Financial Delegation Governing Body to Headteacher

Financial Delegation
Governing Body to
JAN 2015
UCPS Financial Delegation from Governing Body to
Review Frequency
Three years
Review date
June 2018
Governing Committee
Finance Resources and Buildings
Governor Approval (date)
21st April 2015
Staff Responsible
James Biddulph
Date Produced
January 2015
1. The Governing Body is responsible for the overall management of the school’s delegated
budget. The following powers are delegated to the Headteacher James Biddulph by the
Governing Body of The University of Cambridge Primary School
i. To authorise the placing of orders and subsequent payments for individual items up to
the sum £5,000, as long as the relevant budget is not exceeded;
ii. To authorise payment for utilities (gas, electricity, water, telephone) and for staff salaries;
iii. To authorise service level agreements with service providers as agreed by the Governing
iv. To authorise petty cash payments up to the approved limit of £100 for cash;
v. To authorise the placing of pre-approved credit card orders up to the sum £1,000;
vi. To sign cheques as a dual-signatory following completion of all authorisation and approval
vii. To collect income including that from lettings and pay this money into the schools official
viii. To vire funds from one centre to another up to the sum of £5,000
ix. To authorise payments of any value for capital projects where the capital budget and
payment schedule has been duly approved by the Governing Body and Trustees.
2. Where sums to be spent on individual items exceed £5,000, or where greater than £5,000 are to
be vired from one cost centre to another, the Headteacher requires the authorisation of the
Chair of Governors (or Vice–Chair in his/her absence) and shall inform the Governing Body (or
appropriate sub-committee) at the next meeting. Where time allows the order or virement will
be delayed until after the Governing Body has been consulted.
All the above is set out in the School’s Purchasing and Procurement matrix, which should be
followed at all times.
3. The Headteacher shall report to the Governing Body on the preparation of the annual budget in
the Summer Term of each year. The proposed budget should be prepared in May/June of each
year once the sums allocated to the school are known. This shall be presented to the Governing
Body for approval at the first possible opportunity and by the third week in June at the latest.
4. The Headteacher is responsible for monitoring the individual approved budgets and will under
normal circumstances keep spending within the overall budget. The Headteacher will notify the
Governing Body of any potential under or overspend as part of regular monitoring report to
each meeting of the Finance Resources and Buildings Committee.
5. The Headteacher shall be responsible for the security of the schools finance system and
documents relating to income, expenditure, assets and liabilities.
6. The Headteacher may delegate the initiation of orders to named members of the staff (budget
holders) and report these to Governors for information. They will be able to initiate placing of
orders under the delegated cost centre heading so long as the relevant budget is not exceeded.
However, if any single item costing £100 or more is to be purchased this has to be agreed with
the Headteacher before the order is placed. Official orders will still be authorised by the
Headteacher in accordance with these delegations.
7. The Headteacher will arrange for inventory and fixed asset records to be maintained.
8. The Headteacher will be responsible for monitoring and controlling the School
Development/Improvement Plan.
9. The system of delegation will be reviewed annually in the Autumn Term. The delegation of
powers to named individuals shall be cancelled if any of the named individual’s leaves or is
deemed necessary by the Headteacher or Governing Body.
10. To ensure proper financial control the Headteacher will ensure that a single person shall not
raise an official order for an item, and authorise its payment.
11. The Headteacher shall ensure that the School’s financial procedures are carried out in
accordance with the latest Academies Financial Handbook, DfE Funding Agreement and control
procedures and policies signed off by the Governing Body.
12. Where the Headteacher is aware of, or suspects, any financial irregularity the Headteacher shall
inform the Accounting Officer of the Trust (who is the Chair) and the Finance, Resources and
Buildings Committee of the University of Cambridge Primary School. If required and appropriate,
the Headteacher should follow whistleblowing procedure
Signed by Chair of Governors John Rallison
27th March 2015
I accept the responsibilities delegated to me:Signed by Headteacher
James Biddulph
27th March 2015