Connect Plus is REQUIRED

Tarrant County College District - Instructor's Class Requirements
Microbiology Non-Sci Majors
Instructor: Berg, Dena
Office: NW WTLO 4118
Phone: 817-515-7291
Term: Fall 2015
Last Day to Drop: 11/21/15
Office Hours
10:00 AM
10:45 AM
12:30 PM
02:30 PM
12:30 PM
03:30 PM
09:30 AM
10:45 AM
12:30 PM
02:30 PM
12:30 PM
02:30 PM
12:15 PM
01:00 PM
*Tues in SLC; Th/Fri Micro Lab; Or by appointment -
District Course Requirements
Student Accessibility Resources
Any student with a documented disability needing academic accommodations is required to contact the Student Accessibility
Resources (SAR) Office located on each campus to schedule an appointment with the Coordinator of SAR. All discussions are
confidential. Because SAR accommodations may require early planning and are not provided retroactively, students are encouraged to
contact SAR as early in the semester as possible. SAR is responsible for approving and coordinating all disability-related services.
TCC professors will honor requests for accommodation when they are issued by SAR.
Microbiology: A Sytems Approach, 4th Edition, Cowan, McGraw Hill Publishing, 2015. (Connect Plus is
ISBN 978-0-07-340342-7
Brief Microbiology Laboratory Theory and Application, 2nd edition., Leboffe, Morton Publishing, 2012.
ISBN: 978-0-89582-947-4
Special Materials:
Connect Plus is required.
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Tarrant County College District - Instructor's Class Requirements
The instructor will use lectures, discussions, demonstrations, dissections, and experiments to familiarize
students with the structure and functions of the systems covered. Classical microbiology will be
presented with consideration given to the preparation of the student for success in health service fields
and to the improved health of the student.
The course will transfer to most senior institutions and vocational schools. However, some degree
programs have very specific science course requirements. Students should consult the specific
department at their proposed transfer institution to confirm that this course will apply toward their
degree program.
Students will read the assigned topics in the textbook to be covered in class PRIOR to coming to class - so that they are prepared
for the day’s activities.
Students will attend class regularly. Chronic tardiness is unacceptable. See mandatory attendance policy above.
Students are expected to contact the instructor within 24 hours of an absence. Students are responsible for allmaterial and any
announcements made during their absence. Students should contact the instructor to verifythere were no assignments given or
changes to the topic calendar announced.
Only those with documentable, excused absences (see school catalog) may substitute the average of the final examfor one
missing unit exam grade under emergent circumstances.
If absent on the day an assignment is due students may email (, fax (817) 515-7005 (Pleaseinclude cover
pages addressed to Dena Berg) or turn their assignment in to the department office (WTLO 4108A) bythe beginning of class on
the day it is due without penalty.
Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the designated date. Assignments turned in after the beginning ofclass on the
due date will be reduced by 10%. Assignments turned in 24 hours late will be reduced by 20%. Any otherlate assignments WILL
There will be at least one extra quiz during the semester to accommodate one missed assignment. Thelowest score will be
dropped. Students can miss one assignment without being penalized. There will also beone extra lab assignment (quiz) offered.
Students can miss one assignment without being penalized. Thelowest lab quiz/assignment score will be dropped.
Students are expected to provide their own supplies including books, on-line computer access, pencils, staples, andscan-trons.
All papers should be stapled before coming to class.
There are computers available for student use in the library and the science learning center (WCTS 2305).
Students will not disrupt the learning environment. Students who hold private conversations while the instructor isteaching will
be asked to leave and referred to the Dean of Students. Students are expected to turn off anytelecommunication electronic
devices brought to class. Please refer to TCC statement on student conduct.
Students are expected to finish exams in a timely manner. (e.g., 50-75 questions in 55 minutes; 75-150 questions in 80minutes).
Students who are late to the exam will not be given extra time for completion.
Students (or their student service’s assistants) are also expected to be able to mark and erase their scan-tron sheets.
No credit will be given for mis-marked or poorly erased answers on scan-tron tests.
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Tarrant County College District - Instructor's Class Requirements
Grading Criteria:
There will be lecture and lab exams, lecture and lab final exams, and other assignments that count in final grade determination. Lecture
exams may consist of several types of questions including true/false, multiple-choice (single or multiple answer), fill-in-blanks, short
answer, and essay. Laboratory exams may consist of practical (specimen-based) questions or images projected on a screen or monitor.
no case will a student be allowed to carry more than 700 lecture points or 300 lab points into the final grade for the course.
Lecture: Overall: 70% (700 points)
Unit exams (4 x 100 pts) 40%
Connect/Case Study (8 x 20pt / drop 1) 14%
Review for Final (40 pts) 4%
Final cumulative exam (120 pts) 12%
Lab: Lab 30% (300 points)
Quiz /HW / Connect – 10%
Unit exams (2 x 50 pts) 10%
Unknowns (2 x 50 pts) 10%
Grading Scale:
A = 100 – 89.5% B = 89.4 – 79.5 % C = 79.4 – 69.5 % D = 69.4 – 59.5 % F = < 59.4 %
EXTRA CREDIT: There are no “extra credit” assignments available. Some instructors may occasionally add bonus questions on an
exam or
provide an extra
Class Dates:
See course organizer posted in myTCC.
Daily Assignments:
See course organizer posted in myTCC.
Additional Class Information:
TCC Mandatory Attendance Policy
Regular and punctual class attendance is expected at Tarrant County College. Student absences will be recorded from the first day the
class meets. In case of absence, it is the student's responsibility to contact the instructor. Students absent on official school business are
entitled to make up coursework missed. In all other cases, the instructor will judge whether the student will be permitted to make up
work and will decide on the time and nature of the makeup. However, the student is expressly responsible for any work missed
regardless of the cause of the absence. The student must discuss such work with the instructor and should do so immediately on
returning to school. Communication between the student and instructor is most important, and it is the student's responsibility to
initiate such communication. If students do not appear at the prearranged time or meet the prescribed deadline for makeup work, they
forfeit their rights for further makeup of that work. Students who stop attending class for any reason should contact the instructor and
the Registrar‘s office to officially withdraw from the class. Failure to officially withdraw may result in a failing grade for the course.
Class attendance and participation are essential to student success. Effective with the Spring 2012 term, the following attendance
guidelines will apply:
A student in an on-campus course missing a cumulative of 15 percent of the class meetings and not keeping up with the course
assignments may be dropped at the discretion of the instructor.
A student in an online course is required to successfully complete the online course orientation and actively participate in the
course as described in the Instructor’s Course Requirements (ICRs). Completed assignments will be used to demonstrate
attendance in DL courses.
A student not meeting these requirements may be dropped at the discretion of the instructor.
TCCD Academic Calendar for important College Dates.
TCCD Student Handbook for information on attendance and withdrawal policy, dishonesty and plagiarism, and student accessibility
Access Course Evaluations for instructions on evaluating courses.
Attendance for attendance requirements.
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