FYSZ460 Syventävien opintojen laboratoriotyöt
1. Introduction
Detection of gamma radiation is one of the most important research tools in nuclear
physics. Detection of gamma radiation yields information on various properties
(excitation energies, angular moments, decay properties etc.) of states in nuclei. In this
laboratory work you will become familiar with two different detectors used for observing
gamma radiation (scintillation and semiconductor detectors) and compare the properties
of these detectors. When doing this, you’ll also get acquainted with some simple research
methods and basic electronics as well as signal-handling techniques used in nuclear
physics. Tuning of the measurement setup relies heavily on the use of the oscilloscope.
The amount of material in this manual is quite large: If all the measurements are made, 4
crp’s (2 ov) are credited. If a smaller baggage is desired, about one half of the
measurements are selected.
2. Interaction of radiation and matter
Detection of gamma radiation is based on the interaction between the radiation and the
detector material. The photon scatters from the electrons of the material (so called
Compton scattering), and in each scattering process it loses a part of its energy. If the
piece of material is large enough and the scatterings take place suitably, all the energy of
the initial gamma ray is absorbed in the material. Thus, the energy of the photon is found
by measuring the energy absorbed by the material. How this energy is determined,
depends on the detector type and its functioning. Fig. 1 presents various processes that
occur when a photon interacts with matter.
Figure 1. Processes occurring in the detection of gamma radiation
1) The most typical situation, where the photon Compton scatters a few times and the
residual photon escapes from the detector.
2) The photon Compton scatters several times and gets completely absorbed in the
3) If the photon is energetic enough (E > 1,022 MeV), it can form an electron-positron
pair. When the positron annihilates, two 511-keV photons are formed which scatter in
the material and are finally totally absorbed.
4) Same as previous point, but the other 511-keV photon escapes from the detector. In
this case, the observed energy is 511 keV less than the energy of the gamma ray
hitting the detector.
5) Same as previous point, but now both 511-keV quanta escape. The observed energy is
1022 keV smaller than that of the initial gamma ray.
In addition to these, the gamma ray may also pass through the detector without
interacting at all. Probabilities of various processes depend on the energy of the photon,
the used detector material and the size of the detector. In Fig. 2 an idealized gamma
spectrum is shown.
Figure 2. Idealized picture of a gamma-ray spectrum due to a mono-energetic gamma ray.
The photo peak represents these cases where the initial energy is fully absorbed
(processes 2 and 3). The Compton tail (or continuum) results from the processes where
the photon escapes from the detector after a few scatterings (process 1). Escape peaks are
due to escapes of annihilation quanta from the detector (processes 4 and 5).
Compton scattering
The process where a photon (γ) scatters from an electron is called Compton scattering. In
the scattering a scattered photon (γ’) and an electron with kinetic energy of Te are born.
Figure 3. Geometry of Compton scattering
According to relativistic kinematics (derive the results), the energy of the scattered
photon depends on the scattering angle as follows:
E ' 
1  ( E mc 2 )(1  cos  )
from which the kinetic energy of the scattered electron can be calculated as
Te  E  E ' 
E 2 (1  cos  )
mc 2  E (1  cos  )
The cosine function gets its minimum value at θ = 180º and there the kinetic energy
reaches its minimum value
Te, min 
2 E 2
mc 2  2 E
This energy represents the maximum energy of the Compton tail and therefore it
determines the position of the Compton edge in the spectrum of figure 1. Interaction
processes between radiation and matter are discussed in more detail in Krane,
Introductory Nuclear Physics, Ch. 7, pages 192-245.
3. Measurement of a singles gamma-ray spectrum with a
scintillation detector
A schematic view of a scintillation detector is shown in Fig. 4. The principle of this kind
of detector is based on the use of a scintillation material (NaI, BaF ,…) When a photon
enters the detector, a burst of small energy photons results. Typically, the wave lengths of
these photons is in the visible region and in principle, they can be seen with bare eyes, if
the source of radiation is strong enough. When these photons hit the photo cathode,
electrons are released. A photo-multiplier tube increases the amount of these electrons
with the help of a dynode chain and high voltage (there is a potential difference between
the two neighbouring dynodes and this potential difference accelerates electrons released
from the previous dynode). A photomultiplier tube has a minimum voltage below which
the tube doesn’t give any signal out. Typically the total accelerating voltage is about 1000
V. Somewhere in the dynode chain the number of electrons gets saturated and at the end
of the chain, a strong saturated signal is obtained irrespective of the photon energy. If the
energy of the photon is needed, it must be taken from a dynode where the number of
electrons is not yet saturated, since the number of electrons reaching the photo cathode is
proportional to the energy of the photon. Typically, there are two outputs in the photo
multiplier: An output for energy measurement and an output from the last dynode for
collecting timing information.
The energy signal from the photo multiplier is usually quite weak; therefore it must be
amplified before analyzing it. The amplification takes place in two stages:
1) The signal from the photo multiplier is amplified in a preamplifier (PA) close to the
2) The signal (about 100 mV) from the preamplifier is led to a linear amplifier (LA)
where the signal is shaped and amplified so that it is suitable for the analogue-digital
converter (ADC). The amplitude of the signal from the LA is typically a few volts.
Figure 4. The principle of a scintillation detector
It is useful to view the pulse from the LA with an oscilloscope in order to set the
amplification and the rise time (or width of the signal) of the output signal. It is also
crucial to adjust pole zero (pz) of the output signal so that the tail of the pulse always
reaches the same, zero level irrespective of the signal amplitude. For energy analysis the
signal from the LA is taken to a multi-channel analyzer (MCA). A schematic picture of
the setup used for measuring the energy of gamma rays is shown in Fig. 5. The MCA is a
device consisting of an AD converter and a display. Nowadays, the MCA is usually
replaced by a system consisting of a separate analogue-digital converter and a PC loaded
with a versatile spectrum-analysis program.
Figure 5. Setup for the energy measurement
After the setup needed in the energy measurement is built and tuned, the following
measurements will be done:
1. Measure the energy spectrum for 60Co or 207Bi and determine the energy calibration.
2. Check the accuracy of the energy calibration with the help of another radiation source.
3. Measure the spectrum of
Cs. Determine the energy of the gamma peak and the
resolution of gamma detection.
4. Find the position of the Compton edge in the 137Cd spectrum. Calculate the theoretical
energy of the Compton edge and compare it to the experimental value.
Examples of the spectra can be found in appendixes 1 and 2. Principles of photon
detection and the handling of amplifiers are explained in the manuals of ORTEC (one of
the detector manufacturers).
4. Measurement of a singles gamma-ray spectrum with a Ge
The functioning of a Ge detector is based on the use of the depletion region formed
between two different (p and n type) semiconductor materials. In normal electronics
components this region is small, but in the Ge detector it is made “massive” with the help
of reverse bias. The bias is typically 3000-4000 V. The operation of the detector is based
on interaction of gamma rays and the semiconductor within this depletion region. When a
photon enters the depletion region and interacts there, it excites electrons to the
conduction band and electron-hole pairs are formed. The number of electron-hole pairs is
directly proportional to the energy absorbed in the material. The charges are collected to
the electrodes. As with the scintillation detectors, the pulse obtained in collection of
charges is very small. Therefore, the Ge detector is equipped with a preamplifier mounted
next to the Ge crystal. A Ge detector can not be operated at room temperature, because
thermal electrons mask all weak signals. That’s why the Ge detector is cooled down by
liquid nitrogen. A schematic view of the Ge detector is presented in Fig. 6.
Figure 6. Exploded view of Ge detector
A typical setup for energy measurements is illustrated in Fig. 7. Also shapes of the pulses
after the preamplifier and linear amplifier are shown. As in the case of the scintillation
detector the amplitude of the pulses after the LA should be a few volts (remember also
the pz-adjustment). Pay attention to the polarity of the bias. When biasing the detector,
keep the signal connected to an oscilloscope in order to monitor the signal from the PA.
You should notice that the noise level of the signal decreases when bias is increased
(otherwise there is something wrong with the detector).
Figure7. Setup for measurement with a Ge detector.
Repeat the same measurements as with the scintillation detector and compare these two
different detectors. Appendices 3-5 show typical spectra measured with a Ge detector.
4.1. Absorption of gamma radiation
Absorption of gamma radiation can be studied using a setup similar to that in Fig. 8. In
this work absorption of radiation is studied for lead. The principle of measurement is as
a) First measure the gamma-ray spectrum of the
Bi source (with a distance from the
source to the detector of e.g. 10 cm and a measuring time of 10 minutes). Fit the areas
of the peaks.
b) Add a lead absorber between the source and the detector and repeat the measurement.
c) Add the second, third, fourth etc. absorber and repeat the measurement.
Plot the area for each peak in the spectrum as a function of the thickness of the absorber
material and determine the half thicknesses. Compare your results with those in the book
by Juhani Kantele (see appendix 6 of this manual).
Repeat the measurement for the
Cs source. During each measurement, record the
typical counting rate (for example for 10 seconds) from a pulse counter (scaler) for each
measurement. Make a plot showing both the number of counts and the peak areas for the
peak in the spectra. Compare these to the curves in appendix 6. Why is the result
calculated from the counts (from counter) larger than that from the peak areas? What is
the meaning of the half thickness? What should be taken into account when protecting
against the radiation?
Figure 8. A setup for studying absorption of gamma radiation.
5. Coincidence measurements
Most often, the information available from one detector is not enough for the purposes of
nuclear structure study, since the character and ordering of the gamma rays cannot be
determined with just one detector. Therefore we need a setup consisting of several
detectors. Coincidence principle means that a detection of radiation is accepted (or
sometimes rejected) if something is observed “simultaneously” (within 100 ns for
example) in some other detector. Coincidences are crucial e.g. in construction of nuclear
level schemes. If a nuclear spectroscopist wants to do a really careful measurement, the
setup may contain several detectors for observing gamma rays, various charged particles,
and neutrons, all operated in coincidence mode.
Simple coincidence setup
The coincidence is done electronically as follows (see Fig. 9):
a) The preamplifier signal is passed from each detector to the Timing filter amplifier
(TFA), which is a fast amplifier.
b) The signal from the TFA is passed to the constant fraction discriminator (CFD) which
transforms the almost Gaussian pulse from the TFA to a square pulse (in this work
200 ns is suitable for the width of the pulse). The leading edge of the pulse
corresponds to the moment when the gamma ray hits the detector. The threshold of
the CFD has to be adjusted so that this unit does not trigger from the noise.
Adjustment is done connecting the energy signal to the other input of the oscilloscope
and triggering this by the signal from the CFD connected to the other input. The CFD
is tuned by adjusting the threshold so that the noise is removed from the energy signal
shown on the oscilloscope’s screen.
c) In the next step, the signals from the CFD units are inspected. In order to have
coincidences, the signals from both detectors should come at the same time; if not,
use a delay box to delay the faster signal.
d) Signals from the CFD units (after a possible delay) are passed to a coincidence unit.
An output is given when there is an input signal present in two input channels. If the
other input signal is connected to the veto input, an output is obtained only if the
signals were on simultaneous (i.e. they don’t overlap). This is called anticoincidence.
e) Finally, the timing of the energy signal and the coincidence signal have to be set in a
certain way. The final selection of the energy signal is done in the AD converter
which is most often operated in the so called delayed mode. This means that the
coincidence signal has to be delayed (GDG (gate and delay generator) in Fig. 9) to
coincide with the trailing edge of the energy signal.
Figure 9. A simple coincidence setup of two detectors
6. Escape- suppression shield
The Compton tail present in the spectrum measured with a Ge detector can be removed to
a large extent, if events involving a photon escaping from the detector crystal are
removed. This can be achieved, if a shield capable to detect the escaping gamma rays and
the anticoincidence mode are used. The structure of the escape-suppression shield (also
called anti-Compton shield ACS) is shown in Fig. 10. It is made of an effective
scintillation material like BGO or NaI (or both) surrounding the Ge crystal. A block
diagram of the electronics used is shown in Fig. 11.
Figure 10. The escape-suppression shield
Figure 11. Block diagram of electronics utilizing an ACS
Measurements with ACS
Built the setup for the anticoincidence measurement and measure the following spectra:
a) Measure the gamma-ray spectrum of a
Cs source without and with the ACS.
The source should be directly in front of the shield at a distance of about 20 cm
from the Ge detector. Why is this important? From both spectra measured,
determine the peak/total ratio. How large is the portion removed from the
Compton background when using the ACS?
b) Change the anticoincidence to coincidence and measure the spectrum of rejected
Examples of spectra can be found in appendices 7 and 8.
7. More complicated coincidence setup; use of an energy window
The coincidence setup presented earlier was quite simple, since only a timing condition
was set. More information of an event is gained if also an energy condition is required.
When inspecting the pulses caused by the 22Na source with the oscilloscope pulses with
different amplitudes are seen. One amplitude is present more often than the other
amplitudes, corresponding to the 511-keV peak in the gamma-ray spectrum. With help of
a single-channel analyzer (SCA) one can select pulses having a certain amplitude from
the spectrum. This is called “gating”.
Tuning of the SCA module
a) Inspect the bi-polar signals from the linear amplifier with the oscilloscope.
b) Pass the uni-polar signal of the LA to the input of the SCA and use the output of
the SCA to trigger the bi-polar signal in the oscilloscope.
c) Set E and ΔE so that only the desired pulse heights are accepted.
Measurements using two scintillation detectors
The block diagram for a measurement utilizing two scintillation detectors and an energy
window provided by the SCA is shown in Fig. 12. Using this kind of setup and two BGO
detectors, demonstrate that the annihilation quanta have a certain angular dependence.
a) Place the detectors face-to-face at about 10 cm from each other.
b) Put a 22Na source in the middle.
c) Set the SCA to accept 511-keV (about!) peaks and use the output of the SCA to
gate the ADC.
d) Measure the spectrum.
e) Change the angle of the other detector so that the detectors are no more face-toface and repeat the measurement.
This setup can be used to observe cosmic muons, as well.
Figure 12. Coincidence setup involving the energy gate
Measurements with two Ge detectors
The same setup can be used with Ge detectors as well. To demonstrate this, do the
measurement using the
Bi source. The gamma-ray spectrum of the
Bi source has
three peaks.
a) Set the gate signal on one of these gamma rays and measure the spectrum.
b) Repeat the measurement with the gate set on the other two peaks and measure the
spectrum in each case.
Determine the ordering of these gamma-ray transitions based on your spectra and
construct the level scheme. Why should the peak corresponding to the gate signal
disappear from the spectrum? Does it disappear completely? Why? Do the spectra define
the level scheme uniquely?
Appendix 1. The gamma-ray spectrum of 207Bi as measured with a scintillation detector.
Appendix 2. The gamma-ray spectrum of 137Cs as measured with a scintillation detector
Appendix 3. The gamma-ray spectrum of 207Bi as measured with a Ge detector
Appendix 4. The gamma-ray spectrum of 60Co as measured with a Ge detector
Appendix 5. The gamma-ray spectrum of 137Cs as measured with a Ge detector
Appendix 6. Half-thickness curves of gamma radiation for various absorber materials
Appendix 7. The gamma-ray spectrum of
Cs source; photons escaping from the Ge
crystal vetoed with ACS
Appendix 8. The spectrum of vetoed gamma-ray from 137Cs source