INNOVATIVE PIPE GASKET FOR HIGH PURITY PIPING SYSTEMS SEAL CLEAN GORETM GASKET STYLE 801 Key Properties • Made from 100 % virgin PTFE • PTFE with a multidirectionally orientated fibrous structure • Seals even at low bolt torques • Very low diffusion values • High dimensional stability and creep resistance • High resistance against chemicals and high temperatures Foto wird neu erstellt!!!!! • High blowout resistance Your Benefits THE BEST SOLUTION Technical Data No PTFE gaskets especially designed for plastic flanges were available until now. Conventional PTFE gaskets demonstrated elevated creep which, causes due to temperature changes or service time, eventually leakage. The inside diameter of the gaskets did not correspond to those of the plastic flange and generates a gap on the inside surface of a flange connection. Seal Clean is made from 100 % expanded PTFE (ePTFE) with a multi-directionally orientated fibrous sturcture and a skin from very thin, highly densified ePTFE as a diffusion layer. Another benefit is that no fillers, elastomer particles etc. can reach the product flow and contaminate the operating medium. For these reasons, AGRU and GORE developed an expanded PTFE gasket which is ideal for sealing of plastic flanges. This new and innovative Seal Clean gasket combines the exeptional chemical resistance of pure PTFE with the excellent mechanical properties of expanded PTFE to provide very low leakage rates. Due to its unique design, the seal exhibits outstanding creep resistance and uses minimised surface pressure. The new construction of the gasket, with a new innovative design guarantee optimal functions, which have not been seen on the market until now. TM Compared to other products, the Seal Clean gasket shows significantly better leach out results, which makes it the ideal solution for the semiconductor- and pharma industries. AGRU provides with the Seal Clean gasket a complete plastic piping system to fulfil the high requirements of the High Purity industry. Chemical resistance Being 100 % pure PTFE, the gasket material is almost universally chemical resistant. The gasket is resistant to all media in the range pH 0 – 14, except molten alkali metals and element fluorine, particularly at elevated temperatures and pressures. • Available for plastic flanges in DIN, ANSI and JIS • Gasket dimensions especially designed for AGRU stub flanges (minimised dead leg areas) • Solves current problems of flange gaskets • Highly conformable • Seals highly permeable and aggressive fluids • Seldom needs retorquing even with temperature changes • Superior sealing reliability and long gasket life • Cleaned and double bagged under cleanroom conditions class 100 • TÜV approval for 16 bar pressure resistance Typical Applications Stability The product is not subject to ageing and can be stored indefinitely. Physiological safety Physiologically harmless in prolonged installation at temperatures up to +260 °C according to VDI/VDE guidelines 2480. • Piping Systems out of PE, PP, PVDF and ECTFE for the use in high purity systems and for the semiconductorand pharma industries. • Process piping systems in PE, PP, PVDF and ECTFE for the chemical industries. Mechanical Properties The surface pressure of the installation is preferably maintained in operation, under pressure and at temperature load. This is to avoid undue leakage or, at worst, blowout of the seals. The Seal Clean gasket exhibits outstanding pressure and creep resistance combined with high stability. That means that the sealant is nonsensitive to exterior forces, and thus achieves a high residual stress compared to other PTFE and elastomer gaskets. Static leach out behavior Static leach out tests deliver useful information about the purity of a gasket. These tests are valuable for comparing different gaskets, but do not represent a real installation. When comparing leach out results it is important to ensure that the test methods and the analysis equipment are identical. Different test methods affect the results. Test duration: Test medium: Test equipment: Test unit: Element 24 hours 5 % HNO3 ICP-MS ng metal / gasket Test duration [hours] Leakage A gasket in use should allow only low leakage rates during the entire time of operation. Since plastic flanges, compared with metal flanges, tolerate only very low bolt torques, the gasket must provide a reliable seal even at these low bolt forces. The Seal Clean gaskets shows that leakage rates according to DIN 28090 (40 bar inner pressure, λmax = 0,01mg/(s*m)) can be reached even at surface pressures of 6 MPa. Available sizes for PVDF, PVDF-UHP, ECTFE, PE and PP stub flanges Test temperature 20°C Seal Clean EPDM/PTFE EPDM/PTFE ePTFE gasket profile gasket profile gasket type 2 flat gasket type 1 Ag 24 <5 <5 <5 Al 24 33 58 420 Ba 24 <5 18 107 Ca 24 78 86 1577 11 Cr 24 <5 19 Cu 24 <5 12 94 Fe 24 46 840 1992 198 K 24 6 <5 Li 24 <5 <5 <5 Mg 24 8 151 297 Mn 24 6 23 36 Mo 24 <5 <5 <5 Na 24 8 <5 272 Ni 24 <5 51 19 Pb 24 122 176 43 Sn 24 <5 <5 57 Sr 24 <5 <5 8 Ti 24 <5 13 7 Tl 24 <5 <5 <5 Zn 24 7 28 239 Zr 24 <5 <5 20 Gasket thickness 3 mm OD SDR DIN ANSI JIS 20 11 / 21 √ √ √ 25 11 / 21 √ √ √ 32 11 / 21 √ √ √ 40 11 / 21 √ √ √ 50 11 / 21 √ √ √ 63 11 / 21 √ √ √ 75 11 / 21 √ √ √ 90 11 / 21 / 33 √ √ √ 110 11 / 21 / 33 √ √ √ 125 11 / 21 / 33 √ √ √ 140 11 / 21 / 33 √ - √ 160 11 / 21 / 33 √ √ √ 180 11 / 21 / 33 √ - - 200 11 / 21 / 33 √ √ √ 225 11 / 21 / 33 √ √ √ 250 11 / 21 / 33 √ √ √ 280 11 / 21 / 33 √ - √ 315 11 / 33 √ √ √ Delivery Gaskets are cleaned and will be double bagged delivered by order of full package units. Each gasket is individually packed in a cleanroom in PE / nylon bags. Package units: ≤ OD 110 > OD 110 10 pcs / package unit 5 pcs / package unit Single orders of gaskets will be delivered single packed AGRU Kunststofftechnik GmbH A-4540 Bad Hall / Austria Ing.-Pesendorfer-Strasse 31 Phone : + 4 3 7 2 5 8 7 9 0 - 0 Fax:+4372583863 internet: OD ... outside diameter of the piping o.r. ... on request Subject to change without prior notice! Please refer to the current ESA guidelines for installation advice.