Women’s Month Events Calendar - August 2012 Contents Eastern Cape ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Northern Cape ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Limpopo .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Kwa-Zulu Natal ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Free State .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Mpumalanga ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 North West .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Western Cape........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Gauteng .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13 Project Activity Description Date Venue Stakeholders & Partners Eastern Cape One (1) hour Radio talk show with Forte community radio Awareness on CGE mandate, powers and functions raised. TBC Targeting villages around Alice and students of University of Fort Hare 1 hour Radio talk show with UCR community radio Awareness on CGE mandate, powers and functions raised. CGE women’s month activities publicized. TBC Mthatha urban, rural, informal settlements and Walter Sisulu University community I hour Radio talk show with Inkonjane community radio Awareness on CGE mandate, powers and functions raised. CGE women’s month activities popularized. TBC Villages around Lusikisiki and Flagstaff Radio talk show with Mdantsane FM. Awareness on CGE mandate, powers and functions raised. TBC Mdantsane Township and the surrounding villages such as Ncerha, Postdam and Nxarhuni Radio talk show with Vukani community Radio n Awareness on CGE mandate, powers and functions raised. CGE Women’s month events publicized. TBC Sakhisizwe, Engcobo, Emalahleni, Lukhanji, Intsika Yethu, Elundini localities. Information Session with Canda community in Idutywa Awareness on CGE mandate is raised. Complaints relating to violation of rights on the bases of gender are administered TBC Canda community members, SGB, FBO, CSOs, Traditional Leaders. Page 2 of 14 Project Activity Description Date Round Table discussion with relevant districts Heads of department. Effectiveness of empowerment programmes reviewed and recommendations recorded. TBC Ministry on Women, D.O. Agriculture, Social Development, SASSA, Economic Affairs, Education, SAPS, Human settlement and District municipality. TBC CSOs, Traditional Leaders, Trade Union, Government Departments and private sector. Canda community members, SGB, FBO, CSOs, Traditional Leaders. Dialogue with relevant stakeholders Hindrances to access to basic needs and decision making are tabled and enabling factors for economic empowerment identified. Information Session with Xhorha village Elliotdale Awareness on CGE mandate is raised. Complaints relating to violation of rights on the bases of gender are administered TBC Review of the campaign and Developemnt of a report Campaign reviewed and activity report developed TBC Venue Stakeholders & Partners Northern Cape DialogueRadio slot at Teemaneng FM on CGE’s mandate & functions To discuss the hindrances to access to basic needs and decision making and to identify barriers & enabling factors for 9/08/2012 Page 3 of 14 Kimberley Defence Force: Area Health Military Unit Project Activity Description Date Venue Stakeholders & Partners economic empowerment and the promotion of gender equality. Information session Inform the public on CGE’s mandate & functions and the promotion of gender equality. 13/08/2012 Danielskuil NGO’s, Govt, FBO’s & Civil Society Information session Radio slot at Kurara FM on CGE’s mandate & functions. Inform the public on CGE’s mandate & functions and the promotion of gender equality. 16/08/2012 Warrenton NGO’s, Govt, FBO’s & Civil Society Information session: Inform the public on CGE’s mandate & functions and the promotion of gender equality. 21/08/2012 Kathu (central venue) NGO’s, Govt, FBO’s & Civil Society Monitoring, assessing compliance and supporting departments On the implementation of the 8 Principles in partnership with OSW (Gender Equality Legal Framework 28/08/2012 Launch event Launch a women’s development project with the support of the Woman Chief . 31/08/2012 Griekwastad HOD’s, GFP’s, Senior Manager from Government, OSW, Legislature & DPSA & Kimberley Mines, Government departments, CSO’s, NGO’s FBO’s, Community members, OWS Capricorn CGE LEDET, Rural Development, Limpopo Round Table Discussion on To provide women with 20/07/2012 Page 4 of 14 Project Activity Description Date Maternity Benefit information on the policy gap and its impact, and gather recommendations Dialogue to discuss hindrances to access to basic needs To identify barriers and factors hindering access to basic needs and women empowerment Information Sharing Session To share CGE mandate, functions and programmes with Stakeholders and public at large. Information Sharing Session Sharing CGE Mandate and Raise awareness on the effects of GBV and how to reduce it Round Table Discussion on Women Empowerment Programmes To discuss the Effectiveness of empowerment Programmes Radio Slots on CGE Mandate To share the mandate and CGE functions with public and media Venue Stakeholders & Partners Offices SAWIB, SAWIC, Nkuzi, PWM, Dept of Labour, Legislature, COSATU 13/08/2012 Mopani Greater Tzaneen Lacal Municipality Greater Tzaneen Local Municipality, SAHRC TBC Vhembe Disrtict) Thohoyandou All local Municipalities in Vhembe Districts, CBOs around the area Waterberg Distict Municipality All Local Municipalities in Waterberg. 29/08/2012 Provincial( Polokwane) Municipalities, LEDET, Public Works, BMF, SEDA, SAWIC, TBC Provincial Local Radio Stations Amajuba and Uthungulu GCIS and independent local media TBC Kwa-Zulu Natal Print and electronic media statements on CGE and the economic status of women 13 &21/08/2012 Page 5 of 14 Project Activity Description Date Venue Information session. Inform the public on CGE’s mandate & functions and the promotion of gender equality. 14&22/08/2012 Amajuba and Uthungulu Local/district municipality 15 &23/08/2012 Amajuba and Uthungulu District/local municipality and CSOs Legal clinic Stakeholders & Partners Round table discussion. On the plight of street traders 16/08/08/2012 Durban Ethekwini, OSW Roundtable. Effectiveness of empowerment programmes both internally and externally 31/08/2012 Pietermaritzburg DED Dialogue. Barriers and enabling factors to women’s economic freedom. Gender statement on Ilanga newspaper once a week throughout August. 30/08/2012 Durban Ethekwini municipality Media interactions. TBC Ilanga news, Ukhozi and Inanda fm Slot on Ukhozi fm and Inanda fm once a week throughout August. Free State Gender Base Violence (Launch of the Women’s Forum) To discuss policies and practices which have hindered women’s access to basic needs, the economy and decision making. 01/08/2012 Page 6 of 14 Motheo Metro (Mangaung) Government Department, CBO’s, FBO’s Project Activity Description Date Venue Provincial Launch Monitoring state compliance with regional and international conventions, covenants and charters which have been acceded to or ratified by the Republic, relating to the objects of the Commission 09/08/2012 TBC All Stakeholders Popularise CGE and Other C9, Law of Succession, Wills and Estates Protecting and promoting gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenges patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress Mantsopa (Thaba Phatswa) C9, Health Ombudsperson, DOJCD, NPA Launch of the New Widowhood Forum as well as the role played by Financial Institutions in empowering Women To discuss policies and practices which have hindered women’s access to basic needs, the economy and decision making. 20/08/2012 Fezile Dabi (Sasolburg) Financial Institutions, CBO’s, FBO’s, Government Depts, Radio Slots (Karabo FM) Gender Based Violence & Popularising CGE Protecting and promoting gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of 22/08/2012 Nketoana Local Municipality (Arlington) C9, SAPS, CBO’s, FBO,s & Civil Society Page 7 of 14 Stakeholders & Partners Project Activity Description Date Venue Stakeholders & Partners gender equality, challenges patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress. CGE Mandate To share the mandate, the function and the programmes of the Commission with the public and media. 24/08/2012 Xhariep (Petrusburg) Financial Institutions, CBO’s, FBO’s & Youth CGE Mandate and its role in August Month All Objectives in the August Month Concept note 27/08/2012 Mantsopa (Ficksburg) Setsoto Community Radio Stations. The role played by Financial Institutions in empowering Women To share the mandate, the function and the programmes of the Commission with the public and media. 30/08/2012 Thabo Mofutsanyana (Qwaqwa) Financial Institutions, CBO’s, FBO’s & Youth Qwaqwa Community Radio Rural & Urban Departments, OSW, Dept. Of Economic Development and C9’s institution Mpumalanga Information session. Discussion on the mandate, functions and programmes of the commission 08/08/2012 Information session. To inform stakeholders on the mandate, functions and 16/08/2012 Page 8 of 14 Departments, OSW, Dept. Of Economic Development and Project Activity Description Date Venue programmes of the commission Information session on the Focus on: promotion of the mandate of the CGE Stakeholders & Partners C9’s institution. 14 august 2012 Masoyi tribal CGE Domestic violence act authority Civil society Maintenance act (Mbombela Women’s formations Customary marriages act municipality) Traditional leaders Church leaders Community members Women Summit Focusing on: Women 16&17 August Nkangala District CGE in partnership with Empowerment programmes 2012 Offices Nkangala District Municipality Women in different sectors Local municipalities Civil society Provincial departments State Agencies Dialogue Challenges facing women in 24 August 2012 accessing basic needs and high positions Gert Sibande CGE in partnership with District Offices Department of Community Safety & Liaison Women in small business Women’s formations Civil society organizations Page 9 of 14 Project Activity Description Date Venue Stakeholders & Partners Community members Information session on Focusing on Widowhood 28 August 2012 Clau-Clau, CGE in partnership with the Culture, Tradition and Mbombela local South African Council of Religion Municipality Churches Traditional leaders Church leaders Councilors Civil society organisations Community members 28 & 30/08 2012 Info session on Culture Community members, CDW, tradition and religion Civil Society, Traditional leaders, Councillors, and church leaders. Information session on Focusing on Widowhood 30 August 2012 Culture, Tradition and Page 10 of 14 Matsulu, CGE in partnership with the Mbombela local South African Council of Project Activity Description Date Religion Venue Stakeholders & Partners municipality Churches Traditional leaders Church leaders Councilors Civil society organisations Community members North West Widowhood 15/08/2012 Mahikeng NGO’s, Govt, FBO’s & Civil Society Seminar 21/08/2012 Mahikeng NGO’s, Govt, FBO’s & Civil Society FBO’s dialogue 23/08/2012 Orkney NGO’s, Govt, FBO’s & Civil Society Men’s Dialogue 29/08/2012 Rustenburg NGO’s, Govt, FBO’s & Civil Society Western Cape Women’s Rights Launch of Women’s Month Radio Interview with Bush Radio 08/08/2012 Bush Radio Station 09/08/2012 Khayelitsha Page 11 of 14 Project Activity Description Date Venue 09/08/2012 Look out point, Khayelitsha Radio Zibonele and Community NGO’s 09 -11/08/2012 Artscape Theatre Artscape in partnership with Government departments Thusong Mobile Project 13 & 14/08/2012 Touws River Government Departments Women’s Month Information session with stakeholders 15/08/2012 Vredenberg Saldahna Municipality Women’s month celebration 21/08/2012 Louwville Community Hall, Vredenberg Louwville Community Hall, Vredenberg 22/08/2012 Bush Radio Station Bush Radio Station 23/08/2012 Riverclub, Observatory Riverclub, Observatory 29/08/2012 Radio Namakwaland Radio Namakwaland 30/08/2012 Saldahna Bay Saldahna Bay Municipality, Interfaith Service Artscape Women’s Arts Festival Women’s Rights Theme: Humanity CGE will be hosting an Exhibition table including an advice clinic for the public to attend Radio Interview with Bush Radio Independent Body Forum AGM Women’s Rights Information session Radio Interview with Radio Namakwaland Page 12 of 14 Stakeholders & Partners Project Activity Description Date Venue Municipality, Langebaan Stakeholders & Partners Langebaan Gauteng The seeks to raise awareness using media as a tool to communicate CGE messaging and services Capacitating stakeholders with Gender Equality issues, including mandate and vision of the CGE Munghana Lonene FM Thobela FM Phala Phala FM Capricorn FM Inner-City Gazette Sowetan Bush Radio FM Jozi FM Kasie FM Alex FM 01 – 30/08/2012 SABC Radios Women’s Month Celebration CGE will be part of the celebration that will be commemorating the August 9 celebration 09/08/2012 Charlotte Maxeke Square and Union Building NGM Members, Provincial Delegates and National Government Departments, FBOs, CSOs, NPOs DPSA Women’s month Commemoration CGE has been requested to be part of the women’s month celebration 17/08/2012 Southern Sun Hotel DPSA Women in Sport Seminar (Proposed) CGE and genderlinks will do a seminar that will try to showcase the stereotyping that women still endure in sports. This is informed by 22/08/2012 TBC Genderlinks CGE Media Houses Page 13 of 14 Project Activity Description Date Venue Stakeholders & Partners our SAFA Public Hearing. Launch of National Council against Gender Based Violence CGE together with women ministry and civil society organisation will be formally launching this council that will specifically deal with gender-based violence matters 24/08/2012 TBC CGE Department of women, children and people with Disabilities Sonke Gender Justice Network Tshwaranang Legal Advocacy Centre SAPS Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund Gender Equality Presentation CGE is expected to deliver a keynote presentation on gender equality matters: Themed Every woman 26/08/2012 DOCC Hall (Orlando EastSoweto) CGE Gender Equality presentation CGE is expected to make a presentation to 300 women within the Department of Tourism 25/08/2012 TBC Department of Tourism City of Johannesburg Gender Equality workshop in celebration of Women’s’ Month 30/08/2012 TBC CGE CRL Commission PPSA SAHRC COJ Page 14 of 14