Secure Seal ® Single-Wall, Double-Wall and Insulated Double-Wall Special Gas Vent AL29-4C® Vent System for Category I, II, III, IV Gas-Fired & L-Vent Listed Appliances Secure Seal® The Secure Seal® SS and SSD/SSID venting system offers the complete package for modern venting and reliability. Manufactured from AL29-4C® (a super-ferritic stainless steel), the single- and double-wall SS and SSD/SSID install effortlessly and answer the need for enhanced reliability and industry specifications requirements. Featuring a double wall, the SSD's outer casing is manufactured from type 441 stainless steel to provide long-lasting performance and stability when exposed to the outdoors. With self-sealing Secure Seal gaskets, the SS, SSD and SSID make installation quick and easy. SS /SSD Applications 5IF4FDVSF4FBM®WFOUJOHTZTUFNJTUIFBOTXFSUPNPTUNPEFSOWFOUJOHOFFET t$BUFHPSZ******BOE*7HBTmSFEBQQMJBODFT t5ZQF#)HBTWFOUTZTUFNTGPSBQQMJBODFTIBWJOHBNBYJNVNnVF UFNQFSBUVSFPGÂ' t5ZQF-7FOU44%44*%POMZ GPSWFOUJOHMJTUFEHBTPSPJMmSFEBQQMJBODFT DFSUJmFEXJUIUZQF-MPXUFNQFSBUVSFWFOUJOHTZTUFN t.BZBMTPCFVTFEGPSIJHIFGmDJFODZHBTCPJMFSTGVSOBDFTCPPTUFSIFBUFST QPPMIFBUFSTXBUFSIFBUFSTVOJUIFBUFSTPSUBOLMFTTXBUFSIFBUFST t*OTUBMMTRVJDLMZBOEFBTJMZVTJOHPVS4FDVSF-PDLTZTUFN t/POFFEUPBQQMZTJMJDPOFPOTJUFBUTFDUJPOKPJOUFBDIKPJOUTFBMTXJUI PVS7JUPO®0SJOHTZTUFNBOPOTJMJDPOFDPOTUSVDUJPOEFTJHOFEUP XJUITUBOEUIFDPSSPTJWFOBUVSFPGUIFDPOEFOTBUF tJOTVMBUFE44*% WFOUBWBJMBCMFGPSCFUUFSIFBUSFUFOUJPOMPXFSPVUFS DBTJOHUFNQFSBUVSFBOEOPJTFSFEVDUJPO Feature Laser butt-welding #VJMUJO4FDVSF-PDLTZTUFN Benefit t3FJOGPSDFTTUSFOHUI t1SFWFOUTMFBLBHF t*ODSFBTFTEVSBCJMJUZBOESFMJBCJMJUZ t1SPWJEFTRVJDLBOEFBTZBTTFNCMZBOEEJTBTTFNCMZ t3FRVJSFTMFTTUJNFPOUIFKPCTJUF Secure Seal® TFBMJOHHBTLFUT t4FMGTFBMJOHTPUIFSFTOPOFFEUPBQQMZTFBMJOHNBUFSJBM XIFOQJFDFTBSFKPJOFEUPHFUIFS t&BTJFSBOEGBTUFSJOTUBMMBUJPO 4UBOEBSEBEKVTUBCMF WFOUMFOHUI t1SPWJEFTWFSUJDBMPSIPSJ[POUBMBEKVTUNFOUGPSFBTZ TZTUFNQJUDIJOH AL29-4C® stainless steel t3FTJTUTUIFFYUSFNFDPSSPTJWFFOWJSPONFOUTGPVOEJO DPOEFOTJOHCPJMFST t"TTVSFTTBGFBOEUSPVCMFGSFFPQFSBUJPO 1SPWFOUSBDLSFDPSE t$POGPSNFEUP6-BOEDFSUJmFEUP6-$4 t5ZQF-MJTUFEUP6-BOE6-$444%44*% tZFBSXBSSBOUZ "MMBDDFTTPSJFTNBEFPG stainless steel t'PSEVSBCJMJUZ 5IF4FDVSF4FBMEPVCMFXBMMTZTUFNJTGVMMZJOUFSDIBOHFBCMFXJUI PVS4FDVSF4FBMTJOHMFXBMMTZTUFN#PUIIBWFCFFODFSUJmFEUP 6-BOE6-$4TBGFUZTUBOEBSET8IFOJOTUBMMFEBDDPSEJOH UP4FDVSJUZ$IJNOFZT™JOTUBMMBUJPOJOTUSVDUJPOT4FDVSF4FBM NFFUTBMMUFTUSFRVJSFNFOUTGPSIPSJ[POUBMBOEWFSUJDBMJOUFSJPSPS FYUFSJPSJOTUBMMBUJPOT Typical Installation TYPICAL INSTALLATION Exit Cone (EC) Minimum slope 1/4” per foot Cables, rods Or braces By other Opening dimension Suspension Band (SB) Guy wires by others 500 lbs rated Flashing (F) Roof Support (RS) Maximum distance between support (MHS) Maximum free-standing height (H) 30º Termination (STA) Minimum Clearances Wall Thimble (WT/WTI) Maximum distance between guides (MVS) Opening dimension Roof support (RS) Maximum distance between guides (MVS) Roof thimble (RT/RTI) Guy wire band (GWB) Minimum Clearance Anchor Plate HD (APHD) Maximum distance between elbows (MDE) Maximum distance suspended (S) Wall support (WS) Appliance Refer to condensate drain section for proper installation Maximum distance between supports Appliance adaptor Figure 1 - Horizontal Maximum distance between guides (MVS) Wall guide (WG) Wall guide (WG) Secure Seal Single Wall (SS) Minimum Clearance to Combustibles Diameter Rated Enclosed Max flue gas operating temperature )PSJ[POUBM 7FSUJDBM temperature Unenclosed Wall support HD (WSHD) Appliance adaptor )PSJ[POUBM 7FSUJDBM 4" to 12" 480° F 550° F N/A N/A 2" 2" 14" to 24" 480° F 550° F N/A N/A 4" 4" Appliance Secure Seal Double Wall (SSD/SSID) Minimum Clearance to Combustibles Diameter NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRATIONS ARE NOT TO SCALE. Rated Enclosed Unenclosed Max flue gas operating temperature )PSJ[POUBM 7FSUJDBM )PSJ[POUBM 7FSUJDBM temperature 4" to 12" 480° F 550° F N/A 1" 1" 1" 14" to 24" 480° F 550° F N/A 1" 3" 1" 4" to 12" (L-Vent) 480° F 570° F N/A 2" 2" 2" 14" to 24" (L-Vent) 480° F 570° F N/A 2" 3" 2" Material Thickness Inner Wall Material Thickness (AL29-4C®*) NNNN NN NNNN NN Outer Wall Material Thickness (441) NNNN NN NNNN NN *AL29-4C® is a registered trademark of Allegheny Ludlum Corporation. Figure 2 - Vertical 'PSNPSFJOGPSNBUJPOBCPVUUIF4FDVSF Seal®TJOHMFBOEEPVCMFXBMMQJQFT QMFBTFWJTJUPVSXFCTJUF 'JOEJUFNTTVDIBTCSPDIVSFTJOTUBMMBUJPO JOTUSVDUJPOTTQFDJmDBUJPOTBOENPSF NOTE: Diagrams, illustrations and photographs are not to scale – consult installation instructions. Product designs, materials, dimensions, specifications, colors and prices subject to change or discontinuance without notice. SVF.POUFSFZ -BWBM2VÏCFD $BOBEB)-5 "1".44%