Take action - Girlguiding Senior Section Spectacular

This theme is based on the
Community Action octant of the Look
Wider programme, through which
girls experience how they can make
a positive difference to their
community, no matter how small.
100 actions
Introduce the idea of taking action in your community and think about how to
celebrate 100 years of The Senior Section with simple social actions.
Who is it for?
All sections
It will take
Depends on action chosen
What you need
Depends on action chosen
What to do
As a unit, think about and discuss what social action is and what you already do in everyday life that
could be classed as social action.
Social action is about people taking practical action in the service of others to create positive
change that is of benefit to the wider community. It’s about people helping others and giving
something back.
Explain that to celebrate 100 years of The Senior Section, the unit is going to take action 100 times
to make the community a better place. Think about what you might be able to do together, but
remember to keep it simple. It can be the same social action 100 times or 100 different social
actions. For example, 100 smiles – as a unit, come up with a list of 100 ways to make someone smile
and then try them out!
Other ideas:
 100 compliments – make 100 different people feel good
100 campaign actions as a unit – signing a petition, writing blogs, meeting decision makers and
so on
 100 cakes – bake them for a community coffee morning
100 things recycled – collect 100 milk bottles, or ask each girl to make a list of the items she
100 letters for change – for example, writing to councillors or your MP or to organisations that you
think should take more responsibility for the wider community
 100 inspirational women – research them or speak to them in person
© Girlguiding 2015 Registered charity number 306016 www.girlguiding.org.uk
Mission Spectacular: Take action
 100-piece litter pick – pick up 100 pieces of litter each.
Complete your 100 actions! You may find that breaking them up over the course of a term will help to
spread out the challenge. Or complete your actions more quickly by sharing them out, with some
actions taken on by individuals and others completed by the whole unit.
100p challenge
Work as a group to raise as much money as possible for good causes.
Who is it for?
Brownies, Guides, The Senior Section
It will take
A number of meetings across the term
You will need
 Depends on chosen action
What to do
Set up a number of small groups for girls to work in (for Brownies this could be Sixes, for Guides this
could be Patrols). Explain to the girls that each group will be trying to raise as much money as
possible, starting with no more than £1. Give them a timeframe to complete the challenge in – this
could be four weeks, a term or even a number of months.
The groups should discuss the challenge and decide on a cause that they want to raise money for: for
example, unit equipment, a unit trip, helping other girls to go an adventure or some kind of social
action in their local community.
They need to decide one thing they can do in their first few weeks to increase the money by making a
profit on the £1 in an inventive way. The first step will be the hardest because of the £1 limit and you
may need to encourage the girls to be really inventive and outgoing with their plans. Some examples
might be to make jam with foraged fruit and bought sugar or to buy thread from a pound store and
offer to mend clothes for friends/family. Remind girls that they must share their ideas with a Leader
before they start their fundraising.
Once the girls have completed the first step of their plan, they should assess what their profits are
and reflect on how successful that approach was. Using the profits from the first step of their plan,
the groups should decide on a second stage of fundraising to increase their profits further, and carry
it out. For example, buying beads and thread to make some friendship bracelets to sell or baking
cakes for a bake sale.
The girls should continue to make plans to increase their profits until the deadline. After that, each
group should total up the final profit made (minus the £1) and donate the money to the cause they
decided on.
Top tip
If you’re a Leader of a Rainbow unit, why not try out this activity as part of a whole
unit? Leaders could also use a starting point of £2 or £10, and spread out the
challenge over a longer period of time so that there is enough time for each stage of
the plan to really make an impact.
© Girlguiding 2015 Registered charity number 306016 www.girlguiding.org.uk
Mission Spectacular: Take action