Majority of illustra3ons in this presenta3on are from Biological Psychology
4 th edi3on (© Sinuer Publica3ons)
Atoms are stable par3cles, but ions are not.
Depending on their chemical structure, they can either become posi3ve or nega3ve. In the neuron these play an dominant role in propaga3on of neural signals.
K + Na + Ca 2+ Cl -‐ Protein -‐
Two kind of forces that move chemicals (ions) from a more concentrated loca3on to less concentrated region are concentra3on gradient , and forces that move chemicals with charges on them through aPrac3on and repulsion are electrosta3c forces.
Diffusion of ions through a semi-‐permeable membrane produces the two kinds of forces men3oned above. A cell has a semi-‐permeable membrane and creates a electrical poten3al difference because of these forces.
1. Concentra3on of K + outside the cell is more than inside.
2. So K + starts moving in the cell due to concentra3on gradient and more nega3ve (protein) charges in the cell.
3. An equilibrium poten3al of -‐70 mV is generated.
1. Exchange of K + ions across the membrane is regulated by passive K + channels.
2. K+ passes through
this channel back and forth, un3l a res3ng poten3al is reached.
1. Res3ng poten3al is generated by Na + , K + , Ca ++ ,
Cl -‐ and protein molecules -‐ .
2. Their concentra3on inside and outside the cells is different.
3. Different channels in the neuronal membrane create this difference.
1. Axons of the neurons can be impaled with electrodes to measure the poten3al difference
(voltage) between the inside and outside of the neuron.
2. A difference of -‐60 to
-‐70 mV is observed.
Depolarizing (posi3ve) and hyperpolarizing
(nega3ve) currents cause graded and ac3on poten3als .
1. In phase 1, Na channels are open. The neuron is at res3ng poten3al.
+ channels are closed and K +
2. In phase 2, when a brief current enters the neuron, Na + channels open le\ng Na + ions to enter the cell. K + channels close. The neuron starts becoming more posi3ve.
3. In phase 3, If the Na mV ( threshold ), all Na of Na +
+ ions raise the charge to -‐40
channels open and barrage
makes the inside of the cell very posi3ve
(+40 mV).
4. In phase 4, Na + channels get inac3vated. K + channels open and K + ions start moving outside the cell. The neuron poten3al starts rever3ng back to equilibrium poten3al.
5. In phase 5, Na + and K + channels close. Na+ and K+ pump extrudes Na+ ion out and K+ ions in the cell.
During the 5th phase the Na + -‐ K undershoot.
+ pump brings back the electrical poten3al to res3ng state a^er the
1. A^er a neuron has fired an ac3on poten3al, the neuron goes through a refractory phase, in which it does not fire another ac3on poten3al. This cons3tutes absolute refractory phase .
2. A neuron can be made to fire an ac3on poten3al in the rela3ve refractory phase by increasing s3mulus intensity.
1. The intensity of an ac3on poten3al remains constant across its propaga3on extent.
2. Ac3on poten3als fire as all-‐or-‐none responses, i.e., they will fire if above threshold and not if they are below it.
In myelinated neurons speed of conduc3on is fast, due to Na + ions entering at nodes of Ranvier, which boost current and speeding the signal propaga3on.
On the other hand, in unmyelinated neurons, speed of conduc3on is slow due to degrada3on of electrical current based on cable proper3es .
Presynap3c neurons can either inject posi3ve or nega3ve currents into a postsynap3c neuron. When the current is posi3ve it is called Excitatory
Postsynap3c Poten3al (EPSP) and when nega3ve it is called Inhibitory Postsynap3c Poten3al (IPSP) .
EPSP and IPSP integrate at the axon hillock and make the neuron fire an ac3on poten3al or not.
EPSPs increase the probability of an ac3on poten3al and IPSPs decrease that likelihood.
Weak EPSPs from different presynap3c neurons add-‐up in “space” to cause an ac3on poten3al
( spa3al summa3on ). Or a singular presynap3c neuron could “over 3me” inject enough charge inside the neuron for it to fire an ac3on poten3al
( temporal summa3on ).
Spa3al Summa3on Temporal Summa3on
Some synapses have channels that directly connect one neuron to the other. Ions pass between neurons freely without releasing neurotransmiPers.
Therefore conduct messages at higher speeds than regular synap3c neurons.
1. Unlike ac3on poten3als that are digital (all-‐or-‐ none) graded poten3als are analog in nature. So
EPSPs and IPSPs are like graded poten3als.
2. Intensity of graded poten3als is not constant and increase and decrease with the intensity of s3mula3on. In ac3on poten3als it is registered by the number of responses fired.
3. Many sensory receptors (skin etc.) respond with graded poten3als.
1. Ac3on poten3al reaches presynap3c terminal buPon.
2. Ca ++ enters the terminal and synap3c vesicles fuse with the membrane.
3. NeurotransmiPers are released from the vesicles in the cle^.
4. NTs bind to postsynap3c receptors, opening them and ions flow through.
5. EPSPs or IPSP spread over the postsynap3c cell body towards the axon hillock to integrate and fire an ac3on poten3al or not.
6. Enzymes in the synap3c cle^ break excess NTs.
7. Reuptake removes the
NT from synapse slows down the process and recycles the NT.
8. NT binds to autoreceptors to signal reduc3on in NT in the synapse.
Following is a summary of ac3on poten3als and synap3c poten3als.
Following is a summary of ac3on poten3als and synap3c poten3als.
We can use various techniques like patch clamps and voltage clamps to study the physiological responses of receptors and based on these studies to understand their structures.
In patch clamp and voltage clamp experiments, the receptors can be manipulated with neurotransmiPers, and/ or voltages to study their behaviors.
1. Stoichiometry aids us in unraveling the structure of receptors.
2. We can iden3fy different subunits.
3. And specific loca3ons for exogenous and endogenous neurotransmiPers.
1. NeurotransmiPers that bind directly to the receptor and open the channel to pass ions are called ionotropic receptors.
2. NeurotransmiPers bind to receptors using G-‐ protein complexes to open-‐up channels are called metabotropic receptors.
Simple reflexes like the knee-‐jerk involve two neurons thus take shorter 3mes (40 ms) to respond compared to some other reflexes that take longer (220 ms; Laming, 1968) because of mul3ple neurons in the circuit.
Complexity of response in reflex circuits was known long 3me ago e.g., changes in s3mulus intensity was faithfully registered in the response.
2. Also reflexes could be modified in condi3oning or imprin3ng .
More complicated circuits have more neurons and show proper3es like convergence and divergence , e.g., as seen in the visual pathway.
Feedback circuits connect neurons in loops.
Nega3ve feedback circuits usually decrease the ac3vity of a neuron, and posi3ve circuits increase it.
S3ll others make oscillatory or rhythmic circuits used in many bodily func3ons, like heart, breathing, walking, sleeping etc.
We can record (EEG) ac3vity from popula3on of neurons using scalp electrodes. Two kinds of ac3vity are classified as spontaneous and event-‐ related evoked poten3als.
Spontaneous brain signals do not require any specific s3mula3on. So brain ac3vity during sleep and dreaming is spontaneous. Also such ac3vity is important to assess and diagnose epilep3c ac3vity.
Brain (EEG) signals that require specific s3mula3on are called event-‐related poten3als. Such signals provide informa3on how brain responds to say, auditory signals in the brain stem.
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