MICRO/NANO HIERA ARCHICAL STRUCTURE IN MICR ROCHANNEL HEAT SINK FOR BOILING ENHANCEMENT Z.Yao1, Y-W. Lu2 and S.G. Kandlikar1 1 Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, USA A 2 National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan studied and it is found that byy creating uniform SiNW arrays in the microchannel, the surface hierarchy is capable of providing a significant high heat flux at low wall superheat. ABSTRACT Uniform SiNW structures were fabrricated for the first time on the top, bottom and sidew wall surfaces of microchannel heat sinks by using a twoo-step electro-less etching process. The micro/nano hierrarchical structure yields superior boiling heat transfer performance. p Its maximum heat flux is improved byy 150% over the microchannel-only heat sink and 400% over o a plain silicon surface. These results provide a new w insight into the boiling mechanism for microchannel heat sinks using hierarchical structures. EXPERIMENTAL To create SiNW on the microchannel m samples, the process involves two steps: (11) microchannel fabrication and (2) SiNW formation. Thheir detail procedures were described in Fig. 1(a) ~ (d) andd as follows: Microchannel fabrication The fabrication process annd geometry of the pattern are shown in Fig.1 (a) and (b). To create the microchannel samples, a <100> p-type silicoon wafer was first cleaned with piranha and BOE soluutions to remove organic residues and native oxide from m substrates, and then rinsed by deionzed (DI) water. The wafer w was dehydrated at 150 °C. A 6-μm thick photoresist (SPR220, Megaposit) was P, Laurell) on the silicon spin-coated (WS-400BZ-6NPP wafer and used as the maskingg material for the following silicon etching process. After thhe wafer was soft baked, the wafer was photolithographicaally-patterned by using the mask aligner (EVG620, EV Grroup), developed in TMAH, and hard baked. INTRODUCTION Heat transfer with liquid-vapor phhase change over microchannels offers extremely high heat fluxes. It mal management of therefore attracts great attention in therm microelectronics, as continuous minimization m in microelectronic components requiress superior heat dissipation ability in small and conffined spaces. A microchannel heat sink possesses many unique properties that are highly preferred for cooling high heat fluxes. a superior heat Those include enhanced heat transfer area, transfer characteristics due to phase change c of coolant inside the channels and minimal coolaant usage. Recent studies have shown that critical heat fluuxes can reach as high as 1500 W/cm2 with flow boiling of water in microchannel configurations [1] and forr pool boiling, the enhanced microchannel surface allso demonstrates promising result in enhancing HTC annd CHF [2]. To pursue ultra-high heat fluxes is therrefore the major motivation for this work. The boiling process is generally enhanced by the m nano-size following factors: (1) existence of micro-or cavities for nucleation initiation, (2) suurface protrusions that create more active heat transfer areea, and (3) porous surface that allows fluid inflow to keepp nucleation active [3]. The nanowire structure representts a new class of materials that show the above attributtes which can be exploited to promote boiling perform mance. Nanowire structures create many folders of cavities, which provide more active bubble nucleation sites and heat transfer area. Due to the thermal pin fin effect, the effeective heat transfer area of nanowire structures is much largger than the one of plain surfaces. The surface coated withh silicon nanowire (SiNW) was reported to increase both the CHF and the f surfaces [4, 5]. HTC by more than 100%, compared to flat Therefore, it is of great to employ nanowire structures on mirochannel surfaces to further enhance boiling performance. This paper discusses our approach to fabricate uniform nanowire structture in silicon microchannel surfaces, including top, boottom and sidewall areas. The boiling performance of thhe microchannel / nanowire hierarchical structures of thhe heat sink was 978-1-4673-0325-5/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE Figure 1: (a) ~ (b) Microchannnel fabrication process flow, (c) ~ (d) SiNW synthesis on miccrochannel. The sample was anisotroppically etched by using the inductively coupled plasma machine m (MESC Multiplex ICP, STS). An array of microochannels (height = 100μm, width = 100 μm, pitch = 200 μm, length = 2 mm) were obtained and the remaining phootoresist was removed. The probe-type surface analyzzer (ET4000A, Kosaka Laboratory Ltd) was empployed to confirm the microchannel geometrical dim mensions as designed. The sample was then diced into 20 × 20 mm2 chips by using the dicing saw (DS-150 II, Everpreecision). 285 MEMS 2012, Paris, FRANCE, 29 January - 2 February 2012 top and bottom areas, as theey are created at different etching steps. At the top andd bottom area, cavities and openings were observed between b SiNW bundles, providing ideal active bubblee nucleation sites for pool boiling. The SiNW structure att the sidewall area enhanced active heat transfer area annd functioned as wicking structure to provide capillary foorce. The average height of SiNW on top/bottom surface is about 10 ~ 15 µm with a diameter ranging from 10 ~ 50 nm. For SiNW on sidewall surface, the average height is 100 µm with a diameter of ~80 nm. SiNW fabrication on Microchannel S electroless Our SiNW process facilitated SiNW etching processes. In general, this SiNW W etching process was crystalline-direction dependent; it haad different SiNW formation when different etching condittions were applied [7]. Therefore, a two-step etching process was necessary when there were more than one crystalliine direction in the microchannel samples – <100> crystallinne direction for the top and bottom of the microchannel annd <110> for the sidewall of the microchannel when a {1000} silicon wafer is used. As shown in Fig. 1 (c) and (d)), our first SiNW etching step promoted the SiNW etchhing at the <100> direction, which was realized by immerssing the samples in 5M HF and 0.02 M AgNO3 at room tem mperature. In this etching step, the deposited Ag+ was redduced into Ag0 by injecting positive holes (h+) into the bulkk silicon because of the high positive redox level of Ag/A Ag+. Silicon was oxidized into SiO2 and consequently dissolved by HF. As the SiO2 removal was associated with the number of its back bonds and the density of back bonds b in different crystal planes increased with the order of {100}<{110}<{111}. Therefore, at the equilibrium state, the etching preferred <100> direction, where least back bonds to break, results in SiNW onnly in the <100> direction, as shown in Fig. 2(a). The siidewall surface of {110} was little affected in the first etchiing step. Surface wettability r to enhance the SiNW structure was reported wettability on plain silicon surffaces [8]. By improving the hydrophilicity, bubble nucleatiion during the pool boiling process is promoted and the CHF C is increased to prevent dry out. The micro/nano hierarchy h demonstrates the hydrophilic property (contact anngle ~ 0), as indicated in the contact angle measurement in Fig. F 3. 2 µL droplets of DI water were dispensed on microchannel-only and microchannel with SiNW suurfaces, respectively. For microchannel-only surface, thee measured contact angle of water is 150°, as the droplet waas suspended by the air-gap inside the channel. For the microchannel with SiNW surface, the droplet spreads throough and across the channel surface, showing completely-w wetting property. Figure 3: Contact angle of (a)) microchannel surface and (b) microchannel with SiNW suurface The surface hydrophiliciity may attribute to the capillary wicking induced by the t micro/nano hierarchical structure. The capillary wickiing supplies fresh liquid to the dry region beneath the vappor bubbles during boiling, delaying the irreversible growthh of hot spots and CHF. Pool boiling test setup To study the pool boiiling performance of the hierarchical structure, an expperimental setup shown in Fig.4 was employed [8]. The test t samples were mounted on an insulated and sealed coppper block. A 450 W capacity cartridge heater served as thhe major heating element. Three K-type thermocouples, placed p along the axis of the copper block, were used to measure the temperature gradient through the top of the heater. The thermocouples were 8 mm apart and the first onne (T1) was 3 mm below the top copper surface. DI wateer was used as the boiling liquid. Sufficient time was givven to remove dissolved air before commencing the test. Periodically between the tests, p for replenishment. An more water was added to the pool auxiliary heater (100W) was used u to maintain the water temperature in the reservoir at 100°C. The temperature of water was monitored by a K-typpe thermocouple (T4). After water was kept in saturation teemperature for 30 min, the Figure 2: SEM images of (a) microchannnel sidewall area after the 1st etching step, (b) sidewall area after the 2nd etching step, (c) top area after the 2nd ettching step and (d) bottom area after the 2nd etching step. To create SiNW on the sidewall witthout affecting the structure in the other areas, H2O2 was introduced in the second NW etching step to alter the etchhing direction into <110>. The solution contained HF/H2O2 with 2:1 molar ratio. High concentration of H2O2 wouuld generate large amount of holes (h+) and significantlyy speeded up the removal of silicon atoms in the crystal planes, p where there were more silicon back bonds than {100}} plane to polarize, resulting in SiNW forming at the <110> direction. d Uniform SiNW structures on the sidewall, top annd bottom areas of the microchannels were successfully fabbricated thereafter, as shown in Fig. 2(b) ~ (d). The SiNW W branches at the sidewall surface were slightly different from the ones on 286 main heater was started and the powerr was increased in small increment. A LabView program m was created to display temperatures, determining w when the system reached a steady-state, and record the meeasurement data. RESULTS AND DISUSS SION The boiling characterrization of micro/nano hierarchical structure in miccrochannel heat sink was depicted in Fig. 5. The heat flux value was calculated based on the projected miccrochannel area. Boiling performance on the plain siliccon substrate was obtained and served as the primary conntrol for comparing boiling performance. For microchannel-only sample, the maximum heat flux recorded is 110 W/cm2 at 35K wall S in the microchannel superheat. By incorporating SiNW heat sink, the boiling incipieent wall superheat on the surface was found to be much lower l than that on the plain silicon surface as well as on o the microchannel-only surface. Figure 4: Schematic of boiling test fixtuure (a) Cartridge heater, (b) Ceramic block, (c) Testing chhip, (d) Gasket, (e) Polycarbonate visualization tube, (f) Auuxiliary heater, (g) K-type thermocouples, (h) Data acquuisition system, (i) Compression screws, (j) High speed camera and (k) Power supply. The heat flux was calculated froom the following equation: dT (1) dx The temperature gradient, dT/dx, was ccalculated using a three-point backward-difference Taylor series approximation showing below, q ' ' = −kcu dT 3T1 − 4T2 + T3 = dx 2Δx Figure 5: Boiling characterizaation of microchannel with SiNW surface, microchannel only surface and plain Si surface. (2) m heat flux of micro/nano Particularly, the maximum 2 hierarchy surface reached 164 W/cm W at 24 K superheat, an improvement of 150% over thee microchannel-only surface and 400% over a plain silicon surface. The heat transfer coefficient at 24K wall superrheat is 54.2 kW/m2·K for micro/nano hierarchy surfacee and 24.9 kW/m2·K for microchannel only surface, reppresenting more than 200% improvement. Those results are also among the highest m that, the chosen values. It is worthy to mention microchannel pattern may not be b the best configuration for boiling heat transfer; therefore, by optimizing the microchannel configuration, thhe boiling performance can be further improved. This study demonstrates thhat uniform SiNW structure can be created on microchannnel heat sink surfaces by a two-step etching process. Thee pool boiling heat transfer performance can be signifiicantly enhanced by the microchannel/nanowire hierarcchical structures. The SiNW enhanced the surface wettabilitty of the microchannel. The main findings of this study are summarized as follows: where T1, T2 and T3 are the temperatuures measured by thermocouples located at distances Δx = 8mm. The surface temperature of the microchannell, Ts, was obtained by calculating the heat flux through thee copper block, as well as the reading from thermocoupple T1, from the following equation, Ts = T1 − q" ( LCu L + Rt",c + Si ) K Cu K Si (3) where L and K represent material thickkness and thermal conductivity, respectively. R”t,c repressents the thermal contat resistance of the interface, whicch is found to be repeatedly 5 × 10-6 m2·K/W, with an unncertainty less than 4%, as calculated in our previous studdy [2]. The wall superheat ΔT is therefore obtained by ΔT = Ts − Tsat (4) 1. For boiling with water at standard atmosphere, the saturation temperature Tsat = 100°C. 287 A two-step synthesis proccess is developed to create uniform SiNW on the micrrochannel surface, including top, bottom and sidewall areas. a The average height of SiNW on the surface is aroound 10~15 µm. 2. 3. 4. The SiNW structures enhanced the surface wettability, making the microchannel surface super-hydrophilic. The testing results suggested that for pool boiling with water on the microchannel heat sink, heat transfer can be significantly enhanced by creating micro/nano hierarchical structures on the testing surfaces. The current silicon microchannel sample with SiNW structure yielded a heat flux of 164 W/cm2 at 24K wall superheat. This result is 400% improvement, compared to the plain silicon surface sample at the same wall superheat region. The boiling performance can be further enhanced by optimizing the microchannel configuration. REFERENCES [1] G.P.Celata, M. Cumo, M.A. Mariani, “Geometrical Effects on Sub-cooled Flow Boiling Critical Heat Flux”, Rev. Gen. Therm. 36, pp.807-814, 1997 [2] D. Cooke, S.G. Kandlikar, “Pool Boiling Heat Transfer and Bubble Dynamics over Plain and Enhanced Microchannels”, ASME J. Heat Trans, 133, pp. 052912-052919, 2011. [3] T.J. Hendricks, S. Krishnan, C. Choi, C-H. Chang, B. 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Sci., 50, pp. 2084-2090, 2011. Silicon is the most commonly used material in the semiconductor industry. The micro/nano hierarchical structure employed here are ready for future semiconductor cooling, thermal management and high-heat-flux energy conversion applications. The study of micro/nano-scale structure on pool boiling provides a new insight on effectively enhancing boiling heat transfer. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We thank Mr. P.C. Kao from National Taiwan University for preparing the microchannel samples. The collaborative project has been supported by National Science Council (NSC98-2218-E002-023-MY3) and National Science Foundation EPDT Grant (# 0802100). CONTACTS 1 S.G.Kandlikar, sgkeme@rit.edu; Y-W. Lu, yenwenlu@ntu.edu.tw 2 288