Fall 2016 - Associate Chair Home

Cloud Computing and Storage
8/22/16, 11:52 PM
EEL 6761: Cloud Computing and Storage (Fall
We will use all kinds of cloud resources for the course projects, including GENI, NSF Cloud,
Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Microsoft Cloud, and GatorCloud. We appreciate the
support from the National Science Foundation grants, Amazon AWS in Education Faculty grant,
GENI and GENI Rack grants, and other cloud providers.
We are using the e-learning course management system, https://lss.at.ufl.edu/
(http://elearning.ufl.edu/). Go to the Learning Support Services homepage, click “e-Learning
Login” button, and enter your GatorLink username and password.
Dr. Xiaolin (Andy) Li
Office: NEB 433
Office Hours: TR 1pm-2pm
Email: andyli-at-ece (suffix .ufl.edu)
Web: http://www.andyli.ece.ufl.edu/
Teaching Assistants:
Mr. Rajendra Bhat
Office: NEB 406
Office Hours: TR 2pm-3pm
Email: rbhat-at-ufl (suffix .edu)
Mr. Fujun Liu
Office: NEB 350
Office Hours: MW 2pm-3pm
Email: fujunliu-at-ufl (suffix .edu)
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Class Meeting Time and Place:
Time: T 3pm-3:50pm, 4:05pm-4:55pm; R 4:05pm-4:55pm
Place: 330 Larsen Hall
Course Objective and Description:
Using large-scale computing systems to solve data-intensive realworld problems has become
indispensable for many scientific and engineering disciplines. This course provides a broad
introduction to cloud computing, focusing on system architecture, programming models,
algorithmic design, and big data applications. Selected scientific applications will be used as
case studies.
Prerequisite: introduction to programming or data structures and algorithms (EEL4834 or
equivalent), and Principles of Computer System Design (EEL-5934 or equivalent) or
computer architecture (EEL5764 or equivalent), proficiency in Java or others (Go, Scala,
Python), or instructor approval.
Hadoop: The Definitive Guide (4th Edition), Tom White, O'Reilly Media, 2015.
Other References:
Many recent papers in leading conferences/journals
Hadoop YARN, Addison Wesley, 2014
Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce, Jimmy Lin and Chris Dyer, 2010. (PDF version
available online)
Cloud Computing for Data Intensive Applications, X. Li and J. Qiu (Eds.), Springer, 2014.
Amazon Web Services in Action, 2015.
Advanced Analytics with Spark: Patterns for Learning from Data at Scale, Sandy Ryza, Uri
Laserson, Sean Owen, Josh Wills, O'Reilly Media, 2015.
The Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery, Tony Hey, Stewart Tansley, and Kristine
Tolle, Microsoft Research, 2009. (PDF version available online)
The Go Programming Language, Alan A.A. Donovan and Brian W. Kernighan, Addison-Wesley,
Functional Programming in Scala, Paul Chiusano and Runar Bjarnason, Manning, 2014.
Python Essential Reference, David M. Beazley, Addison-Wesley, 2009.
Course Homepage:
Course Outline (tentative):
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Introduction and Overview
Programming Paradigms
Introduction to Hadoop, YARN, Spark
Algorithm Design and Implementation in MapReduce
Runtime Management
Cloud Systems and Frameworks
Consistency and Coordination
NoSQL and NewSQL
Intelligent Platforms
Case Study
Grading Policies:
Class participation and contribution (bonus): 5%
Homework assignments, reading summary, and paper presentation: 40%
Programming assignments (30%)
Reading Summaries (5%)
Paper Presentation (5%)
Course Project: 60%
Proposal (5%)
Midterm Presentation (10%)
Final Presentation (10%)
Code, Demo, Documentation, and Teamwork (Asana and GitHub) (15%)
Final Report (20%)
Note: Homework and programming assignments are due by 11:59pm of the due date (unless
announced in class otherwise). Late homework (non-programming) will NOT be accepted.
Late program penalty is 10% per day, according to the timestamp of your online submission.
Only when verifiable extenuating circumstances can be demonstrated will extended
assignment due dates be considered. Verifiable extenuating circumstances must be reasons
beyond control of the students, such as illness or accidental injury. Poor performance in class
is not an extenuating circumstance. Inform your instructor of the verifiable extenuating
circumstances in advance or as soon as possible. In such situations, the date and nature of the
extended due dates for the assignments will be decided by the instructor.
Attendance Policy:
Attendance is required. Students are responsible for any material covered in class. Lots of the
materials covered in class will not be in the textbook. Announcements about homework,
projects, programming assignments, etc. may be made in class or online or by emails.
Students are encouraged to check the course Sakai system regularly.
Collaboration Policy:
Discussion of techniques and ideas covered in class is encouraged. However, every line of all
assignments must be your own (or your team's). In programming assignments, discussion of
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techniques in a natural language (such as English) is allowed, but a discussion in a computer
or algorithmic language is not allowed. (Computer language discussions and questions are to
be limited to the language and should not concern the assignment.) Stealing, giving or
receiving any code, drawings, diagrams, texts or designs (from others or Internet) is not
allowed. Project reports should be written in your own words; apparent copy (ONE sentence
or more) is assumed as plagiarism, if not quoted. Students who do not comply with the
above described collaboration policy will receive a grade of F in the course. Furthermore, the
case will be reported to the University Officials.
Honesty Policy
All students admitted to the University of Florida have signed a statement of academic
honesty committing themselves to be honest in all academic work and understanding that
failure to comply with this commitment will result in disciplinary action. This statement is a
reminder to uphold your obligation as a UF student and to be honest in all work submitted
and exams taken in this course and all others.
Accommodation for Students with Disabilities
Students Requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Dean of Students
Office. That office will provide the student with documentation that he/she must provide to
the course instructor when requesting accommodation.
UF Counseling Services
Resources are available on-campus for students having personal problems or lacking clear
career and academic goals. The resources include:
* University Counseling Center, 301 Peabody Hall, 392-1575, Personal and Career
* SHCC mental Health, Student Health Care Center, 392-1171, Personal and
* Center for Sexual Assault/Abuse Recovery and Education (CARE), Student Health
Care Center, 392-1161, sexual assault counseling.
* Career Resource Center, Reitz Union, 392-1601, career development assistance and
Software Use
All faculty, staff and student of the University are required and expected to obey the laws and
legal agreements governing software use. Failure to do so can lead to monetary damages
and/or criminal penalties for the individual violator. Because such violations are also against
University policies and rules, disciplinary action will be taken as appropriate. We, the
members of the University of Florida community, pledge to uphold ourselves and our peers
to the highest standards of honesty and integrity.
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