TheInsandOutsof BarrierOptions:Part2 Elaamtrsr DSRMANeNp Innl KAM Euexunr, DERMAN is head of the Quantitative Strategies Group at Goldman,Saclu& Co. in New York. Inel Kem is a vice presidentin the Quantitative Strategies Gtoup at Goldman, Sachs& Co. in New York. Srnwc 197 arrier options are extensionsof standard calls and puts on stocks. Standard calls and puts have payoffs that depend on one market level: the strike. Barrier options have payoffs that depend on two market levels:the strike and the barrier. Investorscan use them to gain exposure to (or enhance returns from) future market scenariosmore complex than the simple bullish or bearish expectationsembodied in standardoptions. [n addition, their premiums are usually lower than those of standard options with the samestrike and experience. In Part 1 of this article (seeDerman and Kani [1996]), *" explored the basicsof barrier options, and compared them to standard puts and calls. In this article, we explore binary options and other related barrier options in a similar manner. The article closeswith an appendix oudining the mathematicsof barrier options. For some end-users, this will be useful as an ext'ension of the andytics underlying standardoptions. Others may simply want to keep the equationshandy as a back-up reference that completes the analpis of the barrier options begun in Part 1. LESSCOMMON BARRIER OPTIONS There are four less common barrier options that we describeand analyzenext. o A binary up-anil-in call hes no strike and a DeruvrrrvrsQumrrnrv73 i single barrier. It pays the holder a one-time 6xed amount, say $1, the first time the stock price crossesthe barrier from below during the option's lifetime. If the stock price has not crossedthe barrier by expiration, the option expires wortttless. In the previous section on barrier options (seePart 1), we assumedthe rebate was dways zero. For barrier options with non-zero rebates,you can rnlue the contribution to the barrier option vdue of a $1 non-deferred cash rebate associatedwith an up barrier by noting that it is equal to the vdue of a binary upand-in call. A binary down-and-input has no strike and a single barrier. It pays the holder a one-time fxed amount, say $1, the first time the stock price crossesthe barrier from above during the option's lifetime. If the stock price hasnot crossedthe barrier by expiration, the option expiresworthless. Similarly, you can value the contribution to the barrier oPtion value of a $1 nondeferred cash rebate associatedwith a down barrier by noting that it is equd to the value of a binary down-and-in Put. A cappeilEuropean-stylecall is characterized by both a strike and a cap barrier above the strike. It has the same payoff as a standard call with the same strike and expiration, except that, if the stock price ever crosses the barrier from below, the option immediately terminates and the holder receives a cash payment equal in value to the difference between the barrier and the strike. [f this cash is received immediately, the capped call is termed non-deferred.Ifit is receivedon the date the option would have expired, it is termed deJened. put is characterized A JlooredEuropean-style by both a strike and e ioor banier below the strike. It has the same payoff as a standard put with the same strike and expiration, except that if the stock price ever crosses the barrier from above, the option immediately terminates and the holder receives a cash payment equal in value to the difference between the strike and the barrier. The cash vdue can similarly be deferred or non-deferred. 74 Tnr INseNo Orm or Bmxsn OmoNs:PARI2 We analyzesome examplesof theseoptions nelrt using the sameformat as in Part 1. For each option, the first chart describes the value of the option, and the second and third caPturethe dela and gamma, respectively.The assumptionsbehind these evaluations are the same as in Part 1, and summarizedbelow: Saike: Barrier: Rebate: 100 80if down,120if up 0 Dividend Yield: Volatiliry: Risk-Free Rate 5.0% (annually compounded) 20Yoper year l0.Q% (annudly compounded) In Panel A of Exhibit 1, as the stock rises toward the 120 barrier, the up-and-in binary call vdue increasestoward its constant payoff of $1. Becauseits payoffis somewhat like the delta of a standard call at expiration (one in the money, zero otherwise), its value varies with stock price somewhat like the delta of the standard call option. ln Panel B, delta increasesfrom zero far below the barrier, and then drops back to zero above the barrier. The increaseis more rapid for shorter expirations. The cdl owner is long volatility (positive gamma) below the barrier, and short volatility near the barrier as delta &ops to zero (Panel C). Gamma is infinite at the barrier. As Panel A of Exhibit 2 shows, as the stock falls toward the 80 barrier, the down-andin binary put value increasestoward its constant payoff of $1. Its value varies with stock price somewhat like that of the delta of the standard put option. Delta decreasesfrom zero far above the barrier, and then rises back to zero below the barrier (Panel B). The increaseis more rapid for shorter expirations. The down-and-in binary Put owner is long volatiliry (positive gamma) above the barrier (Panel C). For some binary Puts, though not this one, the put holder can also be short volatility nearer the barrier. Gamma is infinite at the barricr. Panel A of Exhibit 3 shows that, for stock prices far below the barrier, it is unlikely that the barrier will be crossed, and the value of the Srnwc 1997 E)o{Brr1 Exlsn2 BrNanvUp-aNp-INCerr: Blnrusn120 BtNmv Dowu-ll ID-INPrtn BanruEn80 PeNurA. Varun PINEI A. Vnrun 3 : .l c q o !q lo 5 !q zc G C €r 8. Sc Ro il o nl o q 0 q o tO ro rEdrtt! flO Eds,lct PlNn B. DsrrA, PeNnrB. Drna 3 o o' t q t o f5 0s t q , , I ! --. - - tEO , I s oE -sq t Yal'bargtdhr ci|grhrbrnlnlql t nnotrE.rdntHr s? ..-l-""""'''1 6 q o o ct fio Ii-*'c:,::i':' t0 t00 o.f rli|r ,tro t20 r$ no$r00fio Odr9.b. ParunC. Gnuun PaNrl C. Gauue o o i I Y.|rE.ninlqr -.- tig|frb'ddrdcl - - 1fififib.4irbr q Et to E" Eg "B Ec l i" t o q o g i q o ts ruqt ilO capped call is close to that of a standardcall. Closer to 120, the call risessteadilyin value toward is maximum payoffof 20. Delta increasesat low stock prices (Panel B). Closer to the 120 barrier, delta actually decreases becauseof the limited upside. Spnwc1997 mssrorr0r20l s |Dcrdc. The cdl owner is long volatiliry below the barrier and short volatiliry nearer the barrier (PanelC). As Panel A of Exhibit 4 shows, for stock prices far above the barrieq it is unlikely that the barrier will be crossed, and the value of the Denrvrrrvrs Qurtnrenrv75 E;cuan3 Bailsn4 120, Carrsp Can: Srrurn 10OBenruER NoN-DnrnRRED FroonnpPun Srnxn 10OBnnnrcn8Q NoN-DsrsRRro Paxsr A. Vnrun Plxnr A. Value I t Yrrballirdoo --. ttm0rbrdrdct - - I finirb.{i|.dorl I I t I Ee s!e c €c o to t0 0 s ro ta r30 PeNurB. DErrn PaNErB. Drrm c q o tto tEdqlo. Sd(9.b d --. - - nl 9 I y.ltE rrDffioo 6 irEnfit b d!&ricl t iE|ilhE.rddiqr t !9 rq t. =o a Ei --. -- ! t. a! to e sl o q .i q o q .i t0sFr0 t 0r s r of lor nr s tEd(D(b tb*Drt PaNnrC. Geuul ! t Yrt'b.,rdrlql 6irEnfuDarDHar tttnhbrrinbt PaNsrC. Geuua, ,t I ||.arba --.6 i n| mftrl nlon0tb - - , , oE I I I r{ I Ec t I , I , , , t [: g, !e tc :-*Y"."..... oQ $ to tto |bdrgb floored put is close to that of a standardput. Closer to 80, the pud rises steadily in vdue toward its maximum payoffqf 20. Delta decreasesfrom zero at high stock prices to larger negative values at lower stock prices @anel B). Close to the 80 barrier, delta has 76 TirsltvservpOrmor BennnnOrroxs:Penr2 to rb*9rlo. r10 magnitude greater than one, the maximum dlowed for a sandard put. The put owner is long volatility above the barrier for this particular put, though some floored puts can havenegative gamma close to the barrier (PanelC). Srnwc197 Erusrr 3 EEilsn4 Carpnp Cen: Srnxs 10QBannrER120, NoN-DnruRRED Froonrp Pun SrnrrcE100,Bannrun8O NoN-DErsRRso PaNn A. Verun PlNrl A. Velun E R 3 o t t yrrDardrdoo im.rtubirllnldl --' 0 - - | nrdrreriehn t I ao z ao o o o I q o a a t@ |b.lD.b t0 s tm r10 120 t30 |Dd9da PnxnrB. Dprre Pl,NEr B. DEne o i : a d 0 q I arCrnlc'r tI'.P --. cftuntrrb'rr&!or t ftEflfiErr9intix - - !i rq a =o I. ! :e E9 --. -- te 8c I q .i g fl q o t0ssto 7 0ssro rr0l , Dt 0 rbd(trt PerqruC. Geuu.l, t --. I C I rt o Ee to 0ctttr PeNnrC. G.euun q o E" t n||'barlhtin aimnhrb.tDilqr lltnhbq|idirt t I E o I I I I I I t I t \ tn||,b "-. titErd|| - - l irt$l Ec Ed 9 " qc q o to rbd(prtor floored put is close to that of a standardput. Closer to 80, the put rises steadily in vdue toward its maximum payoffo,f 20. Delta decreasesfrom zero at high stock prices to larger negative values at lower stock prices (PanelB). Close to the 80 barrier, delta has 75 TneINsANDOursor BennnnOrnoNs: Penr2 3 ro rbd(0.t magnitude greater than one, the maximum allowed for a stan&rd put. The put owner is long volatility above the barrier for this particular put, though some floored puts can have negativegamma close to the barrier @anelC). Spnwc1997 CDo(S, K, o, t; b) - CBS(S,K, o, t) ArrsNDx Tnr MarnrMATIcs oF BARRIEROPTIoNS (4) forS > > b In this section we present a more detailed mathematical description of barrier options and derive 'We assumeno fee some of their analytical properties. for borrowing stock. Dowru-exo-OurCerr OrtoNs We denote the spot stock price by S, the strike price by K, and the barrier by b. Assume that S > b (otherwise the option has already terminated and has zero value). For the moment also assumethat K > b, and that the option rebate R is zero. The price of the down-and-out call option is given by The value of the call is given by the B-S formula when the stock price is much greater than the barrier level. This is completely expected, as the stock price has very small probability of ever crossing the barrier level. Therefore, the option is unlikely to terminate early by knockout, and will pay its terminal payoffto the investor at expiration. It is interesting to examine the behavior of a down-and-out call option when the stock price is close to the barrier level. In this region, it is not too dificult to show that one has the following approximation for the option price: C oo(S ,K ,o,T;b) = Coo(S, K, o, t;b; = cur0'/S, K, o, !) (1) Css(S,K, o, t) - e(2se-eN(x, - r)curts,K,o,t)) (s) - [3 [:)'"'""-' where i is the continuous cost of carry rate for the stock given by the difference between the risk-free rate and the continuous dividend yield. In Equation (1), CBS(S,K, o, t) is the BlackScholes (B-S) expressionfor the European-style cdl option with strike K, volatility o, and time to expiration t. The second term is the "barrier" term, which is necessaryto guarantee that the value of the option given by Equation (1) is zero at the knockout barrier. That is, when (S = b), cDo(S = b, K, o, t; b) = 0 (2) Equation (1) resemblesthe formula for a call spread.One can make this resemblancemore complete by transforming it to give:* Coo(S,K,o,t;b) = Cns(S,K, o, t) (6) It is clear that the option price vanishesas the stock price approachesthe barrier level (e + 0). Equation (5) has an interesting form in the limit where volatfity or time to expiration is very large. For S - b and o large, cDo(S,K, o, r; b) - eSe+ cR= (3) For stock prices much larger than the barrier >> (S b), the conrribution of the second term in Equation (1) is negligible, and so we have: (7) If the holder of the down-and-out option receivesa rebate R on knockout, this adds the following vdue C* to the premium: x - 1012(izo'?)+t tsj css(S,KS2/b2, o, g SPR!.IG 1997 Here S = (1 * e)b,wheres > 0 is assumed to be smallso that S is closeto b. 6 is the dividendvield on the stock,and + "l(i)'N(21)(3)"*,r,,]*, where ,, = -,r-' + (i - !o\'t""f,u ['"*(:) (e) DenrvervnsQuanrnnrv77 ,, = . o-' + (i ]o'ft"'")ru [t"r(f) (10) Here U(S., t, o) denotes the Black-Scholes lognormal distribution function for the final stock price at time ? corresponding to the volarility parameter o and having the following expression: n, = + (i - (2,o2 ]o'fl''fro' [G ]"1 U(Sil t, o) = (11) 7 n , = [ n - f,o\* Qro' W* t' l + (i - )o2121t/2lro2 z) (r2) and where we have r., n = ofi. In deriving Equation (8), we assume that the - that is, it is received by the rebate is non-deJerred optionholder as soon as the stock price crossesthe barrier level. Occasionally, however, this payoff is ilefmed until the designated expiration of the contract; in that case,the optionholder immediately receivesthe rebate value discounted from the designated option expiration to the crossing time. In this ilefenedpayment siruation Equations (9)-(12) are modified to read: (13) ,,=['"r(l) .,'- t"',,f," (14) (1s) hr=o h r =(2 (i -)o 1 )ro ' (16) The justification for Equation (1) begins wiih the knockout barrier distribution function for the 6nd stock price S" at time t conditional upon the initial value S of the stock price, a barrier at b, and a stock volatiliry o. This distribution function u(S' t, o; b lS) is given by the following expressionfor dl S > b: u(S'r, o;ul$ = tI(St,r, ol$ * - [l)""""-' lsj =0forSSb (18) The knockout distribution function of Equation (17) vanishesat the knockout barrier. Fint assume that the rebate R = 0. The value of the knockout call is then given by: C(S,K, t, o; b) = u(St,r' o; bls)MAX(S- K, o)dst (19) MAX(K,b) It is a simple matter to perform the integration in Equation (19) and so derive Equation (1). The addition ofthe non-zero rebate values to the computation proceeds with the construction of the probability distribution function for first-time absorption in the time interval t to tr + At. This is the first passagetime distribution function. This density function is readily constructed as the time derivative of the total absorption probabiliry function and is given by: = -*i"O't,o;ulgds. (20) c(r,o;ulsl lf non-deferred, the contribution of the rebate to the value of the down-and-out call option C* is then computed simply asfollows: t. cn. = RJqt,o;ulge-"at (2r) 0 For deferred payoG, the rebate contribution to the vdue of the down-and-out call option is given by: u{.s ..r."| {l rorS > b t' exP x - (i ]o\q'rtzo'zrl] [O"r,r,/s) I -,,-1"\,f,, ',=[.{:) well-known (r7) cR = R"-*Jc6,o;uls)at Q2) 0 OmoNs:Panr2 78 TnEIrvseNpOursor Benruen Srnnc 197 The integrations in Equations (21) and (22) tan be readily performed using Equations (17) and (20). So far, we have assumedthat the strike is above the barrier, that is, K > b. In genenl, the strike of a down-and-out option may be below the barrier level and we musr account for this condition by using the correc limits of integration as in Equation (19). The correct solution for any srike is given by the value of an up-and-out call option under the assumption that b > S, K is givenby: Cuo(S,K, o, T;b) = sr&(N(xr) - N(xJ) Ke-*(N(x, - v) - N(x, - v)) _ Coo(S, K, o, t; b) = 1, y2i /o2+l t""[ij se-6'N1x; - Ke-nN1x - v) - o'*'*,r, ,r.-"[:) - *"-"(!)"" * N(Y-v))+C1. + o,{ffr)- N(Yz)) '-'*,", ".-"[3) - v) - N(Yz- v)) + ci (27) (23) where where = . ( . i")4," eB) ", f.{i) = " f'"'[6) . ('. :o)4,ve4) "' =f'"{;). ['. +44'v Qs) , =f'"{*). ('.:o)"f,v (30) DowN-eNp-In Cnr. Optrorrrs A standardcall option is clearlyequivdentto a long positionin a down-and-ourcall oprionanda long position in a down-and-in cdl option, eachwith the samestrike and expirationas the standardcall. Their payoffsare the sameunder all stock price scenarios. Consequendy, . CDr(S,K, o, t; b) = C(S,K, o, t) - CDo(S,K, o, f;b) (26) In contrastto the holder of knockout options, the holder of knock-in optionswill alwap beneEtfrom increasesin volatility (and is *rus long volatiliry) for dl stock prices.This is intuitively clear,asany increasein volatility will increaseboth the knock-in probabilityand the expectedpayoffifthe option is knockedin. Up'rulp-Orrr Cllr Ortorus Using the samenotation as in previouscases, Snnntc197 .('.+o),),, "=[''*(:) (31) The rebate-ter- C R in this case is a slighdy modified form of C* for down-and-out options: p2) ci.="lt:I N(-zr) . (3)"*n,,1 Ur-exp-Ir.r Cen Onnor*s A standardcall option is alsoidenticdly equivalent to an up-and-in call combinedwith an up-andout call, for zero rebate. Thus the following relationshiphol&: Cu(S, K, o, T;b) = C(S,K, o,1) - Cuo(S,K, o, r; b) (33) 79 DnnrvarrwsQue*rrruv The holder of an up-and-in option will always beneft from increasesin the market volatility. Because up-and-out call options may possess negativekappa values,Equation (33) showsthat the sensitiviryto volatility of up-and-iri call options may be considirably larger than that ofa standardcall option. Up-ero-Our Dowru-ato-Our Pnr Ornons It is relatively simple to make the proper modi_ fication in the up-and-out cdl formulation to derive the formula for a down-and-out put: Poo(S,K, o, f;b) = Pur OynoNs Ke-(1N1-X, + v) - N(-Xz + v)) Up-and-out puts are similar to down-and-out cdls. Therefore,using our earliernotation,we simply give the find result for an up-and-ourput option with barrierat b, assumingthat *re conditionb > S is satisfied: s;&6N1-x,) - N(-xz)) 1,12i /o2-1 Kt"l: I Aut-", + v) - N(-yz + v)) + \r,/ Puo(S,K, o, t;b) = (N(-Yr)-N(-Y2))+cR Ke-nN1-x + v) - se-6'N1-xy - '.-"(:) f*'-"[3)"'""" (36) N(-Y + v) - ,,-"(:)"' *(-u]+ ci. (34) The X and Y in this equation are obtained from Eguations (24) and (25) by replacing MAX with MIN on the right-hand side. The rebate contribution C'* is the same as in Equation (32). The proof of this formula is similar to the case of down-and-out call options. For large barrier values this formula approaches the value ofa standardput. Furthermore, for small volatilities the value of this option is given by Ke{ - Se{t. Also, for barrier values very close to the spot price (at 6xed volatiliry), the only contribution to the put value is due to the rebate term and is simply equal to R (or Re{ if the rebate is defened). Up-exo-IH Pur Ornoxs A zero rebate up-and-in put combined with a zero rebate up-and-out put is equivalent to a standard put. Thus: PUI(S, K 6, t; b) = P(S,K, o, t) - Puo(S,K o, t; b1 P.*nr2 80 tna tr.rsru'rpOursor BlnnnnOmor.ts: (35) with variablesXr, X2, Yl, Y2 as defined by Equations (28)-(31) and with the rebate tern asin Equation (8). Dowt r-.lNp-In Pur Ornons A zero rebate down-and-in put combined with a zero rebate down-and-out put is equivalent to a sandard put. Thus the following relationship holds: PDr(s, K, o, t; b) = P(S,K, o, t) - PDo(S, K, o, t; b) (37) ENDNOTES The authors are grateful to Ken Iseya and Yoshi Kobashi, who encouraged them to write this article after many stimulating convenations about barrier options. Tbey also thank Deniz Ergener, who helped obtain the results described here, and Alex Bergier and Barbara Dunn, who patiendy read the manuscript and made many helpful and clari$ing suggestiors. = 'Use the scaling property CBS(IS, l,K, o, t) K, o, r). l,cBs(s, REFERENCE Derman, Emanuel, and lraj Kani. "The Ins and Outs of Barrier Optiom: Part 1." DerivativesQuarterly,Winrcr 96' pp. 55-67. Srnmc197