – FAIRCHILD AFB 3.3. QUESTION III. WILL RESIDUAL CONTAMINATION HAVE NO ADVERSE EFFECT ON PRESENT AND FUTURE LAND AND WATER USES? 3.3.1. Question III.1. Is the groundwater plume stable, decreasing, or probably decreasing? Criterion: Plume trend analysis showing stable, decreasing, or probably decreasing plume over time using method in Figure 8 of LoRSC Manual. Trend analysis was performed using the non-parametric Mann-Kendall methodology (as developed for AFCEE’s Monitoring and Remediation Optimization System (MAROS) program). For this purpose, a detection limit of 50% was substituted for the non-detect results. Based on the trend analysis, the plume zone wells (MW-90/MW-309 and MW132) both exhibit “Decreasing” trends (Figure 8). Consequently, it is concluded that natural attenuation processes are active in the plume and plume concentrations are stable or decreasing. Key Point: Plume zone concentrations are decreasing. answered “YES”. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ Question III.1 is M A N U A L 62 CASE STUDY 1 – FAIRCHILD AFB GSI MANN-KENDALL TOOLKIT for Constituent Trend Analysis GSI Environmental Inc., Houston, Texas Date Analyzed: 18-Jun-12 Facility: SW-01: Fairfield AFB Well Identification: Distance from Source (ft): Sampling Event Constituent: Trichloroethene Concentration Units: ug/L MW-90/MW-309 MW-132 TRICHLOROETHENE CONCENTRATION (ug/L) Date 1 Aug-90 2 Feb-91 3 Apr-91 4 Jun-91 5 Dec-91 6 Feb-94 7 May-94 8 Aug-94 9 Nov-94 10 Apr-95 11 Jun-95 12 Sep-95 13 Dec-95 14 Mar-96 15 Sep-96 16 Mar-97 17 Sep-97 18 Mar-98 19 Sep-98 20 Mar-99 21 Sep-99 22 Mar-00 23 Sep-00 24 Mar-01 25 Sep-01 26 Mar-02 27 Sep-02 28 Mar-03 29 Sep-03 30 Mar-04 31 Sep-04 32 Mar-05 33 Sep-05 34 Mar-06 35 Sep-06 36 Sep-07 37 Sep-08 Coefficient of Variation: Mann-Kendall Statistic (S): Confidence Factor: Concentration Trend: 10 4 11 6 12 8 6.3 3.4 7.4 6.5 8.8 14 10 9.2 10 7.2 8.7 8 5 10 7.3 5.7 7.8 9.2 6.7 6.8 11 8.3 7.8 8.7 5.8 5.5 0.77 1.3 1.6 1.9 1.7 1.4 1 1.9 1.8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.9 0.8 0.72 1 0.88 1.3 0.43 1.6 0.96 1.1 0.54 0.34 0.37 0.43 0.76 0.88 0.32 0.75 0.47 -211 99.8% 1.51 -265 >99.9% Decreasing Decreasing 100 MW-90/MW-309 Concentration (ug/L) MW-132 10 1 0.1 08/11/87 05/07/90 01/31/93 10/28/95 07/24/98 04/19/01 01/14/04 10/10/06 07/06/09 04/01/12 Sampling Date Notes: 1. At least four independent sampling events per well are required for calculating the trend. Methodology is only valid for 4 to 40 samples. 2. Confidence in Trend = Confidence (in percent) that constituent concentration is increasing (S>0) or decreasing (S<0). ≥ 90% = Probably Increasing or Decreasing; >95% = Increasing or Decreasing. 3. Methodology based on "MAROS: A Decision Support System for Optimizing Monitoring Plans", J.J. Aziz, M. Ling, H.S. Rifai, C.J. Newell, and J.R. Gonzales, Ground Water , 41(3):355-367, 2003. 4. Values in bold represent detected values. Values in italics represent values below the detection limit and are shown as half the detection limit. Figure 8. Plume area concentration vs. time plots and Mann-Kendall analysis. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 63 CASE STUDY 1 – FAIRCHILD AFB 3.3.2. Question III.2. Is there evidence of on-going natural attenuation processes in the plume? Criteria: Analysis of natural attenuation processes and footprints of natural attenuation in the plume. There is evidence that natural attenuation of TCE is occurring to some degree at MW132, as dissolved oxygen and oxidation-reduction potential field readings indicate that anaerobic conditions exist at least seasonally, and cis-DCE, an anaerobic daughter product of TCE was detected (CH2MHill, 2006, 2009a). Key Point: Plume zone attenuation is occurring as evidenced by the generation of daughter product cis-DCE and presence of anaerobic conditions. Question III.2 is answered “YES”. 3.3.3. Question III.3. Are conditions protective of potential and future receptors? Criteria: Analysis showing all exposure pathways for actual receptors are incomplete or do not present excess risk, and that future exposure will not occur at levels above risk criteria. The majority of the site is restricted to the public and Base personnel. There is no anticipated change in the future site use. Because contaminant concentrations at wells are less than MCLs for TCE, conditions are protective of potential and future receptors. Key Point: Conditions are protective of potential and future receptors. Question III.3 is answered “YES”. 3.3.4. Question III.4. Is there a near-term need for the impacted groundwater resource or any impacted land uses? Criteria: Evaluation of future needs for groundwater resource and associated overlying land uses. There is no anticipated change in the future site use. The site is restricted to the public and Base personnel. There are no plans to convert the property to civilian use. Key Point: There is no anticipated near-term need for the impacted groundwater resource or any impacted land uses. Question III.4 is answered “YES”. 4.0 SITE ASSESSMENT CONCLUSION The exit strategy for a given site can be effectively strengthened by multiple lines of evidence. The AFCEE LoRSC manual provides a weight-of-evidence decision logic to evaluate such lines of evidence. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 64 CASE STUDY 1 – FAIRCHILD AFB The LoRSC Manual methodology was applied to the Old Base Landfill Site at Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington. Three main categories of data were examined: 1) a comprehensive CSM, 2) control of sources, and 3) adverse effects of residual contamination on present and future land and water uses. Based on an evaluation of existing data, the Old Base Landfill Site has: a comprehensive CSM, control of sources, and no potential for adverse effects of residual contamination on present and future land and water uses. Consequently, the site may be categorized as a LoRSC Site Type A, “Strongest case for low-risk closure or reduced monitoring.” L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 65 CASE STUDY 1 – FAIRCHILD AFB 5.0 REFERENCES Air Combat Command, 1993. Final Feasibility Study Report, On-Base Priority One Operable Units Volume I of II, prepared by Air Combat Command, February 1993. Battelle, 1989. Phase II Confirmation/Quantification Stage 1 Final Report Volume I, prepared by Battelle Columbus Division, April 1989. CH2MHill, 2004. Remedial Action Operations, 20034 Annual Report, Old Base Landfill, Site SW-1 Fairchild Air Force Base, prepared by CH2MHill, October 2004. CH2MHill, 2005. Remedial Action Operations, 2004 Annual Report, Old Base Landfill, Site SW-1 Fairchild Air Force Base, prepared by CH2MHill, June 2005. CH2MHill, 2006. Fourth Quarter and Annual 2005 Remedial Action Operations Report, Priority One and Priority Two Sites Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington, prepared by CH2MHill, May 2006. CH2MHill, 2009a. Remedial Action Operations Report, Fourth Quarter and Annual 2008, Priority One and Priority Two Sites Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington, prepared by CH2MHill, July 2009. CH2MHill, 2009b. Remedial Action Operations Report, First Quarter 2009, Priority One and Priority Two Sites Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington, prepared by CH2MHill, July 2009. HEC, 1992. Installation Restoration Program – Conceptual Site Models for Priority One Operable Units FT-1, IS-1, OU-1, SW-1 and WW-1, Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington, prepared by Halliburton NUS Environmental Corporation, February 1992. HEC, 1993a. Remedial Investigation Report Priority One Operable Units, Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington, prepared by Halliburton NUS Environmental Corporation, February 1993. HEC, 1993b. Record of Decision On-Base Priority One Operable Units Final, prepared by Halliburton NUS Environmental Corporation, June 1993. ICF, 1995. Long Term Monitoring Report for Priority 1 Sites at Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington, prepared by ICF Technology Inc., June 1995. SAIC, 1990a. Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study, Priority 1 Sites, Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington, prepared by Science Applications International Corporation, May1990. SAIC, 1990b. Site Characterization Summary, Priority 1 Sites, Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington, prepared by Science Applications International Corporation, December 1990. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 66 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB CASE STUDY 2 SITE FT-03 – FIRE TRAINING AREA 3 OFFUTT AIR FORCE BASE L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 67 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The exit strategy for a given site can be effectively strengthened by multiple lines of evidence. The AFCEE Low-Risk Site Closure (LoRSC) Manual provides a weight-ofevidence decision logic to evaluate such lines of evidence. The LoRSC Manual methodology was applied to the Fire Training Area 3 Site at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska. Three main categories of data were examined: 1) a comprehensive Conceptual Site Model (CSM), 2) control of sources, and 3) adverse effects of residual contamination on present and future land and water uses. Based on an evaluation of existing data, the Fire Training Area 3 has: a comprehensive CSM, control of sources, and no potential for adverse effects of residual contamination on present and future land and water uses. Consequently, the site may be categorized as a LoRSC Site Type A, “Strongest case for low-risk closure or reduced monitoring.” L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 68 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB Table ES.1 LoRSC Manual Decision Logic Low-Risk Decision Questions III. Answers For “Must Have” Questions” Key Low-Risk Decision Criteria Answers For “Supporting” Questions Reference Do You Have A Complete Conceptual Site Model (CSM) That Reflects Key Low-Risk Closure Concepts? Conceptual Site Model checklist. Yes ⊠ No ⧠ Section 3.1.1 1. Are there any significantly mobile source materials? DNAPL sites: no mobile DNAPL observed. LNAPL sites: no expanding LNAPL zone and zero or low LNAPL transmissivity. Yes ⊠ No⧠ Section 3.2.1 2. Is the source zone free of any environmentally significant quantity of NAPL? Little or no DNAPL observed in transmissive zones, and no significant LNAPL accumulation based on specific volume calculations. Yes ⊠ No ⧠ Section 3.2.2 3. Is it possible that any further source zone cleanup will be constrained by matrix diffusion processes? Qualitative evaluation of matrix diffusion processes based on geology, chemical properties, timing of initial release, and remediation efforts. Yes ⧠ No ⊠ Section 3.2.3 4. Are sources relatively small? Plume is classified as a Mag 4 Plume Magnitude Category or less based on mass discharge estimates, OR maximum source concentrations are < 20x Maximum Concentration Limit (MCL). Yes ⊠ No ⧠ Section 3.2.4 5. Are source zone concentrations stable or decreasing? Representative source zone concentrations over time are shown to be stable, decreasing, or probably decreasing. Yes ⊠ No ⧠ Section 3.2.5 6. Is there evidence of on-going natural attenuation processes in the source zone? Footprints of source zone attenuation are seen (such as generation of daughter products or consumption of electron acceptors). Yes ⊠ No ⧠ Section 3.2.6 7. Will future source remediation only marginally improve site conditions? There is “Less Need For Source Treatment” based on the Qualitative Decision Chart. 1. Have all of the components of the Conceptual Site Model been evaluated? IV. Are Sources Controlled? III. Yes ⊠ No ⧠ Section 3.2.7 Will Residual Contamination Have No Adverse Effect on Present and Future Land and Water Uses? 1. Is the groundwater plume stable or shrinking? Plume trend analyses showing decreasing plume over time. Yes ⊠ No ⧠ Section 3.3.1 2. Is there evidence of on-going natural attenuation processes in the plume? Analyses of natural attenuation processes and footprints of natural attenuation in the plume. Yes ⊠ No ⧠ Section 3.3.2 3. Are conditions protective of potential and future receptors? Analyses showing all exposure pathways for receptors are incomplete or present acceptable risks, and that future exposure will not occur. Yes ⊠ No ⧠ Section 3.3.3 Yes ⊠ No ⧠ Section 3.3.4 4. Is there a near-term need for the impacted groundwater Evaluation of future needs for groundwater resource and associated overlying land uses. resource or any impacted land uses? KEY: “Must Have” Data: Critical Line of evidence for low-risk site closure - necessary to demonstrate these criteria at almost all sites if applicable. “Supporting” Data: Supporting line of evidence, with 0-4 of the supporting lines recommended for low-risk site closure. MUST HAVE: All Yes? Yes ⊠ (Type A or B) No ⧠ (Type C) SUPPORTING: How Many “Yes”? Type A if 3-4 Yes ⊠ Type B if 0-2 Yes ⧠ WHAT IT MEANS LoRSC Site Type A (Strongest case for low-risk closure or reduced monitoring) = All “Must Have” Questions = Yes AND 3 or 4 of the “Supporting” Questions = Yes LoRSC Site Type B (Moderately good case for low-risk closure or reduced monitoring) = All “Must Have” Questions = Yes AND 0 to 2 of the “Supporting” Questions = Yes LoRSC Site Type C (More difficult for low-risk closure or reduced monitoring) = Any “Must Have” Question = No L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 69 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB 2.0 BACKGROUND Fire Training Area 3 (Site, FTA3) is located in the northeastern part of Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska (Figure 1). Open fields surround FTA3 on the north and west, Offutt AFB air field on the south, and Base Lake on the east. FTA3 comprises of the former fire training burn pit and the foundations of the former smokehouse. The fire training area burn pit was at the center of the Site, a 3-ft deep depression approximately 200 ft in diameter, where the Air Force completed fire protection training exercises from 1960 until the spring of 1990. A mock aircraft fuselage, removed in about 1995, was located at the center of the pit. Building 654 (former smokehouse) was located west of the former burn pit and removed prior to 1990. Wastewater from the main burn pit was discharged to a shallow depression (discharge pond) north of the main burn pit via a drainpipe. The discharge pond was excavated and removed in the fall of 2004 as part of the Hardfill 6 removal project (URS, 2011c). Investigations completed in the 1990s indicated the presence of chlorinated solvent and petroleum hydrocarbon soil and groundwater contamination due to the former operations. A Statement of Basis was issued in November 2004 by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) specifying contaminated soil removal, Monitored Natural Attenuation monitoring, and administrative land use controls (LUC) (e.g., digging and drinking water restrictions) as the final remedy (URS, 2011c). Source area soils were excavated in 2004, and in 2006, with USEPA’s approval, pulsed bio-sparging was conducted to treat the residual groundwater contamination. Source area pulsed bio-sparging was terminated in 2007 with a Response Complete approval from USEPA. In 2008, the RCRA Permit was modified to include the old discharge pond area and its associated groundwater monitoring. A distal area bio-sparging system was installed in July 2008 and terminated in December 2009 when it was determined that continued operation of the remedy was not warranted (URS, 2011c). 3.0 SITE ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY The LoRSC Manual methodology was applied to determine if the Fire Training Area 3 site could be classified as a low-risk site. This information can be used to assist site managers build effective exit strategies for closing the site and/or reducing long-term monitoring intensity. The exit strategy for a given site can be effectively strengthened by multiple lines of evidence; therefore, the LoRSC Manual provides weight-of-evidence decision logic to build consensus between site stakeholders. The LoRSC Manual decision logic is based on identifying and examining three main categories of data: 1) a comprehensive Conceptual Site Model (CSM), 2) control of sources, and 3) adverse effects of residual contamination. Evaluation of the low-risk site decision logic is presented below. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 70 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB Figure 1. Site location map (URS, 2011c, Figure 1-2). L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 71 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB 3.1 QUESTION I. DO YOU HAVE A COMPLETE CSM THAT REFLECTS KEY LOW-RISK CLOSURE CONCEPTS? 3.1.1 Question I.1. Have all of the components of the CSM been evaluated Criteria: CSM checklist is complete The site conceptual model, summarized in Figure 2, is described in detail in the references cited below. 1. Site Information Former Use: Fire Training Exercise Area (1960-1991). From 1960 to 1974, training exercises were completed at the frequency of about once per week. Waste fuels and solvents were used during the training exercises. After 1974, exercises were conducted at a frequency of twice per calendar quarter (URS, 2006b). Current Use: The Base runway and East Gate Drain to the east, open fields and Landfill 5 are located to the west, the HF6 SWMU to north, and the Base Lake to east (700 feet). The majority of the site is restricted to the public and Base personnel (URS, 2006b). Future Use: None anticipated due to proximity to runway (URS, 2006b). 2. Site Investigations Site Investigations: 1988-2011: Annual and Semi-annual groundwater monitoring of vinyl chloride conducted (URS, 2011c; URS, 2006a). 1988: “An investigation conducted in November 1988, identified floating JP-4 in the ponds following a fire training exercise” (Parsons, 1999). 1990s: “Several investigations completed in the 1990s” (URS, 2011c). 1992: Quarterly groundwater monitoring conducted (Parsons, 1999). 1994: Cone Penetrometer Technology (CPT) pushes (CPT-1 through 22) were performed to characterize subsurface stratigraphy. Laser Induced Fluorescent (LIF) performed simultaneously at these locations to evaluate the presence of residual- and free-phase hydrocarbons in soil and groundwater. (Parsons, 1999). 1995: The mock aircraft fuselage was dismantled and removed (URS, 2011c). 1999: Treatability study performed in support of intrinsic remediation (Parsons, 1999). 2004: Removal of soils with greater than 1 milligram per kilogram (mg/kg) total BTEX or total chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons (CAH) (URS, 2006a; URS, 2011c). L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 72 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB Figure 2. Conceptual site model (CSM). L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 73 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB 2006-2009: Bio-sparging system installed and operated (URS, 2011c). Soil borings: 1988 to 2006: Various investigations and well installations (URS, 2006a). Geophysical investigations: 1988-89, 1994 various investigations (Parsons, 1999). Site geochemistry: 1994 (Parsons, 1999). Presence of off-site affected groundwater: Presence of VC at and beyond the operational fenceline (URS, 2011b; URS, 2011c). Evidence of Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (NAPL): 1988: “An investigation conducted in November 1988, identified floating JP-4 in the ponds following a fire training exercise” (Parsons, 1999). 1988-1990: residual NAPL found in soil during site investigations (Parsons, 1999). 1994: residual NAPL found at the site; however, mobile NAPL was not found at the site (Parsons, 1999). Most recent NAPL observation: 1994 (Parsons, 1999). 3. Source Characterization Primary source location: three sources of contamination have positively been identified (Figure 3-1 in URS, 1999, Parsons, 1999): Release Area 1: Former Fire Training Area Burn Pit. Release Area 2: Former Building 654. Release Area 3: Former Wastewater Discharge Pond (Two ponds). Secondary source locations: No mobile NAPL is found at the site, however residual NAPL was found during CPT and LIF investigations and collection of soil samples (Parsons, 1999). Release mechanisms: No liners or other devices were used within the burn pit to prevent the fuels and waste solvents used during fire training exercises from percolating into the soils to groundwater. Size and boundary: See Figures 2 and 3 (Figure 3-1 in URS, 1999 and Figure 4.1 in Parsons, 1999). Substance released: fuel hydrocarbons derived from JP-4 and chlorinated solvents (TCE) (Parsons, 1999). Date of release: 1960-1990 L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 74 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB Figure 3. Site plan (URS, 2011c, Figure 4-1). L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 75 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB Volume and mass of substance(s) released: 1960-1974: 2,000 gallons of waste fuels and solvents per training day at a frequency of once a week (Parsons, 1999). 1974-1990: 300 gallons of jet fuel (JP-4) at a frequency of approximately twice per calendar quarter (Parsons, 1999). Source control measures taken: excavation and pulsed bio-sparging (Parsons, 2011c). 4. Constituents of Concern On Base, the plume consists of BTEX, trichloroethene (TCE); 1,1-dichloroethane (1,1-DCA); trans-1,2-dichloroethene (trans-1,2-DCE); cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cis1,2-DCE); and vinyl chloride (VC), with benzene and VC being the primary constituents of concern. Off Base, the plume consists exclusively of VC (URS, 2006a). 5. Nature and Extent of Contamination Plan view of the plume: - Figures 4-3, 4-4, and 4-5 of URS, 2011c - Figure 2-1 of URS, 2011b - Figure 4-1, 4-2, and 4-3 of URS, 1999 - Figure 6-2 of URS, 2006b - Figure 5-2, 5-3, 5-4, 5-6, and 5-7 of URS, 2008b Cross-sections: - Figure 3-2 of URS, 1999 - Figure 6-3 of URS, 2006b - Figure 5-5 of URS, 2008b 6. Hydrogeology Stratigraphy: Shallow sediments underlying the Site comprise of 1.5 to 9 feet of a silt, clay, and sand mixture in shades of olive, gray, and brown (Figure 4). The shallow sediments are underlain by a poorly-graded sand which frequently contains a trace or more of silt, clay, or gravel. Depth to bedrock has not been determined (Parsons, 1999). Vadose (unsaturated) and saturated zone types: Comprised of fill material, clay, silty sand, silty clay, and silt (based on cross Section A-Aˊ, Figure 5-5 in URS, 2008b) (see Figure 4). L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 76 GSI Job No. G-3587-104 Issued: 10 May 2012 Page 77 of 130 PRELIMINARY Figure 4a. Cross-section A-Aˊ (URS, 2008b, Figure 5-1). L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 77 GSI Job No. G-3587-104 Issued: 10 May 2012 Page 78 of 130 PRELIMINARY Figure 4b. Cross-section A-Aˊ (URS, 2008b, Figure 5-5). As noted in URS 2008b, the green shaded area represents the 2007 vinyl chloride groundwater plume. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 78 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB Aquifer properties: General groundwater flow is to the east-southeast with an average gradient of 0.0004 ft/ft. Historically, groundwater gradients are steeper in the spring with a gradient of 0.0006 (value used in groundwater models) (Parsons, 1999). Hydraulic conductivities ranging from 7.7 to 9.5 ft/day were reported for wells screened across the water table within the silty sand at FTA3. Hydraulic conductivities were estimated from rising head slug tests performed on site wells. An average hydraulic conductivity of 3.5 ft/day was estimated from rising head slug tests at wells FTA3-MW6 and HF6-MW4. A conductivity of ~6.1 ft/day, based on the average of the historic and current K measurements, was used in groundwater models (Parsons, 1999). An effective porosity value of 0.2 was assumed for fine sand (Parsons, 1999). Confining unit soil type: The water bearing unit is not confined (Parsons, 1999). Depth to top of aquifer: Depth to groundwater is approximately 8 to 10 feet below ground surface (bgs) across the majority of the site (Parsons, 1999). Depth to groundwater: Depth to groundwater is approximately 8 to 10 feet bgs across the majority of the site (Parsons, 1999). Direction of groundwater flow including preferential pathways: General groundwater flow is to the east-southeast. Historically, groundwater gradients are steeper in the spring (Parsons, 1999). Recharge: No information on groundwater recharge could be obtained from the documents examined. Proximity to surface waters: The site is adjacent to the Base Lake. The edge of the pit that was excavated is approximately 350 feet from the lake (Figure 4-3 in URS, 2011c). Interaction between groundwater and surface water: Groundwater is connected to surface water in the lake, but based on cross-sections, the plume dips into the deeper water bearing unit and goes underneath the lake (Figure 2-3 in URS, 2008a). 7. Geochemistry Groundwater geochemical data were collected between 1994 and 2011. The geochemical data included dissolved oxygen (DO), nitrate + nitrite (NO2+NO3), ammonia, soluble manganese, ferrous iron, sulfate, methane, redox potential, alkalinity, free carbon dioxide, pH, temperature, conductivity, and chloride (Table 4-5 in Parsons, 1999). L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 79 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB Dissolved Oxygen: Measured DO concentrations ranged from 1994: 0.0 mg/L to 3.3 mg/L 1998: 0.17 mg/L to 3.69 mg/L 2007: 0.76 mg/L to 5.57 mg/L 2008: 0.21 mg/L to 0.7 mg/L 2009: 0.27 mg/L to 3.39 mg/L 2010: 0.04 mg/L to 1.03 mg/L 2011: 0.16 mg/L to 0.43 mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite: 1994: Nitrate/nitrite (as N) concentrations were not detected above 0.05 mg/L except at two sampling locations, including background locations. The highest nitrate/nitrite (as N) concentration was measured in the groundwater sample collected from well FTA3-MW4 at 1.5 mg/L. This well is located within 100 feet of the inlet to Base Lake, and it is suspected that this concentration may be the result of surface water/groundwater interaction. Sulfate: Measured sulfate concentrations ranged from 1994: <0.5 mg/L to 391 mg/L 2007: 1.6 mg/L to 47 mg/L 2008: Non-Detect to 1,500 mg/L 2009: 16 mg/L to 1,800 mg/L 2010: 8.8 mg/L to 1,400 mg/L 2011: 13 mg/L to 920 mg/L Ferrous Iron (Fe+2): Measured ferrous iron concentrations ranged from 1994: <0.05 mg/L to 26.3 mg/L 1998: 0.1 mg/L to 44.6 mg/L 2007: 0.2 mg/L to 3.2 mg/L 2008: 0 mg/L to 2.35 mg/L 2009: Non-Detect to 3.2 mg/L 2010: 0.12 mg/L to 9.35 mg/L 2011: <0.1 mg/L to 5.52 mg/L 8. Migration and Exposure Pathways The primary source of releases at the Site are waste oil, solvents, and fuels that were used during fire training exercises. The primary release mechanism is penetration of residual phase and dissolved phase contaminants in source areas to the underlying vadose zone soil upper portion of the saturation zone (via infiltration and percolation). Dissolution of the residual phase resulted in development of the dissolved phase plumes. Following source zone removal action in 2004, it is assumed the residual phase contamination is no longer present. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 80 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB A chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbon (CAH) and BTEX groundwater plume emanates from the former soil source. On Base, the plume consists primarily of BTEX; 1,1-DCA; cis-1,2-DCE; and VC. Off Base, the plume consists exclusively of VC. VC has not been detected in surface water samples collected from Base Lake, the closest point of potential exposure. Natural attenuation processes are reducing contaminant mass within the dissolved plume. There is limited potential for exposure since the contaminant source (i.e., soils within the former training area) was removed in 2004 and administrative LUCs (i.e., digging and drinking well restrictions, and Base fence) are in place. Fuelcontaminated soils remaining outside of the former source do not pose a risk to human health. The general public and Base personnel are restricted from direct access to the site. There are no existing complete exposure pathways associated with the groundwater plume since there are no domestic or other supply wells within the plume, or at the current estimated distal end of the plume near Base Lake (URS, 2006b). 9. Contaminant Attenuation Pathways Natural attenuation processes are reducing contaminant mass within the dissolved plume (URS, 2006b). 10. Receptors There is a lake (Base Lake) adjacent to the site at approximately 650 feet from the excavated area and downgradient of the source area. However, according to the cross-sections (for example, see Figure 5-5 in URS, 2008b or Figure 4-4 in URS, 2011a) the plume dives underneath the surface water. An investigation conducted in November 1988, identified floating JP-4 fuel in the ponds following a fire training exercise (Parsons, 1999). The CY11 results from monitoring wells HF6-MW4S, HF6-MW5S, and HF6-MW6S located downgradient of the former FTA3 old pond area, remain below all MCLs and Regional Screening Levels (RSLs). a) Human receptors: Currently, the source area is limited to hypothetical construction workers excavating the area. Routes of exposure to these receptors may be through contact with subsurface soil via inhalation of dust, ingestion, and dermal contact (USEPA, Statement of Basis). b) Ecological receptors: There are no current risks to ecological receptors (USEPA, Statement of Basis). c) Sensitive receptors: There are no current risks to sensitive receptors. The source areas within the fenced property boundary are off-limits to the general public and vast majority of the Base personnel. Since the source areas are also within the lateral clearance zone of the main operational runway, L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 81 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB buildings cannot be constructed in the lateral clear zone. Currently, there are no plans to close or transfer portions of the Base, therefore, there are no anticipated future residential or industrial receptors in the source areas (USEPA, Statement of Basis). d) Current and future groundwater and surface water resources: The shallow aquifer has the potential to be a domestic water source (USEPA, Statement of Basis). 11. Soil Remediation Soil Excavation: The discharge pond was excavated as part of the Hardfill 6 rubble pile removal project in fall 2004. Approximately 612,500 ft3 of bulk soil was excavated (i.e., 49,000 ft2 × 12.5 ft) (Figure 6-2 and 6-3 in URS, 2006b). 12. Groundwater Remediation Biosparging: The source area biosparging system was operated from June 2006 to March 2007, after which it was shutdown to assess contaminant concentration stability. Groundwater samples were collected at the same seven monitoring wells in April, July, and October 2007 to assess concentration stability. The USEPA approved a Response Complete and termination of the FTA3 source area biosparging in a letter dated December 19, 2007. Offutt AFB’s RCRA Permit was modified in 2008 to include FTA3’s old discharge pond area and its associated groundwater monitoring as part of the FTA3 solid waste management unit (SWMU) (previously within the HF5 SWMU footprint). The distal area biosparging system was installed in July 2008, began operating in August 2008, and continued through December 17, 2009, when the system was shut down due to freezing conditions. The purpose of biosparging in the distal portion of the groundwater plume was to accelerate the cleanup of contaminants remaining following the soil source remedial action and source biosparging. In 2010, it was determined that operation of the biosparging system was no longer warranted. 13. 14 Compartment Model The qualitative 14 Compartment Model (Figures 5a and 5b) for this site identifies all phases/zones that could potentially contain the contaminants. The 14 Compartment Model was completed using the conditions stated below to determine if mass is likely to be present in low-permeability compartments: The release at the site occurred between 1960 and 1991. Therefore, significant elapsed time since contaminant was released. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 82 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB Large amounts of contaminants were released. High concentrations of contaminants released were observed in the monitoring wells. The cross-sections do not show significant low-permeability lenses in the source or plume area. Overall, it is expected that low-permeability lenses or strata exist in the source area or the affected aquifer due to heterogeneity of aquifer. Source Zone Zone/ Phases Plume Low Permeability Transmissive Transmissive Low Permeability Vapor IP IP IP IP DNAPL 2 2 NA NA Aqueous 3 2 1 2 Sorbed 3 2 1 2 Legend: Figure 5a. Depiction of FTA3 using the 14 Compartment Model. Larger numbers represent higher concentrations. Arrows represent mass transport between compartments. (NA = Not Applicable; IP = Incomplete Pathway). L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 83 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB Source Zone Zone/ Phases Plume LowPermeability Transmissive Vapor Incomplete Pathway Incomplete Pathway Incomplete Pathway Incomplete Pathway DNAPL Same as Transmissive Zone DNAPL Residual NAPL observed = “2” NA NA Aqueous Transmissive zone “number” + 1 = “2”+1 = ”3” Maximum observed concentration in source well = VC 13 μg/L = “2” Maximum observed concentration in plume well = VC 2.3 μg/L = “1” Plume life >30 yrs, therefore number = “1”+1 = ”2” Sorbed Same as LowPermeability Zone Aqueous Same as Transmissive Zone Aqueous Same as Transmissive Zone Aqueous Same as LowPermeability Zone Aqueous Transmissive Low-Permeability Figure 5b. Methodology and decision logic used at this site on how to fill in the concentrations for the 14 Compartment Model in Figure 5a. (NA = Not Applicable). 14. Stakeholders U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), AFCEE, and Department of Defense (DoD). Key Point Question I: The CSM includes all items 1-14 relevant to the Site, and includes a qualitative 14 Compartment model, therefore Question I.1 is answered “YES”. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 84 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB 3.2 QUESTION II. ARE SOURCES CONTROLLED? 3.2.1. Question II.1. Are there any significantly mobile source materials? Criteria: No mobile DNAPL. No Expanding LNAPL Zone. There is no evidence of free phase product observation/measurement in the monitoring wells or any other wells, for both chlorinated solvents and jet fuel. Therefore, it is concluded that there are no significantly mobile source materials. Key Point: There are no significantly mobile NAPL in the source zone. Question II.1 is answered “YES”. 3.2.2 Question II.2. Is the source zone free of any environmentally significant quantity of NAPL? Criteria: Little or no DNAPL observed in transmissive zones, and no significant LNAPL accumulation based on specific volume calculations. Chlorinated Solvent NAPL: Since DNAPL has never been observed in core samples and the source zone area soil was excavated, there is no environmentally significant quantity of DNAPL in the source zone. Jet Fuel NAPL: Since LNAPL has never observed in core samples and the source zone area soil was excavated, there is no environmentally significant quantity of LNAPL in the source zone. Key Point: There are no environmentally significant quantities of NAPL in the source zone. Question II.2 is answered “YES”. 3.2.3. Question II.3. Is it possible that any further source zone cleanup will be constrained by matrix diffusion processes? Criteria: Qualitative evaluation of matrix diffusion processes based on geology, chemical properties, timing of initial release, and remediation efforts. Time of release and soil/groundwater remediation was evaluated as well as the lithology and cross-sections. The potential for matrix diffusion effects can be seen at virtually any site with heterogeneity in the subsurface, NAPL, and/or where persistent groundwater contaminant concentrations after source-zone remediation have been observed. Key factors favoring matrix diffusion at this site include: The release at the site occurred between 1960 and 1991. Therefore, significant time has elapsed since contaminant was released. Large amounts of contaminants were released. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 85 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB High concentrations of contaminants released were observed in the monitoring wells. The cross-sections do not show significant low-permeability lenses in the source or plume area. Overall, it is expected that low-permeability lenses or strata exist in the source area or the affected aquifer due to heterogeneity of aquifer. Key Point: It is possible that any further source zone cleanup will be constrained by matrix diffusion processes. Question II.3 is answered “YES”. 3.2.4. Question II.4. Are sources relatively small? Criteria: Plume is classified as a “Mag 4” Plume Magnitude Category or less based on mass discharge estimates, OR maximum source concentrations are < 20x MCL. The table below summarizes maximum concentrations of key groundwater constituents in all of the monitoring wells located in both source and plume areas. Since 2007, the maximum detected concentrations have been less than 20x MCL. Because the maximum concentration of key groundwater constituents is less than 20x their MCLs, the source is defined as a small source. Analytical data show significant decreases in the petroleum hydrocarbons and CAH concentrations as a result of the source removal and bio-sparging remedies. This mass reduction, in addition to the biosparging system installed in the distal portion of the plume in 2008, will facilitate achievement of MCLs by natural attenuation in the distal portions of the groundwater plume. Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 MCL (µg/L) Vinyl Chloride Maximum (µg/L) 18 32 5.8 11 13 2 Benzene Maximum (µg/L) 23 2.1 4.5 3.0 2.3 5 TCE Maximum (µg/L) 2.2 1.7 3.4 1.1 2.0 5 1,2-DCA Maximum (µg/L) 23 23 9.2 8.4 10 5 Key Point: Source is small. Question II.4 is answered “YES”. 3.2.5. Question II.5. Are source zone concentrations stable or decreasing? Criterion: Representative source zone concentrations over time are shown to be stable, decreasing, or probably decreasing. Source zone trends were determined at monitoring wells that contained at least five years of temporal data in the source area, to ensure enough time to determine source L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 86 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB zone trends. Trend analysis was performed using the non-parametric Mann-Kendall methodology (as developed for AFCEE’s Monitoring and Remediation Optimization System (MAROS) program). For this purpose, half the detection limit was used for the non-detect samples. Mann-Kendall analysis was performed for benzene, VC, and TCE at four source zone monitoring wells, MW-13S, MW-13SI, MW-15S, and MW-22S (Figures 6a through 6c). The trends in these source zone wells (using the method employed in MAROS) are either “Probably Decreasing”, “Decreasing”, or “Stable”. “No Trend” results were obtained for benzene in MW-22S, which has been non-detect since January of 2007, and TCE in MW-13S. Therefore, it can be concluded that natural attenuation processes are active in the source zone and the source zone concentrations are stable or decreasing. Key Point: Source zone concentrations are decreasing. answered “YES”. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ Question II.5 is M A N U A L 87 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB GSI MANN-KENDALL TOOLKIT for Constituent Trend Analysis GSI Environmental Inc., Houston, Texas Date Analyzed: 8-May-12 Facility: FTA3 - Offutt AFB, Nebraska Well Identification: Distance from Source (ft): Sampling Event Constituent: Benzene Concentration Units: ug/L FT3-MW13S FT3-MW13SI FT3-MW15S FT3-MW22S 0 0 0 0 BENZENE CONCENTRATION (ug/L) Date 1 Apr-00 2 Oct-00 3 Apr-01 4 Sep-01 5 Oct-01 6 Jul-02 7 Jul-03 8 Nov-04 9 Jul-05 10 10-Jan-07 11 13-Apr-07 12 17-Apr-07 13 12-Jul-07 14 13-Jul-07 15 16-Jul-07 16 17-Jul-07 17 22-Oct-07 18 15-Apr-08 19 16-Apr-08 20 14-Oct-08 21 18-Nov-08 22 17-Mar-09 23 10-Apr-09 24 14-Apr-09 25 15-Apr-09 26 15-Dec-09 27 22-Mar-10 28 07-Apr-10 29 08-Apr-10 30 09-Jul-10 31 22-Oct-10 32 06-Dec-10 33 06-Apr-11 34 07-Apr-11 Coefficient of Variation: Mann-Kendall Statistic (S): Confidence Factor: Concentration Trend: 62 93 9.6 14 290 58 68 44 5.7 1.3 350 200 0.2 450 220 230 230 0.21 0.2 0.18 0.2 1 1.6 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.46 0.2 0.2 1.5 1.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.51 0.72 0.2 0.98 0.94 1.2 0.74 0.2 1.61 -41 99.8% 0.93 -8 95.8% 1.49 -45 96.5% 0.2 1.15 -15 89.2% Decreasing Decreasing Decreasing No Trend 1000 FT3-MW13S Concentration (ug/L) FT3-MW13SI 100 FT3-MW15S FT3-MW22S 10 1 0.1 12/06/99 04/19/01 09/01/02 01/14/04 05/28/05 10/10/06 02/22/08 07/06/09 11/18/10 04/01/12 Sampling Date Notes: 1. At least four independent sampling events per well are required for calculating the trend. Methodology is only valid for 4 to 40 samples. 2. Confidence in Trend = Confidence (in percent) that constituent concentration is increasing (S>0) or decreasing (S<0). ≥ 90% = Probably Increasing or Decreasing; >95% = Increasing or Decreasing. 3. Methodology based on "MAROS: A Decision Support System for Optimizing Monitoring Plans", J.J. Aziz, M. Ling, H.S. Rifai, C.J. Newell, and J.R. Gonzales, Ground Water , 41(3):355-367, 2003. 4. Values in bold represent detected values. Values in italics represent values below the detection limit and are shown as half the detection limit. Figure 6a. Benzene source area concentration vs. time plots and Mann-Kendall analysis. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 88 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB GSI MANN-KENDALL TOOLKIT for Constituent Trend Analysis GSI Environmental Inc., Houston, Texas Date Analyzed: 8-May-12 Facility: FTA3 - Offutt AFB, Nebraska Well Identification: Distance from Source (ft): Sampling Event Constituent: Vinyl Chloride Concentration Units: ug/L FT3-MW13S FT3-MW13SI FT3-MW15S FT3-MW22S 0 0 0 0 VINYL CHLORIDE CONCENTRATION (ug/L) Date 1 Apr-00 2 Oct-00 3 Apr-01 4 Sep-01 5 Oct-01 6 Jul-02 7 Jul-03 8 Nov-04 9 Jul-05 10 10-Jan-07 11 13-Apr-07 12 17-Apr-07 13 12-Jul-07 14 13-Jul-07 15 16-Jul-07 16 17-Jul-07 17 22-Oct-07 18 15-Apr-08 19 16-Apr-08 20 14-Oct-08 21 18-Nov-08 22 17-Mar-09 23 10-Apr-09 24 14-Apr-09 25 15-Apr-09 26 15-Dec-09 27 22-Mar-10 28 07-Apr-10 29 08-Apr-10 30 09-Jul-10 31 22-Oct-10 32 06-Dec-10 33 06-Apr-11 34 07-Apr-11 Coefficient of Variation: Mann-Kendall Statistic (S): Confidence Factor: Concentration Trend: 740 520 1300 380 730 850 760 540 260 170 530 100 250 150 52 78 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.1 8.3 7.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.23 0.5 1.8 0.68 1.2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.7 5.5 0.5 11 6.2 13 5.2 0.5 1.19 -34 99.0% 0.83 -10 99.2% 1.53 -37 93.0% 0.5 1.58 -17 92.2% Decreasing Decreasing Prob. Decreasing Prob. Decreasing 10000 FT3-MW13S FT3-MW13SI Concentration (ug/L) 1000 FT3-MW15S FT3-MW22S 100 10 1 0.1 12/06/99 04/19/01 09/01/02 01/14/04 05/28/05 10/10/06 02/22/08 07/06/09 11/18/10 04/01/12 Sampling Date Notes: 1. At least four independent sampling events per well are required for calculating the trend. Methodology is only valid for 4 to 40 samples. 2. Confidence in Trend = Confidence (in percent) that constituent concentration is increasing (S>0) or decreasing (S<0). ≥ 90% = Probably Increasing or Decreasing; >95% = Increasing or Decreasing. 3. Methodology based on "MAROS: A Decision Support System for Optimizing Monitoring Plans", J.J. Aziz, M. Ling, H.S. Rifai, C.J. Newell, and J.R. Gonzales, Ground Water , 41(3):355-367, 2003. 4. Values in bold represent detected values. Values in italics represent values below the detection limit and are shown as half the detection limit. Figure 6b. VC source area concentration vs. time plots and Mann-Kendall analysis. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 89 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB GSI MANN-KENDALL TOOLKIT for Constituent Trend Analysis GSI Environmental Inc., Houston, Texas Date Analyzed: 8-May-12 Facility: FTA3 - Offutt AFB, Nebraska Well Identification: Distance from Source (ft): Sampling Event Constituent: TCE Concentration Units: ug/L FT3-MW13S FT3-MW13SI FT3-MW15S FT3-MW22S 0 0 0 0 TCE CONCENTRATION (ug/L) Date 1 Apr-00 2 Oct-00 3 Apr-01 4 Sep-01 5 Oct-01 6 Jul-02 7 Jul-03 8 Nov-04 9 Jul-05 10 10-Jan-07 11 13-Apr-07 12 17-Apr-07 13 12-Jul-07 14 13-Jul-07 15 16-Jul-07 16 17-Jul-07 17 22-Oct-07 18 15-Apr-08 19 16-Apr-08 20 14-Oct-08 21 18-Nov-08 22 17-Mar-09 23 10-Apr-09 24 14-Apr-09 25 15-Apr-09 26 15-Dec-09 27 22-Mar-10 28 07-Apr-10 29 08-Apr-10 30 09-Jul-10 31 22-Oct-10 32 06-Dec-10 33 06-Apr-11 34 07-Apr-11 Coefficient of Variation: Mann-Kendall Statistic (S): Confidence Factor: Concentration Trend: 3.8 0.43 2.4 2.3 2.5 2.5 6.6 3.9 0.3 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.3 0.2 2.5 0.89 2.5 0.5 1.1 39 63 2.2 2.8 0.5 1.1 2.2 0.36 0.5 1.1 0.5 0.5 3.4 2.4 1.7 0.86 0.5 0.5 1.1 0.5 0.2 0.21 2 0.97 0.68 2 52.7% 0.75 -2 59.2% 0.5 0.94 -64 99.6% 1.85 -32 99.9% No Trend Stable Decreasing Decreasing 100 FT3-MW13S Concentration (ug/L) FT3-MW13SI FT3-MW15S FT3-MW22S 10 1 0.1 12/06/99 04/19/01 09/01/02 01/14/04 05/28/05 10/10/06 02/22/08 07/06/09 11/18/10 04/01/12 Sampling Date Notes: 1. At least four independent sampling events per well are required for calculating the trend. Methodology is only valid for 4 to 40 samples. 2. Confidence in Trend = Confidence (in percent) that constituent concentration is increasing (S>0) or decreasing (S<0). ≥ 90% = Probably Increasing or Decreasing; >95% = Increasing or Decreasing. 3. Methodology based on "MAROS: A Decision Support System for Optimizing Monitoring Plans", J.J. Aziz, M. Ling, H.S. Rifai, C.J. Newell, and J.R. Gonzales, Ground Water , 41(3):355-367, 2003. 4. Values in bold represent detected values. Values in italics represent values below the detection limit and are shown as half the detection limit. Figure 6c. TCE source area concentration vs. time plots and Mann-Kendall analysis. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 90 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB 3.2.6. Question II.6. Is there evidence of on-going source attenuation processes? Criteria: Footprints of source zone attenuation are seen (such as generation of daughter products or consumption of electron acceptors). The source has been removed during soil excavation. There is evidence of on-going anoxic attenuation in the former source area: Generation of daughter products: As of April 2011 daughter products cis-1,2DCE, trans-1,2-DCE, VC, ethane, ethane, and methane have been detected in monitoring wells located in or near the former source area. Depletion of oxygen, nitrate and sulfate: Dissolved oxygen has been depleted over the entire period DO was measured (1994-2011). Maximum DO in the monitoring wells located in the source area was reduced from 5.57 mg/L in MW13SI in 2007 to 0.38 mg/L in MW-13S in 2011. Sulfate concentrations have also been depleted. See geochemistry section of Question I.1 for details on nitrate and sulfate concentrations. Low oxygen, nitrate, and sulfate concentrations: Average measured DO concentrations are below ~0.5 mg/L, AND plume doesn’t meet all of the anaerobic indicators (i.e., sulfate concentrations are not less than 50 mg/L). See geochemistry section of Question I.1. Key Point: Source zone attenuation is occurring as evidenced by the generation of daughter product cis-DCE, consumption of electron acceptors, and presence of anoxic conditions. Question II.6 is answered “YES”. 3.2.7. Question II.7. Will future source remediation only marginally improve site conditions? Criteria: There is “Less Need For Source Treatment” based on weight of evidence from the Qualitative Decision Chart (Figure 10 of LoRSC Manual). The source has been removed during soil excavation. The Qualitative Decision Chart was completed to evaluate the need for additional source treatment for residual NAPL that may have remained in the soil after excavation. A weight of evidence of 8 was obtained, therefore, there is “Less Need For Source Treatment” (Figure 7). Key Point: Future source zone remediation will only marginally improve site conditions. Question II.7 is answered “YES”. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 91 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB Figure 7. Qualitative Decision Chart on the merits of source depletion (Sale et al., 2008; Adapted from USEPA’s “The DNAPL Remediation Challenge: Is There a Case for Source Depletion?” (Kavanaugh et al., 2003). (3c was selected due to the relatively low concentrations and evidence of on-going MNA; 5c was selected because remediation of the relatively low concentrations in the source zone will not significantly reduce time to reach MCLs; 6c was selected assuming a 4.4 acre site and remediation cost of $3MM/acre (Sale et al., 2008)) L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 92 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB 3.3. QUESTION III. WILL RESIDUAL CONTAMINATION HAVE NO ADVERSE EFFECT ON PRESENT AND FUTURE LAND AND WATER USES? 3.3.1. Question III.1. Is the groundwater plume stable, decreasing, or probably decreasing? Criterion: Plume trend analysis showing stable, decreasing, or probably decreasing plume over time using method in Figure 8. Plume zone trends were determined at monitoring wells that contained at least five years of temporal data, to ensure enough time to determine trends. Trend analysis was performed using the non-parametric Mann-Kendall methodology (as developed for AFCEE’s Monitoring and Remediation Optimization System (MAROS) program). For this purpose, half the detection limit was substituted for the non-detect results. Mann-Kendall analysis was performed for benzene, VC, and TCE at six plume area monitoring wells: MW-6A, MW-8SI, MW-9SI, MW-10SI, MW-11SI, and MW-16SI. The trends in these wells (using the method employed in MAROS) are either “Probably Decreasing”, “Decreasing”, or “Stable” (Figures 8a through 8c). “No Trend” results were obtained for benzene at MW-16SI and vinyl chloride at MW-9SI and MW-11SI. Therefore, it can be concluded that natural attenuation processes are active in the plume area and the plume concentrations are stable or decreasing. Key Point: Plume zone concentrations are decreasing. answered “YES”. Question III.1 is 3.3.2. Question III.2. Is there evidence of on-going natural attenuation processes in the plume? Criteria: Analysis of natural attenuation processes and footprints of natural attenuation in the plume. There is evidence of on-going anoxic attenuation in and near the plume: Generation of daughter products: As of April 2011 daughter products cis-1,2DCE, trans-1,2-DCE, VC, ethane, ethane, and methane have been detected in the monitoring wells located in and near the plume. Depletion of oxygen, nitrate and sulfate: Dissolved oxygen has been depleted over the period DO was measured (1994-2011). Maximum DO in the monitoring wells located in or near the plume has reduced from 1.84 mg/L in MW-11SI in 2007 to 0.2 mg/L in MW-9SI in 2011. Sulfate concentrations have also been depleted. See geochemistry section of Question I.1 for details on nitrate and sulfate concentrations. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 93 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB GSI MANN-KENDALL TOOLKIT for Constituent Trend Analysis GSI Environmental Inc., Houston, Texas Date Analyzed: 8-May-12 Facility: FTA3 - Offutt AFB, Nebraska Well Identification: Distance from Source (ft): Sampling Event Constituent: Benzene Concentration Units: ug/L FT3-MW6A FT3-MW8SI FT3-MW9SI FT3-MW10SI FT3-MW11SI FT3-MW16SI 150 250 420 550 600 420 BENZENE CONCENTRATION (ug/L) Date Nov-89 1 Mar-92 2 May-92 3 Aug-92 4 Nov-94 5 Jul-96 6 7 Jun-98 Jul-98 8 9 Dec-98 10 Jun-99 11 Apr-00 Oct-00 12 13 Apr-01 Oct-01 14 Jul-02 15 Jul-03 16 Nov-04 17 Jul-05 18 16-Jul-07 19 17-Jul-07 20 16-Apr-08 21 14-Oct-08 22 23 14-Apr-09 24 15-Apr-09 25 07-Apr-10 08-Apr-10 26 27 22-Oct-10 28 06-Apr-11 07-Apr-11 29 Coefficient of Variation: Mann-Kendall Statistic (S): Confidence Factor: Concentration Trend: 2.5 5.6 6.6 10 5.4 3 2.5 0.935 4.03 4.7 6.4 7.5 12 7.7 9 12 2.5 0.31 0.5 0.45 1 1.1 1 1 0.41 23 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 0.49 1 0.75 1.8 0.14 0.88 0.57 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 0.2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 0.2 0.5 1 2.1 0.43 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.3 1.3 2.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.27 0.2 0.2 2.5 2.5 3 2.3 2.3 0.2 0.88 -6 55.9% 0.2 0.86 -18 90.5% 0.84 -32 99.9% 0.78 -39 99.7% 0.89 -36 99.3% 0.52 6 66.8% Stable Prob. Decreasing Decreasing Decreasing Decreasing No Trend FT3-MW6A 100 FT3-MW8SI Concentration (ug/L) FT3-MW9SI FT3-MW10SI FT3-MW11SI 10 FT3-MW16SI 1 0.1 12/23/88 09/19/91 06/15/94 03/11/97 12/06/99 09/01/02 05/28/05 02/22/08 11/18/10 Sampling Date Notes: 1. At least four independent sampling events per well are required for calculating the trend. Methodology is only valid for 4 to 40 samples. 2. Confidence in Trend = Confidence (in percent) that constituent concentration is increasing (S>0) or decreasing (S<0). ≥ 90% = Probably Increasing or Decreasing; >95% = Increasing or Decreasing. 3. Methodology based on "MAROS: A Decision Support System for Optimizing Monitoring Plans", J.J. Aziz, M. Ling, H.S. Rifai, C.J. Newell, and J.R. Gonzales, Ground Water , 41(3):355-367, 2003. 4. Values in bold represent detected values. Values in italics represent values below the detection limit and are shown as half the detection limit. Figure 8a. Benzene plume area concentration vs. time plots and Mann-Kendall analysis. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 94 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB GSI MANN-KENDALL TOOLKIT for Constituent Trend Analysis GSI Environmental Inc., Houston, Texas Date Analyzed: 8-May-12 Facility: FTA3 - Offutt AFB, Nebraska Well Identification: Distance from Source (ft): Sampling Event Constituent: Vinyl Chloride Concentration Units: ug/L FT3-MW6A FT3-MW8SI FT3-MW9SI FT3-MW10SI FT3-MW11SI FT3-MW16SI 150 250 420 550 600 420 VINYL CHLORIDE CONCENTRATION (ug/L) Date 1 Nov-89 Mar-92 2 May-92 3 4 Aug-92 Nov-94 5 Jul-96 6 7 Jun-98 Jul-98 8 Dec-98 9 10 Jun-99 11 Apr-00 Oct-00 12 13 Apr-01 14 Oct-01 Jul-02 15 16 Jul-03 17 Nov-04 Jul-05 18 19 16-Jul-07 20 17-Jul-07 16-Apr-08 21 22 14-Oct-08 23 14-Apr-09 15-Apr-09 24 25 07-Apr-10 26 08-Apr-10 22-Oct-10 27 28 06-Apr-11 07-Apr-11 29 Coefficient of Variation: Mann-Kendall Statistic (S): Confidence Factor: Concentration Trend: 1 1 1 1 6.2 1.6 1 1 1.77 2.2 3.6 3.6 3.7 2.5 2 4.4 13 13 13 12 18 17 15 8.9 0.9 2.8 0.5 4.1 0.45 2 3 3.2 3.9 7 7.6 5 5.4 0.9 0.5 0.9 3.6 5.1 4 4.7 3.3 3.1 18 32 8 3.6 6.1 0.3 5 6.1 5.9 2.6 2.2 3.9 1 0.33 0.5 0.36 0.13 0.19 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.28 3.8 2.8 0.5 2.3 0.5 0.77 -1 50.0% 0.5 0.65 -26 97.5% 1.50 -4 60.3% 0.76 -23 93.3% 0.97 4 58.0% 0.25 -21 96.4% Stable Decreasing No Trend Prob. Decreasing No Trend Decreasing FT3-MW6A 100 FT3-MW8SI Concentration (ug/L) FT3-MW9SI FT3-MW10SI FT3-MW11SI 10 FT3-MW16SI 1 0.1 12/06/99 04/19/01 09/01/02 01/14/04 05/28/05 10/10/06 02/22/08 07/06/09 11/18/10 04/01/12 Sampling Date Notes: 1. At least four independent sampling events per well are required for calculating the trend. Methodology is only valid for 4 to 40 samples. 2. Confidence in Trend = Confidence (in percent) that constituent concentration is increasing (S>0) or decreasing (S<0). ≥ 90% = Probably Increasing or Decreasing; >95% = Increasing or Decreasing. 3. Methodology based on "MAROS: A Decision Support System for Optimizing Monitoring Plans", J.J. Aziz, M. Ling, H.S. Rifai, C.J. Newell, and J.R. Gonzales, Ground Water , 41(3):355-367, 2003. 4. Values in bold represent detected values. Values in italics represent values below the detection limit and are shown as half the detection limit. Figure 8b. VC plume area concentration vs. time plots and Mann-Kendall analysis. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 95 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB GSI MANN-KENDALL TOOLKIT for Constituent Trend Analysis GSI Environmental Inc., Houston, Texas Date Analyzed: 8-May-12 Facility: FTA3 - Offutt AFB, Nebraska Well Identification: Distance from Source (ft): Sampling Event Constituent: TCE Concentration Units: ug/L FT3-MW6A FT3-MW8SI FT3-MW9SI FT3-MW10SI FT3-MW11SI FT3-MW16SI 150 250 420 550 600 420 TCE CONCENTRATION (ug/L) Date Nov-89 1 Mar-92 2 May-92 3 Aug-92 4 Nov-94 5 Jul-96 6 Jun-98 7 Jul-98 8 Dec-98 9 Jun-99 10 Apr-00 11 Oct-00 12 Apr-01 13 Oct-01 14 Jul-02 15 Jul-03 16 Nov-04 17 Jul-05 18 16-Jul-07 19 17-Jul-07 20 16-Apr-08 21 14-Oct-08 22 14-Apr-09 23 15-Apr-09 24 07-Apr-10 25 08-Apr-10 26 22-Oct-10 27 06-Apr-11 28 07-Apr-11 29 Coefficient of Variation: Mann-Kendall Statistic (S): Confidence Factor: Concentration Trend: 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 0.5 6.3 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 0.5 0.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.12 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.12 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.58 -73 98.6% 0.5 0.48 -24 96.4% 0.85 -27 99.2% 0.70 -36 99.3% 0.74 -39 99.7% 0.5 0.79 -24 98.2% Decreasing Decreasing Decreasing Decreasing Decreasing Decreasing 0.5 10 FT3-MW6A FT3-MW8SI Concentration (ug/L) FT3-MW9SI FT3-MW10SI FT3-MW11SI FT3-MW16SI 1 0.1 12/06/99 04/19/01 09/01/02 01/14/04 05/28/05 10/10/06 02/22/08 07/06/09 11/18/10 04/01/12 Sampling Date Notes: 1. At least four independent sampling events per well are required for calculating the trend. Methodology is only valid for 4 to 40 samples. 2. Confidence in Trend = Confidence (in percent) that constituent concentration is increasing (S>0) or decreasing (S<0). ≥ 90% = Probably Increasing or Decreasing; >95% = Increasing or Decreasing. 3. Methodology based on "MAROS: A Decision Support System for Optimizing Monitoring Plans", J.J. Aziz, M. Ling, H.S. Rifai, C.J. Newell, and J.R. Gonzales, Ground Water , 41(3):355-367, 2003. 4. Values in bold represent detected values. Values in italics represent values below the detection limit and are shown as half the detection limit. Figure 8c. TCE plume area concentration vs. time plots and Mann-Kendall analysis. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 96 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB Low oxygen, nitrate, and sulfate concentrations: Average measured dissolved oxygen concentrations are below ~2 mg/L, AND plume doesn’t meet all of the anaerobic indicators (i.e., sulfate concentrations are not less than 50 mg/L). See geochemistry section of Question I.1. Key Point: Plume zone attenuation is occurring as evidenced by the generation of daughter product cis-DCE and VC and consumption of electron acceptors. Question III.2 is answered “YES”. 3.3.3. Question III.3. Are conditions protective of potential and future receptors? Criteria: Analysis showing all exposure pathways for actual receptors are incomplete or do not present excess risk, and that future exposure will not occur at levels above risk criteria. The site at its current use is bounded on the south by the Base runway and East Gate Drain, open fields and Landfill 5 to the west, HF6 SWMU to the north, and Base Lake to the east (700 feet). The majority of the site is restricted to the public as well as the majority of Base personnel. There is no anticipated change in the future site use due to proximity to runway. The only potential receptor is Base Lake located approximately 700 feet downgradient from the excavated source area. To date, vinyl chloride has not been detected in surface water samples collected from the lake. According to the cross-sections (for example, see Figure 4b) the plume goes underneath the surface water. Additionally, natural attenuation processes are reducing contaminant mass within the dissolved plume. CY11 results from monitoring wells HF6-MW4S, HF6-MW5S, and HF6-MW6S located downgradient of the former FTA3 old pond area, remain below all MCLs and Regional Screening Levels. There is limited potential for exposure since the contaminant source (i.e., soils within the former training area) was removed in 2004 and administrative LUCs (i.e., digging, drinking well restrictions, and Base fence) are in place. Fuel-contaminated soils remaining outside of the former source do not pose a risk to human health. The general public and Base personnel are restricted from direct access to the SWMU. There are no existing complete exposure pathways associated with the groundwater plume since there are no domestic or other supply wells within the plume or at the current estimated distal end of the plume near Base Lake (URS, 2006b). Key Point: Conditions are protective of potential and future receptors. Question III.3 is answered “YES”. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 97 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB 3.3.4. Question III.4. Is there a near-term need for the impacted groundwater resource or any impacted land uses? Criteria: Evaluation of future needs for groundwater resource and associated overlying land uses. There is no anticipated change in the future site use due to proximity to runway. The majority of the site is restricted to the public and Base personnel. There are no plans for exploitation of groundwater resources and LUCs are in place. Key Point: There is no anticipated near-term need for the impacted groundwater resource or any impacted land uses. Question III.4 is answered “YES”. 4.0 SITE ASSESSMENT CONCLUSION The exit strategy for a given site can be effectively strengthened by multiple lines of evidence. The AFCEE LoRSC Manual provides a weight-of-evidence decision logic to evaluate such lines of evidence. The LoRSC Manual methodology was applied to the Fire Training Area 3 Site at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska. Three main categories of data were examined: 1) a comprehensive Conceptual Site Model, 2) control of sources, and 3) adverse effects of residual contamination on present and future land and water uses. Based on an evaluation of existing data, Fire Training Area 3 Site has: a comprehensive CSM, control of sources, and no potential for adverse effects of residual contamination on present and future land and water uses. Consequently, the site may be categorized as a LoRSC Site Type A, “Strongest case for low-risk closure or reduced monitoring.” L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 98 CASE STUDY 2 – OFFUTT AFB 5.0 REFERENCES Parsons, 1999. Treatability Study in Support of Intrinsic Remediation for Fire Protection Training Area 3, Offutt Air Force Base, Omaha, Nebraska, prepared by Parson Engineering Science, Inc., 30 November 1999. USEPA, Statement of Basis, no date. URS, 1999. FY98 Long Term Monitoring Fire Protection Training Area 3 (FT-003), Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, prepared by URS, May 7, 1999. URS, 2006a. Fire Training Area 3 Biosparging Corrective Measures Implementation Work Plan, ACC 4-BASE PBC, Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, prepared by URS, May 15, 2006. URS, 2006b. Environmental Restoration Program Basewide Work Plan, ACC 4-BASE PBC, Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, prepared by URS, June 27, 2006. URS, 2008a. Fire Training Area 3 Biosparging Corrective Measures Implementation Work Plan – 2008 Addendum, ACC 4-BASE PBC, Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, prepared by URS, July 1, 2008. URS, 2008b. Basewide CY07 Annual Report and Remedy in Place Documentation ACC 4-BASE PBC, Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, prepared by URS, August 12, 2008. URS, 2009. Basewide CY08 Annual Report ACC 4-BASE PBC, Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, prepared by URS, June 30, 2009. URS, 2010. Basewide CY09 Annual Report ACC 4-BASE PBC, Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, prepared by URS, August 23, 2010. URS, 2011a. Basewide CY10 Annual Report ACC 4-BASE PBC, Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, prepared by URS, September 14, 2011. URS, 2011b. 2011 Groundwater Sampling Work Plan Addendum, ACC 4-BASE PBC, Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, prepared by URS, September 14, 2011. URS, 2011c. Basewide CY11 Annual Report ACC 4-BASE PBC, Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, prepared by URS, November 17, 2011. WCC, 1993. Installation Restoration Program – Remedial Investigation, Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, prepared by Woodward-Clyde Consultants, November 1993. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 99 APPENDICES APPENDICES Appendix A. Summary of State Programs for Site Exit/Closure Appendix B. Low-Risk Site Quick Reference Checklist Appendix C. Conceptual Site Model Appendix D. 14 Compartment Model Template L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 100 APPENDIX A APPENDIX A SUMMARY OF STATE PROGRAMS FOR SITE EXIT/CLOSURE L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 101 Page 1 of 9 TABLE A.1 SUMMARY OF STATE PROGRAMS FOR SITE EXIT/CLOSURE Low-Risk Site Closure Guidance Manual Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment State Alabama Regulatory Agency Acronym Web Site Groundwater Site Exit/Closure Criteria Defined? Dept. of Env. Management, Water Division, Groundwater, UST Corrective Action Information ADEM www.adem.state.al.us Yes Dept. of Env. Conservation ADEC www.dec.alaska.gov Dept. of Env. Quality ADEQ http://www.azdeq.gov Dept. of Env. Quality ADEQ www.adeq.state.ar.us Guidance for Site Exit/Closure Other State References Yes 18 AAC 75.380 (non-LUST); 18 AAC 78.276 (LUST); and Streamlined Cleanup Program Guidance. Proposed Environmental Site Closeout Concepts, Criteria, and Definitions; and, Site Closure Memoradum. Yes Arizona Department of Environmental Quality UST Program Release Reporting & Corrective Action Guidance Alaska Arizona Arkansas Groundwater Site Closure with Contaminants in Place? Page 2 of 9 TABLE A.1 SUMMARY OF STATE PROGRAMS FOR SITE EXIT/CLOSURE Low-Risk Site Closure Guidance Manual Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment State Regulatory Agency Acronym Web Site Groundwater Site Exit/Closure Criteria Defined? California Environmental Protection Agency, State Water Resources Control Board, and 9 Regional Water Quality Control Boards. Cal/EPA www.swrcb.ca.gov Yes Groundwater Site Closure with Guidance for Site Contaminants in Exit/Closure Place? Yes Assessment Tool for Closure of Low-Threat Chlorinated Solvent Sites (California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region, 2009); Supplemental Instructions to State Water Board December 8, 1995, Interim Guidance on Required Cleanup at Low Risk Fuel Sites (California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region, 1996); California Other State References Cleanup Programs - Status Report Including Case Closures; Fact Sheet Underground Storage Tank Program Site Closure Process; Fact Sheet Petroleum Hydrocarbon Cleanup Approach for Soils; Draft California Independent UST Case Closure Study; and Other low risk documents for Underground Storage Tank Program Site Closure Process fuels and chlorinated volatile organic compounds. (California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coast Region, 2009); Low-Threat Underground Storage Tank Case Closure Policy (State Water Resources Control Board, 2012). Dept. of Env. Health's Hazardous Materials Compliance Division HMCD www.sccgov.org Recommended Minimum Verification Analyses for Underground Storage Tank Leaks Page 3 of 9 TABLE A.1 SUMMARY OF STATE PROGRAMS FOR SITE EXIT/CLOSURE Low-Risk Site Closure Guidance Manual Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment State California (Cont'd) Regulatory Agency Acronym Web Site Dept. of Env. Health's Dertified Unified Program Agency (The County of Fresno) CUPA www.co.fresno.ca.us County of San Mateo Health System California Department of Toxic Substances Control California Regional Water Quality Control Board: North Coast Region California Regional Water Quality Control Board: San Francisco Bay Region Groundwater Site Exit/Closure Criteria Defined? Groundwater Site Closure with Contaminants in Place? Guidance for Site Exit/Closure Underground Storage Tank Closure Guidelines www.co.sanmateo.ca.us DTSC Case Closure www.dtsc.ca.gov/ www.waterboards.ca.go v/northcoast/ Underground Storage Tank Program Site Closure Process (2009) www.waterboards.ca.go v/sanfranciscobay/ Assessment Tool for Closure of Low-Threat Chlorinated Solvent Sites (2009); Supplemental Instructions to State Water Board December 8, 1995, Interim Guidance on Required Cleanup at Low Risk Fuel Sites (1996). California Regional Water Quality Control Board: Central Coast Region www.waterboards.ca.go v/centralcoast/ California Regional Water Quality Control Board: Los Angeles Region www.waterboards.ca.go v/losangeles/ Other State References Page 4 of 9 TABLE A.1 SUMMARY OF STATE PROGRAMS FOR SITE EXIT/CLOSURE Low-Risk Site Closure Guidance Manual Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment State California (Cont'd) Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Regulatory Agency Acronym Web Site California Regional Water Quality Control Board:Central Valley Region www.waterboards.ca.go v/centralvalley/ California Regional Water Quality Control Board: Lahontan Region www.waterboards.ca.go v/lahontan/ California Regional Water Quality Control Board: Colorado River Basin Region www.waterboards.ca.go v/coloradoriver/ California Regional Water Quality Control Board: Santa Ana Region California Regional Water Quality Control Board: San Diego Region Dept. of Labor and Employment, Division of Oil and Public Safety, Remediation Section Dept. of Env. Protection Dept. of Natural Resources and Env. Control District Dept. of the Ennvironment www.waterboards.ca.go v/santaana/ Groundwater Site Exit/Closure Criteria Defined? Groundwater Site Closure with Contaminants in Place? Guidance for Site Exit/Closure Fact Sheet (2/1/99) Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program: Site Investigation and Remediation. www.waterboards.ca.go v/sandiego/ CDPHE www.cdphe.state.co.us CT DEP www.ct.gov/dep/site/def ault.asp www.dnrec.delaware.go v DNREC DDOE www.ddoe.dc.gov Other State References Yes DRAFT Guidance for the Closure of Low-Threat Sites with Residual Ground Water Contamination Yes Closure Plan Guidline Document Page 5 of 9 TABLE A.1 SUMMARY OF STATE PROGRAMS FOR SITE EXIT/CLOSURE Low-Risk Site Closure Guidance Manual Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment State Acronym Web Site Groundwater Site Exit/Closure Criteria Defined? Dept. of Env. Protection DEP www.dep.state.fl.us Yes Dept. of Natural Resources Dept. of Health, Env. Mgmt. Div., Solid and Haz. Waste Branch DNR www.dnr.state.ga.us HDOH www.hawaii.gov/health/ environmental/waste/ust /index.html Dept. of Env. Quality DEQ www.deq.idaho.gov Regulatory Agency Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Yes Groundwater Site Closure with Guidance for Site Other State References Contaminants in Exit/Closure Place? Yes "No Further Action" Status-62- Storage Tank System 77.680 Closure Assessment Requirements; RCRA Generator Closure Actions; and, Guidance for Evaluation of Low Yield/Poor Quality Criteria; A Comprehensive Study of the Relative Success of Site Cleanups Under Preapproval and Pay for Performance Contracting. Technical Guidance Manual for Underground Storage Tank Closure and Release Response UST Closure and Change-inService; Evaluation of Environmental Hazard at sites with Contaminated Soil and Groundwater, Volume 1: User's Guide; Assessment and Cleanup of Contaminated Sites; Fast Track Cleanup (Section 15 of the Hazard Evaluation and Emergency Response Technical Guidance Manual); and, Voluntary Response Program. Page 6 of 9 TABLE A.1 SUMMARY OF STATE PROGRAMS FOR SITE EXIT/CLOSURE Low-Risk Site Closure Guidance Manual Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment State Acronym Web Site Env. Protection Agency EPA www.epa.state.il.us Yes Dept. of Env. Mgmt. IDEM www.in.gov/idem Dept. of Natural Resources Dept. of Health and Env. Div. of Waste Mgmt. Dept. of Env. Quality Dept. of Env. Protection Dept. of the Env. Dept. of Env. Protection DNR www.iowadnr.com KDHE www.kdheks.gov DWM DEQ MEDEP www.waste.ky.gov www.deq.louisiana.gov www.state.me.us/dep Yes Closure for Landfills (38 §1310- Municipal Landfill C.) and USTs Remediation Program MDE MassDEP www.mde.state.md.us www.mass.gov Yes Commonwealth of Massachusetts Underground Storage Tank Closure Assessment Manual DEQ MPCA www.michigan.gov/deq www.pca.state.mn.us MDEQ DNR www.deq.state.ms.us www.dnr.mo.gov/ DEQ NDEQ www.deq.mt.gov www.deq.state.ne.us Regulatory Agency Illinois Yes Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Groundwater Site Closure with Contaminants in Place? Groundwater Site Exit/Closure Criteria Defined? Dept. of Env. Quality Pollution Control Agency Dept. of Env. Quality Dept. of Natural Resources Dept. of Env. Quality Dept of Env. Quality Guidance for Site Exit/Closure Other State References RCRA Closure Plan - 35III. Adm. Code Part 724 and 725; Guidance for Preparing RCRA Closure Plans; and Appendix F to LPC-PA2: Instructions for Closure Plan and Post-Closure Care Plans for Putrescible and Chemical Waste Landfills. Independent Closure Process Voluntary Remediation (ICP) Guidance Program; RISC Technical Resource Guidance Document; and RISC User's Guide. Page 7 of 9 TABLE A.1 SUMMARY OF STATE PROGRAMS FOR SITE EXIT/CLOSURE Low-Risk Site Closure Guidance Manual Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment State Nevada New Hampshire Groundwater Site Exit/Closure Criteria Defined? Groundwater Site Closure with Contaminants in Place? Acronym Web Site Div. of Env. Protection NDEP www.ndep.nv.gov Dept. of Env. Services NHDES www.des.state.nh.us Yes Contaminated Site Closure: A Property Owner's Guide Dept. of Env. Protection NJDEP www.state.nj.us./dep Yes Environment Dept. NMED www.nmenv.state.nm.us Yes Closure information in regulations; and, Municipal Landfill Site Closure, Remediation and Redevelopment Act. Clusure for Pits (DRAFT - OCD October 2009 Closure Plan Pit Rule Guidance V.1.0) Amendment as Changed DEC www.dec.ny.gov www.ncdenr.gov New Jersey New Mexico New York Dept. of Env. Conservation Dept. of Env. and Natural Resources NCDENR North Carolina Dept. of Health Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of Underground Storage Tanks Regulations NDDoH www.ndhealth.gov/ DOC www.com.ohio.gov/fire/b (BUSTR) ustmain.aspx North Dakota Ohio Dept of Env. Quality ODEQ www.deq.state.ok.us Dept. of Env. Quality DEQ www.oregon.gov/DEQ Oklahoma Oregon Guidance for Site Exit/Closure Regulatory Agency Other State References Closure for Landfills (Solid Waste Financial Assurance Program Report) Yes Yes Yes Guidelines for Assessment and Corrective Action for UST Releases Closure forLandfills (Solid Waste Financial Assurance Program Report Chap.1 and 5; 252.616-13-1; and 252.621; 252.606) Draft: VCP & Brownfields Site Characterization Template; Directions for Use of Suitable Portions of the Solid Waste Stream for Land Restoration/Reclamation Projects. Page 8 of 9 TABLE A.1 SUMMARY OF STATE PROGRAMS FOR SITE EXIT/CLOSURE Low-Risk Site Closure Guidance Manual Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment State Pennsylvania Rhode Island Regulatory Agency Dept. of Env. Protection Acronym Web Site DEP Groundwater Site Exit/Closure Criteria Defined? Dept. of Env. Mgmt. Dept. of Health and Env. Control DEM DHEC www.depweb.state.pa.u s/portal/server.pt/comm unity/dep home/5968 www.dem.ri.gov www.scdhec.gov Dept. of Env. and Natural Resources Dept. of Env. and Conservation Commission on Env. Quality SD DENR www.denr.sd.gov TDEC www.state.tn.us/environ ment TCEQ www.tceq.state.tx.us Yes Dept. of Env. Quality UDEQ www.deq.utah.gov Yes Dept. of Env. Conservation Dept. of Env. Quality DEC www.anr.state.vt.us/dec VDEQ www.deq.state.va.us WDOE WV DEP www.ecy.wa.gov www.dep.wv.gov Groundwater Site Closure with Contaminants in Place? Guidance for Site Exit/Closure Soil and Groundwater Closure Projects Manual: Evaluation of Source Materials at SRS Waste Units South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Dept. of Ecology Dept. of Env. Protection Other State References Process for Expedited Closure Evaluation for Priority 4.1 Petroleum Hydrocarbon LPST Sites Preparation of Solid Waste Facility Closure and PostClosure Plans Guidance; and, Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Subsurface Investigation Report Guide. TRRP: Compatibility with Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) UST Branch: Closure Plan Requirements; RCRA Corrective Action; USEPA Superfund; and, State Voluntary Cleanup Program. Draft Guidance Manual for Closure and and PostClosure Plans for Hazardous Waste Management Facilities Page 9 of 9 TABLE A.1 SUMMARY OF STATE PROGRAMS FOR SITE EXIT/CLOSURE Low-Risk Site Closure Guidance Manual Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment State Regulatory Agency Acronym Web Site Groundwater Site Exit/Closure Criteria Defined? DNR www.dnr.wi.gov Yes WDEQ www.deq.state.wy.us Yes Dept. of Natural Resources Wisconsin Dept. of Env. Quality Wyoming Definitions: LUST = Leaking Underground Storage Tank OCD = Oil Conservation Division RCRA = Resource Conservation and Recovery Act RISC = Risk Integrated System of Closure SRS = Savannah River Site TRRP = Texas Risk Reduction Program UST = Underground storage tank VCP = Voluntary Cleanup Program Groundwater Site Closure with Guidance for Site Contaminants in Exit/Closure Place? Yes Risk Screening and Closure Criteria for Petroleum Product Contaminated Sites, and Agancy Roles and Responsibilities Solid and Hazardous Waste Division Storage Tank Program Guidance Document #1 (Subject: Site Closure) Other State References APPENDIX B APPENDIX B LOW-RISK SITE QUICK REFERENCE CHECKLIST AND BLANK FORMS ⧠ ⧠ ⧠ ⧠ ⧠ ⧠ ⧠ ⧠ ⧠ ⧠ ⧠ ⧠ LoRSC Decision Logic? (blank form attached to Appendix B) Comprehensive conceptual site model developed? (blank CSM attached to Appendix B) ⧠ Site information ⧠ Site investigations ⧠ Source characterization ⧠ Constituents of concern ⧠ Nature and extent of contamination ⧠ Hydrogeology ⧠ Geochemistry ⧠ Migration and exposure pathways ⧠ Contaminant attenuation pathways ⧠ Receptors ⧠ Soil remediation ⧠ Groundwater remediation ⧠ Stakeholders ⧠ 14 Compartment Model Information available about presence of NAPLs? Qualitative evaluation of matrix diffusion processes at the site? (blank 14 Compartment Model attached to Appendix B) Plume Magnitude Category based on mass discharge estimate? (blank Plume Magnitude Category table attached to Appendix B) Multiple years of concentration vs. time records available for wells in the source zone? Observation of footprints of natural attenuation in the source zone? Evaluation of the potential performance of remediation technologies? (blank Qualitative Decision Chart attached to Appendix B) Analysis of exposure pathways for actual receptors Multiple years of concentration vs. time records available for wells in the plume? Observation of footprints of natural attenuation in the plume? Evaluation of future resource needs for affected groundwater? L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 102 LoRSC Manual Decision Logic Low-Risk Decision Questions III. Do You Have A Complete Conceptual Site Model (CSM) That Reflects Key Low-Risk Closure Concepts? 2. Have all of the components of the Conceptual Site Model been evaluated? Answers For “Supporting” Questions Answers For “Must Have” Questions Key Low-Risk Decision Criteria Manual Reference Conceptual Site Model checklist. Yes ⧠ No ⧠ Section 3.1.1 8. Are there any significantly mobile source materials? DNAPL sites: no mobile DNAPL observed. LNAPL sites: no expanding LNAPL zone and zero or low LNAPL transmissivity. Yes ⧠ No ⧠ Section 3.2.1 9. Is the source zone free of any environmentally significant quantity of NAPL? Little or no DNAPL observed in transmissive zones, and no significant LNAPL accumulation based on specific volume calculations. Yes ⧠ No ⧠ Section 3.2.2 10. Is it possible that any further source zone cleanup will be constrained by matrix diffusion processes? Qualitative evaluation of matrix diffusion processes based on geology, chemical properties, timing of initial release, and remediation efforts. Yes ⧠ No ⧠ Section 3.2.3 11. Are sources relatively small? Plume is classified as a Mag 4 Plume Magnitude Category or less based on mass discharge estimates, OR maximum source concentrations are < 20x Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL). Yes ⧠ No ⧠ Section 3.2.4 12. Are source zone concentrations stable or decreasing? Representative source zone concentrations over time are shown to be stable, decreasing, or probably decreasing. Yes ⧠ No ⧠ Section 3.2.5 13. Is there evidence of on-going natural attenuation processes in the source zone? Footprints of source zone attenuation are seen (such as generation of daughter products or consumption of electron acceptors). Yes ⧠ No ⧠ Section 3.2.6 14. Will future source remediation only marginally improve site conditions? There is “Less Need For Source Treatment” based on the Qualitative Decision Chart. IV. Are Sources Controlled? III. Yes ⧠ No ⧠ Section 3.2.7 Will Residual Contamination Have No Adverse Effect on Present and Future Land and Water Uses? 5. Is the groundwater plume stable or shrinking? Plume trend analyses showing decreasing plume over time. Yes ⧠ No ⧠ Section 3.3.1 6. Is there evidence of on-going natural attenuation processes in the plume? Analyses of natural attenuation processes and footprints of natural attenuation in the plume. Yes ⧠ No ⧠ Section 3.3.2 7. Are conditions protective of potential and future receptors? Analyses showing all exposure pathways for receptors are incomplete or present acceptable risks, and that future exposure will not occur. Yes ⧠ No ⧠ Section 3.3.3 Yes ⧠ No ⧠ Section 3.3.4 8. Is there a near-term need for the impacted groundwater Evaluation of future needs for groundwater resource and associated overlying land uses. resource or any impacted land uses? KEY: “Must Have” Data: Critical Line of evidence for low-risk site closure - necessary to demonstrate these criteria at almost all sites if applicable. “Supporting” Data: Supporting line of evidence, with 0-4 of the supporting lines recommended for low-risk site closure. MUST HAVE: All Yes? Yes ⧠ (Type A or B) No ⧠ (Type C) SUPPORTING: How Many “Yes”? Type A if 3-4 Yes ⧠ Type B if 0-2 Yes ⧠ WHAT IT MEANS LoRSC Site Type A (Strongest case for low-risk closure or reduced monitoring) = All “Must Have” Questions = Yes AND 3 or 4 of the “Supporting” Questions = Yes LoRSC Site Type B (Moderately good case for low-risk closure or reduced monitoring) = All “Must Have” Questions = Yes AND 0 to 2 of the “Supporting” Questions = Yes LoRSC Site Type C (More difficult for low-risk closure or reduced monitoring) = Any “Must Have” Questions = No L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 103 LoRSC Manual Decision Logic L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 104 Conceptual Site Model L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 105 14 Compartment Model Source Zone Zone/ Phases Low Permeability Transmissive Plume Transmissive Low Permeability NA NA Vapor DNAPL Aqueous Sorbed Legend: Figure. 14 Compartment Model. Arrows show mass potential transfer links between compartments. Dashed arrows indicate irreversible fluxes (Sale and Newell, 2011). NA = Not Applicable. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 106 Application of Plume Magnitude Classification System Mass Discharge (g/day) < 0.001 Plume Classification Mag 1 Low-Risk Plume? YES ⧠ Impact* Limited impact Could impact a domestic well, pumping at 150 gallons per day (gpd) or less Could impact a well pumping at 1 0.01 to 0.1 Mag 3 YES ⧠ gallons per minute (gpm) or less Could impact a well pumping at 10 0.1 to 1 Mag 4 YES ⧠ gallons per minute (gpm) or less Could impact a well pumping at 100 1 to 10 Mag 5 MAYBE ⧠ gpm or less Could impact a stream with a mixing 10 to 100 Mag 6 MAYBE ⧠ zone base flow of 1 cubic feet per second (cfs) or less Could impact a stream with a mixing 100 to Mag 7 LIKELY NOT ⧠ zone base flow of 10 cfs or less 1,000 Could impact a stream with a mixing 1,000 to Mag 8 LIKELY NOT ⧠ zone base flow of 100 cfs or less 10,000 Could impact a stream with a mixing 10,000 to Mag 9 ⧠ zone base flow of 1,000 cfs or less LIKELY NOT 100,000 Could impact a stream with a mixing >100,000 Mag 10 LIKELY NOT ⧠ zone base flow of >10,000 cfs * Impact based on a drinking water standard in pumped water or mixing zone of 5 μg/L. 0.001 to 0.01 Mag 2 L O W - R I S K YES S I T E ⧠ C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 107 Qualitative Decision Chart Figure 10. Qualitative Decision Chart on the merits of source depletion (Sale et al., 2008; Adapted from USEPA’s “The DNAPL Remediation Challenge: Is There a Case for Source Depletion?” (Kavanaugh et al., 2003). L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 108 APPENDIX C APPENDIX C CONCEPTUAL SITE MODEL L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 109 APPENDIX D APPENDIX D 14 COMPARTMENT MODEL STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE AND TEMPLATE Chlorinated solvents in source zones can be present in the vapor, DNAPL, aqueous, or sorbed phase. In plumes, solvents can be present in the vapor, aqueous, or sorbed phase. The 14 Compartment Model is a graphic tool (Figure D.1) that identifies the phases, in both low-permeability and transmissive zones, in which contaminants occur as sources and plumes. The 14 Compartment Model is used to determine: 1) what stage the site is at, 2) if the CSM is complete, and 3) what’s going to happen if remediation is performed. As discussed in Sale and Newell (2011): L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 110 APPENDIX D Source: Sale and Newell, 2011. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 111 APPENDIX D Source: Sale and Newell, 2011. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 112 APPENDIX D The 14 Compartment Model template can be completed using the conditions stated below to determine if mass is likely to be present in low-permeability compartments: Presence of low-permeability lenses or strata in an affected aquifer in contact with transmissive zones containing plumes. High concentrations of contaminants. Older release sites (i.e., significant elapsed time since contaminant release). Geologic settings where transmissive zones are only a small fraction of the total volume of the aquifer. Aquifers with relatively slow groundwater flow rates. Sediments with high fraction organic carbon content. Presence of contaminants that exhibit stability in their physical setting. Release of large amounts of contaminants. Source Zone Zone/ Phases Low Permeability Transmissive Plume Transmissive Low Permeability NA NA Vapor DNAPL Aqueous Sorbed Figure D.1. 14 Compartment Model. Arrows show mass potential transfer links between compartments. Dashed arrows indicate irreversible fluxes (Sale and Newell, 2011). NA = Not Applicable. Step-by-Step Guide to Completing the 14 Compartment Model Before Remediation Both mass and concentration measurements can be used to complete the 14 Compartment Model (14-CM). However, due to the relative ease of availability of groundwater concentration data, this guide focuses on the concentration approach. For illustration purposes, this step-by-step guide utilizes the Offutt Air Force Base Fire Training Area 3 case study (i.e., Case Study 2). Transmissive zone aqueous groundwater concentration data for monitoring wells located in the source zone and plume areas are readily available at any site. Therefore, Step 1 (shown in red in the figure below) of this guide starts with the analysis of such Source Zone Transmissive Zone Aqueous Phase data: L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 113 APPENDIX D Source Zone Plume Low Permeability Transmissive Transmissive Low Permeability Vapor Step 12 Step 11 Step 13 Step 14 DNAPL Step 10 Step 9 NA NA Aqueous Step 3 Step 1 Step 5 Step 7 Sorbed Step 4 Step 2 Step 6 Step 8 Zone/ Phases Step 1 (Source Transmissive Zone Aqueous Phase): a. Determine the current (not historic) maximum observed groundwater concentration in the source zone area monitoring wells. For example, for FTA3, the maximum observed concentration = 13 μg/L for vinyl chloride. b. Determine the 14-CM table number and cell color using the observed concentration and the legend below. Note that in the legend, 1) concentrations are classified on an order of magnitude scale, and 2) the numbers and colors represent the numbers and color shading entered into the 14 Compartment Model. c. For the FTA3 Case Study, source zone Cmax = 13 μg/L. Therefore, the 14-CM number = 2 (for 10s of μg/L in water) and color = cream. d. Enter “2” in the cell for Step 1 (Source Zone Transmissive Zone Aqueous Phase) and color the cell cream: Source Zone Zone/ Phases Low Permeability Plume Transmissive Transmissive Low Permeability NA NA Vapor DNAPL Aqueous 2 Sorbed L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 114 APPENDIX D Step 2 (Source Transmissive Zone Sorbed Phase): a. Transmissive Zone Sorbed Phase = Transmissive Zone Aqueous Phase concentration. For pre-remediation conditions, the sorbed phase in the transmissive zone is probably in equilibrium with the aqueous phase, so these two compartments would have the same value. (If filling the 14 Compartment Model using mass, however, you would take the number in the aqueous phase and multiply by the Retardation Factor minus 1). b. For the FTA3 case study, the 14-CM number = 2 and color = cream: Source Zone Zone/ Phases Low Permeability Plume Transmissive Transmissive Low Permeability NA NA Vapor DNAPL Aqueous 2 Sorbed 2 Step 3 (Source Low-Permeability Zone Aqueous Phase): a. The Low-Permeability Zone Aqueous Phase concentration = Transmissive Zone Aqueous Phase Concentration plus 1 (based on experience at several sites, lowpermeability compartment concentrations are typically 10 times higher than transmissive zone concentrations), therefore in the absence of any data from the low-permeability compartment take the Step 1 14-TC number +1. b. For the FTA3 case study, Low-Permeability Zone Aqueous Phase number = 2+1 = 3 and color = orange: Source Zone Zone/ Phases Low Permeability Plume Transmissive Transmissive Low Permeability NA NA Vapor DNAPL Aqueous 3 2 Sorbed 2 Step 4 (Source Low-Permeability Zone Sorbed Phase): a. As with Step 2, it is assumed that the Low-Permeability Zone Sorbed Phase is in equilibrium with the Low-Permeability Zone Aqueous Phase concentration. b. For the FTA3 case study, Low-Permeability Zone Sorbed Phase = 3 and color = orange: L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 115 APPENDIX D Source Zone Zone/ Phases Low Permeability Plume Transmissive Transmissive Low Permeability NA NA Vapor DNAPL Aqueous 3 2 Sorbed 3 2 Step 5 (Plume Transmissive Zone Aqueous Phase): a. Determine the current maximum (not historical) observed groundwater concentration in the middle of the plume area monitoring wells (middle being about halfway from source to downgradient edge of the plume). (Note Step 1 was for source zone wells). b. For the FTA3 case study, the maximum observed concentration = 2.3 μg/L for vinyl chloride. Therefore, the Low-Permeability Zone Sorbed Phase = 1 and color = green: Source Zone Zone/ Phases Low Permeability Plume Transmissive Transmissive Low Permeability NA NA Vapor DNAPL Aqueous 3 2 Sorbed 3 2 1 Step 6 (Plume Transmissive Zone Sorbed Phase): a. As with Step 2, the Transmissive Zone Sorbed Phase = Transmissive Zone Aqueous Phase concentration because these two compartments are likely in equilibrium. b. For the FTA3 case study, the 14-CM number = 1 and color = green: Source Zone Zone/ Phases Low Permeability Plume Transmissive Transmissive Low Permeability NA NA Vapor DNAPL Aqueous 3 2 1 Sorbed 3 2 1 L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 116 APPENDIX D Step 7 (Plume Low-Permeability Zone Aqueous Phase): a. If the plume age is <10 years, then Plume Low-Permeability Aqueous Phase number = [Step 5 number (Transmissive Zone Aqueous Phase) – 1]. This is because it is unlikely that high concentrations from earlier decades have penetrated the low-permeability strata. b. If the plume age is 10 - 30 years, then Plume Low-Permeability Aqueous Phase number = Transmissive Zone Aqueous Phase. c. If the plume age is >30 years, then Plume Low-Permeability Aqueous Phase number = [Step 5 number (Transmissive Zone Aqueous Phase) + 1]. This is based on experience at research sites where higher concentrations from decades ago had penetrated the low-permeability strata. d. For the FTA3 case study, the release occurred between 1960 and 1990 (i.e., 2011-1960 = 51 years and 2011-1990 = 21 years). Assuming an average of 36 years, the 14-CM number = 1+1 = 2 and color = cream: Source Zone Zone/ Phases Low Permeability Plume Transmissive Transmissive Low Permeability NA NA 2 Vapor DNAPL Aqueous 3 2 1 Sorbed 3 2 1 Step 8 (Plume Low-Permeability Zone Sorbed Phase): a. As with Step 2 and Step 6, the Low-Permeability Sorbed Phase = LowPermeability Aqueous Phase concentration because these two compartments are likely in equilibrium. b. For the FTA3 case study, Low-Permeability Zone Sorbed Phase = 2 and color = cream: Source Zone Zone/ Phases Low Permeability Plume Transmissive Transmissive Low Permeability NA NA Vapor DNAPL Aqueous 3 2 1 2 Sorbed 3 2 1 2 Step 9 (Source Zone Transmissive Zone DNAPL): a. Although very subjective, the following rules can be applied if there are no detailed data about NAPL presence. If no NAPL has ever been directly observed in wells or properly evaluated cores (such as coring + dye tests), then Source Transmissive Zone DNAPL Phase number = 0 and color = clear. b. If the presence of residual NAPL is observed then the 14-CM number = 2 and color = cream. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 117 APPENDIX D c. If the presence of mobile NAPL is detected then depending on the quantity of observed NAPL, the 14-CM number = 1 to 4, where 1 would be a small amount of NAPL observed in a few cores, and 4 would be used for sites where significant NAPL pools have been observed. d. For the FTA3 case study, residual NAPL has been observed in soil borings in 1988-1994, therefore, the 14-CM number = 2 and color = cream: Source Zone Zone/ Phases Low Permeability Plume Transmissive Transmissive Low Permeability 2 NA NA Vapor DNAPL Aqueous 3 2 1 2 Sorbed 3 2 1 2 Step 10 (Source Low-Permeability DNAPL): a. This is difficult to assess. In some cases it can be assumed there is likely no NAPL in the Low-Permeability Compartment if large fractures are absent. If large fractures are present, then a simple assumption is that the Low-Permeability Zone DNAPL Phase = Transmissive Zone DNAPL Phase. b. For the FTA3 case study, the 14-CM number = 2 (site is underlain by limestones and shales) and color = cream: Source Zone Zone/ Phases Plume Low Permeability Transmissive Transmissive Low Permeability DNAPL 2 2 NA NA Aqueous 3 2 1 2 Sorbed 3 2 1 2 Vapor Step 11 (Source Transmissive Zone Vapor): a. If the subsurface vapor-to-receptor pathway is active, then one can use vapor measurements taken at the point of exposure (e.g., inside a building with receptors), then apply Henry’s law, and enter an equivalent aqueous phase concentration assuming complete equilibrium. b. Alternatively, i. If no NAPL or aqueous-phase contaminants are present at the top of the water table, then the 14-CM number = 0. ii. If NAPL is present at the top of the water table, then the 14-CM number = Step 9 number - 1. iii. If aqueous-phase contaminants are present at the top of the water table, then the 14-CM number = Step 1 number - 1. c. If this pathway is incomplete and therefore not an important part of the Conceptual Site Model, then enter “IP” for “Incomplete Pathway”. L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 118 APPENDIX D d. For the FTA3 case study, the vapor pathway is incomplete, therefore the Source Zone Transmissive Zone Vapor Phase number = “IP” (Incomplete Pathway) and color = clear: Source Zone Zone/ Phases Low Permeability Plume Transmissive Vapor Transmissive Low Permeability IP DNAPL 2 2 NA NA Aqueous 3 2 1 2 Sorbed 3 2 1 2 Step 12 (Source Low-Permeability Zone Vapor): a. For the Source Low-Permeability Zone Vapor, the 14-CM number = Step 11 number - 1. b. For the FTA3 case study, the vapor pathway is incomplete, therefore the14-CM number = “IP” (Incomplete Pathway) and color = clear: Source Zone Zone/ Phases Plume Low Permeability Transmissive Transmissive Low Permeability Vapor IP IP DNAPL 2 2 NA NA Aqueous 3 2 1 2 Sorbed 3 2 1 2 Step 13 (Plume Transmissive Zone Vapor): a. Like Step 11, if the subsurface vapor-to-receptor pathway is active, then one can use vapor measurements taken at the point of exposure (e.g., inside a building with receptors), then apply Henry’s law, and enter an equivalent aqueous phase concentration assuming complete equilibrium. b. Alternatively, a. If no aqueous-phase contaminants are present at the top of the water table, then the 14-CM number = 0. b. If aqueous-phase contaminants are present at the top of the water table, then the 14-CM number = Step 5 number - 1. c. If this pathway is incomplete and therefore not an important part of the Conceptual Site Model, then enter “IP” for “Incomplete Pathway”. d. For the FTA3 case study, the vapor pathway is incomplete, therefore the14-CM number = “IP” (Incomplete Pathway) and color = clear: L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 119 APPENDIX D Source Zone Zone/ Phases Plume Low Permeability Transmissive Transmissive Low Permeability Vapor IP IP IP DNAPL 2 2 NA NA Aqueous 3 2 1 2 Sorbed 3 2 1 2 Step 14 (Plume Low-Permeability Zone Vapor): a. For the Plume Low-Permeability Zone Vapor, the 14-CM number = Step 13 number - 1. b. For the FTA3 case study, the vapor pathway is incomplete, therefore the 14-CM number = “IP” (Incomplete Pathway) and color = clear: Source Zone Zone/ Phases Plume Low Permeability Transmissive Transmissive Low Permeability Vapor IP IP IP IP DNAPL 2 2 NA NA Aqueous 3 2 1 2 Sorbed 3 2 1 2 L O W - R I S K S I T E C L O S U R E G U I D A N C E ▼ AFCEE ▼ M A N U A L 120