,3 Brussels, 19 July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±-DQXDU\±DQGWKDWVRPH0HPEHU6WDWHVZLOOKDYHDIXUWKHUIRXU \HDUVEHIRUHDSSO\LQJVRPHRILWVSURYLVLRQV7KHVHUHPRWHWLPHOLPLWVPD\ WKHUHIRUHKDYHWKHHIIHFWRIKROGLQJXSWKHIXOOHIIHFWVRIKDUPRQLVDWLRQIRUXS WR D GHFDGH 7KH &RPPLVVLRQ ZLVKHV WR VWUHVV WKDW WKHVH WLPH OLPLWV DUH H[FHSWLRQDO DQG PXVW UHPDLQ VR LQ RUGHU WR PDLQWDLQ WKH HIIHFWLYHQHVV RI &RPPXQLW\DFWLRQZLWKLQWKHVLQJOHPDUNHW Frits Bolkestein, the member of the Commission responsible for the internal market, said: "This Directive is a major step in Community action to ensure the proper working of the modern and contemporary art market in the European Union. I am very glad that we have been able to end the discrimination suffered by some artists resulting from where it their works are resold." But Mr Bolkestein also had to admit to some disappointment: "I would have preferred to see a higher level of harmonisation and earlier implementation". Emphasising this second point, he said: "Ten years is better than the fifteen the Council were originally contemplating, but it is still a very long time. These time limits must remain the exception in order to guarantee the effectiveness of Community action within the single market.” The Directive will ensure that the EU’s modern and contemporary art market works well, by generalising and harmonising resale rights within the single market. 7LPHOLPLWVIRULPSOHPHQWDWLRQ Member States must transpose the Directive into national law by 1 January 2006. But those which do not apply resale rights when the Directive comes into force will be able to restrict its application to living artists for a further four years until 1 January 2010. And if the Member State requests, that can be extended for a further two years subject to a consultation and transparency mechanism in which the Commission will play a part. The time limits for implementation had been at the heart of the disagreement between the Commission and the Council during the Council’s discussion of its common position. $SSOLFDWLRQWKUHVKROGV Under the Directive, resale rights will apply to any sale where the price exceeds ¼ 7KLV PHDQV WKDW VRPH ZRUNV RI DUW ZKLFK UDUHO\ DWWDLQ VXFK SULFHV ² HJ sketches, engravings and photographs — are in practice unlikely to be covered by the Directive. It is primarily sculpture and paintings which are likely to give rise to the payment of resale rights. The Commission regrets that this restriction on the scope of the Directive will prevent many artists from benefiting from its harmonising effects. Even so, the effect of the restriction is tempered by the option given to Member States of applying resale rights to sales of less than ¼LQWKHVHFDVHVWKHGLUHFWLYHSURYLGHVIRUDUHVDOHULJKWRI not less than 4% of the selling price. ,QWHOOHFWXDOSURSHUW\ULJKWVIRUDUWLVWV Resale rights constitute an intellectual property right which allows an artist or his heirs to receive a percentage of the selling price of a work of art when it is resold by an art-market professional such as an auctioneer, a gallery or any other art dealer. The aim is to allow artists and their beneficiaries to share in the seller’s profit on the increased value of their works. It restores some balance between the economic situation of artists and that of other creative workers who have the possibility of exploiting their works several times over. The right is written into the Berne Convention and the legislation of 11 of the 15 Member States. In practice, nine actually apply it, but their approaches differ substantially in the type of work subject to resale rights, the type of transaction giving entitlement to payment, and the rates applicable. (QVXULQJWKDWVDOHVGRQRWVKLIWRXWVLGHWKH8QLRQ The European art markets’ main competitor for the sale of modern and contemporary works is New York. The USA does not recognise resale rights, and art market professionals fear that sales will shift to the United States or Switzerland. Every precaution has been taken in the Directive to prevent any such shift taking place. To ensure that there is no incentive to move sales of modern art in the highest price-brackets outside the Community, the Directive introduces the principle of a tapering scale of rates. Artists will receive a percentage of the resale price of their works ranging from 4% to 0.25% in five bands of selling price: - 4% for the bottom band up to ¼RUDW0HPEHU6WDWHV¶GLVFUHWLRQ 3% for the band from ¼WR¼ 1% for the band from ¼WR¼ 0.5% for the band from ¼WR¼ 0.25% for any amount over ¼ In addition, the maximum an artist can receive as resale rights on a single sale is limited to ¼ The Commission has also agreed that once the Directive has been adopted and the Council has given the go-ahead, it will open negotiations to extend artists’ resale rights internationally. 2