Projek Sarjana Muda Data Warehouse (Front End) NIK NURKARTINIE BINTI KAMARUDDIN This report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Computer Science (Database Management) FACULTY OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY KOLEJ UNIVERSITI TEKNIKAL KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA 2006 ABSTRACT Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM) is a compulsory subject for the final year Kolej *versiti Teknikal Kebangsaan Malaysia (KUTKM) student to develop an individual sject that related to the industry problem. PSM for Bachelor in Computer Science is signed to give students an opportunity to make use of the expertise and knowledge in Rware development that they have gained in their first three years of study. Projek rjana Muda Warehouse (Front End) is to be done for Student, Lecturer and PSM lmin at Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (FTMK). This project ns to ease the way to submission report and to simplify the way information being xed by Student, Supervisors and PSM Adrnin. This means that the develop system will a tool for the admin to publish information about PSM and to make easy submission d download process. Thus, the user is managed to access the information and making nsaction to submission report, to give comment or suggestion and to know about PSM. ,art from that, the functions that included in the system will cater the need of the adrnin 1 updated, delete, save and upload the information. ABSTRAK Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM) adalah subjek wajib kepada pelajar tahun akhir Kolej ,iversiti Teknikal Kebangsaan Malaysia untuk membangunkan projek individu yang rkaitan dengan masalah Industri atau masalah semasa.PSM untuk Ijazah Sarjana Muda ins Komputer memberi peluang kepada pelajar untuk mengaplikasikan kemahiran dan ngetahuan pembangunan perisian yang diperolehi dalam pembelajaran tiga tahun yang rtama. Projek Sarjana Muda rta Warehouse (Front End) ini adalah untuk kegunaan pelajar, pensyarah dan Ahli vatankuasa (AJK) PSM di Fakulti Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi. Projek ini -tujuan untuk memudahkan proses menghantar kerja kursus dan untuk memudahkan ormasi yang dikongsi bersama oleh pelajar, pensyarah dan Ajk PSM.Sistem yang ,ins membolehkan AJK PSM memdedahkan maklumat mengenai PSM dan untuk imudahkan penghantaran kerja kursus. Dengan sedernikian, pengguna boleh lndapatkan maklumat dan melaksanakan transaksi seperti menghantar kerja kursus, lmbuat cadangan atau aduan dan mengetahui maklumat mengenai PSM melalui sistem Ahli Jawatankuasa PSM boleh mengemaskini maklumat, menyimpan maklumat, nambah maklumat dan menghapuskan maklumat. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Background PSM Data Warehousing (Front end) is the project for Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM). The implementation of this project is to meet the requirement of Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (FTMK). Besides, it helps to solve the business problem and enhance the business performance of FTMK. This will be running internally by using local host or server. The user for this system is admin, students and supervisors. Admin is the one who carry out the assign of maintaining the PSM information, he or she can do the update, add, delete, and also check the status of submission of the student's PSM. The adrnin can also see and reply the comment and suggestion from students. For the students, they can access this system to know senior's report title, to get information about PSM, to know supervisors department and area of interest. The students can submit report in PDF format and softcopy of the system in WINZIP format by online and also can give comment and suggestion on PSM's project. As for the supervisor, they can access this system to get informations on PSM, to know the list of interest, to check the status of submission of the students 's PSM and also can submit comment and suggestion. Therefore, this application will be built by using standard English language but yc simple and can be easily understood. The interface will follow KUTKM standard i terms of screen layout, background color, font size and font color for headings an contents. 1.2 Problem Statement No systematic system for PSM project storage. - No systematic system to keep PSM projects, where tht submission of all report will be kept in one room with diplom; projects. If there is no space to keep all the reports. AJK must fin( another room to keep the new reports. No indexing - To find a student report, the AJK must search one by one as then is no indexing method that can fasten searching process. Limited space - For one room the space is limited so, they have to find another room to keep all the new reports. While FTMK alone needs a lot o: spaces, so there will be much need for spaces. review mechanism for previous project title - Difficult to search whether the student's PSM purposed title ir already done by student before or not. difficult to download information manually - cannot download softcopy because there is no source - if a student want more information on PSM, the student have tc see supervisor or PSM's AJK 1.3 Objective a To decrease time, work force, errors and increasing the work quality in PSM management. a To create one indexing method to make easy on data information process. a To replace current method of PSM report storage (save space). a To make easy on browsing to previous topic for report PSM a To make easy submission and download process. 1.4 Scope PSM DW administrator (AJK PSM), student and supervisor are the specific user: of PSM DW. For the administrator, the system is a tool to handle all the data, contain and security management. Through this system, the student and supervisor is able to retrieve information from the web site, make online registration, to submit report, can access information about PSM and can viewing. The overall system can be divided into three different modules, administrator's modules, supervisor's modules and student's modules. Table 1.1: Project Scope User Modules Administrator Maintain system and activity Allows the administrator to delete (secretary) information information Description / I for the specific period. To clean up the database Provides functionalities for staff and student to add new, update upload and delete information. Check Status Submission Admin can check status submission student. Change Password Admin can change password The password will be processed automatically and the information is stored in the database. View and access Information Supervisor Retrieving information about PSM, area of interest, lecturer department, and E-panduan and task supervisor in web base application. Check status submission Supervisor check the status of submission of the student's PSM Omment and Suggestion Supervisor can comment and suggest about PSM. Change Password Supervisor can change password The password will be processed automatically and the information I I I View and access Information I Student is stored in the database. I /o Retrieving information about PSM, activity, E-panduan, area o. interest, lecturer department, am task supervisor in web bast application. I Student can search about thc previous title by abstract. keyword and by year. Comment and Suggestion Student can comment and suggest I Student project submission about PSM. The students can submit report in PDF format and softcopy of the system in WINZIP format by online Change Password Student can change password The password will be processed automatically and the information is stored in the database. 1.5 Project significances The Projek Sarjana Muda Data Warehousing will be developing to the PSM Unit of Kolej Universiti Teknikal Kebangsaan Malaysia (KUTKM). The System can use by administrator, supervisor and students. A user fiiendly website and system will be delivered to user. The function and steps on both website and system are simple and easy to use. Nowadays, internet is being used widely by Malaysian and there are many Malaysian users online over the internet. With the development of this PSM, online user inside or outside KUTKM can download the PSM easily. While developing PSM, a website will be developed to distribute the PSM in the website. The website will have nice and user-friendly interface. Info of the PSM will be put at the website. This system can decrease time, work force, errors and increasing the work quality in PSM management. System able to create one indexing method to make easy on data information process and it is difficult to submit and download process. 1.6 Expected output At last stage of the project, the features that are expected to be in the Projek Sarjana Muda Data Warehousing system are information viewing, registration, to submit report, submit softcopy report and system to administrator, list checking, E-panduan, updating, upload information, activity information PSM, can access previous the topic , can send comment and suggestion about PSM and other. General introduction about PSM, Organization and detail information on activity, schedule, administrator, task supervisor in web base application and organized in the web site. By the way, the user (Admin, supervisor, and Student) can obtain more understanding about the flow PSM. In system to make the successful registration, the user (Admin, supervisor, and Student) needs to fill in the organization registration form by providing the required information. Upon the registration, the user (Adrnin, supervisor, and Student) will be given the password. The password is the identity for the user (Admin, supervisor, and Student) and need to be specified during making login. For the student can submit report by format report PDF, softcopy report and system. Student and supervisor can view and access about PSM (title, E-panduan, abstract, activity, task supervisor and other). Based on the selection, system will suggest the part of comment and suggestion for the user's requirement. Administrator is the feature that minimizes the time that taken to manage process could be more efficient and well orderly. Record and information on supervisor, students, title and flow PSM could be well managed and this could reduce or eliminate redundancy. Replacement supervisor process will also be well managed. Additionally, the maintain system and activity information feature allow the admin add new information, update existing information, check status and delete information from the database by just the form and pressing the corresponding button. Finally, the system will integrated with the Crystal Report software to generate the result student and result chart. These features will function properly by displaying the report once administrator inserts the input to the form and clicking the button. 1.6 Conclusion This system will be known as PSM Data Warehousing. The FTMK (PSM Unit) will be using this system. This system is a web based application and will be developed PHP as server side scripting and SQL Server as a database server. Tools are typically computer programs that make it easy to use and benefits from the techniques and follow the guidelines of the overall development methodology. Macromedia Dream Weaver and Adobe Photoshop 7.0 will be used as a tool for development of this system. Survey is being done as one of the techniques to determine the purpose or the needs of developing this system. The survey includes the observation and interview. Through this observation and interview, the problems using the current conventional system are identified. There are several functions being included for the ease of use. User fkiendly characteristics are being considered for the development of this system. System ~evelopmentLife Cycle will be used as a solving method. Windows 20031Window XP will be the platform to run this system. This system can be run either local host or server. CHAPTER I1 LITERATURE REVIEW AND PROJECT METHODOLOGY 2.1 Introduction Fact-Finding is the formal process to collect information about systems, requirement and preferences. Fact-finding is most crucial to the systems planning and systems analysis phases. It helps to learn about the vocabulary, problems, opportunities, constraints, requirements and a system. Interview, research and literature study are the fact-finding technique that be used during the early stage of the system planning and system analysis phase in order to collect the related information. Wide ranges of information resources need to consult during research and literature study. The inform sources include contact with peers, colleagues, supervisor and the user of the system; the formal sources including books, journals, research papers, encyclopedias, newspapers, magazines, handbooks, thesis, bibliographies and World Wide Web (WWW). Internet and WWW exploring provides an immeasurable of information and good source of information. Literature study is information finding in the literature related to the study undertaken in this thesis. The purpose of literature study is to convey to the researcher what knowledge and ideas have been established on a topic, how the subject has been studied previously, and the flaws and outline gaps have been highlighted in previous research. As a whole, the literature =view draws on the knowledge, culture, methodology and theories of the topic. 2.2 Fact and finding 2.2.1 About "Projek Sarjana Muda" Student in the KUTKM is compulsory for them to pass Projek Sarjana Muda before being awarded the degree or diploma. Student can select the title of project and specified period of time, to be exposed to actual working project environment where by student will encounter many new problems and challenges. This project is build for many reasons to solving the problem based on the containing fact. This project is build to reach the current objective include the benefit about this project. Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM) gives student opportunity to implementing their knowledge to developing project individually. Student exposed to project and problem about industry and basic analysis. Finally student final project must be able: To know and give definition towords the problem about industry. To proceed basic analysis like literature analysis and to choose the suitable method for the analysis. Developing project with project management method. To create and present project. To present and write formal report. To work in the industry with minimun practice. Continue education to higher level. 2.2.2 Tasks Scope To make sure each title fulfills the specification and project proceeding level. Distributing supervising task to teaching personnel by numbers and task load to each the teaching personnel. To make sure each necessity like lab and apparatus for student needs has been fulfilled Updating evaluation form Monitoring supervision to each supervisor all the time during the project proceeding taking place. Organizing consistency and grade clearance. 2.2.3 AJK Projek for PSM LEADER Rusnida Romli SECRETARY Zeratul Izzah Mohd Yusof EVALUATION BUREAU Wahidah Md Shah Azlianor Abdul Aziz Amir Syarifuddin Kasim Farah Nadia Azman COMMUNICATION BUREAU Zuraida Abal Abas EXECUTION BUREAU MONITORING Dr Abdul Razak Hussain Zakiah Ayob Sheikh Faisal Abdul Latif Mohd Suffian Sulaiman Nuridawati Mustafa Figure 2.1 : Organization chart 2.2.4 Evolution Bureau task Scope Updating evolution criteria tiom time to time Collecting grades value from supervisor, compiling the grades values into the system and give statistical output about the student overall grade result. Preparing presentation schedule and evaluator list 2.2.5 Proceeding Bureau tasks scope Preparing, complementing and maintaining supervisors-students list (Example: organizing the suitable supervisor for certain student) Building and updating student, supervisor and project title information database. Preparing and maintaining project proceeding milestone 2.2.6 Communication Bureau tasks scope a Informing to supervisor project milestone from time to time. Accepting, handling and managing the students that face with problem Accepting and follow up through any question and hesitations with the project. 2.2.7 Faculty Target e Updating all present course proceeding curriculum and strenghten to make it more quality, always fullfill and suit with the industry needs. 2.2.8 Cornmitee Targets Make sure project milestone managed well and effectively Make sure archivement of project objective Make sure student capable handling and proceeding the project or analysis whenever graduated Implementing project as a platform to gain knowledge for further studies or work in the industry. 2.2.9 Data Warehousing A data warehouse is a database that collects and stores integrated data from several database, usually integrating data from multiple source and providing a different way of looking at the data than do the databases being integrated. Data warehousing extends traditional interests of database management systems. Therefore, knowledge of data modeling, relational algebra, query processing, and transaction processing, advanced database architecture are all prerequisites of data warehousing techniques. The success or failure of data warehousing is closely related to the historical development of database management system (DBMSs). [9] Data warehouse architecture exhibits various layers of data in which data from one layer are derived from data of the lower layer. Data sources, also called operational database, form the lowest layer. They may consist of structured data stored in open database systems and legacy systems or unstructured or semi structured data stored in files. The data sources can be either part of the operational environment of an organization or external, produced by a third party. They are usually heterogeneous, which means that the same data can be represented differently, for instance through different database schemata, in the source. The design of a data warehouse is a difficult task. There are several problems designers have to tackle. First of all, they have to come up with the semantic reconciliation of the information lying in the sources and the production of an enterprise model for the data warehouse. Then, a logical structure of relations in the core of data warehouse must be obtained, either serving as buffers for the refreshment process or as persistent data stores for querying or further propagation to data marts. This not a simple task by itself; it becomes even more complicated since the physical design problem uises; the designer has to choose the physical tables, processes, indexes and data mtitions, representing the logical data warehouse designer.[4] Data Warehouse Research :Issues and Projects. In this topic, look at the issues of: a) Data Extraction and Reconciliation Data extraction and reconciliation are still carried out on a largely intuitive basis in real applications. Existing automated tools do not offer choices in the quality of service. Making the decisions taken for the integration process difficult to understand and evaluate. Data reconciliation is first a source integration task at the schema level, similar to the traditional task of view integration, but with a richer integration language and therefore with more opportunities for checking the consistency and completeness of data. Wrappers and loaders based on such enriched source integration facilities facilitate the arduous task of instance-level data integration fiom the sources to the warehouse, such that a larger portion of inconsistencies, incompatibilities and missing information can be detected automatically. b) Data aggregation and Customization Aggregation means here a grouping of data by some criteria, followed by application of a computational function (sum, average, trend etc.) for each group. Results on the computational complexity of these language extensions need to be ~btainedand practical algorithm for reasoning about metadata expressed in these languages need to be developed and demonstrated. The gain fiom such research result is Setter design-time analysis and rapid adaptability of data warehouses, thus promoting he quality goals of relevance, access to nonvolatile historical data and improved :onsistency and completeness. Query optimization Data warehouses provide challenges to existing query processing technology for a of reasons. Typical queries require costly aggregation over huge sets of data, while, at the same time OPLAP users pose many queries and expect short response times; users who explore the information content of a data warehouse apply sophisticated strategies and demand query modes like hypothetical and imprecise querying that are beyond the capabilities of SQL-based systems. There are two kinds of met knowledge in the data warehouse that are relevant integrity constraints expressed in rich schema languages and knowledge about redundancies in the way information is stored. Optimization for nested queries with aggregates can be achieved through the transformation of a query in an equivalent one that is cheaper to compute. Techniques for constraint pushing prune the set of data to be considered for aggregation. Integrity constraints can be used to establish the equivalence of queries that are not syntactically similar. Rewriting techniques reformulate queries in such a way that materialized views are used instead of computing previous results. To accomplish its task for queries with aggregation, the query optimizer must be capable to reason about complex relationships between the groupings over which the aggregation takes place. Finally, these basic techniques must be embedded into complex strategies to support OLAP user that formulate many related queries and apply advanced query modes. [4j d) Update Propagation Update to information sources need to be controlled with respect to the integrity :onstmints specified during the design of the data warehouse and derived views, a :onstraint may state conditions that the data in an information source must satisfy to be 3f a quality relevant to the data warehouse. A constraint may also express conditions 3ver several information sources that help to resolve conflicts during the extraction and integration process. Thus, an update in a source database may degrade the quality of information, thus resulting in the evolution of the view the data warehouse has over this source. It is very important that violations of constraints are handled appropriately, e.g., by sending messages or creating alternative time-stamped versions of the updated data. Updates that meet the quality requirements defmed by integrity constraints must then be propagated towards the views defined at the data warehouse and user level. This propagation must be done efficiently in an incremental fashion. Recompilations can take advantages of useful cached views that record intermediate results. The decision to create such views depends on an analysis of both the data warehouse query workload and the updates activity at the information sources. [4] Some Major Research Project in Data Warehousing. To summarize, we need techniques and tools to support the rigorous design and operation of data warehouses: a) Based on well-defined data quality factors b) Addressed by a rich semantic approach c) Realized by bringing together enabling technologies Regrettably, the coverage of existing research projects does not address all the question either, Most research in data warehousing focuses on source integration and update propagation. We sketch the approaches of several well-known recent projects: the Information Manifold (IM) developed at AT&T, the TSIMMIS) project at Stanford University, the Squirrel project at the University of Colorado and the WHIPS project at Stanford University. The Information Manifold (IM) system was developing at AT&T for infomation gathering from disparate source such as databases, documents and unstructured files. It is based on a rich domain model, expressed in a knowledge base, which allows for describing various properties of the information sources from the topics they are about to the physical characteristics they have. This enables users to pose high-level queries to extract the information from different sources in a unified way. The architecture of IM suits the dynamic nature of the information sources. In particular, to add a new source, only its description (i.e., its view as a relational schema and the related types and constraints) needs to be added, without changing the existing integration mechanisms of the system. Updates on the information sources are external to IM, while propagation of updates from the world view to the single sources is not supported. Squirrel was a prototype system at the University of Colorado which provides a framework for data integration based on the notion of an integration mediator. Integration mediators are active modules that support integrated views over multiple databases. A squirrel mediator consists of a query processor, an incremental update processor; virtual attributors are generated from high-level specifications. In a mediator, a view can be fully materialized, partially materialized or fully virtual. The queries which are sent to the mediator are processed by the query processor using the materialized view or by accessing the source databases. The update processor maintains the materialized views incrementally using the incremental updates of the sources. The architecture of the Squirrel mediator consists of three components: a set of active rules, an execution model for such rules, and a View Decomposition Plan (VDP). The notion of VDP is analogous to the query decomposition plan in query optimization. The Warehouse Information Prototype at Stanford (WHIPS) project ieveloped a data warehouse prototype test bed to study algorithms for the collections, integration and maintenance of information from heterogeneous and autonomous sources. The WHIPS architecture consists of a set of independent modules implemented 3s CORBA objects to ensure modularity and scalability. The central component of the system is the integrator to which all other modules report. Different data models may be used both for each source and the warehouse data. [4] 2.2.10 Queries Queries in database involve a mapping from a problem statement into a statement of a database language such as SQL understood by a DBMS. A query in database is very important as a part for report generating. Queries can allow user to view, change andlor analyze data in different ways. It will request to extract useful data from database. It allows an interrogation using a declarative query language based on an exact matching and forced by the data schema structure." Several query language can be used to do query such as SQL server. Since browsing and search engines present severe limitations, several query languages for the web have been recently proposed. These approaches are mainly based on a loose notion of structure and tend to see the web as a huge collection of unstructured object, organized as a graph. Cleary, traditional database techniques are of little use in this field and new techniques need. Queries at the Front End The front end comprises the tools by which end users access the data warehouse. The front end consists of the OLAPIDSS tools and possibly their underlying data marts. There is a wide range of ways in which users retrieve information: from managers who have a quick look at a graphical user interface, to their assistant who inspect the latest version of a complex report, to analysts who query a data cube with a special tool for adhoc queries, to systems personnel who to build such interface and define the under which the data warehouse can be perceived through the query tools. r41 Query processing Query being submitted by the user will be processed before producing the result. The query processing is very important as a choice on how queries are implementing on the physical database. They said that the important aspect of query processing is query optimization. The aim of query optimization is to choose the one that minimizes resource usage, try to reduce the total execution time of the query. The figure 3 shows about phases of query processing. f I Query in high-level language Query decomposition I (SQL Server) System 4 Relational algebra expression 4 Compile time Query optimization Databas statistic 4 Execution plan L Generated code 7 Runtime Runtime query execution I Main Databas Query output Figure 2.2: Query processing Further, Thomas Connolly has stated "There are two choices for when the first three phases of query processing can be carried out. One option is to dynamically carry out decomposition and optimization arises fiom the fact that all information queried to select an optimum strategy is up to date. The disadvantages are that the performance of the query is affected because the query has to be parsed, validated and optimized before it can be executed. Further, it may be necessary to reduce the number of execution strategies to be analyzed to achieve an acceptable overhead, which may have the effect of selection a less than optimum strategy. The alternative solution is static query optimization, where the query is parsed, validation and optimized once. This approach is similar to the approach taken by a compiler for a programming language. The advantage of static optimization are that the runtime over-hear is removed, and there may be more time available to evaluate a large number of execution strategies, thereby increasing the changes of finding a more optimum strategy. For queries that executed many times, taking some additional time to find a more optimum plan may prove to be highly beneficial. The disadvantages arise from the fact that the execution strategy that is chosen as being optimum when the query is compiled may be no longer optimal when the query is run. However, a hybrid approach could be used to overcome this disadvantage, where the query is re-optimized if the system detects that the database statistics have changed significantly since the query was last compiled. Alternatively, the system could compile the query for the first execution in each session and then cache the optimum plan for the remainder of the session, so the cost is spread across the entire DBMS session". Clientlserver describes the relationship between two computer programs in which one program, the client, makes a service request from another program, the server, which fulfills the request. Although the clientlserver idea can be used by programs within a single computer, it is a more important idea in a network. In a network, the clientlserver model provides a convenient way to interconnect programs that are distributed efficiently across different locations. Computer transactions using the clientlserver model are very common. The clientlserver model has become one of the central ideas of network computing. Most business applications being written today use the clientlserver model. So does the Internet's main program, TCPIIP. In marketing, the term has been used to distinguish distributed computing by smaller dispersed computers from the "monolithic" @ntralized computing of mainframe computers. But this distinction has largely disappeared as m a i h e s and their applications have also turned to the client/server model and become part of network computing. In the usual client/server model, one server, sometimes called a daemon, is activated and awaits client requests. Typically, multiple client programs share the services of a common server program. Both client programs and server programs are often part of a larger program or application. Relative to the Internet, your Web browser is a client program that requests services (the sending of Web pages or files) from a Web server (which technically is called a Hypertext Transport Protocol or HTTP server) in another computer somewhere on the Internet. Similarly, your computer with TCP/IP installed allows you to make client requests for files from File Transfer Protocol (m) servers in other computers on the Internet. Types of client Clients are generally classified as either "thick clients" or "thin clients", although more recently there has been a proliferation of other classifications. Thick clients A thick client (also known as a fat client or rich client) is a client that performs the bulk of any data processing operations itself, and relies on the server it is associated with primarily for data storage. Although the term usually refers to software, it can also apply to a network computer that has relatively strong processing abilities. Thin clients A thin client is a minimal client. Thin clients utilize as few resources on the host computer as possible. A thin client's job is generally just too graphically display information provided by an application server, which performs the bulk of any required data processing. Server Servers occupy a place in computing similar to that occupied by minicomputers in the past, which they have largely replaced. The typical server is a computer system that operates continuously on a network and waits for requests for services from other computers on the network. Many servers are dedicated to this role, but some may also be used simultaneously for other purposes, particularly when the demands placed upon them as servers are modest. For example, in a small office, a large desktop computer may act as both a desktop workstation for one person in the office and as a server for all the other computers in the office. Servers today are physically similar to most other general-purpose computers, although their hardware configurations may be particularly optimized to fit their server roles, if they are dedicated to that role. Many use hardware identical or nearly identical to that found in standard desktop PCs. However, servers run software that is often very different from that used on desktop computers and workstations. Servers should not be confused with mainframes, which are very large computers that centralize certain information-processing activities in large organizations and may or may not act as servers in addition to their other activities. Many large organizations have both mainframes and servers, although servers usually are smaller and much more numerous and decentralized than mainfFames. Servers frequently host hardware resources that they make available on a mnvolled and shared basis to client computers, such as printers (print servers) and file (file semen). This sharing permits better access control (and thus better security) and can reduce costs by reducing duplication of hardware. Type of server: • Server hardware Although servers can be built from commodity computer components is a particularly for low-load and/or non-critical applications dedicated, high-load, missioncritical servers use specialized hardware that is optimized for the needs of servers. CPU speeds are far less critical for many servers than they are for many desktops. Not only are typical server tasks likely to be delayed more by 110 requests than processor requirements, but the lack of any graphic user interface in many servers frees up very large amounts of processing power for other tasks, making the overall processor power requirement lower. If a great deal of processing power is required in a server, there is a tendency to add more CPUs rather than increase the speed of a single CPU, again for reasons of reliability and redundancy. Server software The major difference between servers and desktop computers is not in the hardware but in the software. Servers often run operating systems that are designed specifically for use in servers. They also run special applications that are designed specifically to carry out server tasks.