TUESDAY. JANUARY 22. 193a. THE DATLY NORASKAN FOUR ' . - - - - - a THE BENGAL LANCERS TAKE TIME OUT CAMIPIUS4&OIEW i i iiYlUVIt rorinri . mia ir ii..ww.7 I i ai a LINCOLN THEATRE CORP. TjNE IN JANUARY" ONE OF t ho latest tunes mul n very popuhi one during llio pnst three or four days perhaps it dicers si talents or else its humor seeuis jiimisinj;. We've even heiml people humming it as they I'ijjht aloiiy against tlie north Mast bat always seems to be sweeping that long stretch lu'twocn Teachers ami "Sosh." Cars won't run. Kvcryhoily is late getting everywhere they have to stop so many times t; try to get warm aiul still they're cold Did von know lliat at right o'clock- yes terday morning Mien you went 1o school it' you were lhai diligent the thermometer was registering exactly ten points when it's below lhe zero mark. There's only one consolation cold it's nice to stay inside, and when you stay inside you can study, nnd exams start Thursday so maybe this bit of Arctic weather Mas a gift straight from lieaven after all. 4?A 1 1 I U ii? I Hi?! I nl 'i ,' r ! sect t 1f j ,: cl - 5v JN v. o Amp W - .Si. . M f A WHAT'S DOING Tuesday. Omega alumnae, 1 o'clock luncheon with Miss Janice Mickey. Gamma Phi Beta mothers' club, 1 o'clock luncheon, chapter house. Delta Omicron alumnae with Mrs. F. L. Rogers, 8 Chi 25-3- 1. Completion of the first week of preliminary registration found the majority of colleges with a substantial increase over the estimates published at this time last year. The official final figures will not be available until the completion of registration with the paying of fees from Jan. Indicating that only a small number of students had signified their intention of dropping school by their failure to register, the reports from the deans' offices have Even proven very satisfactory. the usual last minute rush was conspicuous by its absence this year as the offices stated that the students came in steadily with little crowding and confusion which generally accompanies regis Gary Cooper, shown with Franchot Tone and Kathleen Burke, in one of the scenes from "The Lives of a Bengal Lancer" starting Thursday at the Stuart Theater. Four years in the making, this picture is -It comes to this city at popular 1935 s first roadshow attraction. p. m. prices. tion. Thursday. -t. Showing the largest Inci RECENTLY announced was the Chi Alpha Omega mothers' marwearing a snow suit of many over the preliminary regist...i. engagement and approaching club, chapter house, 2:30 shades of green. She went merrily last January, the college of busiriage of Lillian Benda of Odell to p. m. down the hall while more timid ness administration boasts of apOliver DeMars of Lincoln. The Sigma Alpha lota, mothers' girls, whose only concessions to proximately a 40 percent increase, wedding will take place in Febru l. club, 1 o'clock luncheon with winter weather were riding boots, according to Dean J. E. LeRossig-noary. Miss Bencia auenueu me uni-- . Although no figures were obRiding her. Al-- 1 angrily stamped Mrs. after Anna Anderson. Phi Theta pledged versity and breeches have appeared, too, and tainable from Dean C. H. pha. The couple will live in Lin-- . Friday. office, they stated that a if they seem slightly incongruous coin. Teachers' college annual under seal skin coats, after all, the slight increase over last year was dinner, Ellen Smith hall, 6:30 almost certain. is bitterly cold. FOUR UNIVERSITY students; Students of That Day Highly weather p. m. Dean O. J. Ferguson reported Stocking caps with tassels, were awarded $25 scholarships for College of Business Admincaps without tassels and that the registration was comstocking Broader From Selected, City by the semester coming the istration, annual dinner, Unistocking caps in red, white and pleted at the engineering college Panhellenic association. They are showing a good versity club. 7 p. m. Background. violet, sit squarely on some heads Saturday noon ; Betty Jane Edwards, Pi Beta Phi substantial response for early regGamma Phi Beta, formal, heads. on other jauntily cock and Temple, Alpha Omicron Pi: Annie, Cornhusker hotel, 9 o'clock. and istration. At the pharmacy college NEW YORK. Jan. 21. (C. N. S.) Boys favored several sweatersoverLaurie McCall, Sigma Kappa; ana Dean R, A. Lyman's office found heavy a under suede jackets Saturday. The "ideal" college man was gradBarbara Barber, Alpha Phi. a small decrease over the stubut who Colleges" "Joe coat, those but Alpha Gamma Delta alumuated in the eighties and nineties, who were registered in the bedents should coats skin sport bear according to Dean Herbert Hawkes nae, 1 o'clock luncheon, Mrs. AND HERE'S a little bit of people have discovered school the first semester, but new ware for believes who college, Columbia of O. ArH. Binson. news for you it seems that are expected to bring the the skins are not harmful and students Alpha XI Delta, alumnae, 1 that students of that day were a that Alpha O. is lene Vanderhook, total up to normal. The law, agrifeared. of can instead be shot cula group broader with picked o'clock luncheon at the chapwearing a Sig Ep pin now. The; culture, and leachers colleges retural background than those of the ter house. lucky fellow is Herman Haupt-- ) ported about the same number of present. Kappa Alpha Theta, formann. registrants with few drops. s must never forget tnat vne SUCCESS OF RADIO IN mal, Cornhusker hotel, 9 p. m. boy who went to college then was AWG WAN'S FrRST DAY ALPHA PHI wishes to announce selected," he said, "and the i ecent pledging of Alice Weller which he will take both negative highly OF SALE SUCCESSFUL comprised only a negligible perof Pender. and affirmative teams. The nega- centage of the boys of college age. (Continued from Page 1.) EDUCAT ON DOUBTFUL tive side will be taken by Herbert as article on fraternity life that apMARRIED during Christmas va- Z. Kaplan, Omaha, and Harold A. It is safe to say that ten times large a percentage of our present peared in the December number. cation were Leona Tacobson of Sodeiiund, Lincoln, and the af- population enters college as did at Alan Parker, latest addition to Kee-sha- n Newman Grove and William firmative by Albert H. Stein and that time, with the inevitable lowthe art staff, has contributed a Contact of St Edward. The wedding Dwight C. Perkins, Lincoln. These ering of Prove Experiments page of "Sketches from a Stu-- d the average of cultural was an event of Dec. 26. While men were selected by their show of purely intellectual illustrating e n t's Notebook." Gives Speaker With attending the university the bride ing in the early practice debates background interests and knowledge of sub campus life, and Duncan Sowles was a member of the Great Cathe- aiiu Luc uyuuLS 'jects that comprised the course of has drawn the "Enemies of Men," Better Results. dral choir. The bridegroom graduThis journey will take the de study at that time. while "Fashions," drawn by Roba ated from the law college and is baters to Iowa where the affirmaThe whole aim of college educaPierce, mimics the Esquire ert 21. Mass.( Jan. CAMBRIDGE, Phi Alpha Delta. tive team will meet Drake at tion in the nineties, according to department. A prize fight fashion e I(C. N. S.) Harvard psychologists story, "The Right Hand." by EdKnoxville the evening of Feb. 5 Dean Hawkes. was the acquisition STUDENTS in Teachers college under the auspices of the county of knowledge which could be this week declared there is little ward and Meredith Dobson. will be entertained at a dinner agricultural ajent, W. F. Brown. gained thru reading texts and lis- chance that radio will ever become George's "A Child Surveys," are education. of medium successful evening a Friday will On held same be which night the negative tening to lectures. the of the issue. on a large number other highlights at 6:30 o'clock in Ellen Smith hall. squad will compete against Grin-ne- ll to this, he said, was Experiments The program has been prepared Contrasted psychoHarvard at the arsubjects at Grinnell. Then both Ne- the attitude of colleges toward the of Letts Clark is In charge of the entirely by the vesper choir under rangements and the serving com- braska teams will debate twice student at present: "They now try logical laboratory have shown that the direction of Violet Vaughn. underdifficult material is better mittee is composed of Mrs. Arthur against Iowa State on successive to reach the whole personality voices choir of thirty-eigstood and remembered when it Ss The vesEaston, Mrs. Daisy Kilgore. Miss nights at Ames before farm mind, body and spirit." all the music for provided has it is heard. Lenore Alway, Mrs. W. H. Browne, groups. Coach White plans to semester. during the per Modern education is infinitely read than when services dull-in- s "The radio has a somewhat and Mrs. E. E. Lackey. Others drive the squad on this sojourn. more suited to our present condiWeekly practice is held every effeect on the higher mental- Monday at 5 o'clock in Ellen Smith. who are assisting are Mrs. D. X. tions than the former methods scithe listener," processes of the Bible, Miss Gertrude Goering, Miss is aeiinueiy Harriet Schwenker, Mrs. Earl 11 "The motive power which makes entists rcPort ess neanalytic, more i .k- - less critical. i.i Lantz, Miss Eliza Gamble, Miss when listening Utica, Seward Commercial tive, recc passively Blanche Farrar, Miss Helen emotions than in the intellect, and the radio ' an when he is face Clubs Hear Hufnagle Talk and Miss G r e e t a for either a clear and sound mind to with die speaker." to face carBrown. Appointments will be or for balanced and stable emoAn experiment was conducted Richard N. Hufnagle. photograried rut in the valentine motif. tions a sound body in good health wherebv nersons listened to two pher for the conservation and suris required." stories at the same time, one vey division at the university, AND THE Alpha Phi house had and one read by a talked before a combined group of broadcast THE ENCHANTED candy last night, when Jasmine RgnistrfltiOfl Cards Reveal in the room. The listeners Utica and Seward commercial club speaker as i4 i j iiitvi man t aiiiiuuiiv.cn iici APRIL OPENS AT Ucd to write the storv thev members at Utica recently. His Over Half Partially Self eagement to Dr. Robert Thom-burTHURSDAY TEMPLE Most of them re- - address "Beauty Spots of Neremembered. a graduate of Nebraska by was told called the story that Supporting. (Continued Irom Page li. braska" was illustrated with a seMedical school, member of Phi room, it was ries of natural color photographs. Rho Sigma, and an intprne at dutiful wife ot Mellcrsh Wilkins, the speaker in the Temple Vniversity hospital in AME.S. la. Jan. 21. (CN'Sl Mrs. Liootie Wilkins: Mr. Hary found. Mr. Gustave Philadelphia. About 20 percent of the Iowa State Kurz, Domenico. 'college students are wholly self Fuchs. Ferdinand Arundel; and The famous Oxford Union resoj supporting this and S7 Mrs. Kanute Broady. the clerk. quarter, of two years ago nasn't yet lution DEBATE TEAM TO percent arepartialiy self support- Tickets may be obtained at ceased reverberating in the col- BROADCAST OVER analysis of statements Latsch Brothers and at the Temple leecs of the western world. The Liie. an KFOR THURSDAY made by students on winter quar- - ; box office. All seats are reserved. latest echo comes out of McGill Seats on the main floor and the universitv at Montreal, where a ter registration cards show. fcVmfinnprt trnm Vntre 1 ' The analysis indicates that j lirst two rows of the balcony are group of undergraduates voted hate coach of Kansas State. 'about 40 percent of the students 75 cents: the remaining balcony 933 to S3 against support of their is oe- -Anouier inp on reo. in nv war it misrht amine half or more of their seats are 50 cents. goveramf-n- t v nqe on ny oacn ing prnnncq Mrs. LAne Lancaster anu Airs. undertake. expenses and about 37 percent are Maurice Merrill are in charge of making less than half. . . Nearly 500 students are em- ticket sales. AL SKY ployed on jobs paid from FERA AND HIS MUSICAL STARS funds through the Student P.elief COLD WAVE BRINGS W ednetdny, Jan. Z'.irA FORTH A VARIETY OF Employment Administration. Other students receive checks AMAZING COSTUMES MYRON LOWTHER from the college for work done for (Continued from Page 1). BAND AND HIS the teaching and research branches (This is the band that played themselves as did a certain one of the institution. r laat year) Frolic dormitories who appeared in Social Sciences In the Friday, Jan. 25th are 263 students who earn part of ADMISSION their expenses by helping with the YOUR DRUG STORE 25C Dancing Free work of preparing meals and cleaning rooms. Waiters and dish washAlways htrlUnR to better our Bod pervice to old MuJcnt. ers in the college dormitories numClub Fountain Service. Candie and Ice ber about fifty students, who receive their board in return for Cream. 1001 M Street their work. THE OWL PHARMACY The college Memorial Union Phone B10C3 148 No 14 A P Sti. gives part time employment to 108 yev can draw with your pt p AND lh inlr thot'i Higgint. of cer riflW 4tvm't men and 74 women students in the right for color right fo' pon Foods Still other department. right for brwtfc. students work in private homes Wotor-proI Wotororoof Colon. and various places in the city. j j i j j 3 ;1 "e ht 0c) MY WIFE." (Mat. 15c: Evs. 80cl ROUGE," Con1'ranchot stance Bennett, Tone. El Brendel Comedy, Topeye Cartoon. MOULIN' V 1 1 Reveals Survey Recent Group Largest on Campus. Methodist students attending the University of Nebraska far outnumber those ol any other faith, according to a survey completed by university authorities late laat year. Of the 5,363 men and women d, Congregational students stand third with 568 representatives, and Lutheran adherents for the first semester total 462. Students of Catholic faith total 392, Christian 346, Episcopal 287, and Baptist Will Rogers In "D AVID HARUM ' plus "ELMER & ELSIE." WESTLAND THEATRE CORP. VARSI TY I one-thir- 10c; Eve. ISct (Mat, - - i hi II ll I who expressed membership in, nr preference for, a religious denomination, 1,035, or nearly were of Methodist faith or preference. Students of Presbyterian mem bership or preference number 872, COLONIAL (Mat. 10c; Nlte 15c "GRAND OLD GIRL" with May Robson. Mary Carlisle. Bud & Ben Western. SUN i EXCEE BOTHER SECTS LIBERTY 25-3- 1. Old-fathe- Ev. H u (I c n. Noil Hocholie Pel BHby June. SpRrks. Smith novelty, Musical ami Cartoon. LINCOLN (Mat. 15CI Nlte 25c) WE LIVE AGAIN." Fliwl-ri- c March. Anna Wen; Laurel and Hardy comedy: Silly Symphony; Plonno Quintuplets. ORPHEUM (25c Mat. & Eve.l Svlvia Sidney In BEHOLD Official Figures Cannot Be Obtained Until Payment Fees Jan. 85c I Hurst's "IMITATION OK LIKE'' with Clmiiletts Warm) William. Colbert, KHUiile ,.,H fwr (Mt. STUART NCREASE OVER SAME lie-cau- AND ANOTHER wedding which will take place sixii io that o. Minnie Nemechek of Humboldt tc Wendell Groth of Lincoln. The ceremony will be performed at the Westminster Presbyterian church at 4 o'clock on the afternoon of Feb. 2. Miss Nemechek became affiliated with Phi Mu when she attended the university and was a Mortar Board. Mr. Groth is an Acacia. iaimat it Aa i i ir ii ii i i i iats ii iir imilA r IIIIILI IUUIUI u I uiL.1 u I i hi i II iwii (25c Any Time) Robson in "THE MILLS OF THE GODS." May Churches with loss represen- 211. tation among university students Christian include Advcntist, Federated, Science, Evangelical, Jewish, Mormon, Monnenite, Protestant, Quaker, Reformed, Swedish Mission, Unitarian and United (Mat. 10c; Nlta 15c) "AGAINST A LAW" with Johnny Mack Blown. KIVA Brethren. TEACHERS COLLEGE The survey shows that TO SPOXSOR l)lSER dents, including 2,686 4,468 stu- men and 1.782 women, are members of some church. Those who did not exAnnual Affair to Re Held press membership, but stated preference for a denomination numIn Ellen Smith Hall bered 895, which included 566 men Friday I'ight. and 329 women. According to the report, only 370 students expressed Teachers college annual dinner neither membership or preference will fee held Friday evening at for a faith. 6:30 o'clock at Ellen Smith hall, with Miss Letta Clark in charge 2 NEW BLZAD COURSES of arrangements. Appointments EFFECTIVE NEXT FALL will be carried out in the valentine (Continued from Page It. motif. Members of the serving com- tion 13 and 14. economics 21 and mittee are Mrs. Arthur Eastman, 22. or economics 17 and 18. chairman; Mrs. Daisy Kilgore, The new economics three will be Miss Lenore Alway, Mrs. VV. H. an introduction into economics and Browne and Mrs. E. E. Lackey. In commerce, a preliminary survey charge of serving at the table are of the functions of the various ecoMrs. D. X. Bible, chairman: Miss nomic institutions and the ess?n-tia- ls Gertrude Goering. Miss Harriet of domestic and foreign comSchwenker, Mrs. Earl Lantz, Miss merce. FarBlanche Eliza Gamble, Miss The course of business organrar, Miss Helen Halbersleben, and ization 21 will be nn introductory Miss Greeta Brown. study of the problems of the busiMiss Elsie Jevons is in charge of ness executive ss they relate to notices and Mrs. P. G. Johnson is marketing, personnel, finance. in charge of telephoning. Mrs. risk-being. and production. Harriet Piatt will arrange the In the second year courses, busiprogram, and Miss Martha Goehry ness organization 13 and 14 conis in charge of finances. The com- cern accounting, economics 21 and mittee arranging the table deco- 22 concern the economic history of rations is composed of Mrs. V. H. the United States, and economies Morton, chairman; Miss Claudia 17 and 18 will be qn introduction Moore and Miss Esther Anderson. to statistics, intended to provide students with knowledge of elementary concepts and statistical P.OJYS, WILSON HALL methods and application to economic and business problems, with IN BOWLING FINALS emphasis on collecting, presenting and analyzing statistical material. semiBowling scores for the finals announced yesterday were victories for Wilson Hall with a score of 449 over Pi Beta Phi de- fault, and Phi Omega scoring 541 over Delta Gammas 528. Wilson Hall and Phi Omega Pi will compete for the bowling championship fwnn comfort. I.M today. ETR I.K H K . . . ai Wool sweaters CLEANED rf fthniw and Ki.M'ovoiniK BUCK'S COFFEE SHOP Student Lunches j 25c g. .. hrlehtrw-.- Ill I't.MIAKI h. i.i.wm. ( WARSITY V CLEANERS Rov Wythert Joe Tucker 211 No. 14 B3367 Opposite Campus ' I ! Wearied i . ; -s Ici a Windbaq 7 cm? (Dc Qoc by CASA-NOV- Mid-Yea- Marigold A tf ontf Conorol (tolvbl who wry) llackt. CHAt. M HI6GMS t CO., Im. fJrooUm. M. " tn NtwA V. HIGGINS' American DRAWING INKS People of high intelligence don"t laugh at puns, cccording to Professor Richard N. Sears of Harvard, who experimented with a series of sure "laugh getters' on his classes. Students in the habit of getting "A" looked bored at each new pun, but those with laughed uproariously every low-mark- BUY INDEPENDENT GAS SOLD BY LATSCH BROS. Holms SCHOOL SITTLIES as-- 9 Hlh and W mmf- raves mf Bub Usica 13 8c M a (i time. HIGGINS INK u r tut Depct B7071 i. aH - m If you're cornered at a fancy-dredon't let the ball by a tedious "ME-Manpest spoil your party. Count ten and light a h Old Cold. Every pufT of a mellow, mild O. G. is like a friendly pat on the back. Cash paid for books. 20 more in trade. ss ," 13 sunny-smoot- INTERSTATE L TRANSIT LiliES 1229 R STREET AT TRYING TIMES TRY A Srnooli i OLD GOLD 1