A) B) G A A C T C G A T A Sugar− phosphate backbone A T C G 5´ 3´ 3´ 5´ G C G C A T C T T G A G C T G C A T GC A T T A A T C G T A C G C G 3´ 5´ 5´ 3´ Hydrogen bond Figure 1.1 A) DNA double helix. Each sequence is linked together by a sugar-phosphate backbone, and complementary sequences are held together by hydrogen bonds. 30 and 50 refer to the orientation of the DNA: one end of a sequence has an unreacted 50 phosphate group, and the other end has an unreacted 30 hydroxyl group. B) Denatured (single-stranded) DNA showing the two complementary sequences. DNA becomes denatured following the application of heat or certain chemicals DNA Transcription rRNA mRNA (ribosomal) (messenger) tRNA (transfer) Ribosome Translation Protein Figure 1.2 DNA codes for RNA via transcription, and RNA codes for proteins via translation Individual 1 Individual 2 Locus 1 Locus 2 Locus 3 Locus 1 Locus 2 Locus 3 Allele A Allele A Allele A Allele B Allele B Allele A Allele A Allele B Allele A Allele B Allele C Allele B Figure 1.3 Diagrammatic representation of part of a chromosome, showing which alleles are present at three loci. Individual 1 is homozygous at loci 1 and 3 (AA in both cases), and heterozygous at locus 2 (AB). Individual 2 is homozygous at locus 1 (BB ), and heterozygous at locus 2 (BC ) and locus 3 (AB ) NTS ETS ITS1 18S 5.8S ITS2 28S Figure 1.4 Diagram showing the arrangement of the nuclear ribosomal DNA gene family as it occurs in animals. The regions coding for the 5.8S, 18S, and 28S subunits of rRNA are shown by bars; NTS ¼ non-transcribed spacer, ETS ¼ external transcribed spacer, ITS ¼ internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2. The entire array is repeated many times 3´ 5´ Replication fork 3´5´ 3´ 5´ 3´ 5´ 3´ 5´ 3´5´ Figure 1.5 During DNA replication, nucleotides are added one at a time to the strand that grows in a 50 to 30 direction. In eukaryotes, replication is bi-directional and can be initiated at multiple sites by a primer (a short segment of DNA) Locus 1 Locus 2 Locus 3 Locus 1 Locus 2 Locus 3 Allele A Allele B Allele C Allele A Allele bB Allele Allele C Allele a Allele b Allele c Allele a Allele Bb Allele Allele c Figure 1.6 Recombination at the gene level, after which the gene sequence at chromosome 1 changes from ABC to AbC. Recombination often involves only part of a gene, which typically leads to the generation of a unique allele Comparison between harbour seal and grey seal Comparison between fin whale and blue whale Comparison between mouse and rat Percentage sequence divergence 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Pairwise comparisons of 18 different mitochondrial regions Figure 1.7 Sequence divergence based on pairwise comparisons of 18 different randomly numbered regions of mtDNA for i) members of two different genera from the same family: harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) and grey seal (Halichoerus grypus); ii) members of the same genus: fin whale (Balaenopter physalus) and blue whale (B. musculus); and iii) members of two different families: mouse (Mus musculus) and rat (Rattus norvegicus). As we might expect, sequence divergences are highest in the comparison between families (mouse and rat). However, contrary to what we might expect, the congeneric whale species are genetically less similar to one another than are the two seal genera. This is an example of how taxonomic relationships do not always provide a useful guide to overall genetic similarities. Data from Lopez et al. (1997) and references therein Source Credit: Lopez, J. V., Culver, M., Stephens, J. C., Johnson, W. E. and O’Brien., S. J. 1997. Rates of nuclear and cytoplasmic mitochondrial DNA sequence divergence in mammals. Molecular Biology and Evolution 14: 277–286. Step 3. DNA extension Step 2. Annealing primers Step 3. DNA extension Step 2. Annealing primers Step 1. Denaturation Reverse primer Step 1. Denaturation Original DNA sequence Figure 1.8 The first two cycles in a PCR reaction. Solid black lines represent the original DNA template, short grey lines represent the primers, and hatched lines represent DNA fragments that have been synthesized in the PCR reaction Forward primer Original template DNA Primer Newly synthesized DNA mouse CGGTCGAACTTGACTATCTAGAGGAAGTAAAAGTCGTAACAAGGTTTCCGTAGGTGAACCTGCGGAAGGA frog CGATCAAACTTGACTATCTAGAGGAAGTAAAAGTCGTAACAAGGTTTCCGTAGGTGAACCTGCGGAAGGA chicken GAGTGTGAATTGAGTATGTAGAGGAAGTAAAAGTCGTAAGAAGGTTTCCGTAGGTGAACCTGCGGAAGGA Figure 1.9 Partial sequence of 28S rDNA showing homology in mouse (Mus musculus; Michot et al., 1982), frog (Xenopus laevis; Furlong and Maden, 1983), and chicken (Gallus domesticus; Azad and Deacon, 1980). All sites except for those in bold are identical in all three species Source Credits: Azad, A. A. and Deacon, N. J. 1980. The 30-terminal primary structure of five eukaryotic 18S rRNAs determined by the direct chemical method of sequencing. Nucleic Acids Research 8: 4365–4376. Furlong, J. C. and Maden, B. E. 1983. Patterns of major divergence between the internal transcribed spacers of ribosomal DNA in Xenopus borealis and Xenopus laevis and of minimal divergence within ribosomal coding regions. EMBO Journal 2: 443–448. Michot, B., Bachellerie, J. P., Raynal, F. and Renalier, M. H. 1982. Sequence of the 30 -terminal domain of mouse 18S rRNA. Conservation of structural features with other pro- and eukaryotic homologs. FEBS Letters 142: 260–266 Negative electrode Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Lane 5 Lane 6 Wells into which samples are loaded Size markers (bases) 500 400 300 200 100 Positive electrode Figure 1.10 A representation of an agarose gel after DNA fragments have been stained with ethidium bromide. Lanes 1 and 6 are size markers – note that the smaller fragments migrate through the gel more rapidly, and therefore further, than the larger fragments, which is why fragments of different sizes will separate at a predictable rate. The samples in lanes 2 and 5 have a single band of just over 400 bases long. The sample in lane 3 has two bands that are both close to 200 bases long, and in lane 4 the two bands are close to 100 and 300 bases long G Increase in fragment size (bases) 10 A T C AGGCATCGTA 9 AGGCATCGT 8 AGGCATCG 7 AGGCATC 6 AGGCAT 5 AGGCA 4 AGGC 3 AGG 2 AG 1 A Figure 1.11 A representation of a sequencing gel. Reactions were loaded into the lanes labeled G, A, T, and C, depending on which nucleotide was present in the dideoxyribose form. Since the smallest fragments migrate most rapidly, we can work from the bottom to the top of the gel to generate the cumulative sequences that are shown on the right hand side