Word Bank

Disabled People (Community Inclusion) Bill 2015
Word Bank
Ea s y
Re a d
What words in the document mean
(Words are in order of when they appear in document)
The law - The law is the rules
which everyone has to live
The NHS - The NHS is short for
National Health Service.
It is in charge of hospitals and
doctors surgeries across
the country. It has local NHS
bodies. Yours is
Council or Local Authority Your Council or Local
Authority is the local
Government. The Council or
Local Authority is in charge of
things in the town or place
where you live. They run
things like housing, rubbish
collection, libraries and day
centres. They decide how
money is spent locally. Your
Council or Local Authority is
Campaign group A ‘Campaign group’ is when
a lot of people work
together to make things
better. Sometimes, people
think things need to change
if they are going wrong.
Justice for LB is a campaign
Word Bank
An MP - An MP is short for
Member of Parliament.
They work in a place called
the Houses of Parliament.
MP’s represent different parts
of the country.
They decide what happens
in the country. They can
decide if laws can be
changed or new laws made.
Your MP is
Government The Government is the group
of people who run the
country. The Government
decide what happens.
They make decisions about
things like how
money is spent in the
country. They can also ask
MPs to change the law
Bill - A Bill is a suggestion for
new law. When we say ‘Draft
Bill’ we mean it is just an idea
and is not yet finished.
Clause - Draft Bills have
‘clauses’. A clause is an idea
about how the law should
change. A clause can be
changed before a Bill is
made into a law.
Local – Local or locally
means the place, streets and
community where you live.
Community –
Your community is the place
you live and the people
who live near you.
Word Bank
Cap - A cap is a limit on how
much money a council can
The Court of Protection The Court of Protection is a
special Court of Law that
can say what happens to
someone who can find it
hard to make decisions for
themselves. It can also say
how they are looked after
and what happens to their
Consulted – Consulted or to
consult someone means
asking them what they think
about things.
Mental illness Mental illness means when
someone is unwell in their
mind. It affects how someone
thinks or their feelings. There
are lots of types of mental
This easy read document was produced by CHANGE