Sumi Helal, University of Florida, USA Cloud

Sumi Helal, University of Florida, USA
Cloud-Sensor Architectures for the Internet of Things
Recent advances in IoT and pervasive and ubiquitous computing provide
a glimpse into the future of our planet and reveal exciting visions of smart
many things: smart cities, smart homes, smart cars, in addition to smart
spaces such as malls, workplaces, hotels, schools, and much more. Driven
by a technological revolution offering “low-power many things and wireless
almost everything,” we could, in only a decade, envision and prototype
impressive smart space systems that improve quality of life, enhance
awareness of resources and the environment, and enrich users’ experience.
But prototyping is one thing and actual large-scale deployments is another.
The massive scale of sensors and devices that will be deployed in highly populated smart cities of the future will
be mind bugling.
Without an ecosystem and a scalable architecture in place, it will be extremely difficult to manage or program
such an expanding and massive IoT. In this talk, I will introduce the Cloud-Edge-Beneath (CEB) architecture and
present its salient scalability features. I will also present an event-driven programming model based on CEB and
show how the model and CEB combined foster a much-needed IoT programmability ecosystem. Finally, I will
present a validation study demonstrating CEB’s scaling behavior in face of IoT expansion and under dynamically
increasing loads.
Sumi Helal is Professor in the CISE Department at the University of Florida,
and Director of its Mobile and Pervasive Computing Laboratory. He is co-founder
and Director of the Gator Tech Smart House, a large project that aims to identify
key barriers and corresponding technological solutions to make the Smart Home
concept a common place (creating the “Smart Home in a Box” concept). He has
recently been awarded a Finland Distinguished Professorship - FiDiPro (20112014) and a Senior Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Studies at the
University of Bologna, Italy.
His active areas of research focus on pervasive and ubiquitous systems and their
human-centric applications. Specifically he and his research team investigate
middleware, programming models and methodologies, and architectural issues to
define and support the entire lifecycle of smart spaces. More recently, he and his
students have been exploring architectural and ecosystem issues surrounding the
emerging IoT. From 2001-2207, Professor Helal served as Director of Technology
Development of the University of Florida Rehabilitation Engineering Research
Center (RERC) on Aging and Independence. He is co-founder of the IEEE
Pervasive Computing magazine and has served on its editorial board since 2002.
He recently served as IEEE Pervasive Computing’s Associate Editor-in-Chief.
He currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Computer magazine, the
Computer Society’s flagship and premier publication. He founded two startups:
Phoneomena, Inc. (2002-2007) and Pervasa, Inc., (2006-2011) and is inventor or
co-inventor on 9 published US patents. Professor Helal is a Fellow of the IEEE.
Sumi Helal
• Fellow of IEEE
• EIC of IEEE Computer
• Founder of two
startup companies,
Phoneomena, Inc and
Pervasa, Inc.
• Co-founder and
Director of the Gator
Tech Smart House
at the University of