PowerStream Inc. and Collus PowerStream Inc. Business

A. Program Rules
PowerStream Inc. and Collus PowerStream Inc.
Business Refrigeration Incentives Program Rules
1. Program Description
The Business Refrigeration Incentives Program (BRI Program) provides funding for free facility audits
and refrigeration equipment upgrades (to a maximum of $2,500) to non-residential customers that have
commercial product refrigeration and an average annual peak demand of less than 250 kW. Projects
with a cost in excess of $2,500 are allowed provided that the Participant funds costs that exceed the
$2,500 BRI Program threshold. The BRI Program aims to overcome the substantial market barriers
associated with promoting energy efficient refrigeration equipment upgrades to small businesses
including: limited awareness of energy use and time of use (TOU) rates, electricity operating costs of
refrigeration equipment, limited availability of refrigeration equipment from distributors, and limited
access to capital to upgrade refrigeration equipment. If approved and in effect in accordance with the
Energy Conservation Agreement, the BRI Program is a “Program” as defined in the Energy Conservation
2. Program Offer / Participant Incentives
The incentives available to a Participant under the BRI Program are as follows:
a Facility audit at no cost to the Participant;
a customized energy action plan at no cost to the Participant, which includes:
o recommendations on how to improve energy efficiency at the Facility based on
information gathered during the audit (gas, water and electric);
o comparative benchmark of the Facility’s electricity use against similar businesses; and
o information to cross-promote other efficiency programs (CDM, water and DSM) where
applicable; and
direct installation of eligible refrigeration measures and services in an amount up to $2,500
excluding applicable taxes.
3. Program Eligibility Criteria
a. Participant Eligibility
To be eligible to participate in the BRI Program, a Participant must:
have a General Service Account with the LDC (i.e. customers with only
residential LDC accounts will not be eligible);
have not received, is not receiving and has not applied for or otherwise intends
to receive, any financial incentives funded by energy ratepayers or taxpayers of
the Province of Ontario with respect to Eligible Measures to be implemented;
not be a previous BRI Program Participant in respect of the Facility where the
Eligible Measures are to be installed.
b. Facility Eligibility
To be eligible to participate in the BRI Program, the Participant’s Facility must:
be owned or occupied by the Participant. If the Facility is leased, the Participant
must have the authority to have the Eligible Measures installed as a condition of
the lease or with the consent of the owner of the Facility;
have an average annual demand of less than 250 kW, provided that where the
Facility is not individually metered by the LDC, have an average estimated
demand of all units connected to that meter over a twelve month period of less
than 250 kW based on the bulk-metered data; and
have in use commercial-grade refrigeration equipment used to cool products
(i.e. customers with only residential refrigeration equipment will not be
c. Project and Measures Eligibility
For purposes of the BRI Program, “Eligible Measures” are:
Anti-sweat heater controls
Strip curtains for walk-in coolers and freezers
Night curtains on display cases
Cleaning cooler/freezer condenser units
Electronically Commutated Motor upgrade (condenser and evaporator)
LED display case lighting
LED bulb (inside a walk-in cooler or freezer)
The LDC may determine, acting in its sole discretion, that a proposed Project is ineligible
if the LDC determines that there are undue risks or safety concerns to the LDC or its
contractors associated with working on the existing equipment.
Where an amendment to these Program Rules has been approved by the IESO pursuant
to the Energy Conservation Agreement, the list of Eligible Measures in the BRI Program
may change from time to time based on factors such as: Participant uptake, Eligible
Measure availability, cost and new technologies.
A Project must be comprised of Eligible Measures and cannot be fractions of or part of
Eligible Measures.
d. Eligible Costs
Eligible costs for Eligible Measures will be subject to a cap set out in Table 1 below.
[Note to Reader: Table 1 is redacted from the Program Rules made available to the
For each Eligible Measure, the average per-unit cost for that measure across all Projects
may not exceed the amount set out in Table 1 (the Eligible Measure Price Cap).
4. Project Documentation
Each project conducted under the BRI Program (a Project) must:
(a) be based on a Work Order presented to the Participant by the LDC; and
(b) be documented by a Participant Agreement between the Participant and the LDC that will
include certain terms and conditions prescribed by the Energy Conservation Agreement and
any other provision required to give effect to these Program Rules.
5. QA/QC – Minimum Requirements
a. QA/QC Inspections
From time-to-time throughout the Term, the LDC will use commercially reasonable
efforts to visit some of the Facilities for which Work Orders have been submitted and
approved to undertake quality assurance/quality control inspections (QA/QC
Inspections). Facilities will be selected for QA/QC Inspections in accordance with the
Sampling Protocol. The LDC may carry out the QA/QC Inspections through LDC
employees or third party service providers, provided that the firm or person conducting
the QA/QC Inspection is not also an Installer.
b. QA/QC Inspection Procedure
For each QA/QC Inspection, the LDC shall determine whether:
i. the Participant and Facility eligibility criteria were met;
ii. the work done was an Eligible Measure, and was installed in accordance with
the Work Order;
iii. the Participant signed the Work Order and the Participant Agreement;
iv. the invoices submitted by the Installer to the LDC in connection with the Work
Order accurately set forth the model numbers or descriptions and quantities of
purchased Eligible Measures;
v. the payment to the Installer was calculated correctly; and
vi. all other requirements of the Work Order and Participant Agreement were
complied with.
6. Minimum Reporting Requirements
At a minimum, and subject to the Energy Conservation Agreement, the LDC will submit to the IESO all
required information as set out in the Reporting and Settlement Requirement Rule, on at least a
quarterly basis, which, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, may include the following:
(a) All data from Work Orders;
(b) Data from any invoices provided by the Installers to the Participants where Participant
Contribution are being made;
(c) Data from invoices from the Installers to the LDC; and
(d) Data related to QA/QC Inspections.
7. Other
To implement the BRI Program, the LDC may directly employ Installers or may contract with Installers on
reasonable commercial terms to fulfill, on behalf of the LDC, any or all of the LDC’s BRI Program
obligations, including without limitation performing Facility audits, creating Facility energy action plans,
installing Eligible Measures and disposing of existing equipment and waste products. Any such
contracting with third-party Installers shall be done in accordance with: (a) Laws and Regulations
(including, in the case of an Installer that is an Affiliate, the Ontario Energy Board’s Affiliates
Relationships Code for Electricity Distributors and Transmitters), (b) Good Industry Practice, and (c) the
requirements of the Electrical Safety Act (Ontario) and related codes and regulations. The LDC shall
ensure that each such Installer shall assume responsibility and liability for the quality of all work and
materials (including without limitation in relation to Eligible Measures) and carry insurance consistent
with Good Industry Practice and that all materials and equipment used have warranties and are
purchased on terms and conditions consistent with Good Industry Practice.
The LDC shall ensure that:
(a) each Installer possesses a valid letter of clearance from the Ontario Workplace Safety &
Insurance Board (unless the Installer is a sole proprietor); and
(b) each Installer receives training and direction to participate in the BRI Program, including,
without limitation, to ensure that the Installer has received training in respect of all of the
terms and conditions of the BRI Program.
The LDC shall use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that the installation of any Eligible
Measures and other services associated with such installation complies with all Laws and Regulations
(including without limitation the Electrical Safety Act (Ontario) and related codes and regulations.
8. Program Specific Definitions
The following terms have the meaning stated below when used in these Program Rules:
“Affiliate” has the meaning given to it in the Business Corporations Act (Ontario).
“BRI Program” has the meaning given to it in Section 1.
“Eligible Measure” has the meaning given to it in Section 3(c).
“Eligible Measure Price Cap” has the meaning given to it in Section 3(d).
“Good Industry Practice” means, in respect of any aspect of any Eligible Measure or other
activity conducted in furtherance of the BRI Program, care and disposal of materials, or other
actions or obligations contemplated in these Program Rules, in each case, that have been or
ought to have been performed by an Installer, and subject always to Laws and Regulations, the
exercise of the degree of skill, diligence, prudence and foresight which could reasonably and
ordinarily be expected from a skilled and experienced Installer engaged in the same or similar
type of undertaking under the same or similar circumstances.
“Energy Conservation Agreement” means the energy conservation agreement between the LDC
and the IESO.
“Facility” means the building, premises, or part thereof owned or occupied by the Participant at
which a Project will be implemented.
“General Service Account” means a non-residential LDC account with an average annual peak
demand of zero to 250kW.
“Governmental Authority” means any federal, provincial, or municipal government, parliament
or legislature, or any regulatory authority, agency, tribunal, commission, board or department of
any such government, parliament or legislature, or any court or other law, regulation or rulemaking entity, having jurisdiction in the relevant circumstances, including the IESO, the Ontario
Energy Board, the Electrical Safety Authority, the Environmental Commissioner’s Office, the
Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario and any person acting under the authority of
any of the foregoing.
“IESO” means the Independent Electricity System Operator of Ontario established under Part II
of the Electricity Act, 1998 (Ontario), or its successor.
“Installer” means an employee of the LDC or a third-party service provider to the LDC who may
be hired to install Eligible Measures at a Facility. For certainty, depending on the type of Eligible
Measures to be installed, the Installer will be either (a) a Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Mechanic (either holding a Certificate of Qualification or be a Registered Apprentice) or (b) an
electrician licensed to practice in the province of Ontario.
“Laws and Regulations” means:
applicable multi-national, international, federal, provincial or municipal laws, orders-incouncil, by-laws, codes, rules, policies, regulations and statutes;
applicable orders, decisions, codes, manuals, interpretation bulletins, judgments,
injunctions, decrees, awards, directives, directions and writs of any court, tribunal,
arbitrator, Governmental Authority or other person having jurisdiction;
applicable rulings and conditions of any licence, permit, certificate, registration,
authorization, consent and approval issued by a Governmental Authority; and
any requirements under or prescribed by applicable common law.
“LDC” means the local distribution company offering and delivering the BRI Program. For
certainty, PowerStream Inc. and Collus PowerStream Inc. expect to deliver the BRI Program.
“Participant” means, in respect of the BRI Program an eligible person under Section 3(a) of
these Program Rules who is a party to a Participant Agreement or who is receiving an incentive
under Section 2 of these Program Rules, and that has met all applicable requirements for
participation in the BRI Program as set out in these Program Rules, including entering into or
agreeing to be bound by any required Participant Agreement.
“Participant Agreement” means, in respect of the BRI Program, any one or more agreements or
terms and conditions that an eligible person entitled to receive an incentive under Section 2 of
these Program Rules must enter into or agree to be bound by in order to participant in the BRI
Program or to receive such incentive.
“Participant Contribution” means any amount required to implement an Eligible Measure that
exceeds the LDC’s $2,500/Project threshold, which excess amount, for clarity, shall be funded by
the Participant.
“Project” has the meaning given to it in Section 4.
“QA/QC Inspection” has the meaning given to it in Section 5(a).
“Sampling Protocol” means the protocol implemented by the LDC to create a randomly selected
sample of Work Orders for purposes of conducting QA/QC Inspections, such that:
the Facilities are geographically spread over the LDC’s service area;
each Installer is represented in the sample;
the number of Work Orders sampled in a calendar year, based on an estimate of the
number of Work Orders in that calendar year, is the lesser of (i) sufficient to provide a
confidence level that is at least 95% with a margin of error no greater than 5%, assuming
a response distribution of 3%; and (ii) equal to 10% of all estimated Work Orders.
“Term” means the duration that the BRI Program is approved pursuant to the Energy
Conservation Agreement.
“TOU” has the meaning given to it in Section 1.
“Work Order” means, in respect of a given Project, the completed work order document in the
form required by the LDC.