TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, OCTOBER 2, 2016 LET GO AND LET GOD Many twelve-step programs use the phrase “Let go and let God.” In all their simplicity, these five words are the heart of today’s readings. For people who struggle with addictive behavior, these words plainly remind us that we can’t manage, control, or manipulate certain areas of our lives. How many times can we look back in our lives and find evidence of some plan at work other than our own? These are the moments when, for whatever reasons, we let someone greater than ourselves work the plan. We probably didn’t even recognize at the time that we were letting go of anything, but in retrospect, we see God’s hand and loving presence. It is our awareness of these moments that gives us the courage and initiative to let go again later on. It is this courage and initiative that are highlighted in today’s readings. We come to call it “faith.” Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. DOMINICAN MOBILE WELLNESS CLINIC The Dominican Mobile Wellness van will be at Holy Cross on the second, and fourth Wednesdays of each month (October 12 & 26) from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. There is a fee of $15 at the time of the visit. For more information call 457-7166. CONVERSATIONS IN THE GARDEN Please join us following morning Mass this Wednesday, October 5 for a conversation about the Word we heard proclaimed at Mass. Hot coffee, tea and whatever goodies participants bring will be available. If it's cool, we'll share blankets and jackets. Gather in the Garden on Wednesday mornings and bring a friend! HOLY CROSS WOMEN'S MINISTRY Ladies.... The next chapter in your story is still unwritten.... Come join Holy Cross Women's Ministry as Beth Moore teaches in Breaking Free: The Journey, The Stories, with God's power you can change the course of your life... face your own strongholds, overcome them and change your story! Fridays, 9:15-11 a.m., room 205 in Holy Cross Pastoral Center. All ages welcome and bring a friend! Come once, come late... just come! Questions? Kathy 425-4714. Check out our website….. CONFÍA MENOS EN TI Y MÁS EN DIOS Muchos programas de doce pasos usan la frase “Confía menos en ti y más en Dios”. En toda su simplicidad, estas cinco palabras son el corazón de las lecturas de hoy. Para personas que luchan con alguna conducta adictiva, estas palabras nos recuerdan de manera categórica que no podemos manejar, controlar ni manipular ciertas áreas de nuestras vidas. ¿Cuántas veces podemos mirar hacia nuestro pasado y encontrar evidencia de algún plan elaborándose, diferente al nuestro? Estos son los momentos cuando, por cualquier razón, permitimos a alguien superior que nosotros que implemente el plan. En ese momento, incluso ni nos dimos cuenta de que estábamos dejando ir algo, pero en retrospectiva, vemos las manos y la amorosa presencia de Dios. Es nuestra conciencia de esos momentos lo que nos da el valor y la iniciativa para dejar ir algo más tarde. Son el valor y la iniciativa resaltados en las lecturas de hoy. A esto lo llamamos “fe”. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. EL GRUPO DE ORACIÓN DE HOLY CROSS les invita a sus reuniones los miércoles de cada semana a las 7 p.m. en la Misión. Es una buena oportunidad para orar y crecer en comunidad. Para mayor información, por favor contacte a Leonardo al 254-1035. Todos están bienvenidos. CONFIRMATION/YOUTH MINISTRY If you have questions please call Elizabeth at 457-2724 or email her at BINGO……... Join us OCTOBER 6 at Holy Cross Parish Hall. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. First game is at 6:30 p.m. Hope to see everyone there! OOOH the CARNIVAL is THIS WEEKEND!! SEE YOU IN THE PARK….. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday, October 3: Galatians 1:6-12; Luke 10:25-37 Tuesday, October 4: Galatians 1:13-24; Luke 10:38-42 Wednesday, October 5: Galatians 2:1-2,7-14; Luke 11:1-4 Thursday, October 6: Galatians 3:1-5; Luke 11:5-13 Friday, October 7: Galatians 3:7-14; Luke 11:15-26 Saturday, October 8: Galatians 3:22-29; Luke 11:27-28 Sunday, October 9: 2 Kings 5:14-17; 2 Timothy 2:8-13; Luke 17:11-19 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes, Octubre 3: Gálatas 1:6-12; Lucas 10:25-37 Martes, Octubre 4: Gálatas 1:13-24; Lucas 10:38-42 Miércoles Octubre 5: Gálatas 2:1-2,7-14; Lucas 11:1-4 Jueves, Octubre 6: Gálatas 3:1-5; Lucas 11:513 Viernes, Octubre 7: Gálatas 3:7-14; Lucas 11:15-26 Sábado, Octubre 8: Gálatas 3:22-29; Luke 11:27-28 Domingo, Octubre 9: 2 Kings 5:14-17; 2 Timoteo 2:8-13; Lucas 17:11-19 COLLECTION ~ COLECTAS SEMANALES COLLECTION-LA COLECTA DE LA SEMANA PASADA FUE $5,476.00 Consistent Giver: $1,154.70 (two week total) TOTAL COLLECTION: $6,630.70 WEEKLY SUNDAY PLATE BUDGET: $6,635.00 SECOND COLLECTION/SEGUNDA COLECCIÓN $1,417.00 Last Week—Semana Pasada: Youth Ministry This Week—Esta Semana: Respect Life Next Week—Próxima Semana: Capital Development Gracias por su generosidad ahora y durante todo el año. We thank everyone for their generosity, now and throughout the year. PRAYER INTENTIONS~ORACIONES PARA LOS ENFERMOS ~ Recuerde en sus ora- ciones—Please pray for those who are unable to join us: Miguel Magdaleno Pat McCuen Jack Humphries Thomas Rattie Rance Johnson, Sr. Marie Passarella Maria Oliveri Jackie Ryan Anna Levinger Tom King Cesar Groyon, Sr. Kimo Jadacek John Rodriguez Ardith Campbell Ed Lesnowicz Virgina Cooper Susie Shelton Gloria Patten Matt Iden Kelli DePuy Angelo Ross Debbie Wilson Kathleen Brady Elsie Stanley Lynda Sue McMath Debbie Mullen Carolyn Noyes Fateh Ildez John Mockus Freddy Herrera Richard Knapp John Pecoraro Damian Escobar Nathan Madigan Patti Shepard Rosa Maria Santos Dante Manalo Betsy Nicholson Any changes please call the office at 423-4182 INTENCIONES DE MISA + MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, October 1 5: deceased members Esposito family, int. of Rita Sullivan Sunday, October 2 7: Byrne family, Gino Panelli, Fred, Renee, Al & Bob Castagnola 8:30: int. Pat McCuen 10:30: Ramon Rembao, Meena Ravri, int. Josephine Medonca 12:30: Jesus & Paula Gaona, int. Gloria Palomo & family, int. Natalia y Karolina Espinosa Monday, October 3 8:30: Elizabeth P. Byrne & family Tuesday, October 4 8:30: int. John Mockus Wednesday, October 5 8:30: Theresa (Una), Christian, Betty, Nancy Byrne & family, int. Josephine Medonca Thursday, October 6 8:30: Francis, John, Frederick, Joseph Byrne & fam. Friday, October 7 8:30: int. Carolyn Noyes Saturday, October 8 5: John Negri, John Bower Sunday, October 9 7: Byrne family, Gino Panelli 8:30: Fred, Renee, Al & Bob Castagnola, int. Josephine Medonca 10:30: Ramon Rembao, Maurice Valladares 12:30: Alex y Mercedes Acevedo, Monica y Mario Maldonado & family, Jesus y Paula Gaona DIRECTORY - DIRECTORIO Rev. Martin Cain: Parochial Administrator/ Administrador Parroquial (423-4182 ) Rev. Rodolfo Contreras: Parochial Vicar/ Vicario Parroquial (423-4182) Dan McNamara: Office Manager, Secretary, Director de la Oficina, Secretario (423-4182) Lynette de Lara: Administrative Assistant and Bulletin Editor/Asistente Administrativo y Boletín Editor (423-4182) Patricia Patano: Principal, Holy Cross School (PS-8 Coed), 150 Emmet St., Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (4234447) Sr. Barbara Ann Long, O.P., L.H.S.: Liturgy and Music/Liturgia y Música (423-4973) Sr. Liza Raphael, I.M.: Faith Formation, Baptism, and Sacramental Preparation/Formación en la Fe y la Preparación Sacramental (458-3041) Elizabeth Borges: High School Youth Ministry/High School Ministerio de Jóvenes (423-4182) Frank Benko: Junior High Youth Ministry/Junior High Ministerio de Jóvenes de Secundaria (458-3041) Crissy Roubal: Director, Holy Cross Preschool (425-1782) Toni Giovannoni: Business and Facilities Manager/ Contender y Administrador de Instalaciones (469-3560) Sr. Betty Pedrazzi, I.H.M.: Missión Galeria, Mission Museum and Shop/Museo y Tienda de la Mision (426-5686) OPPORTUNITIES FOR PRAYER ON MONDAY The Blessed Sacrament is exposed every Monday in the Mission Chapel from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. All are welcome. EXPOSICIÓN DEL SANTISMO Recuerden de acompañar a Nuestro Señor en la Exposición y Adoración del Santismo Sacramento en la Capilla de la Misión todos los lunes después de la Misa de las 8:30 a.m. W ? To be considered a registered parishioner, one must: • Attend Mass at Holy Cross parish on a regular basis. • Fill out a registration form and be in our parish files. • Anyone over the age of 21 must fill out their own registration and not rely on the registration of parents or grandparents. • Financially support the parish. If you are not currently registered, or if you are unsure, please contact the parish office and complete a registration form. Thank you. WELCOME TO HOLY CROSS We are glad and grateful to have new people celebrate with us. If you would like to register at Holy Cross, please fill out the form below and place it in the collection basket, or mail it to the parish office. BIENVENIDOS A HOLY CROSS Estamos felices y agradecidos para celebrar con nuevas personas. Si usted no está registrado, por favor llene la siguiente forma y regrésela en la canasta de la colecta o mándela por correo a la oficina. N/ N___________________________________ Newman Center: UCSC & Cabrillo College Ministry/ Ministerio Universitario-285 Meder St., Santa Cruz (423-9400) P !/ T"#$!__________________________________ St. Francis Soup Kitchen: 205 Mora St. (459-6712) A&&''/ D)**)+!________________________________ Siena House Maternity Home: 108 High St. (425-2229) City/Ciudad________________________ ZIP_________ Diocese of Monterey, Promise to Protect, Pledge to Heal – Diocesan Victim Abuse Coordinator (1-800-321-5220) { } New Parishioner/Nuevo Miembro a la Parroquia { } New Address/Por Favor Corrijan Mi Dirección { } Please Send Me Sunday Envelopes/Envíenme Sobres Dominicales Holy Cross Food Pantry: Pastoral Center Rm.102 210 High St. (469-0631) Like us on FACEBOOK I -."& ")/ 0 '1 H"3 C'' ' /Q.) 3.& ! " P6.) *___________________________ E-)" _______________________________________ Holy Cross Fall Carnival SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Mission Plaza Park S THI ND! E K E WE Food, Fun, and Games for the Whole Family Special Appearance by a Disney Princess. Great food from Crow’s Nest, Upper Crust, Michoacana Taqueria and More …. HOLY CROSS SCHOOL Preschool – 8th grade Holy Cross School offers an academically rigorous program in an environment centered on the Gospels and the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church. We are now accepting applications for the 2016-2017 school year. Please call the school or preschool office for a tour! Preschool: 425-1782 School: 423-4447. Visit us online at: TAIZE The Sisters of the Holy Names at Villa Maria del Mar invite you to an evening of prayer on the second Thursday of every month (October 13) from 7 to 8 p.m. This hour long Taize style prayer includes chants, scripture and time for quiet reflection. ALL ARE WELCOME. For information call Mary 475-1236. 21918 East Cliff Drive, (in the Chapel) WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER As a married couple, how are we living out the good news? Do we live the world’s values or do we strive to live the values of the gospels? Are we kind, compassionate loving and forgiving with one another? Worldwide Marriage Encounter® will be presenting a Weekend on October 21-23, at St. Francis Retreat Center, San Juan Bautista. For more information call Mary Jo and Rich Castello, at 831-704-6322 or Email them at or register online at Holy Cross Food Pantry…… an item per week is all that we seek! Thank you. TALLER PARA CANTORES (SALMISTAS) 5 DE NOVIEMBRE Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón en Salinas DESDE 8:30AM (Registración) Hasta 2:00PM Rebecca Reyes Ramirez Su pasión por la música y su capacidad de cruzar fronte-ras llegando al corazón del pueblo ha conducido a Rebec-ca a servir a la Iglesia a través del ministerio de música. Como cantora, liturgista y conferencista ha trabajado con varios organizaciones regionales y nacionales, incluyendo el National Organization for the Continuing Education of Roman Catholic Clergy; Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions (FDLC), Los Angeles Religious Education Congress y los comités del USCCB de Evangelización y Diversidad Cultural. Rebecca es instructora del taller de certificación para Cantores en la arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles, también formó parte del equipo de formación litúrgica en la diócesis de San Diego y fue representante cultural en la reunión nacional 2012 del FDLC en San José, California. En su tiempo libre Rebecca disfruta de poder cantar y viajar con el Coro de la Sinfónica de La Jolla. Para más información, favor de contactar a la oficina diocesana de culto divino 831-423-4973 SIGNING UP FOR CONSISTENT GIVING IS EASY! For more information call Toni at 469-3560 ¡PARA DAR COHERENTE ES FÁCIL! Para más información favor de comunicarse con Toni al 469-3560