How to stick together

Christians together are like
a Roman army shield wall
Training against problems inside:
How to stick together
Take Home Sheet – Years 4-6
Bible Story Summary
Philippians 2:1-11
Last week we introduced a key image which lies behind what Paul says in this letter: the
Roman army shield wall. To tell people about Jesus the church needs to be like a
really good Roman army shield wall. They need to stick together. Paul writes about a
potential problem: Being selfish and thinking only about yourself will make a
shield wall fall apart.
If a Christian looks at the other Christians in church and starts to think, “I’m better than
them” then that’s a problem. When people in church start to think like this they
disagree and argue. When people disagree and argue they don’t help each other tell
people about Jesus. The shield wall is breaking up. If Christians in church start to think
only about what’s best for them, that doesn’t help the church tell people about Jesus.
The shield wall is breaking up. It’s normal for us all to be selfish. But it’s not right, it is
sin. God wants Christians in church to stick together so they can help each other to tell
people about Jesus.
Solution: Being humble and thinking like Jesus did will make a shield wall stick
together. This is what Paul told the Christians in Philippi: ‘In your relationships with
one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus’ [2:5 NIV2011]. The shield wall will
stick together if Christians think like Jesus did. Before Jesus came to earth he lived with
God in heaven. Jesus is better than everyone that has ever lived. He is equal with God.
But Jesus was not selfish. Jesus did not use his better-ness to make himself even
better. Jesus left the wonders of heaven and came to earth and was born as a nobody.
When he grew up he was a servant. Jesus died on the cross. Jesus did all this for other
people. Sinners like you and me can be forgiven. So Jesus gave up everything up for
people like us. This is how the shield wall will stay together. Christians should think
like Jesus did.
Digging Deeper
Look at Philippians 2:5
- What should be the same as Jesus? What does this mean?
Look at verses 6-8
- How do these verses show the attitude of Jesus?
- How is what Jesus did an example for his followers?
o Give an example of what this might look like for us