PANOS MOURDOUKOUTAS Dept. of Economics Long Island University Greenvale, NY 11548 Telephone (516)299-2322 Education Degree Field Institution Date Ph.D. Economics SUNY at Stony Brook 1983 M.A. Business FAU., Florida 1979 BA Business Univ.of Macedonia, Greece Series 7 and 63 Financial Securities License Work Experience: Full Time: Fall 2008-now, Chair, Department of Economics Fall 1996 to now, Full Professor, Long Island University Fall 1988 to Spring 1995, Associate Professor, Long Island University. Fall 1984 to Spring 1988, Assistant Professor, Long Island University. Fall 1983 to Spring 1984, Assistant Professor, State University of Pennsylvania. Fall 1982 to Spring 1983, Instructor, SUNY at Stony Brook. Part Time/visiting Athens University of Economics and Business (Greece), Beijing Academy of Social Science (China), Nagoya University (Japan), Mie University (Japan), Tokyo Science University (Japan), Kobe University (Japan), Kobe University of Commerce (Japan), Keimung University (Korea), National Research Center for Economics (Greece), Duisberg University (Germany, Saint Gallen University (Switzerland), University of Adelaide (Australia), Athens University of Economics and Business. Courses and Seminars Taught Money and Banking, Cross-cultural Management, Introductory and Intermediate Economics, Japanese economy, Entrepreneurship, International Investments, Economics for Investors. Publications Books* P.Mourdoukoutas and G. Siomkos, The Seven Principles of WOM and Buzz Marketing: Crossing the Tipping Point, Springer, Germany, 2009. P. Mourdoukoutas, Business Strategy in a Semiglobal Economy, Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe, 2006. P. Mourdoukoutas, New Emerging Japanese Economy: Opportunity and Strategy for World Business, Thomson/South-Western, 2005. P. Mourdoukoutas and S. Papadimitriou, Nurturing Entrepreneurship: Institutions and Policies, Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 2002. P. Angelopoulos and P. Mourdoukoutas, Banking Risk Management in a Globalising economy, Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 2001. P.Mourdoukoutas and Yuko Arayama, The Rise and Fall of Abacus Banking in Japan and China, Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 2001. Collective Entrepreneurship in a Globalizing Economy, Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 1999. P. Mourdoukoutas and Yuko Arayama, China Against Herself: Imitation or Innovation in International Business, Westport, CT: Quorum Books,1999. The Global Corporation: The Decolonization of International Business, Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 1999. International recession, microelectronics, and economic adjustment: the case of Japan, Economic Research Centre, Faculty of Economics, Nagoya University, 1988. *Descriptions of books can be found at Journals/Professional Newspapers and Magazines Right Models, Wrong Sectors, Barron’s, January 4, 2010. A. Stefanidis and P. Mourdoukoutas, “To List or Not to List: Expectations versus Reality for Greek Shipping IPOs,” South European Economic Review, March 2009. P. Mourdoukoutas and A. Ioannidis, “The Three Rules of A Glocal Citizenship,” GLOBE Management Review, Vol. 1, Summer 2007. P. Mourdoukoutas: “China’s Tainted Capitalism,” American Chronicle, July 23, 2007. P. Mourdoukoutas and Paul Kutasovic, “”The Crash that Passed Us By,” New York Times, May 27, 2007. P. Mourdoukoutas: “Trading Places: Why Outsourcing May Destroy your Business,” American Chronicle, February 3, 2007. P. Mourdoukoutas, “Bad Welfare: How EU Wastes Resources and Talents,” American Chronicle, January, 2, 2007. A. Stefanidis and P. Mourdoukoutas, “Entrepreneurial Networks in Highly Globalized Industries: The Case of the Greek Shipping Industry,” International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organizations, Vol. 4 (2), 2007, pp. 189-200. A. Ioannidis, A. Stefanidis and P. Mourdoukoutas, “Foreign Affiliates in Japan: Entry, Industry Presence, Performance and Strategy,” ΣΠΟΥΔΑΙ, Vol. 56 (1), 2006, pp. 25-38. “A Dangerous Cocktail,” Barron’s, July 25, 2005 “China’s Challenge: Entrepreneurship and Management,” Barron’s, April 14th, 2004. P. Mourdoukoutas and P. Mourdoukoutas, “Bundling in a Semi-global Economy,” European Business Review, Vol. 16 (5), 2004, pp. 522-530. P. Mourdoukoutas and S. Yamori, “Does the Day-of-the-Week Effect in the Foreign Currency Markets Disappear?” International Finance Review, Vol. 4, 2003, pp. 443-459. P. Mourdoukoutas et al “IT and Competitive Advantage: The Case of Japanese Manufacturing Industries,” European Business Review, Vol. 15 (5), 2003, pp. 307-313. P. Mourdoukoutas and S. Papadimitriou, “Bridging the Start-up Equity Gap: Three Policy Models,” European Business Review, Vol 14 (2), 2002, pp. 104-110. P. Mourdoukoutas, T. Yagi and Y. Miyazawa, “Public versus Private Insurance for Longterm Care: Why is Public Insurance Necessary?,” Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol. 67 (2), 2000, pp.249-264. P. Mourdoukoutas and M. Bojic, “Effect of Refuse Fuel use in Pusher Furnace to Enlargement of Carbon Dioxide Emissions,” Energy, Vol. 23 (3), 2000, pp. 231-238. P. Mourdoukoutas and S. Kimura, “Effective Integration of Management Control Systems for Competing in Global Industries,” European Business Review, Vol. 12 (1), 2000, pp. 41-45. P. Mourdoukoutas and Y. Hajidimitriou, “Window of Opportunity in Asia: Economic Turmoil Offers a Second Chance to E.U. Companies,” European Business Review, Vol. 99 (2), 1999, pp. 68-79. P. Mourdoukoutas and S. Papadimitriou, “Do Japanese Companies Have a Competitive Strategy?” European Business Review, Vol. 98 (4), 1998, pp. 237-244. P. Mourdoukoutas and Laura Lu, “Trade Efficiency and Trade Points: Small versus Large Players,” International Economic Journal, Vol.12 (2), 1998, pp. 77-91. P. Mourdoukoutas and M. Bojic, “MILP Optimization of Energy Systems with a Condensing Turbine,” Journal of Thermal Engineering, Vol. 23 (3), 1998, pp. 231-238. P. Mourdoukoutas and Laura Lu, “Global Equity Interdependence: Tokyo versus Wall Street,” European Business Review, Vol. 97 (6), 1997, pp. 259-262. P. Mourdoukoutas and P. Mourdoukoutas, “Measuring the Relative Efficiency of New York City Police Departments,” Economic Science, Vol. 96 (4), 1996, pp. 7-13. “The race for global leadership: Europe, the USA and Japan,” European Business Review, Vol. 96, 1996, pp. 7-13. “Forging a Strategic Foreign Economic Policy for Greece,” Point of Reference, Harvard University, 1995, pp. 36-44. P. Mourdoukoutas and P. Chang, “The Revival of the US Productivity: Is it for Real?,” Current Economics and Politics of Japan, Vol 1, 1995, pp. 156-168. “Economic Theory and Policy in the USA,” in Standpunkte Zwischen Theorie und Praxis by Andrea Branddenberg eds, Haupt, 1995, Switzerland, pp. 69-79. “The Japanese Investment in Greece,” NATIONAL CENTRE FOR PLANNING AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH, Working Paper No 44, February 1995, Athens, Greece. P. Mourdoukoutas and R. Udayan, “Job Rotation and Public Policy: Theory with applications in Japan and the USA,” International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 15 (6), 1994, pp. 57-71. “The Decline in Government Investment in the U.S.,” in The Decline in Public Investment (in Japanese) by Okumo et al (eds.), Nagoya University Press, Nagoya, Japan, 1994. “Economic Barriers for Foreign Affiliates in Japan: The High Cost of Local Labor,” International Journal of Manpower, Fall 1992, pp. 65 - 73. “Japan's Low Unemployment Rate: How do they do it?,” Business and Economic Review, Fall 1988. “Microelectronics and Employment Adjustments in Japan”, Economic Research, Vol. 81, 1990. Book Review: Created by Japan: From Great Imitators to World-class Innovators, Journal of Japanese Studies, summer 1990. “Seasonal Employment, Unemployment, and Unemployment Compensation: The Case of the Tourist Industry of Greek Islands,” American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol. 47 (3), 1988, pp. 315-329. “The Japanese Industrial System: A Study in Adjustment to Automation,” Management International Review, 1987. Conferences, Lectures and Workshops Chair, International Business Conference, New York Institute of Technology, New York, October 8, 2009. Organized “China in the Post-Bubble Economy Conference,” Long Island University, New York, March 10, 2009. “Innovation and Economic Development,” presented in Science, Society and Sustainability conference, Santorini, Greece, June 18-21, 2006. “Japan’s Emerging New Economy: Opportunity and Strategy for World Business, presented at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece, January, 2005. “The Chinese and the American Economies,” Lecture given at the Beijing Academy of Social Science, January, 2004. “Trade and Investment in Greece,” lecture given at the City Hall of New York, February 26, 1998. "Japan in the Global Economy," lecture given at Sizuka International University, Sizuka, Japan, Summer 1997. "Do Japanese Companies Have A Strategy?," presented at Nagoya University, Summer, 1997. "The Prospects for Economic Cooperation in the Black Sea," Columbia University, October, 1994. "The US Financial System," Chinese Executive Seminar, April, 1993. "Japan in the 21 Century, "University of Saint Gallen, Switzerland and Duisburg University, Germany, May, 1993. "Japan's Industrial Policy," Center for Japanese Studies, Athens, Greece, Nov., 1993. "International Trade: Prospects for the 21 Century," U.S. Korean Dialogue, Long Island University, January, 1990. "An Inquiry into the Japanese Employment System," presented at the Graduate Industrial School of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 17, 1989.