EUROPEAN COOPERATION IN THE FIELD OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL RESEARCH COST IC1004 TD(12)03054 Barcelona, Spain February 8-10, 2012 ———————————————— EURO-COST ———————————————— SOURCE: Institute of Telecommunications, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria A contactless evaluation Method on the powering of an Active RFID Tag with On-Chip Antenna Philipp K. Gentner, Guenter Hofer, Arpad L. Scholtz, Christoph F. Mecklenbräuker Gusshausstrasse 25 - 29 / 389 1040 Wien AUSTRIA Phone: +43 1 58801 78938 Fax: +43 1 58801 38999 Email: A contactless evaluation Method on the powering of an Active RFID Tag with On-Chip Antenna Philipp K. Gentner1 , Guenter Hofer2 , Arpad L. Scholtz1 , Christoph F. Mecklenbräuker1 1 2 Institute of Telecommunications, Vienna University of Technology Gusshausstrasse 25/389, 1040 Vienna, Austria Infineon Technologies Austria AG, Contactless and RF Exploration Babenberger Strasse 10, 8020 Graz, Austria Abstract—A wireless method to power an active tiny transmitter on a tag is inductive coupling, where the energy to power the tag’s transmitter is drawn via a small antenna from a radio frequency magnetic field. In this paper, we present a contactless method to determine the voltage delivered by the rectifier of an RFID circuit connected to an on-chip antenna. The chip is designed to backscatter energy with a modulation frequency proportional to the voltage delivered by the rectifier. Hereby it becomes possible to investigate inductive coupling between an excitation coil which is part of a reader, and a coil on-chip, without the need of bond wires or other physical connections to the chip. Index Terms—On-Chip Antenna, OCA antenna design and characterisation I. I NTRODUCTION In an asymmetric or hybrid RFID communication system, the tag consists of an ultra-wideband (UWB) impulse radio transmitter and an UHF receiver [1]. A reader station transmits an UHF carrier for powering and synchronizing the tag. In general, the UWB transmitter allows for higher data rates, while consuming less power. This is an ideal scenario for RFID or wireless sensor applications. If the size of the system is of importance, on-chip antennas (OCAs) are an option. Considering a typical size of a few square millimeters of the chip, the highly reduced antenna efficiency of course yields to a reduction of the feasible communication range. The contactless powering method in this contribution is inductive coupling. It is important for system design to know the amount of power available for the functionality of the chip. There are three major aspects that influence the power drawn by an integrated chip from the electromagnetic field. These are the performance of the on-chip antenna, the rectifier, and the performance of the reader antenna exciting the magnetic field. We propose an evaluation method to characterize the performance of the OCA and rectifier by measurements, without the need of wired connections to the chip. Thus, compared to other methods we ensure that the electromagnetic field of the excitation coil and the OCA itself is not affected. The inductive coupling scenario is shown in Figure 1. Also displayed is a microphotograph of the loop antenna used (similar design as reported in [2] and [3]). The silicon substrate carrying the OCA is placed at a fixed distance in z-direction above the excitation coil. The coil is a magnetic loop antenna printed on a standard FR4 PCB, fed by a sinusoidal signal at 850 MHz with variable power level Pin . The FR4 substrate the loop antenna is printed on has a thickness of 1.5 mm (copper thickness 35 µm). The ground planes on the top and bottom layers are connected by vias to form a coplanar waveguide feed. The loop consists of two turns of conductors (width 0.5 mm). The overall diameter of the spiral coil is 4.2 mm and the inner diameter is 1.5 mm. The PCB is designed to make possible on-board impedance matching with concentrated elements. For our experiments, we preferred to use an external impedance tuner. Therefore a jumper replaces the inline matching element on the PCB. II. D EVICE U NDER T EST The loop OCA investigated has an overall size of 1 mm2 with four conductor turns. This type of on-chip antenna is commonly used for inductive coupling and is well known from literature (see [2] and [3]). Our antenna is manufactured with standard 130 nm CMOS technology without any post processing. The conductor width of each turn is 15 µm with a spacing of2.6 µm between the turns. Two metal layers are utilised for the loop, which are connected by vias. The metal stripes in the loop’s inner section prevent the silicon from breaking. The bonding pads inside the OCA (see photograph in Fig. 1. Inductive coupling scenario. The silicon chip with the OCA is placed in close distance in z-direction directly above the center of the excitation coil. On the right side, a microphotograph of the chip with a 4-turn coil antenna is shown. Fig. 2. The backscattered signal of the chip in the frequency domain. Fig. 3. Simulated proportionality between the modulation frequency fmod and the induced voltage VDD , delivered by the rectifier. Figure 1 are not required for the measurements presented in this paper. The circuit on the silicon chip features a rectifier [4], a voltage controlled oscillator [5], and a logic part. The rectifier powers the chip. The oscillator and the logic part generate a modulated output signal that is fed to the OCA. Figure 2 shows the corresponding measured output spectrum. The peaks in the backscattered signals’ spectrum are offset from the sinusoidal carrier at 850 MHz by multiples of the modulation frequency fmod . The modulation frequency fmod is proportional to the chip voltage VDD (induced by the excitation antenna) after the rectifier. The proportionality between fmod and the chips’ VDD is calculated by transient simulation of the oscillator (see Figure 3). The simulation, performed with Cadence, incorporates the parasitic effects of the substrate. This method to conclude from the measured fmod to VDD , allows to determine the performance of the OCA and the rectifier without the need of wired connections. III. M EASUREMENTS To show the feasibility of our method several experiments were carried out. The setup for all measurements consists of two styrofoam elements, one carrying the excitation coil and the other carrying the device under test. The excitation coil (see Figure 1) was matched with a tuner to the RF source. The matching process was done without the chip being in the excitation coil’s vicinity. The chip was fixed with a double-faced adhesive tape on one end of the dedicated long styrofoam board. The other end was mounted on a multi axis platform, which can be moved in x, y and z direction via micrometer screws. To get a first insight into the power transfer properties, the following initial experiment was performed. For constant input power Pin = +8.6 dBm at the excitation coil and constant z-position, the chip was moved in the x-y plane, until the measured fmod reached its maximum. The coordinates such obtained are used as the origin x = y = 0. Now, the chip was moved in the x-y plane in equidistant steps of 0.5 mm. For each of these steps the modulation frequency was measured, and used to calculate the induced voltage VDD . This measurement was carried out for two different z values (0.5 mm and 1.5 mm). Figure 4 shows the corresponding results. The induced voltage VDD decreases with distance in z-direction as expected. Keeping in mind that chip operation requires a certain minimum VDD level, the area of sufficient induced power decreases with height, as can be deduced from Figure 4 in accordance with expectation. Next, a distance sweep in z-direction at x = y = 0 mm was carried out. For this range test, the styrofoam arm with the chip under test was moved from z = 0.5 mm to z = 2.75 mm, while the input power Pin was kept constant. The VDD values resulting from the measured fmod are shown in Figure 5. The induced voltage decreases with increasing distance from the excitation coil, from 1.66 V at z = 0.5 mm to 0.47 V at z = 2.75 mm. Finally, the chip was brought into contact with the excitation coil (x = y = z = 0 mm), and the input power Pin of the excitation coil was varied from −6.4 dBm to 5.6 dBm (see Figure 6). This was done to see how much power can be transferred into the chip in an ideal scenario. We observe that the induced voltage VDD increases from 0.5 V to 2.13 V. IV. C ONCLUSIONS In this paper we presented a contactless method to determine the voltage induced by an excitation coil to an OCA. The modulation frequency of the signal backscattered from the tag is proportional to the induced voltage VDD after the rectifier. This method was verified by measurements on an RFID chip prototype with an OCA. The tags operational area at constant heights above the excitation coil, as well as the behavior with increasing distance was successfully measured. Also, the voltage provided by the rectifier in an ideal scenario, with zero distance to the excitation coil has been measured. This Fig. 5. Range test in z-direction with Pin = 8.6 dBm at max VDD position. Fig. 6. Input power sweep at z = 0 mm. information will help in optimally designing inductively powered RFID chips with on-chip antennas. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was performed as part of the project ‘Smart Data Grain’ which is embedded into the program ‘Forschung, Innovation, Technologie - Informationstechnologie’ (FIT-IT) of the ‘Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie’ (BMVIT). This program is funded by the ‘Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft’ (FFG). This work is partly supported by the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Wireless Technologies for Sustainable Mobility. The authors would like to thank the members for support during manufacturing and measurements. R EFERENCES [1] L.-R. Zheng, M. B. Nejad, Z. Zou, D. S. Mendoza, Z. Zhang, and H. Tenhunen, “Future RFID and Wireless Sensors for Ubiquitous Intelligence,” in Proc. NORCHIP, 2008, pp. 142–149. Fig. 4. Measured VDD for two different heights above the excitation coil. zleft = 0.5 mm and zright = 1.5 mm. [2] J. Xi, N. Yan, W. Che, X. Wang, H. Jian, and H. 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