The Laboratory of Bumrungrad Hospital has been accepted as an accredited laboratory in the field of Medical Laboratory for the following scopes. No. Type of Sample Chemistry 1. Serum/ Heparin plasma 2 Serum/ Heparin plasma 3. EDTA plasma 4. Serum/ Heparin plasma/ Urine 5. Serum/ Heparin plasma 6. Serum/ Heparin plasma 7. Serum/ Heparin plasma 8. Serum/ Heparin plasma 9. Serum/ Heparin plasma/ Urine 10. Serum/ Heparin plasma Test Albumin Alkaline Phosphatase Amonia Amylase Bicarbonate BUN C3(B1C) C4 Calcium Cholesterol Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards Method Bichromatic Digital Endpoint: UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Kinetics Rate Method: UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Timed Endpoint Method : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Immuno-Inhibition Method : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Indirect Ion Select Electrode : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Enzymatic Conductivity Rate Method : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Turbidimetric : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Turbidimetric : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Indirect Ion Select Electrode: UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Endpoint Method : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Page 1 of 25 Accreditation 4036/50 Date of Accreditation 22 May 2013 21 May 2015 Date of Expiration The Laboratory of Bumrungrad Hospital has been accepted as an accredited laboratory in the field of Medical Laboratory for the following scopes. No. Type of Sample 11. Serum/ Heparin plasma 12 Serum/ Heparin plasma 13. Serum/ Heparin plasma 14. Serum/ Heparin plasma 15. Serum/ Heparin plasma Test Creatinine Kinase (CK) Creatinine 18. Serum/ Heparin plasma HDL-C Method Enzymatic Rate Method : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Jaffe Rate Method : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer C-Reactive Protein Turbidimetric : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer (High Sensitive) Direct Billirubin Timed Endpoint Diazo Method: UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Electrolyte Indirect Ion Select Electrode: UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer - Sodium - Potassium - Chloride 16. Serum/ Heparin Gamma GT Enzymatic Rate Method : UniCel DXC 800 plasma Analyzer 17. Serum/ NaF/ Heparin Glucose Rate Method And Single Point Calibration : UniCel plasma/ Urine/ CSF DXC 800 Analyzer Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards Timed Endpoint Method :UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Page 2 of 25 Accreditation 4036/50 Date of Accreditation 22 May 2013 21 May 2015 Date of Expiration The Laboratory of Bumrungrad Hospital has been accepted as an accredited laboratory in the field of Medical Laboratory for the following scopes. No. 19. 20. Type of Sample Test Serum/ Heparin plasma Immunoglobulin (IgG, IgA, IgM) Serum/ Heparin plasma Iron 21. Serum/ Heparin plasma LDH 22 Serum/ Heparin plasma LDL-C 23. Serum/ Heparin plasma Lipase 24. Serum Lithium 25. Serum/ Heparin plasma/ Urine Serum/ Urine Magnesium 26. 27. 28. Osmolality Serum/ Heparin Phosphate plasma/ Urine Serum/ Heparin plasma SGPT/AST Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards Method Immuno turbidimetric: UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Timed Endpoint : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Enzymatic Rate Method :UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Timed Endpoint Method : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Enzymatic Rate Method :UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer End Point Spectrophotometric Method : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Timed Endpoint Method :UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Vapour Pressure Depression : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Time Rate Method : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Kinetics Rate Method : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Page 3 of 25 Accreditation 4036/50 Date of Accreditation 22 May 2013 21 May 2015 Date of Expiration The Laboratory of Bumrungrad Hospital has been accepted as an accredited laboratory in the field of Medical Laboratory for the following scopes. No. Type of Sample 29. Serum/ Heparin plasma 30. Serum/ Heparin plasma 31. Serum/ Heparin plasma 32 Serum/ Heparin plasma 33. Serum/ Heparin plasma 34. Serum/ Heparin plasma 35. Serum/ Heparin plasma/ Urine 36. Heparinin Plasma Test Transferin Method Kinetics Rate Method : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Measurement of Excess Unbound Iron : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Endpoint Diazo Method : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Endpoint Biuret Method : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Turbidimetric: UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Triglyceride Endpoint Method : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Uric Acid Timed Endpoint Method: UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer ISE/ Enzymatic/ Conducitivity : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer SGOT/ALT TIBC Total Billirubin Total Protein Blood Gas (Ionized Calcium, Glucose, Lactate, Sodium/ Potassium) Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards Page 4 of 25 Accreditation 4036/50 Date of Accreditation 22 May 2013 21 May 2015 Date of Expiration The Laboratory of Bumrungrad Hospital has been accepted as an accredited laboratory in the field of Medical Laboratory for the following scopes. No. Type of Sample 37. NaF Plasma Test Lactate Method Endpoint Technique: UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer 38. Urine Microalbumin Turbidimetric : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer 39. Urine, CSF Total Protein Timed End Point : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer 40. Urine Cretonne 41. EDTA Blood HbA1C Jaffe Rate Method : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Ion-Exchange HPLC and Colorimetry: UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer 42. Serum/ Heparin plasma Haptoglobin Turbidimetric : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer 43. Sweat Sweat Chloride Conductivity : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards Page 5 of 25 Accreditation 4036/50 Date of Accreditation 22 May 2013 21 May 2015 Date of Expiration The Laboratory of Bumrungrad Hospital has been accepted as an accredited laboratory in the field of Medical Laboratory for the following scopes. No. Type of Sample 44. Heparin plasma Test Amikacin 45. Urine Urea-N Hematology & Microscopy 46. EDTA Blood Complete Blood Count (CBC) 47. EDTA Blood CD3/CD4/CD8 48. EDTA Blood Malaria 49. EDTA Blood ESR 50. EDTA Blood G-6-PD Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards Method Homogeneous Particle-Enhanced Turbidimetric Immunoassay : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer Enzymatic Conductivity Rate Method : UniCel DXC 800 Analyzer VCS and Electical Impedance:LH750, LH780 Analyzer Direct Immunofluorescence Technique : Flow Cytometer, Epics XL-MCL Microscopic Examination Light Microscope Opto-Electronic Sensor :Ves matic, Easy Analyzer Fluorescent Spot Test UV Lamp Page 6 of 25 Accreditation 4036/50 Date of Accreditation 22 May 2013 21 May 2015 Date of Expiration The Laboratory of Bumrungrad Hospital has been accepted as an accredited laboratory in the field of Medical Laboratory for the following scopes. No. Type of Sample 51. EDTA Blood Test Hb Typing 52. Urine Urinalysis Hydrodynamic Focusing Sheath Fluid : - iQ200 and Elite Analyzer - Aution Max : AX-4280 and Aution Max, AX-4030 Analyzer 53. Urine Pregnancy Test Immunoassay 54. Stool Stool Examination Microscopic Examination 55. Stool Occult Blood 56. Body Fluid Body Fluid Examination 57. Synovial Fluid Crystal Synovial Fluid - Oxidation of Phenulic Compounds - Immunochromatographic Assay - Coloscreen and SD BIOLINE FOB test kit Microscopic Examination Counting Chamber, Light Microscope Polarizing Microscopic Polarize Light Microscope Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards Method LPLC : Drew Hb Gold Analyzer Page 7 of 25 Accreditation 4036/50 Date of Accreditation 22 May 2013 21 May 2015 Date of Expiration The Laboratory of Bumrungrad Hospital has been accepted as an accredited laboratory in the field of Medical Laboratory for the following scopes. No. Type of Sample 58. Fresh Urine/ Urine 24 hrs./ Serum Test Protein Electrophoresis Method Electrophoresis : SAS 1 and SAS 2 Analyzer 59. EDTA Blood Reticulocyte Count VCS Flow Cytometry and New Methylene Blue:LH750, LH780 Analyzer 60. Stool Rotavirus Chromatographic Immunoassay Coagulogram 61. Whole Blood 62. Whole Blood 63. Citrate Blood Bleeding Time Clotting Time PT Triplett Manual : Glass Tube, Water bath Clotting Time : Coagulometric Test : ACL Top 500 Analyzer 64. Citrate Blood PTT Clotting Time : Coagulometric Test : ACL Top 500 Analyzer 65. Citrate Blood Fibriongen 66. Citrate Blood D-Dimer Clotting time : Coagulometric Test: ACL Top 500 Analyzer Turbidimetric Immunoassay: ACL Top 500 Analyzer Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards Page 8 of 25 Accreditation 4036/50 Date of Accreditation 22 May 2013 21 May 2015 Date of Expiration The Laboratory of Bumrungrad Hospital has been accepted as an accredited laboratory in the field of Medical Laboratory for the following scopes. No. Type of Sample 67. Citrate Blood Test Thrombin time (TT) Serology 68. Serum/ EDTA plasma RPR 69. Serum ASO 70. Serum Rheumatoid Factor 71. Serum 72. Serum 73. Serum/ EDTA plasma 74. Serum Immunology 75. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ Heparin Plasma Widal Test Weil-Felix test H.Pylori Antibody Heterophile Antibody HIV Ag /Ab 76. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ HAV IgG Heparin Plasma Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards Method Clotting Time : Coagulometric Test : ACL Top 500 Analyzer Flocculation Latex Particle Agglutination Latex Particle Agglutination RA reagent , Rotator Agglutination Agglutination Lateral - Flow Immunoassay Latex Agglutination Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect i2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect i2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Page 9 of 25 Accreditation 4036/50 Date of Accreditation 22 May 2013 21 May 2015 Date of Expiration The Laboratory of Bumrungrad Hospital has been accepted as an accredited laboratory in the field of Medical Laboratory for the following scopes. No. Type of Sample 77. Serum/ Heparin Plasma Test HAV IgM 78. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ HBsAg Heparin Plasma 79. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ HBsAb Heparin Plasma 80. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ HBeAg Heparin Plasma 81. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ HBeAb Heparin Plasma Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards Method Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect i2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect i2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect i2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect i2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect i2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Page 10 of 25 Accreditation 4036/50 Date of Accreditation 22 May 2013 21 May 2015 Date of Expiration The Laboratory of Bumrungrad Hospital has been accepted as an accredited laboratory in the field of Medical Laboratory for the following scopes. No. Type of Sample Test 82. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ Anti HBc IgG Heparin Plasma 83. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ Anti HCV Heparin Plasma 84. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ Rubella IgG Heparin Plasma 85. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ CMV IgG Heparin Plasma 86. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ CMV IgM Heparin Plasma 87. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ Toxoplasma IgG Heparin Plasma Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards Method Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect i2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect i2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect i2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect i2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect i2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect i2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Page 11 of 25 Accreditation 4036/50 Date of Accreditation 22 May 2013 21 May 2015 Date of Expiration The Laboratory of Bumrungrad Hospital has been accepted as an accredited laboratory in the field of Medical Laboratory for the following scopes. No. Type of Sample Test 88. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ Toxoplasma IgM Heparin Plasma 89. Fresh Stool C.diff Toxin A+B 90. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ TPHA Heparin Plasma 91. Serum/ Heparin C-Peptide Plasma 92. Serum/ Heparin Folic Acid (Folate) Plasma 93. Serum/ EDTA Plasma Insulin 94. Serum/ EDTA Plasma T3 Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards Method Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect i2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Enzyme Immunoassay Premierä Toxins A&B Passive Particle Agglutination Solid-Phase, Chemiluminescent Immunometric Assay :IMMULITE 1000 Analyzer Competitive Binding Receptor Assay : Unicel Dxi 800 Analyzer One Step Immunoenzymatic Assay : Unicel Dxi 800 Analyzer Competitive Binding Immunoenzymatic Assay: Unicel Dxi 800 Analyzer Page 12 of 25 Accreditation 4036/50 Date of Accreditation 22 May 2013 21 May 2015 Date of Expiration The Laboratory of Bumrungrad Hospital has been accepted as an accredited laboratory in the field of Medical Laboratory for the following scopes. No. Type of Sample 95. Serum/ EDTA Plasma FT3 96. Serum/ EDTA Plasma T4 97. Serum/ EDTA Plasma FT4 98. Serum/ EDTA Plasma TSH 99. Serum CEA 100. Serum AFP 101. Serum PSA 102. Serum/ Heparin Plasma CA 19-9 Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards Test Method Two Step Competitive Binding Immunoenzymatic Assay : Unicel Dxi 800 Analyzer Competitive Binding Immunoenzymatic Assay : Unicel Dxi 800 Analyzer Two Step Competitive Binding Immunoenzymatic Assay : Unicel Dxi 800 Analyzer Two Site Immunoenzymatic Assay : Unicel Dxi 800 Analyzer Two Site Immunoenzymatic Assay: Unicel Dxi 800 Analyzer Two Site Immunoenzymatic Assay: Unicel Dxi 800 Analyzer Two Site Immunoenzymatic Assay: Unicel Dxi 800 Analyzer Two Site Immunoenzymatic Assay: Unicel Dxi 800 Analyzer Page 13 of 25 Accreditation 4036/50 Date of Accreditation 22 May 2013 21 May 2015 Date of Expiration The Laboratory of Bumrungrad Hospital has been accepted as an accredited laboratory in the field of Medical Laboratory for the following scopes. No. Type of Sample 103. Serum/ Heparin CA 15-3 Plasma 104. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ CA 125 Heparin Plasma Test 105. Serum/ Heparin B-HCG Plasma 106. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ PRL (Prolactin) Heparin Plasma 107. Serum/ Heparin Cortisol Plasma 108. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ Homocysteien Heparin Plasma 109. Serum/ Heparin Plasma 110. Serum/ Heparin Plasma IGF-I IGF-BP III Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards Method Two Site Immunoenzymatic Assay : Unicel Dxi 800 Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect i2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Two Site Immunoenzymatic Assay : Unicel Dxi 800 Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect I2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Competitive Binding Immunoenzymatic Assay: Unicel Dxi 800 Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect I2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Chemiluminescent Immunometric Assay (CIA) : IMMULITE 1000 Analyzer Chemiluminescent Immunometric Assay (CIA) : IMMULITE 1000 Analyzer Page 14 of 25 Accreditation 4036/50 Date of Accreditation 22 May 2013 21 May 2015 Date of Expiration The Laboratory of Bumrungrad Hospital has been accepted as an accredited laboratory in the field of Medical Laboratory for the following scopes. No. Type of Sample Test 111. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ Troponin I Heparin Plasma 112. Heparin Plasma/ Pro BNP Serum 113. Fresh Urine Amphetamine/ Methamphetamine 114. Fresh Urine Opiate 115. Fresh Urine Cannabinoid 116. Serum/ Heparin Plasma Carbamazepine 117. Fresh Urine Cocaine 118. Serum Digoxin 119. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ Paracetamol/ Acetaminophen Heparin Plasma Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards Method Electrochemiluminescence (ECL) : Cobas E 411 (Roche) Analyzer Electrochemiluminescence (ECL) : Cobas E 411 (Roche) Analyzer Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay (FPIA) : Axsym Analyzer Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay (FPIA) : Axsym Analyzer Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay (FPIA) : Axsym Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect I2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay (FPIA) : Axsym Analyzer Competitive Binding Immunoenzymatic Assay: Unicel Dxi 800 Analyzer Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay (FPIA) : Axsym Analyzer Page 15 of 25 Accreditation 4036/50 Date of Accreditation 22 May 2013 21 May 2015 Date of Expiration The Laboratory of Bumrungrad Hospital has been accepted as an accredited laboratory in the field of Medical Laboratory for the following scopes. No. Type of Sample 120. Serum Test Phenytoin 121. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ Gentamycin Heparin Plasma 122. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ Vancomycin Heparin Plasma 123. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ Valproic Acid Heparin Plasma 124. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ Theophylline Heparin Plasma 125. Serum/ Heparin Plasma Phenobarbital Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards Method Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect I2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect I2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect I2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect I2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect I2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect I2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Page 16 of 25 Accreditation 4036/50 Date of Accreditation 22 May 2013 21 May 2015 Date of Expiration The Laboratory of Bumrungrad Hospital has been accepted as an accredited laboratory in the field of Medical Laboratory for the following scopes. No. Type of Sample 126. Whole Blood EDTA Test Cyclosporine 127. Whole Blood EDTA FK-506 128. Whole Blood EDTA Rapamune (Sirolimus) 129. Serum/ Heparin Plasma Vitamin B12 130. Serum/ Heparin Plasma 131 Serum/ Heparin Plasma 132. Serum Ferritin CK-MB Mycoplasma Titer Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards Method Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect I2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect I2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect I2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Competitive Binding Immunoenzymatic Assay: Unicel Dxi 800 Analyzer Two Site Immunoenzymatic Assay : Unicel Dxi 800 Analyzer Two Site Immunoenzymatic Assay : Unicel Dxi 800 Analyzer Particle Agglutination Serodia-MYCO II Page 17 of 25 Accreditation 4036/50 Date of Accreditation 22 May 2013 21 May 2015 Date of Expiration The Laboratory of Bumrungrad Hospital has been accepted as an accredited laboratory in the field of Medical Laboratory for the following scopes. No. Type of Sample 133. Serum 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. Test Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Igm Method Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) Immuno Card Mycoplasma Serum/ Citrate Plasma Heparin - Induced Platelet Solid-Phase, Enzyme Linked Immunoassay Factor 4 (PF4) Antibody (ELISA) Serum/Heparin Plasma Thyroglobulin Chemiluminescent Immunometric Assay (CIA) : IMMULITE 1000 Analyzer Serum Chemiluminescent Immunometric Assay Growth Hormone (GH) (CIA) : IMMULITE 1000 Analyzer Fresh Urine Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay Benzodiazepines (FPIA) : Axsym (Abbott) Analyzer Serum Free Testosterone Chemiluminescent Immunometric Assay (CIA) : IMMULITE 1000 Analyzer Serum/ EDTA Plasma Parathyroid Hormone Two Site Immunoenzymatic Assay : Unicel Dxi 800 Analyzer Serum Testosterone Competitive Binding Immunoenzymatic Assay: Unicel Dxi 800 Analyzer Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards Page 18 of 25 Accreditation 4036/50 Date of Accreditation 22 May 2013 21 May 2015 Date of Expiration The Laboratory of Bumrungrad Hospital has been accepted as an accredited laboratory in the field of Medical Laboratory for the following scopes. No. Type of Sample 141. Serum/Heparin Plasma DHEA-S 142. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ Estradiol (E2) Heparin Plasma 143. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ LH Heparin Plasma 144. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ FSH Heparin Plasma 145. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ Progesterone Heparin Plasma 146. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ Anti-TG Heparin Plasma Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards Test Method Competitive Binding Immunoenzymatic Assay : Unicel Dxi 800 Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect I2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect I2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA): Architect I2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect I2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect I2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Page 19 of 25 Accreditation 4036/50 Date of Accreditation 22 May 2013 21 May 2015 Date of Expiration The Laboratory of Bumrungrad Hospital has been accepted as an accredited laboratory in the field of Medical Laboratory for the following scopes. No. Type of Sample 147. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ Anti CCP Heparin Plasma 148. EDTA Plasma BNP 149. Serum Free PSA Test 150. Serum/ EDTA Plasma/ Anti TPO Heparin Plasma 151. Serum/Heparin Plasma Anti Hbc Igm Molecular Biology 152. Serum 153. Sputum/ Bronchial Alveolar Lavages HCV Genotype PCR For Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards Method Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect I2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA): Architect I2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Two Site Immunoenzymatic Assay : Unicel Dxi 800 Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect I2000 (Abbott) Analyzer Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) : Architect I2000 (Abbott) Analyzer PCR & Reverse Hybridization : Auto- Lipa Analyzer Real Time PC R: COBAS Taqman 48 Analyzer Page 20 of 25 Accreditation 4036/50 Date of Accreditation 22 May 2013 21 May 2015 Date of Expiration The Laboratory of Bumrungrad Hospital has been accepted as an accredited laboratory in the field of Medical Laboratory for the following scopes. No. Type of Sample 154. Cervical Cell Test Hr HPV And 16/18 155. EDTA Plasma 156. Serum Plasma CMV (Viral load ) Viral load (HBV DNA) 157. Serum Viral load (HCV RNA) 158. Serum Viral Load (HIV RNA) 159. EDTA Plasma Plasma EBV (Viral Load) 160. Serum 161. Serum 162. Serum ANA Anti Dsdna Anti Nrnp 163. Serum Anti Smith Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards Method Real Time PCR: Cobas X 480 Instrument/Cobas Z 480 Analyzer PCR : COBAS AMPLICOR Analyzer Real Time PCR: COBAS Ampliprep Instrument/ COBAS Taqman 48 Analyzer Real Time PCR: COBAS Ampliprep Instrument/ COBAS Taqman 48 Analyzer Real Time PCR: COBAS Ampliprep Instrument/ COBAS Taqman 48 Analyzer Real Time PCR : Lightcycler 2.0 Instrument Analyzer Manual: Indirect Immunofluorescence Manual: Indirect Immunofluorescence ELISA: EUROIMMUN Analyzer I-2P Analyzer ELISA: EUROIMMUN Analyzer I-2P Analyzer Page 21 of 25 Accreditation 4036/50 Date of Accreditation 22 May 2013 21 May 2015 Date of Expiration The Laboratory of Bumrungrad Hospital has been accepted as an accredited laboratory in the field of Medical Laboratory for the following scopes. No. Type of Sample 164. Serum Test Anti-Gliadin Iga 165. Serum Anti-Gliadin Igg 166. Serum Anti-Tissue Transglutaminase Iga Anti-Tissue Transglutaminase Igg Anti-β2-Glycoprotein 1 Antibodies (Igagm) Anti-Myeloperoxidase Antibodies (Igg) Anti-Proteinase 3 Antibodies (Igg) C. Trachomatis and N. Gonorrhoeae 167. Serum 168. Serum 169. Serum 170. Serum 171. Female: Endocervical Swab/ Vaginal Swab/ Cervical Cell (Preservcyt)/ Frist Stream Urine Male: First Stream Urine Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards Method ELISA: EUROIMMUN Analyzer I-2P Analyzer ELISA: EUROIMMUN Analyzer I-2P Analyzer ELISA: EUROIMMUN Analyzer I-2P Analyzer ELISA: EUROIMMUN Analyzer I-2P Analyzer ELISA: EUROIMMUN Analyzer I-2P Analyzer ELISA: EUROIMMUN Analyzer I-2P Analyzer ELISA: EUROIMMUN Analyzer I-2P Analyzer Real Time PCR: Cobas X 480 Instrument Analyzer / Cobas Z 480 Analyzer Page 22 of 25 Accreditation 4036/50 Date of Accreditation 22 May 2013 21 May 2015 Date of Expiration The Laboratory of Bumrungrad Hospital has been accepted as an accredited laboratory in the field of Medical Laboratory for the following scopes. No. Type of Sample Blood Bank 172. Coltted Blood/ EDTA Blood/ Heparin Blood 173. Coltted Blood/ EDTA Blood/ Heparin Blood 174. EDTA Blood 175. Serum from Clotted Blood 176. Serum from Clotted Blood 177. Serum from Clotted Blood Microbiology 178. Clinical Specimen 179. Clinical Specimen 180. CSF Test ABO Blood Group Rh Blood Group Direct Coomb' s Test Antibody Screening Antibody Identification Anti D Titer Acid Fast Bacilli Gram's Stain India Ink Preparation Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards Method - Cell Grouping - Serum Grouping Cell Grouping Tube Test or Gel Test (ID-CARD “LISS/COOMBS”) Tube Test or Gel Test (ID-CARD “LISS/COOMBS”) Tube Test or Gel Test (ID-CARD “LISS/COOMBS”) Tube Test or Gel Test (ID-CARD “LISS/COOMBS”) Light Microscope Light Microscope Light Microscope Page 23 of 25 Accreditation 4036/50 Date of Accreditation 22 May 2013 21 May 2015 Date of Expiration The Laboratory of Bumrungrad Hospital has been accepted as an accredited laboratory in the field of Medical Laboratory for the following scopes. No. 181. 182. 183. 184. Type of Sample Clinical Specimen Clinical Specimen Slide Clinical Specimen Test KOH Preparation Modified AFB Stain TZANK's Test Bacteria Identification 185. Pure Colony of Organism Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test 186. CSF/ Serum Cryptococcus Antigen 187. CSF/ Serum Latex Agglutination For Meningitis Group A Streptococcal Ag 188. Throat Swab 189. Nasal Swab 190. Clinical Specimen Surgical Pathology 191. Cervical Smear Method Light Microscope Light Microscope Light Microscope Vitek 2 Compact Semi-Automated Vitek 2 Compact Semi-Automated Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Ag Wet Preparation Agglutination CALASR Agglutination Wellcogen Bacterial Antigen Lateral Flow Immunoassay Quick Vue Dipstick Strepa Lateral Flow Immunoassay Quick Vue RSV 10 Light Microscope Gynaecology Semi-Automated (Thin-Prep) Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards Page 24 of 25 Accreditation 4036/50 Date of Accreditation 22 May 2013 21 May 2015 Date of Expiration The Laboratory of Bumrungrad Hospital has been accepted as an accredited laboratory in the field of Medical Laboratory for the following scopes. No. Type of Sample Test Method 192. All Specimen Non Gynaecology Semi-Automated (Thin-Prep) 193. Biopsy 194. Biopsy Special Lab 195. Urine 24 Hrs. 196. Urine 24 Hrs. 197. Urine 24 Hrs. 198. EDTA Blood 199. EDTA Blood 200. EDTA Blood 201. First Morning Urine 202. Serum Histology Immunohistochemistry Tissue Processor Chain Polymer- Conjugated Technique Catecholamines Total Metanephrines Neurotransmitters Vitamin B1 (TPP) Vitamin B2 (FAD) Vitamin B6 (P6P) Crosslink 25-OH Vitamin D3/D2 HPLC: Chromesystems HPLC: Chromesystems HPLC : Chromesystems HPLC : Chromesystems HPLC: Chromesystems HPLC: Chromesystems HPLC: Chromesystems LC-MS/MS AB SCIEX QTRAP 5500 Semen Analysis Semi-Automated: CASA-IVOS IVF Lab 203. Semen Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards Page 25 of 25 Accreditation 4036/50 Date of Accreditation 22 May 2013 21 May 2015 Date of Expiration