MECHANICAL FACTORS OF INFLUENCING SCREWS IN HANS K. UHTHOFF, From the Institut COMPACT VERDUN, de HOLDING THE BONE QUEBEC, Recherches POWER CANADA en Orthopedic, Verdiiz Screws are widely used for the internal fixation of fractures, either alone or with plates. Constant improvement in design and in operative techniques has led to increased holding power, which now exceeds the shear strength of bone. In fact, if one tries to pull out a freshly inserted screw, button of compact If one considers around would the have bone the bone threads screws would no practical healing do not strip bone (Bechtol 1971). only the result of such certainly seem to be importance. is a matter but the screw an immediate pulls test, out a small the question cone-shaped of bone formation of no interest, as a further increase in holding power In cases of accidental stripping of screws, however, of considerable importance, as shown by Bechtol In fact, exceeded he found that during the first four weeks after insertion of a screw the holding the initial stripping torque, though it should be carefully noted that these in place, were not subjected to any mechanical forces. Though the enormous holding power of screws in compact bone generally persists once the course offracture avulsed from bone. healing, In such careful examination radiological occurrence first clinical cases reveals of this complication. weeks after osteosynthesis, ten responsible later, some experience shows that a plate and no bone can be detected around bone resorption around for this loss of holding time after consolidation power screws, during its screws are sometimes the screws. Moreover, the If loosening of the screws occurs it will cause failure of fixation. (1959). threads early, that Mechanical before the is, during factors the are power (Wagner 1963). If loosening of the screws of the fracture, it is due to corrosion of the happens implants (Wagner). Few experimental studies Wagner as well as Hagmann have (1966) been done to elucidate the have described the reaction types of screw. A thorough search of the literature has not correlation between mechanical factors and cell differentiation fixation of fractures or osteotomies. Nor has any study been about the An contact between the contact screw and with the surrounding study was therefore threads and compact bone by measuring the screws, plates plates Lavigne led to stable was unstable osteosynthesis and permitted bone soon the drills and the Contact Therefore to preserve taken VOL. 55 B, after their taps; and fixation insertion. extent of the of contact 3) to observe with so-called 1971), whereas the montage the bone fragments (Uhthoff 1971). between screw and bone-Spaces if a space exists between screw was Dubuc between of screws. to different any studies of a possible screws after the internal in the current literature in order 1) to determine the 2) to explain any incompleteness (Uhthoffand movement MATERIALS order compact devised bone; revealed around published cell differentiation around screws subjected to mechanical forces. In earlier experimental studies in the dog we had noted that internal compression with Eggers and of screws experimental between screw process of loosening ofcompact bone out NO. this sideways 3, AUGUST delicate after 1973 tissue, the which lateral AND METHODS in bone are invaded and bone, it should is torn bone wall during the had been by loose be invaded routine removed removal with connective tissue. by soft tissue. In of a screw, a rongeur. this This 633 634 H. technique was and the animals Measurements manufacturers at different minor used in four adult K. mongrel UHTHOFF dogs. were killed at one, two, three of screws, drills and taps-The were examined. The levels, two measurements diameter was also external being determined Three screws and four products were American or major diameter made at right angles and corresponding drill bit. External and core Mechanical factors and cell differentiation. internal fixation of forty femoral osteotomies compared diameters with Unilateral external were stable also internal adult I I and so-called plates 00 00 :::: ; #{176} 0 0 O oo 0 0 0 which of the 0 N T o; : 0000 00 I weeks. :: : ooo 0 #{176} . ) : : I B 0 :: o - OO : : : : : : : c :. D ,______ the : : : : , -..‘ Unilateral unstable any plates, the adhesive The and nine examinations. supplemented tape for four weeks, when interval between osteotomy months. The All bones by specimens were * the decalcified Richards in EDTA Manufacturing, protected few days. after fixation that on upon legs the dogs limb the both and internal femora . . All . (group Fixation plates as dogs were killed 4)-I n order to screws in osteotomies held by held in a flexed position with 2 varied histological Memphis, hindlegs on three time in three dogs. same compression 1 and radiological, (group noted had the on for group 1 four weeks. the was at a time To force immediately immobilisation around upon side fi.vation by walking . dogs were killed. and death in groups underwent used. fixation 2 we dogs at the same was by the external site and operated internal I and thus put more stress fixation we operated used after at the fracture dogs the hindleg one upon first walk to only stable operated I fixation was internal upon. groups that diameter. movement in three the of the hindlegs at the same at least two splintage Again, Bilateral A diagram showing how contact between screw and bone (B) is limited to a part ofthe horizontal thread surface (H). The oblique surface (0) is separated by a space shown as a dark strip. When a tap has not been used (NT), the crest of the thread (C) touches the bone, but does not do so when a full-sized tap has been used (T). CD=core diameter; decrease Eggers was well to the round surface of and the fixation is therefore operated for the EDextemal bone the In compression unstable 3)-In E D FIG of firm increases fixation. greatly internal external unstable. was ______ 4 No adapt bone flot 0:000,, : the (group 2)-The fragments of thirteen osteotomies were held with Eggers plates S centimetres in length. * Because the under-surface is fiat, these plates do ) 0 d the Unilateral o: o.ooooooooc,oooooo :o - time, of to give In this group operated upon interval being never 0 Swiss under-surface dogs screws. #{176} two was measured The core or and in twenty osteotomies were tapped before insertion were :: 0 the 0 0 #{176} #{176} :: - H 0 0 #{176} OO “- applied holes ‘ : ) o #{176} ,, The ‘K twenty-nine . and (group 1)-The weighing between was achieved with plates 5 centi- is designed contact, stability T femur diameter fixation long. these each recorded. mongrel dogs 19 kilograms compression metres into of the screws to each other. the of taps in twenty inserted weeks. of two between and in 10 per cent five days histochemical neutral formalin. Tennessee. THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY MECHANICAL FACTORS INFLUENCING THE HOLDING POWER OF IN SCREWS COMPACT 635 BONE RESULTS Contact between between screw intimate surface contact. between up to 150 even touch screw threads ji in the 2-A fixation bone-Our and bone. histological Indeed, thickness bone. FIG. 2 of a screw operation, Measurements bone revealed of the a limited horizontal area thread of contact surface facing toward the tip of the screw, and separated from the bone by interposed In no instance did bone come cells with a spindle-like nucleus to part was in the vertical soft tissue (Fig. 1). When a tap had been used, the crest of the thread did not All spaces were larger on the side away from compression when this radiograph leads studies only Both the oblique surface, neighbouring threads were had been applied. layer of flattened Figure and of screws, how drills contact with interposed. the FIG. formation showing into direct was always hole taken around a unstable and nine months screw. internal taps-The after Figure fixation leads external operation, 3-A showing radiograph to bone diameter a single 3 how taken resorption metal; around of different five stable internal months after a screw. screws from each of the four manufacturers varied within a range of 180 Ii. The screws made by one company showed an inconstant external diameter, this measurement varying within a range of 70 ji for a given screw. The screws of two other companies were not exactly round, the range of the difference being 30 .t. The external diameter of the drill bits of every manufacturer was consistently larger than the core diameter of the screws, the difference being in the range of t. The external diameter of the taps from each manufacturer than the mean external diameter of the screws, the difference being Mechanical factors and cell differentiation. Unilateral stable internal forty osteotomies consolidated without showing any radiological 200 loosening of screws compression were seen and those not. Migrating cells close to the periosteal and endosteal VOL. 55B, No. 3, AUGUST (Fig. 2). 1973 No difference was noted between the was in the consistently larger range of 50 j.t. fixation (group 1 )-All or histological sign of osteotomies subjected to in the spaces between the screws and the bone surfaces as early as one week after operation. 636 H. At this time connective no cells tissue After four weeks 4). Little bone (Fig. were filled found these in the spaces, dense deep in some filled or UHTHOFF spaces and callus resorption K. the within cases spaces bone the cortex. osteoid between remodelling After was the could compact be two weeks loose the screws seen. bone observed and in the pre-existing cortex (Fig. 5). During the next four weeks the callus underwent conversion to Haversian At eight weeks bone with concentric lamellae around a central canal was observed right angle to the long axis of the shaft (Fig. 6). During the subsequent months remodelling nine in the pre-existing cortex took place. Some necrotic bone still bone. at a bone persisted after months. 4 FIG. Figure 4-Histological the crest and over the (Toluidine blue, 45.) fixation, showing new . remodelling. Routine FIG. removal of a screw between In the necrosis medullary around Unilateral screw canal the screws unstable Of the other ofthe screws the was j.t. No weeks loose connective activity was noted; the level horizontal Collagen distance of the four fibres between two weeks, were (group After two osteoblastic weeks previously thread however, also appeared screws and surrounded or thirteen no no important increased. less resorption activity callus always The influence time was was elsewhere depth only the bone (Fig. dogs of this one of bone necrosis. consolidated. and in four loosening 3). Three osteotomies were killed. between the screws and seen in the bone surfaces. bone. At observed. present formation THE least the extent the spaces were present bone at surface. internal or bone 25.) osteotomies, at the filled the osteoclasts #{149} of cells eosin, by callus. did not 2)-Of tissue instead, surface layer and become avulsed from as well as histologically osteoclastic but bone the single (Haematoxylin Compression in five the plates had evident radiologically been away bone. threads 200 had After performed takes and internalfixation twelve, became 5 section made four weeks after stable internal fixation, showing no new horizontal thread surface, but callus formation (C) next the oblique Figure 5-Another histological section made four weeks after stable bone formation on necrotic cortex without previous bone resorption also could JOURNAL in this area be detected. OF BONE AND JOINT (Fig. 7). Thus the SURGERY MECHANICAL FACTORS INFLUENCING THE HOLDING POWER OF SCREWS After twelve weeks the screws layers of which were less cellular than in the area. In some specimens the were embedded in dense the deeper layers (Fig. 8). presence of fibrocartilaginous Furthermore, the in the medullary canal FIG. Figure 6-Histological seen at right angles nitrate, #{149} 45.) Figure bone resorption threads were and surrounded FIG. ;: tissue formation (Haematoxylin *T 637 tissue. 7 Four Haversian is incomplete. internal fixation. over an oblique 45.) surface. systems can be (Holmes silver Osteoclastic No callus is seen. , : f: are evident and eosin, BONE by collagenous 6 fibrous ‘: COMPACT fibrous tissue, the superficial Osteoclastic activity continued tissue was noted (Fig. 9). section made eight weeks after stable internal fixation. to the long axis of the shaft. Intracortical remodelling 7-Histological section made four weeks after unstable (arrows) IN . -. ‘ 1 ,. . . ‘It. - , .r.. #{149} ;..#{149}. ,; - #{149} ... . 1.\ FIG. 8 FIG. 9 Figure 8-Histological section made eight months after unstable internal fixation. The diaphysis (D) is being remodelled. The threads of the screws (5) are completely surrounded by collagenous tissue (C). (Haematoxylin and eosin, : 16.) Figure 9-Histological section made twelve weeks after unstable internal fixation showing the formation of cartilage around the screw threads. (Toluidine blue. ‘ 50.) Bilateral stable internal showed some bone showed less callus osteoclastic activity VOL. 55 B, NO. 3, fixation (group 3)-Radiographs of the femora of these three resorption around the screws after four weeks. Histological than in dogs with unilateral stable internal fixation. Moreover, and the presence of fibrous tissue were evident. AUGUST 1973 dogs sections some 638 H. Unilateral unstable resorption Histological was seen sections internal fixation around did not K. UHTHOFF supplemented the screws reveal the delicate bone trabeculae intermingled less than in the dogs with unilateral by external splintage on radiographs taken presence of osteoclasts; with stable fibrous internal tissue. The fixation. (group four the 4)-No weeks spaces amount after were of callus bone operation. filled with was definitely DISCUSSION Immediately after the surrounding with orientated the the towards its insertion, bone. Only the head a screw at the of the screw, of the type being studied level of the horizontal do the threads horizontal plate. thread shape used surface ln doing is lifted away so, this from ; indeed it. some permit The on the one are the microscopic against at the of uniform partly the bone other the presence screw cells differentiate into confirms the theory of absence of any mechanical on forces acting directly not considered On the cartilaginous subjected Dogs the Moveover, core diameter of contact between the screws oblique is increased of spaces If undue stress move in its bed. can between screw between is put threads osteogenic cells and screw on and the bone and plated screws are produce a solid vary an oversize bone or invaded with limited if the callus is bone. area can internal by migrating of these of stable in tap on the other bone, differentiation in all cases to the under-surface when When contact which is cells. cells growing in internal fixation in four weeks. This Pauwels (1960) that direct bone formation takes place only in the forces acting directly on the cells. Because our interest is centred on cells, the effect of mechanical forces acting on bone, as a tissue, here. other tissue hand, and unstable to bone internal resorption. to stretch and with unilateral hydrostatic internal pressure differentiate fixation protect their Elimination operation. bone. by tightening throughout. The presence or absence of movement influences the from the external or internal bone surfaces. Indeed, these the than the intimate whereas areas diameter oppose larger The in perfect surface, even smaller and the crest ofthe thread loses contact of screws exceeds the shear strength of bone, the and spaces to be caused contact not becomes power hand seems is squeezed movements. is unstable, The bone limited screws microscopic fixation and surface the area of contact Even if the holding of contact is firmly use of a drill bit, the diameter of which is considerably screw, leads to a decrease in depth of the bone threads. is not thread of this natural fixation This protection leads to the again confirms into hindlegs formation Pauwel’s of fibrous theory that and cells fibroblasts and chondroblasts. during the first few days after by operating on both hindlegs at the segments. of bone screws, as well the other hand, and so favoured held by compression plates. On fixation, we increased the stability with less fibrous tissue. These tion. this experiments The osteosynthesis stress until process as decreased callus formation in osteotomies by splinting the hindleg after unstable internal callus formation around the screw threads show logical clearly conclusion is that mechanical that fractured forces or are We were resorption same time leads to an increase of stress exerted on the plated observe the formation of fibrous tissue and the appearance responsible for osteotomised thus able to around the cell with screws alone, or with screws and plates, should be protected the spaces around the threads are filled with callus. Judging from our takes The fracture. formation In fact, observed an increase four treated by from undue experiments, weeks. of the differentia- extremities this callus unused path in the holding support” during the first few Bone formation around osteoblasts change into cells between bone and metal. proceeds of a tap power much faster is filled with of stripped weeks. screws proceeds like fibrocytes than solid screws, centripetally. and remain it does in the healing callus by five weeks. Bechtol also Having as a single THE JOURNAL of the Having recommends “extra reached the screw, layer of flattened OF BONE AND JOINT the cells SURGERY MECHANICAL FACTORS INFLUENCING THE HOLDING POWER It is also noteworthy that the new bone formation of bone remodelling. Cohen (1961) has also observed bone. which The newly formed provides evidence remodelling of bone Haversian systems of the transmission around screws OF SCREWS COMPACT 639 BONE around screws takes place independently deposition of new bone on dead cortical are at a right of mechanical is still IN incomplete angle to the long axis forces by screws. after nine of the shaft, Finally, the months. SUMMARY 1. Cell differentiation and inserted into around seventy screws femora manufactured by two in forty-one adult periods varying between two weeks and nine months. 2. This study reveals that, despite their excellent holding in firm contact thread with facing surface the surrounding bone the head of the screw at the touches power, differentiate into osteogenic and osteoclasts, and by osteogenic bone 5. cells fragments Extremities I am anchors screws has been established. should be protected osteosynthesis, 6. This study their firmly cells; failure power at all stages to five undue stresses to Dr C. A. Plante, of fracture Dr has such screws two Swiss been companies observed over are not everywhere employed and weeks. from the In the absence weeks, well during oftesting those screws inaccurate into callus before fibroblasts, formation callus first uniting few in living of the being of movement, leads to differentiation ensues. In contrast, in four whatever the technique. clearly demonstrates the importance holding indebted movement of fixation from and dogs time of insertion. Indeed, only part the compact bone, all other surfaces separated by a space up to 1 50 t in thickness. 3. These spaces result both from the surgical technique measurements of drills, screws and taps. 4. M igrating cells invade these spaces during the first two these cells chondroblasts American mongrel weeks bone the after to ascertain healing. P. Lavigne, Dr D. Soucy and Dr L. Colliou for their financial assistance. 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