Item m 10i Ca apittal proj p jectts, Es stattes and d Fa aciliities s an nnual repo r ort P Produced by: b Chris Harding – D irector of Estates E & Facilities F b P resented by: Steve S Daviies – Finan nce Director Board B of Directorrs Meetin ng er 2015 10th Septembe Action A for B Board: For info ormation For con nsideratio on For dec cision Estates & Facilities biannual report Executive Summary 2 Backlog Maintenance 4 Capital works at City Road 4 Satellite Sites 5 Estates & Facilities directorate report 6 Page 1 Estates & Facilities biannual report Executive Summary This report includes an update on the Estates and Facilities directorate, and includes progress reports for major capital projects, for the year from October 2014 to September 2015. The executive summary provides a précis of the important issues for the board; the following sections include a further level of granularity if required. The report includes developments which do not entail direct capital expenditure, but are estates related in that they involve contractual issues relating to our occupancy at host hospitals. This report also includes updates on the Estates & Facilities work streams and projects which fall below the threshold for board approvals as these illustrate the scale of planned developments, and demonstrate the delivery of the estates and facilities strategy as an enabler to Our Vision of Excellence across City Road and satellite sites. The major capital projects currently in progress are: City Road Theatre’s Upgrade programme; City Road backlog maintenance programme; City Road 3rd floor Injection Suite; St George's re provision and expansion; and Cayton Street PPU Expansion/Refurbishment. The City Rd Theatres Upgrade programme was initially planned for commencement in autumn 2014, but the start date was delayed pending business approval to close the first two theatres. This was given for 1st March 2015. Theatres 3 & 4 being the first pair to be implemented with 1&2, then 7&8, then 5&6 last, leading to a target completion date of 30th Nov 2015 which includes 3 weeks of snagging. Proposed hand back of all theatres is Monday 9th November 2015. To date the first four (Theatres 1-4) are complete and budget remains tight but on target despite the additional asbestos and ventilation works uncovered during the programme. The backlog maintenance programme for 2014/15 experienced difficulty in its completion due to contractor based issues and change of staff in the capital role. This meant a carryover of the programme into 2015/16. This work is now due for completion by the end of September 2015. The new proposed works for external backlog maintenance is currently being specified ready for tendering during August in order that it rolls on from the completion of the 14/15 works. Ingleton Wood LLP has remained in place as Contract Administrators for continuity. The building of a new intravitreal injection suite incorporating 4 injection treatment rooms and associated ancillary rooms on the 3rd floor of City Road has been tendered and is currently under review. With 3-4 months of construction works planned, a handover of January 2016 is the target. St Georges University NHS FT’s plans for the relocation of the MEHFT service continue with recent MEH Board approval given. St George’s are yet to approve the new modular building (Wandle Annexe) proposed as our relocated outpatients department. Following the acquisition of new leased space in Cayton Street, a feasibility study was produced to support a business case and Board approval granted, ahead of occupation in September. The Page 2 Estates & Facilities biannual report study and case involves the options for occupying a number of floors both for private patients and NHS patients. Other capital projects successfully completed in this reporting period of note include: 4th floor laser treatment rooms built within Private Patients; St Ann’s laser treatment room for the NHS Catalys trials; Northwick park medical gases enabling the provision of GA’s for theatres; Ocular prosthetics (RDCEC/Adults) refurbishment; Completion of patient/staff lift refurbishment program (2 remaining for budgeting within 2016/17); and First phase of CCTV replacement program (2nd phase to be completed by November 2015). The estates & facilities directorate section includes reports from the following showing key issues for the board to note: Estates& Facilities Directorate: 5 year strategy detailed report and implementation plan submitted to FD and ManEx. Compliance: A compliance manager has been introduced to the directorate, whose role is to review compliance relating to Estates and Facilities across all our sites in addition to supporting the property management function. Estates services: All statutory maintenance up to date and approved persons appointed. Clinical technical services: Review of future structure underway. Domestic services: cleaning standards at Moorfields continues to be of a satisfactory standard. The annual Patient-Led Assessment Care Environment took place on Monday 11th April 2015. Portering: New portering software installed. Security: The NHS Protect Self Review Tool (SRT) which is part of the NHS Contract was completed and agreed with the Security Management Director (SMD) then forwarded to NHS Protect. The NHS Protect Organisational Crime Profile 2015-16 has been completed and forwarded to NHS Protect. The NHS Protect Reported Physical Assaults (RPA) statistics for 2014-15 were compiled and forwarded to NHS Protect. Sustainability: The sustainable Development Strategy for the Health and Care system 2014 – 2020 has been fully reviewed and a strategy for Moorfields is currently being developed to ensure our strategy is aligned. Telecoms: Call centres created. All Estates SLAs maintained. Transport services: The transport contract continues to be higher volumes that anticipated. Successful Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) introduced. Interpreting: Introducing trial telephone interpretation service as cost improvement. Catering: 2015 Audit completed no issues identified. The board is asked to note the progress made in the delivery of the backlog maintenance programme and capital projects, and the overall performance of the Estates & Facilities directorate. Page 3 Estates & Facilities biannual report 1.0 Backlog Maintenance 1.1 Fire Alarm Upgrade Works 2014/15 saw the completion of the fire alarm upgrade works with an L1 compliant system throughout both RDCEC and City Road. 2015/16 sees the requirement for a graphics package to allow an effective implementation of maintenance and alarm notifications, making visibility for our staff and the Fire Brigade much easier in the event of activation. This is presently being specified and will be seeking budget approval in Q3. 1.2 Fire door/compartmentation works The backlog maintenance programme for 2014/15 experienced difficulty in its completion due to contractor based issues and change of staff in the Capital role. This meant a carryover of the programme into 2015/16. This work is now due for completion by the end of September 2015. 1.3 Lift Upgrade Works Following a protracted delivery of Lift’s 1 & 3, Lift 6 was commenced in Oct 2014 via Jackson’s Lifts. This was part of the tendered works (2014/15 Capital backlog programme) and we remained with Jackson’s as there were liquidated ascertained damages (LAD’s) to recover and it was felt keeping the new lift under the same supplier would make contract negotiations easier. Lift 6 delivery was also protracted with further poor performance by Jackson’s incurring further LAD’s. Lift 6 construction works are now complete awaiting final handover and insurance inspection. Final LAD’s to be confirmed but MEH claim is approx. £31k inc VAT. 1.4 2015/16 Capital Programme A sum of monies has been budgeted for asbestos removal, legionella control and external maintenance including pest control, roof repairs and glazing replacements. These new proposed works for external backlog maintenance is currently being specified ready for tendering during August in order that it rolls on from the completion of the 14/15 works. These will be presented via the Recruitment & Capital Schemes Panel. The Estates department has also been addressing significant numbers of the smaller, discrete backlog maintenance issues through its minor works programme. 2.0 Capital works at City Road 2.1 Theatre Upgrade Programme The City Rd theatres upgrade programme was initially planned for commencement in autumn 2014, but the start date was delayed pending business approval to close the first two theatres. This was finally given for 1st March 2015 with Theatres 3 & 4 being the first pair to be implemented on a rolling schedule of approximately 8 weeks per pair, leading to a target completion date of 30th November 2015 which includes 3 weeks of remedial activity and ‘catch ups’. This programme represents a particularly challenging project given its location, criticality and importance to the business in ensuring longevity of availability and compliance. The project has now reached the half way stage with theatres 1-4 refurbished with new air handling systems, digitised surgeons interfaces and HTM compliant systems throughout. Given the nature of the works, the problematic issues (asbestos and ventilation works) uncovered during the programme Page 4 Estates & Facilities biannual report have been overcome with minimal impact to the overall programme. To date the budget remains tight but on target even with the extra works uncovered. Theatres are now capable of proving HTM 03-01 air flow compliance electronically and logging history 24Hrs per day. Completion of all theatres is due Monday 9th November 2015 followed by a three week period where any items identified as a ‘better way’ or ‘collected along the way’ lessons learnt can be retrospectively implemented in previous theatres. 2.2 CCTV Phase 2 This phase of the project has been split into two segments over 2015 with the initial stage including an upgrade to all defective camera systems throughout City Road and new camera provisions across A & E. The second stage will pick up on the medium priority areas including new provision of coverage in lifts, stairwells and previously uncovered public spaces. All infrastructure has been previously upgraded in Phase 1 so phases 2 and 3 (2016/17) will encompass the remaining camera upgrades and new provision as identified as the lowest priority by LSMS. 3.0 Satellite Sites 3.1 St Georges The host trust has a requirement to move MEH out of its current accomodation within the main site and has to provide a new suitable location to allow us to continue our service. A proposal involving a 4 storey modular construction with one and a half floors made available to MEH has been issued by SGH. This will be known as the Wandle Annexe. MEH Capital has worked up an internal fit out design, to be funded by MEH, and this has been approved by MEH Clinical teams and Board, along with main hospital theatre reprovision. MEH is totally dependent upon SGH’s timescales for the provision of this property with a possibility of March 2016 being mentioned for the shell building completion. Fit out’s will follow this. We await confirmation of the SGH Board decision. 3.2 St Ann’s A scheme is being worked up to provide a separation of the hot water system within the MEH leased property. At present MEH is entirely dependent upon the host Trust’s supply of hot water and this represents the most agreeable solution to provide control of the safety of this system to MEH. Expected delivery of this is September 2015. Page 5 Estates & Facilities biannual report 4.0 Estates & Facilities directorate report 4.1 Development of 5 Year Estates and Facilities Strategy Fully developed strategy with implementation plan forwarded to Financial Director for review. ManEx considered this on the 1st of September. 4.2 Estates Compliance Statutory and mandatory compliance: The Estates services that have been reviewed in terms of meeting statutory compliance include: Fire Safety Management – emergency lighting and fire alarm testing. Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) Fixed wire testing LOLER (lifting operations and lifting equipment regulations) COSHH (Control of substances hazardous to health) – Updated the Safety Data Sheets for substances used and stored on site in line with new legislation. The availability of COSHH risk assessments will form the next phase of this project. Asbestos Control Management – The annual asbestos survey has been completed and data is available on EMIS. Review and development of staff competencies. Lease management: The Director of Estates and Facilities and E&F Compliance Manager are currently in negotiation with Croydon University Hospital regarding service charges, Barnet Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust (St Anns Hospital) in relation to lease renewal and North West London Hospitals (Ealing Hospital) in relation to lease and license creation. Theatre validation: Below shows the sites whereby the Trust occupies one or more surgical facilities on a sole use or shared basis and the outcome of the validation. Remedial works have been identified in the supporting reports and are directed to the host trust for completion and rebalancing. Satellite site Bedford City Road Croydon Darent Valley Ealing Mile End Northwick Park Potters Bar Queen Mary’s St Anns St Georges Page 6 Validation 2014/2015 14/08/2014 27/05/2014 25/02/2015 14/04/2014 Pass/Fail 19/09/2014 06/01/2015 22/04/2015 04-05/06/2014 Pass Pass Pass Air flows requested Pass Pass 04-05/10/2014 06/05/2014 Pass Fail Pass Pass Validation Pass/Fail 2015/2016 Validation due Refurbishment in progress Validation in date Validation due Not received Validation in date Validation in date 08/04/2015 Pass Validation due Validation in date Validation due Estates & Facilities biannual report Legionella Control: Water Quality Risk Assessments across all sites have been completed and will be reviewed in two years, unless there is a major change to the water system. For those sites that do not form part of the Trust’s water monitoring assurance program, including Barking, Bedford, Croydon, Homerton, Loxford, Queen Mary’s, Stratford and Watford, a stringent regime was implemented which reduced the positive results to an acceptable level which demonstrated we had control of the water systems. Testing is now carried out on a quarterly basis as per the instruction of L8 guidance. Fire Safety Management: Following the recent reinstatement of the Fire Safety Working Group fire safety management for all staff is being addressed. Extra training dates have been arranged to cover the deficit. A comprehensive list of appointed Fire Warden’s across all Trust locations is now available and training is underway resulting in higher compliance. The annual fire risk assessments are in date and will be reviewed mid-2016. 4.3 Estates Services The 2014/15 statutory insurance inspections are up to date and reviewed. Staff management: The estates department workforce now comprises all permanent staff members. Temporary staff has not been employed to support the function of the service for four months. The maintenance framework agreement in place at Northwick Park and St Anns Hospitals expired at the end of July 2015. Maintenance will now be completed at these locations by the Trust’s inhouse estates team. A recruitment process is underway. The occupancy of Kemp House, Britannia Walk (Nile Street) and Bath Street will also require additional posts to support service provision. Approved persons: The Trust now has responsible persons in place, as outlined below: Appointed person ventilation systems Appointed persons for medical gases Appointed person (limited authority) for medical gases Appointed persons for LV Responsible person for water quality Nominated fire manager Garry Auger, Head of Estates and Maintenance Paul Ashton, Senior Maintenance Manager Andrew Taylor, Maintenance Supervisor Sham Singh, Maintenance Engineer Jay Schneider, Maintenance Engineer Garry Auger, Head of Estates and Maintenance Paul Ashton, Senior Maintenance Manager Andrew Taylor, Maintenance Supervisor Andrew Taylor, Maintenance Supervisor Dean Carter, Electrical Craftsperson Garry Auger, Head of Estates and Maintenance Garry Auger, Head of Estates and Maintenance Completed works at City Road and local sites: Converted the Health Records Office on the Lower Ground Floor to a ladies toilet. Refurbished the former Maintenance Manager’s Office into a new reception for the Estates Helpdesk. Installed over one hundred new LED light panels on the Ground floor clinical areas. Chiller plant has been installed in the Boiler House. Voltage Optimisation system has been installed which has successfully reduced the energy usage within the hospital building. Page 7 Estates & Facilities biannual report Removed all the galvanised water manifolds in the main hospital and replaced these with new copper manifolds and copper pipework, increasing the reduction of positive legionella results. Cycle storage has been installed in the car park facility of Ebenezer Street and staff car parking bays have been made available that can be procured through the estates department and payroll scheme which can include motorbikes. Completed works at Kemp House: Installation and commissioning of new entrance doors at Kemp House and swipe card access for Trust employees. Installed telecoms and data into Kemp House. Refurbishment of vacant rooms in Kemp House to allow staff groups to move in. Current schemes at City Road and local sites: Learning and Disabilities assessment is underway which has included introducing pictorial signage. Reviewing the feasibility of utilising the available space within the building formerly occupied by Moorfields Pharmaceuticals. The Estates management team will shortly be undertaking ‘train the trainer’ schemes to allow the training of Medical Gases for nursing and portering staff at all sites. In the process of scheduling a training session for steam utilisation training. Proposed the reinstallation of the original main entrance located on City Road for staff only access. Asset tracking and management; physical assets, patient safety and throughput and staff safety/work flow optimisation. Agility, a module of Estates Management and Information System (EMIS) is at the commissioning stage and tests are being undertaken. Current schemes at Kemp House: Planning and progression of refurbishment of vacant spaces in Kemp House as they become available. 4.4 Clinical Technical Services (CTS) The Head of Clinical Technical Services (CTS) at Moorfields Eye Hospital has resigned from post to take up a new opportunity in the Medical Devices Industry. The Director of Estates & Facilities in conjunction with the CTS team will now review and consider restructure of the department to meet current and future requirements. Below is the summary of key actions underway or completed. All mandatory training for staff completed Annual appraisals underway with completion before Head of CTS leaves organisation. Internal audit for the period October to December 2014 demonstrated compliance with policy in relation to maintenance and repair procedures Internal audit for the period January to March 2015 demonstrated compliance with policy in relation to maintenance and repair procedures Since March 2014, 457 medical devices were added to eQuip, the Trust Inventory Management System. Total Inventory of Medical equipment is now 3568 and includes equipment located in Theatres CTS continue to work closely with Finance to develop a robust medical equipment replacement programme. Completion due October/November 2015 Page 8 Estates & Facilities biannual report CTS – IT Projects. We now have a programme of work with the IT project manager. Works completed are Haag Streit software upgrade, Pentacam upgrades from XP to Windows 7 and Topcon OCT software at City Road and Satellite Units. We procured, commissioned and installed new equipment for the Nelson Health Centre in a timely manner to ensure service delivery. Planned preventative maintenance (PPM) for medical equipment is on target Capital Medical Equipment bids have been reviewed and agreed. Head of CTS is now the Trust authorised signatory for IRAS R&D projects Specific to Moorfields and in response to the Bedford SI, the Head of CTS and Clinical Engineers are the designated and authorised personnel to complete the set up process, for uploading the Trust standardised lens and surgeon IOL calculation constants for preoperative ophthalmic biometry, from a USB stick or CD into the biometry machine. Currently conducting laser trials at both St Georges Hospital and City Road to replace the existing devices as the equipment is no longer supported by the supplier. Moorfields Dubai Medical Devices Management has been reviewed and recommendations made. Awaiting response from Operation Director as to how to proceed. Ghana Korle bu Hospital further delayed due to area floods. New date for commissioning 12th to 26th September. Clinical Engineers have received first line training from Heidelberg (Spectralis, HRT and HRA) and Carleton (Haag Streit Tonometers) Clinical Engineers have completed Electrical Safety Testing Training to Medical Devices standard BS EN 60601 & IEC62353. Certified with distinction. Certificates displayed outside CTS office. Clinical Engineers are now registered with full membership with the Institute of Physics & Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) and now qualify as registered Clinical Scientist. Staff have applied for registration as IEng and will complete this process by the end of August. This further demonstrates CTS commitment to providing a qualified and quality service. CTS are preparing for the CQC Inspection. Outstanding work is in updating the Medical Devices Policy to reflect current practices as introduced by the Head of CTS. 4.5 Hostel In order to accommodate patient’s pre and post-surgical procedures for non-clinical reasons, there are hostel beds available on 1st floor Mackellar Ward. The hours of service are 8.30pm – 8am Mon-Fri, and 7.30pm to 8am, weekends. The hostel is a night service and staffed by a warden who has no nursing or medical training. Users of the Hostel are called Lodgers. Approximately 1210 lodgers including escorts stay in the hostel per annum. Up to 50-75%, are escorts. This equates to 3-4 people a night. This is a goodwill service, however lodgers have to meet general criteria to stay and be accompanied by an escort. Patients who have had a general anesthetic or deep sedation who are fit for discharge but have no home support Patients who have had surgery and require review the following day are unable to go home and return for the early review because they live too far away or are too frail Post-operative patients who do not require nursing care but live alone and are too frail to travel on the day of surgery Page 9 Estates & Facilities biannual report Pre-operative patients who need to stay in the hostel the night before their surgery because they are required to book in for surgery at 7.30am, but live too far away to travel to the hospital on the same day Carers who will be required to look after the patients staying in the hostel. Lodgers do not pay to stay in the hostel, so costs relate to workforce, of which there are 2 wardens to cover 2 shifts. 4.6 Domestic Services Patient-Led Assessment Care Environment (PLACE) The annual Patient-Led Assessment Care Environment took place on Monday 11th April 2015. The audit details have been submitted in the Health and Social Care Information Centre (hscic). The result of our performance has not been published as yet. As soon as this information becomes available this will be communicated out to key stakeholders. Domestic cleaning The cleaning provider at City Road continues to deliver a high cleaning standard. Below is the overall performance for 2014 – 2015. Quarter 1 Risk category Very High Risk Category ‐ Pre‐ rectification Very High Risk Category ‐ Post‐ rectification High Risk Category ‐ Pre‐ rectification High Risk Category ‐ Post‐ rectification Significant Risk Category ‐ Pre‐ rectification National Significant Risk Category ‐ Post‐ Standards of rectification Clenliness in Low Risk Category ‐ Pre‐ the NHS rectification Low Risk Category ‐ Post‐ rectification Average Cleaning Results ‐ Pre‐ rectification Average Cleaning Results ‐ Post‐ rectification Training (actual versus planned) Rapid Response within the agreed timescales Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Target KPI Apr‐14 May‐14 Jun‐14 Jul‐14 Aug‐14 Sep‐14 Oct‐14 Nov‐14 Dec‐14 Jan‐15 Feb‐15 Mar‐15 KPI Average 95 98.2% 97.1% 97.6% 97.8% 97.5% 98.0% 97.6% 95 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 95 98.4% 97.3% 98.4% 97.7% 97.6% 97.6% 95 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 95 97.1% 95.1% 96.6% 97.0% 96.6% 96.1% 95 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 95 97.3% 98.2% 96.7% 96.7% 96.6% 96.2% 95 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 95 97.7% 97.0% 97.4% 97.2% 97.2% 97.0% 95 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 90 97.2% 93.8% 100.0% 100.0% 96.8% 89.2% 91.8% 100.0% 95.0% 96.0% 83.3% 94.8% 90 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Overall average 98.28% 98.3% 96.5% 95.5% 96.9% 94.7% 97.3% 97.2% 97.8% 97.6% 97.5% 97.5% 96.5% 97.7% 97.6% 97.5% 97.2% 97.4% 94.4% 96.8% 96.0% 95.3% 96.5% 95.9% 94.3% 96.4% 93.8% 96.4% 96.8% 95.9% 96.6% 97.0% 96.3% 96.7% 97.0% 96.7% The standards we set are higher than the required NHS standards. This is to ensure we maintain a high standard for our patients and processes such as PLACE and CQC visits. 3rd Party Auditing We have now engaged with a 3rd party cleaning audit company, British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICS), to monitor the cleaning standards at City road and this will also be rolled out across a number of the satellite sites. We have already undertaken this audit at City Road and satisfactory scores were received. Below is a chart and a tabular version of the results. This will continue to be monitored. P a g e 10 nnual reportt Estates & Faacilities bian According to the docu ument Natio onal Specificcations for cleanliness c in the NHS S states thatt “External audits are not an intrin nsic part of the auditing g process but b are recommended aas good pra actice since e they provid de an indep pendent view w of cleanlin ness and va alidate the NHS N trust’s own internally awarded scores.” hroom Toile t & Wash Clinical Circulation Facilities Noveember 96.89% 96.50% 96.57% Ap pril 96.11% 96.25% 97.27% Acceptaance level 96% 966% 9 96% All of the a areas at Cityy Road have e passed. T This will con ntinue to be monitored and audited d on a quarterly b basis. 4.7 Porte ering Portering Software A Portering g software system s has now been implemente ed. The softtware enablles the rapid d entry and allocation o of jobs, provvides an ‘att a glance’ vview of the operational status of pportering acttivities to enable ma anagement to t focus on the most urrgent requirrements. The system m is currenttly being bedded in and d customise ed to best fitt the organiisation. Onc ce we are happy with h the system m working effectively e an nd efficientlly then we will w review oour processes, service levels and communica ate out to all City Road d staff. P a g e 11 1 Estates & Faacilities bian nnual reportt To supportt this processs we now have a ded icated porte ering team member m maanning the portering p desk who iis currently located at the t main recception des sk. The new w system annd the portering desk are now be eing fully ma anned to im mprove our ccustomer se ervice profille. ge 4.8 Postag Postage iss still on an upward tren nd. We are looking at the t operatio onal impact of processing mail in a different way to provvide more in nformation o on postage used by de epartment. We have im mplemented d 2nd class postage, exxcept where e 1st class is ssue has beeen requestted. During this implem mentation we w are still experiencing e g an increas se volume of o mail goingg out of the e business, which is ne egating the savings. June 2015 s aw an incre ease of clea an mail to thhe value of £11k. £ This equates to o £132k per annum if maintained. m T The Head of o Facilities will be meeeting with Royal R Mail in due course to discu uss this to see s if our org ganisation can c save more m within tthis area to negate the sheer volume of post being sent. To cope w with this inccreased volume Estattes have ha ad to move e a secondd person form generall patient porrtering to co over the po ost room de emand of ou utgoing mail. This has had an imp pact on the e general po ortering se ervice. Consideration needs to be given to either chhanging the way the e organisatio on works th hat require so s much m mail being se ent out or employing e m more porterring staff to o cover the d demand. There is a also another alternative e such as the use of the Netcall telecoms system tha at could be e used to contact our pa atents by ph hone. 4.9 Secu urity Summary,, update ke ey points re elating to s security. The NH HS Protect Self Revie ew Tool (SR RT) which is i part of th he NHS Coontract was completed d and ag greed with th he Security Manageme ent Directorr (SMD) then forwardedd to NHS Protect. The NH HS Protect Organisatio onal Crime Profile 2015-16 has been b compleeted and fo orwarded to o NHS P Protect. P a g e 12 2 Estates & Facilities biannual report The NHS Protect Reported Physical Assaults (RPA) statistics for 2014-15 were compiled and forwarded to NHS Protect. All of the above were completed and forwarded to NHS protect within the relevant time frames The Security Manager/LSMS has agreed protocols with the Local Counter Fraud Specialist (LSMS) that includes information sharing and regular meetings where any security or fraud issues are discussed and advice/guidance is given. The CCTV policy was approved at MANEX as was the Violence and Aggression policy. The lockdown policy is being reviewed and updated. The lone worker policy has been reviewed ready for presentation at the next Risk and Safety committee (September 2015). The CCTV at City Road is now being updated in stages. This is a mixture of new cameras covering areas previously not covered, or additional cameras in those areas where weaknesses were identified, as well as any replacements. The plan is to complete this work during this financial year. Review of security and CCTV at Kemp House identified risks which have now been resolved with the installation of CCTV and access control within MEH areas and public areas within the building. Security awareness is ongoing with 24 staff induction sessions receiving the 30 minute security presentation, 14 security related articles/advice in staff communications bulletin, security advice and guidance displayed on posters in clinics and public areas, security advice and guidance on digital display screens in and around MEH. Work with Risk & Safety and Clinical Governance staff has been undertaken, including walkabouts, where staff can discuss any all concerns with the team. A report is then produced and forwarded to relevant managers. Work has been undertaken with the Trust Emergency Planning lead and Metropolitan Police Counter Terrorism and Security Adviser (CTSA), organised two “Stay Safe” presentationssessions aimed at all front line staff after a successful Project ARGUS event held previously Nineteen visits were made to satellite sites to either make enquiries into a reported incident, or a general visit to meet staff and discuss security issues or concerns. Required reports have been completed and recommendations actions forwarded to the relevant mangers. Evidence and statements have been supplied by the security manager to police and senior managers which resulted in sanctions being taken against staff. Nine warning letters were sent to patients in incidents of verbal aggression/abuse against staff. One staff assault case (outside of hospital when leaving work) is ongoing at Crown Court. 4.10 Laundry/Linen A new supplier has been appointed to manage our linen cleaning. There has been focus to reduce the stock items we have on site and be more efficient on how we manage our stock levels. As part of this service we have implemented a barcode tracking system to facilitate the return of staff uniforms after submission to the laundry service. When fully implemented an automated notification systems will be implemented to liaise directly with the user to allow items to be collected within agreed timescales. P a g e 13 Estates & Faacilities bian nnual reportt The Laund dry/Linen room r has now n been refurbished d to ensure e a much cleaner an nd hygienicc environme ent to suppo ort this proce ess. ment 4.11 Waste Managem Waste man nagement still s remains s effective a at Moorfields s with the diversion of 998% of our waste streams fro om landfill, 80% recycled and 18% % to waste to t energy in ncineration. w details the e waste vol umes and segregation s n percentagees as from April 2014 The waste chart below 015. – March 20 The segre egation of th he cardboa ard waste sstream has now been removed. T The previous processs showed no o financial benefits. Cardboard C n now goes into i the general wastee stream, this t is then n recycled a at the transsfer station. This has created much m neede ed extra sppace within the waste e compound and will se ee annual sa avings with the reduction of contra acted mainttenance cos sts. 4.12 Trans sport Serviices The Head d of Facilities implemented a S upplier Relationship Managemeent (SRM) process to o improve th he overall pe erformance e of the tran nsport contrract. Over th he past 12 months we have seen n a major im mprovementt of service e as a resu ult of this strategy s and d rigorous contract managementt reviews en ngaging within clinica al stakehold ders. On average a we are trans porting 160 00 patientss (inbound) a and 1500 patients (outtbound) perr month. Thiis equates to t 37,906 joourneys perr annum. Below is an overview of activity and a perform mance for the patient tra ansport conntract for the e past 12 months: Table 1 - L Late failure es (inbound d numbers) s) P a g e 14 4 Estates & Faacilities bian nnual reportt Late failure es (outboun nd numberrs) Table 2 - L 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Latee Failures Outtbound As can be seen from the t above table there h has been a major decliine in failurees despite a 14% increase in n patient numbers. This s will contin nue to be ma anaged effe ectively movving forward d. preting Serrvices 4.13 Interp urced interp preting and translation framework agreement continues tto provide a high The outsou quality com mmunication n support to o our patien nts with no KPI K failures reported, aacross all sittes. A strategy is being de eveloped witth the outco ome to mov ve over to te elephone intterpreting which w would d uction in spe end whilst maintaining m the service level agree ements. Wee are due to o start see a redu trialling at Moorfields over o the next two montths. Once complete c a plan will bee developed to roll out across the Trust wherre possible. 4.14 Frontt of House – Switchbo oard and R Reception The Front of House de epartment continues c to o be perform ming adequately in all aareas. Telecoms o the teleco oms perform mance year--to-date. Below is a summary of Total calls per annum = 237,775 Total calls answered = 222,964 (94%) ( d = 14,811(6 6%) Total calls abandoned SLA1 – Ca alls answere ed within 15 5 seconds = 69% SLA2 – Ca alls answere ed within 60 0 seconds = 92% 4 calls were e abandoned d within the first 60 secconds of wa aiting. This It is important to note that 11,914 ator that the ese calls we ere abandon ned for one e of the following reasoons: is an indica P a g e 15 5 nnual reportt Estates & Faacilities bian Callls not being g answered d by individu ual staff members/depa artments annd ending back at main reception n ansferred ba ack to the m main receptiion Callls being tra Voiice recognittion issues ging System m Crash Pag Due to a ffew faults with w the crash paging ssystem we have now implement a primary, secondaryy and back u up process. The prima ary and seccondary are e the same system annd the back-up system m utilises the e DECT pho ones. ew complaints receive ed regarding g messages s not being clear at ceertain time the Head off Due to a fe Facilities commission ned a com mplete wa alk round of the en ntire site uusing Athe ena Mobile e manufactured on the Moorfields Site Frequ uency. This was to identify any arreas of poo or coverage e using the existing tra ansmitter network. It w was found that the tw wo existing transmitterrs provided d adequate ccoverage from the 1st and 2nd Flo ver the signal started too degrade once o on the e oors howev Ground Flo oor (A&E an nd RDCEC)) and in the Basement areas. d the system m to ensure consistent coverage across a the whole w hosppital would cost c around d To expand £32k. Follo owing a review of this report r a Bussiness Case e can be su ubmitted if reequired. 4.15 Caterring ummary of the key points within ccatering ove er the reportting period. Below is su e-Procure ement The eProcurement syystem contin nues to dem monstrate co osts savings s for the Truust. Below is a 12 month repo ort. Below iss a snap sh hot of the m ain dashboard flowed by a 12 moonth breakdo own of savings ma ade to the Trust T P a g e 16 6 Estates & Facilities biannual report Below is the latest spends and rebates of procured foods. Date May‐15 Apr‐15 Mar‐15 Feb‐15 Jan‐15 Dec‐14 Nov‐14 Oct‐14 Sep‐14 Aug‐14 Jul‐14 Jun‐14 Total Spend £13,695.26 £14,578.97 £14,489.47 £12,803.10 £15,167.79 £20,629.29 £15,790.82 £15,036.06 £15,892.92 £14,278.38 £18,517.09 £12,436.41 Client Rebate £ £3,348.53 £3,459.07 £3,359.74 £2,777.15 £3,574.52 £3,528.37 £3,774.00 £3,317.40 £3,909.31 £3,302.71 £4,634.23 £2,563.25 Client Rebate % 24.5% 23.7% 23.2% 21.7% 23.6% 17.1% 23.9% 22.1% 24.6% 23.1% 25.0% 20.6% TOTAL £183,315.56 £41,548.28 22.8% Food Hygiene Audit There have been no EHO visits in the past 12 months or nothing to report on in terms of any operational or compliance risks within this area. A catering audit was completed in February 2015 with no issues identified that are a cause of concern. A program to rectify issues was implemented and will be continually monitored. This will be an ongoing process to ensure full compliance against all polices and processes within the trust. Retail Below is the annual summary statement for the Costa Coffee Shop. Month April May June July August September October November December January February March PTotal a g e 17 From To 27/03/14 24/04/14 22/05/14 26/06/14 24/07/14 21/08/14 26/09/14 30/10/14 27/11/14 01/01/15 29/01/15 26/02/15 23/04/14 21/05/14 25/06/14 23/07/14 20/08/14 20/08/14 29/10/14 26/11/14 31/12/14 28/01/15 25/02/15 01/04/15 Turnover Turnover Rent @15% Base Rent 57,734.66 41,446.42 43,462.91 52,808.65 40,120.87 40,011.80 51,660.03 57,063.13 44,997.43 50,396.99 44,870.58 45,770.67 8,660.20 6,216.96 6,519.44 7,921.30 6,018.13 6,001.77 7,749.00 8,559.47 6,749.61 7,559.55 6,730.59 6,865.60 5,416.67 5,416.67 5,416.67 5,416.67 5,416.67 5,416.67 5,416.67 5,416.67 5,416.67 5,416.67 5,416.67 5,416.67 570,344.14 85,551.62 65,000.00 Turnover rent due: 20,551.62 Estates & Facilities biannual report 4.16 Telecoms Following on from implementing Call Centres within Private Patients and replacing the main Switchboard, Contact Centre 59R was expanded to the following departments: Booking Centre Moorfields Direct Optometry Outpatients Private Patients Additional to the above we will be soon be going live with Contact Centre 59R within the Portering and Transport Departments to improve communication with our services. Facilities have set up a reporting spreadsheet that has now been handed over to Performance and Information to continue reporting. Such that all departments can now be effectively reported on. Queue Buster (funded within the main project) has now been implemented within Private Patients and Moorfields Direct. This allows callers the option to be automatically called back after waiting a set period of time. This is aimed at improving the patent experience when calling our organisation. In April 2017 Unify will no longer maintain the main ISDX phone system at City Road. A strategy and options analysis will be completed and presented in due course. Short and long terms goals will need to be consider as part of this project. Voice over IP (VOIP) phones have been implemented within the Kemp House areas. Contracts have been moved over from BT retail to Southern Communications. Estimated savings are approximately £25K per annum. This will see an improved service for fault reporting, business continuity and detailed online reporting. This will also see a mass reduction of invoice processing. 4.17 Mandatory Compliance Below are the details for the Estates and Facilities mandatory training levels. Overall Facilities are 80.8% complaint. 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% P a g e 18 Catering Portering Front of House Management Estates & Facilities biannual report Work is ongoing with the HR Department to clarify the profiles and course requirements for estates staff and focus is being placed on this area. 4.18 Sustainability As per the previous report a revised Sustainable Development Strategy for the Health and Care System 2014 – 2020 was released in January 2014. A review of the process has been completed and we are now in a position to start engaging key stakeholders within the organisation to improve our sustainability credentials. To support these requirements a revised Sustainable Development Management Plan (SDMP) has been developed and is currently in draft format for review. This document, once reviewed, will be launched and the implementation phase started. Within the SDMP it is the intention to use the NHS Good Corporate Citizen Model to ensure that each aspect of sustainability is embedded within Moorfields Eye Hospital’s operations and activities. A maturity matrix has been created to gauge current progress, set milestones and track progress over the coming years. The Good Corporate Citizen Model covers 11 key activity areas: Transport; Procurement; Facilities Management; Workforce; Community Engagement; Partnership and Planning; Buildings; Climate Change Adaptation; Resource use, scarcity and continuity; Social and community impacts; Models of care. In order to discuss these requirements in detail, a communication to all key stakeholders has been sent. Following this, the Sustainability Steering Group will be reinstated to lead and manage this process. Progress will be reported in the six-monthly/annual Board Reports and Boards Sustainability Papers. To support this process a full review of all policies and procedures relating to Sustainability has been completed. These are managed through a Sustainable Management Framework using the principles of Environment Management System ISO 140001. This includes the following policies: Environmental Policy; Energy Policy; Water Policy; Food Policy; Information Technology Policy; Procurement Policy; Travel Policy; Waste Policy. P a g e 19 Estates & Faacilities bian nnual reportt ctivities with h the roll ouut of LED lig ghting, plantt In addition Moorfields continues its carbon rreduction ac on and the installation of voltage optimisatio on. In order to measure re and veriffy predicted d optimisatio energy, ca arbon and cost c savings s an Energyy Monitorin ng Dashboa ard has beeen created. An excerptt illustrating energy savvings made over the pa ast three mo onths can be b found bellow. P a g e 20 0