I TIN OXIDE I Tin Oxide":'An Abunchce of Uses Tin(1V) oxide, SrtO,, occurs naturally widely available in Europe and tin as Cassiterite, the principal mineral oxide has maintained its use in source of tin, However, as a com- ceramic grazes and, to a lesser pound in its own right, tin oxide is extent, in vitreous enamels. an important industrial chemical Tin oxide is highly insoluble in with a w i d e range of applications. In glazes and this gives it a high opaciline with the generally accepted low fying power when used at levels of toxicity of inorganic tin c~mpctund~, 4 - 8% Although its long held the EDSO value for SnO, (in rats) is prominence has been challenged by greater than 10,000 mg/kg and its cheaper opacifiers, anhydrous Sn02 safe nature and ease of handling is still used for high quality artware, have undoubtedly contrib -_ledto its where the highest: reflectance, widespread usage. purest colours, greatest strength In actual fact, tin oxide exists in and abrasion resistance are several distinct forms; each prepared required. Since light reflection by a different route and each exhibit- depends on the particle size distribing different properties to the other ution in the glaze, the milling proceforms. Anhydrous Sn02, manufac- dure for npacified glazes is critical tured by the thermid oxidation of tin and the highest reflectance is prometal, contains 79% tin by weight, duced with tin oxide particles o€0.2 and probably accounts for 90% or - 0+3microns diameter. However, the largest use of sno, more of the total consumption of tin oxide, which is estimated at around in the ceramics industry has resulted 3,500 - 4,000 tonnes per annum, The from its ability to accommodate certwo hydrous €orrns of tin oxide, a- tain metal colorant ions in its Iattice (or ortho-) stannic acid, prepared by structure. Three series of commercial acid hydrolysis of sodium hydroxys- pigments based c~ntin oxide have tannate or alkaline hydrolysis of found extensive usage in ceramic tin(1V) chloride, and p- (01: meta-) tiles and pottery. Tin - vanadium yelstannic acid, prepared by the action lows (containing 2 - 5% vanadium) of concentrated nitric acid on tin and tin - antimony blue-greys (conmetal, are gel-type materials of taining 3 - 8% antimony) are preindefinite composition with typical pared by t h e m 1 readion of tin oxide tin contents of 65 - 70%, depending (either in its anhydrous form or, paron precise preparation conditions. ticularly for Sn/Sb pipents, as pstannic acid), with either ammonium Ceramic glazes and pigments vanadate or antimony trioxide The production of decorated potm tery is one of the oldest crafts known to man and Babylonian and Assyrian wall tiles dating from the 9th century BC were decorated with an opaque white glaze based on tin oxide, making this almost certainly the earliest application of a tin compound. During the 19th century, mass-produced pottery,,. be< . . . J ;* c .'Y! respectively, at a temperature of 1200 - 1300°C. A third series, the tin c h r ~ h m pinks, are prepared by firing a mixture of tin oxide, potassium dichromate, calcium carbonate and silica at 1150°C. The colour can vary from a dark maroon to a light pink depending on the exact composition and the host lattice is believed to be a complex oxide, Malayaite (CaSnSi05), rather than SnO, itself. Each of these tin-based pigments has outstanding thermal stabiIity and can be used under glazes without discoloration at high glaze firing temperatures. It is worth mentioning that the ancient pigment "Purple of Cassius", which still finds application as an on-glaze decoration for high quality tableware, is also based on tin oxide, although it is actually produced by the aqueous reduction of gold(II1) chloride by tin(1I) chloride. The product comprises a colloidal dispersion of metallic gold on hydrous Sn03 with a typical g d d content of around 20% by weight. Although no. new tin colours have been developed in recent years, the possible use of tin oxide as an encapsulant for less thennally stable pigments (or for those which may leach out toxic components during use), ha5 been studied by ITRI and others. In this connection, new developments in tin oxide sol-gel technology may provide a means to effective encapsulation pmcesses. Glass industry Tin oxide possesses an unusual combination of properties for a refractory oxide being a good electrical conductor (especially at high temperatures), extremely resistant to molten glass, and virtually non-colouring. As such, it is ideally suited as an ekc- , ,!: ..J Tin oxide gas =ensor$ 1 6 TIN International Vol. 72, No. 7 I TIN OXIDE I . . trode material for the electrical melting of grass. Above 800°C, molten glass becomes electrically conduc- tive and hrther heating can be achieved by passing a high current through electrodes which are inserted into the glass melt. Although conventional glass uses molybdenum or graphite electrodes, these are incompatible with lead crystal glass because of their tendency to reduce lead oxide to metallic lead, resulting in an envirmmental hazard from lead fumes and a discolouring effect on the glass. Compressed SnQ electrodes, typically containing I - 2% of CuO and Sb,O, to enhance sintering and conductivity respectively, are now widely used in the manufacture of lead crystal glass. The electrodes are usually in the form of cylinders or block and weigh between 5 - 50kg each. A single furnace may contain in excess of 100 such electrodes with an on-line life of about one to two years, A major application of tin chemicals in the glass industry invohes the deposition of thin tin oxide films cm to the surface of glass to impart strength, m atch-wesist a w , decorative effects, electrical conductivity or thermal insulation properties. However, this use is not strictly speaking an application of tin oxide, since the films are produced by spraying another tin compound, usually tin(1V) chloride, butyltin trichloride or dimethyltin dichloride, cm to the hot glass surface where it pyrolyses to form a layer nf SnO,. Tin oxide films will not therefore be discussed in this article, although it is worth mentioning that recent research has included the deposition of films using sol-gel methods. ' . > . Catalysts Tin(IV) oxide is one of the components of a number of binary, ternary, ox WFTI quaternary, metal oxide sys- tems which find extensive use as heterogeneous catalysts in industrial processes. Hence, combinations of Sn02 with oxides of vanadium, chromium, molybdenum, antimony bismuth, phosphorus, copper, manganese, tungsten, platinum or palladium, are designed to provide catalysts which exhibit a wide range of activity and selectivity, Although accounting for only a small tonnage consumption of tin, these catalysts are of major importance in the chemical. industry, being utilised in the oxidation, ammoxida tion, oxidative dehydrogenation, isomerisation, dehydration and methylation of many organic compounds. In addition, work carried out at ITRI during the 1970s showed that tin oxidebased catalysts are highly effective for the low temperahe oxidation of carbon monoxide. Although SrtQ itself has some activity in this respect, it is precious metal - tin oxids systems which have attracted most attention. One particular area of interest is the removal of toxic gases from motor vehicle exhaust emissions, where the known effects of either palladium or platinum can be improved if these metals are dispersed on a tin oxide support, A further advantage is that, unlike other low temperature CO oxidation catalysts which are 'poisoned' by the presence of water vapour, the catalytic activity of the tin oxide-based systems appears to be enhanced by water vapour. However, commercial usage of Pd/Pt - SnO, catalysts has to date been limited to carbon dioxide gas lasers (where the catalyst regenerates CO2 from CO and oxygen in order to maintain the power output uf the laser) and in certain air purification applications, such as safety masks and in submarines. Electruccmductive applications The catalytic and electroconductive properties of tin oxide are together exploited in its well-established use in gas sensors for fire alarm and pollution monitoring systems. These devices, first developed in the earlv 1970s in Japan, usually comprise a solid pellet or sintered layer uf SnO, an a ceramic tube. The sensor c m detect the presence of a combustible or reducing gas by a change in electrical resis tame when such species react with the oxygen absorbed cm the SnO, surface. The decrease in resistance is a measure of the gas concentration and such sensors are available fur the detection of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, alcohol, ammonia, hydrogen and. many other Keeling &Walker Limited Manufacturers of Tin Oxides for use in all applications WHIELDON ROAD, STOKE-ON-TRENT ST4 4JA TeI: (01782) 744136 Fax: (01782) 744126 E-mail: keeling.walker@btinternet.com TIN International Vol. 72, No. 7 7 . .: L . ..._ . .. , . :, ". gases. Tin oxide has remained at the forefront of this tmhology €or mi-? than two decades. A more recent devdopmt t relates to the use of conductive powders based an t-m oxide. Traditional methods for imparting anti-static or electroconductive properties to p l y merk materials have generally involved the incorporation of relat i d y high loadings of either carbon bIack or metallic powders. Since these additives severely limit the choice of colour for the end material to essentially dark shades, a market has developed for non-dissdourhg conductive powders. Two distinct types of product have been commercially available since the mid-1980s; antimony-doped tin oxide (which is highly conductive but blue-grey in colour and relatively expensive) and antimony-doped tin oxide coated on to the surface of a lower cost inert core particle. The latter type is available from several companies, with core substrates including titanium dioxide, mica, silica and potassium titanate. Both types of product are finding application in areas including elecbostsrtic discharge protection (packaging, carpets, laminated plastic panels), conductive paints, didect-ncfilm and paper, and colour toners in reprographic processes. An electromnductive toner powder based on fluorine-doped tin oxide has been developed during the 1990s. Ion exchange agents In its hydrous forms, tin oxide exhibits ion exchange properties. Unlike conventional organic resins, SnO, gels are stable at: relatively high temperatures and are resistant to strong acids and nuclear radiation. ' , . .. . This has made these materials suitable for chromatographic columns used for the separation of radionuclides which are required in medical techniques such as Positron Errcission Tomography-In particular, a-stannic acid has been used €or the separation of rubidium-82 from strontium-82, and of ruthenium-97 from irradiated molybdenum. However, p-stannic acid is the pre ferred form for the separation of gallium-48 from germanium-68. In each case, the required radionuclide passes through the column, whilst the parent isotope from which it is being eluted is quantitatively absorbed on to the tin oxide gel. Ion exchange properties, including selectivity and exchange capacity, are dependent on gel preparation conditions and can be further controlled by combining hydrous tin oxide with oxides of other elements such as antimony, phosphorus, boron, silicon or molybdenum. This versatility has led to interest in tin oxide-based ion exchangers as potential effluent control systems, for removing toxic metals from industrial effluents and other pollution sources. Recent ITRI studies in this field have focused on the development of effluent control system in which the active tin oxide-based ion exchanger is dispersed on a low cost, high surface area substrate, in order to improve its efficiency. The ability of tin oxide to remove metal inns has also k e n utiIised in the petroleum industry where akaline 51-10,colloids are used as metal passivating agents. Tin oxide is found to be particularly effective for removing trace levels of vanadium and nickel, both of which can cause problems during crude oil cracking prwwses. Other UT - 3 Sigdicant quantities of anhydrous tin oxide have found use as 'putty powder' for polishing marble, granite, glass and plastic lenses. An interesting offshoot of this application is the polishing of pebbles by tumbling them with powdered SnO, to make costume jewellery. Electrical contact materials produced by powder metallurgical techniques find extensive application p a r t i d u l y in the field of power en@nwrhg, Untd recently the main type of material used was a silver - cadmium oxide compositeF but envimmmtal concerns have led to the development of alternative materials based on silver - tin oxide. Composite materials containing 5 - 20% 5110,by weight, often with up to 5% of other metal oxides (e.g. those of tungsten, bismuth, tantalum, molybdenum, copper, gemanium, indium or gallium), are finding increasing usage in contact studs for low voltage switchgear. New areas of application for tin oxide are being explored all the tine, some a€ them constituting potential new consumption of only tens of tomes of SnO, per annum, some very much more+But it is evident that tin oxide, used since antiquity, is still findh g new areas of application and will ccjninue to be an impurtant industrial material for many years to come. Acknowledgement The author would like to thank Mr Andrew Spiller (Keeling & Walker, Stoke-on-T-nt, UK) fur supplying much of the source material used in the preparaticm of this article. The Complete Range of 'TEGO' Tin Oxides RuhraIIee 191 / Bonsiepen 8, 0-45138Essen TeI: +49 (0201) 8943-498 Fax: +49 (0201) 8943-503 -._ .. . 8 TIN International Vol. 72, No. 7