– Consult Manual if using water ballast)
Flight Preparation (NB Always use cockpit placard data for current weight limitations)
1. Ballast - minimum pilot weight = 70 kg (see Note 3). Maximum pilot weight = 109 kg.
2. Aerotow takeoff trim. Light Pilot = 2 notches back. Heavy Pilot = 3 to 4 notches back. (adjust to suit when
stabilised on climb out)
3. Radio - set to 122.7 MHz
Ground Handling
1. Secure stick with seat harness while ground towing.
2. Wing dolly and tail dolly with tow bar available - use quad runner to minimise airfield tyre damage.
3. When towing using quad runner using rope in nose hook, use rope > 1/2 wing span. Do not tow glider down
hill without a person on each wing, or one on the into wind wing and one at the nose. Ensure canopy locked.
4. Use tail dolly when hand manoeuvring glider - do not push on wing-tips without tail dolly.
5. Do not li ft tail using horizontal stabiliser and avoid stepping over fuselage.
Take Off Roll & Aerotow
1. Aileron Control – Moderately effective at low speed, tendency to drop a wing improved by winglets.
2. Elevator - Full back stick until aileron & rudder become effective, then relax back stick pressure allowing
glider to assume flying attitude (balance on main wheel)-hold attitude & glider will li ft off as speed
3. Aerotow Speed = 57 knots minimum recommended. (Manual states 54 knots, see Note 1.)
4. Flight Manual states low tow position is not recommended due to tow hook position, rope interferes with fuselage.
Safe Speed Above Ground (Speeds adjusted from Flight Manual quoted speeds, see Note 1)
1. Safe Speed = 60 knots + 1/2 wind speed. (Manual indicates 54 to 59 kts, see Note 1)
2. Stall, straight flight = 39 knots for 70 kg pilot , 40 knots for 90 kg pilot, 41 knots for 109 kg pilot
3. Stall, 45º bank = 47 knots for 70 kg pilot , 48 knots for 90 kg pilot, 49 knots for 109 kg pilot
4. Stall warning: fuselage vibration approaching the stall.
Flight (Speeds adjusted from Flight Manual quoted speeds, see Note 1)
1. Minimum Sink - 70 kg pilot = 125 ft/min @ 43 knots, level. At 45º bank 149 ft/min @ 51 knots.
- 90 kg pilot = 129 ft/min @ 44 knots, level. At 45º bank 153 ft/min @ 52.5 knots.
- 109 kg “ = 132 ft/min @ 45 knots, level. At 45º bank 157 ft/min @ 54 knots.
2. Best L/D = 38:1 - 70 kg pilot @ 54 knots, 90 kg pilot @ 55.5 knots, 109 kg pilot @ 57 knots.
Circuit (Speeds adjusted from Flight Manual quoted speeds, see Note 1)
1. Safe Speed = 60 knots + 1/2 wind speed.
2. Wind Speed = 10 knots - safe speed above ground = 65 knots.
20 knots - safe speed above ground = 70 knots.
1. Avoid abrupt opening of air-brake after flare and during hold-off.
2. After touchdown, fully extend air-brake to prevent lifting off and to assist low speed control, and hold full back stick.
3. Wheel brake lever on air-brake handle.
Lake Keepit Soaring Club. 234 Keepit Dam Road, Lake Keepit, NSW 2340. Australia
Te l : 6 1 2 6 7 6 9 7 5 1 4 F a x : 6 1 2 6 7 6 9 7 6 4 0 w w w . k e e p i t s o a r i n g . c o m
Placard Speeds - note, V
determined by flutter which is dependent on TAS. Placarded speeds are IAS.
1. V
= 154 knots.
2. V
= 108 knots. (max. rough air)
3. V
= 92 knots. (max. rough manoeuvring)
4. V
= 81 knots. (max. aerotow)
5. V
= 67 knots. (max winch)
6. V
(air-brakes extended) = 154 knots (smooth air), 108 knots (rough air). OK to open air-brake at VNE, but
open gently above 108 knots.
7. V
= 135 kts (landing gear extended).
Notes :
1. Speeds adjusted for increased empty weight (now 290 kg – min all up weight is 360 kg [=290+70], manual
quotes figures for 320 kg auw). Speed
= Speed
x √ ([290+wt]/320).
2. Speeds are for unmodified “Standard Jantar 2” configuration, winglets may alter speeds.
3. Fixed ballast fitted in fin, min. cockpit load at 70 kg [placard].
4. Main wheel tyre pressure = 2 bar.
5. Note difference between IZV and IKU, IZV has min AUW with 75 kg pilot of 343 kg (=75+268), this glider,
UKU, min. AUW = 360 kg (=70 + 290).
Lake Keepit Soaring Club. 234 Keepit Dam Road, Lake Keepit, NSW 2340. Australia
Te l : 6 1 2 6 7 6 9 7 5 1 4 F a x : 6 1 2 6 7 6 9 7 6 4 0 w w w . k e e p i t s o a r i n g . c o m