Complementary MOS (CMOS) Inverter ■ Concept: transistor switches connect output either to VDD or to ground VDD INPUT HIGH VDD OUTPUT LOW INPUT LOW OUTPUT HIGH CL (a) ■ VDD VIN CL (b) + CL VOUT − (c) Practical realization: connect input to gate of p-channel device. VIN = VDD --> VSG2 = VDD - VIN = 0 < - VTp --> cutoff VIN = 0 --> VSG2 = VDD - VIN = VDD >> - VTp --> on (triode region) ■ Graphical analysis: need to find family of load lines since input is connected to gate of M2 EE 105 Spring 1997 Lecture 11 p-Channel MOSFET Characteristics ■ p-channel MOS load device: VSGp = VDD - VIN as VIN increases, the source-gate voltage VSGp decreases. VDD VSGp + _ + + VSDp = vSUP _ - IDp= iSUP VIN _ note that the bulk connection is tied to the source (VDD), which results in a constant threshold voltage. EE 105 Spring 1997 Lecture 11 Switchable Current-Source Pull-Up * The drain characteristics are - IDp = - IDp (VSG, VSD), which can be expressed as the “switchable” pull-up’s current-voltage characteristic, iSUP = iSUP(VIN, vSUP) since iSUP = -IDp and VSG = VDD - VIN and vSUP = VSD. - IDp = iSUP 1 2 3 4 5 VSD = vSUP - VTp EE 105 Spring 1997 Lecture 11 CMOS Transfer Characteristic ■ plotting the p-channel pull-up on the n-channel “driver’s” drain characteristics allows us to find the input-output voltage pairs that satisfy the constraint that IDn = - IDp VOUT VDD 1 2 3 4 5 VDD VIN −IDp = IDn IDn = −IDp VIN 3 3 4 1 5 VDD n-channel (a) 2 4 2 VOUT 1 VDD 5 VOUT p-channel (b) EE 105 Spring 1997 Lecture 11 Simplified Voltage Transfer Curve ■ For CMOS inverters, the voltage transfer curve of the inverter is ideal enough that we can approximate it with a construction that is suitable for quick hand calculation VOUT VOH = VMAX Slope Av VM VOL = VMIN VIL ■ VM VIH VIN We first observe that: V OH ≈ V MAX = V DD and V OL ≈ V MIN = 0 V The edges of the transition region are then found as the intersections of the tangent to the voltage transfer curve at VIN = VM (a line of slope Av) ■ In order to construct the VTC for a CMOS inverter (and to find estimates of the noise margins), we need to first: (i) find the voltage VM (ii) find the small-signal voltage gain Av at VIN = VM EE 105 Spring 1997 Lecture 11 Step 1. Finding VM ■ Goal: find VM = input voltage for the output = VM both transistors are saturated at VIN = VM since VDSn = VM - 0 > VM - VTn VSDp = VDD - VM = (VDD - VM) +VTp ■ Equate drain currents, omitting the channel length modulation terms (1 + λn VDSn) and (1 + λp VSDp) since they tend to cancel out (if λn = λp, they exactly cancel out) 2 W I Dn = µ n C ox ------ ( V M – V Tn ) 2L n 2 W – I Dp = µ p C ox ------ ( V DD – V + V Tp ) 2L p M ■ Letting kn = µn Cox (W/L)n and kp = µp Cox (W/L)p -- 2 2 1 1 --- k n ( V M – V Tn ) = --- k p ( V DD – V M + V Tp ) 2 2 EE 105 Spring 1997 Lecture 11 Finding VM (cont.) Result: kp V Tn + ----- ( V DD + V Tp ) kn V M = -----------------------------------------------------------kp 1 + ----kn We can set VM = VDD / 2 and achieve a symmetrical transfer curve Example: suppose VTn = - VTp = 1 V and VDD = 5 V kp 1 + 4 ----kn V M = ----------------------- = 2.5 V --> kp = kn kp 1 + ----kn which makes sense since the transistors must have identical characteristics for the transfer curve to be symmetrical. The mobility of holes in p-channels is about half that of electrons in n-channels, µp = µn / 2, which implies that we must adjust the width-length ratios to compensate: kn = kp --> (W/L)p = 2(W/L)n EE 105 Spring 1997 Lecture 11 Step 2. Finding Av s2 + gmpvsg2 vsg2 _ g1 = g2 d1=d2 + + vgs1 vin _ rop vout gmnvgs1 ron _ s1 We note that vsg2 = - vin and can simplify the small-signal circuit + vin + − v − + gmnv ron rop gmpv vout − EE 105 Spring 1997 Lecture 11 Approximate Transfer Curve ■ The small-signal gain (which is the slope of the transfer curve when the input is equal to the mid-point voltage) is: v out ⁄ v in = – ( g mn + g mp ) ( r on r op ) = A v CMOS inverters have a channel length that is as short as possible (to minimize the area ... and maximum the density) ... the output resistances are relatively small and a typical value is vout / vin = - 5 to - 10. * The input-low and input-high voltages are: VOUT VOH = VDD Av VDD − VM Av VOL = 0 V VIL VM VIH VIN V IL = V M – ( V DD ⁄ ( 2 A v ) ) V IH = V M + ( V DD ⁄ ( 2 A v ) ) EE 105 Spring 1997 Lecture 11 Noise Margins ■ For kN = kP, the mid-point voltage is VM = 2.5 V. For a slope Av = - 5, the inputlow voltage and input-high voltages are: VIL = 2.5 V - (1/5) (2.5 V) = 2 V VIH = 2.5 V + (1/5) (2.5 V) =3 V The low and high noise margins are therefore: NML = VIL - VOL = 2 - 0 = 2 V NMH = VOH - VIH =5 - 3 = 2 V The transition region (or “gray area”) is the interval VIL < VIN < VIH ■ or 2 V < VIN < 3 V Finding the actual transfer function requires solving the drain current equations when the p-channel and n-channel are in the appropriate operating regions ... and finding the transition voltages for the regions. SPICE is good at this job! EE 105 Spring 1997 Lecture 11 CMOS Inverter: Propagation Delay ■ The propagation delays tPHL and tPLH are obviously of major importance for digital circuit design ... Example: clock frequency = 250 MHz --> clock period = 4 ns complex systems (e.g., microprocessor) have around 20-50 propagation delays per clock period, so we need to have tPLH and tPHL < 100 ps = 10-10 s ■ Hand calculation of propagation delays: use approximation that input changes instantaneously VIN VOH tCYCLE VOL t VOUT tPHL tPLH VOH VOH 50% tCYCLE VOL t EE 105 Spring 1997 Lecture 11 Estimating the Load Capacitance ■ The load capacitance CL consists of CG, the input capacitances of the inverters 2 and 3, and CP, the parasitic capacitance to the substrate from the drain regions of inverter 1 and the interconnections between the output of inverter 1 and the inputs of inverters 2 and 3. VDD W L p2 VDD VDD 2 W L n2 W L p1 VIN + CL VOUT VIN 1 VDD W L n1 W L p3 − 3 W L n3 (a) ■ (b) For hand calculation, we do a worst case estimate of CG by adding the maximum gate capacitances for inverters 2 and 3 C G = C ox [ ( W ⋅ L ) p2 + ( W ⋅ L ) + ( W ⋅ L ) p3 + ( W ⋅ L ) ] n2 n3 EE 105 Spring 1997 Lecture 11 Parasitic Capacitance from Drain Depletion Regions ■ The drain n and p regions have depletion regions whose stored charge changes during the transient. ,, , ,, ,, Take the worst case and use the zero-bias depletion capacitance (the maximum value) as a linear charge-storage element during the transient. ,,,,,,,, , , ,,, , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, , , , , , , ,,,,, , , , , , , , ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, active area (thin oxide area) gate contact gate interconnect polysilicon gate contact n+ polysilicon gate A metal interconnect source contacts W bulk contact source interconnect drain interconnect L drain contacts edge of active area (b) L W Ldiff EE 105 Spring 1997 Lecture 11 Calculation of Parasitic Depletion Capacitance ■ “Bottom” of depletion regions of the load inverters’ drain diffusions contribute a depletion capacitance CBOTT = CJn(WnLdiffn) + CJp(WpLdiffp) with CJn and CJp being the zero-bias junction capacitances (fF/µm2) for the nchannel MOSFET drain-bulk junction and the p-channel MOSFET drain-bulk junction, respectively. ■ “Sidewall” of depletion regions of the load inverters’ drain diffusions make an additional contribution: CSW = (Wn + 2Ldiffn)CJSWn + (Wp + 2Ldiffp)CJSWp with CJSWn and CJSWp being the zero-bias sidewall capacitances (fF/µm) for the n-channel MOSFET drain-bulk junction and the p-channel MOSFET drain-bulk junction, respectively. ■ ■ The total depletion capacitance CDB = CBOTT + CSW Typical numbers: CJN and CJP are about 0.2 fF/µm2 and CJSWn and CJSWp are about 0.5 fF/µm. EE 105 Spring 1997 Lecture 11 Parasitic Capacitance from Interconnections ,, ■ “Wires” consist of metal lines connecting the output of the inverter to the input of the next stage. In cross section, ,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, , , , metal interconnect (width Wm, length Lm) polysilicon gate p+ 0.6 µm deposited oxide 0.5 µm thermal oxide p (grounded) gate oxide ■ The p+ layer (i.e., heavily doped with acceptors) under the thick thermal oxide (500 nm = 0.5 µm) and deposited oxide (600 nm = 0.6 µm) depletes only slightly when positive voltages appear on the metal line, so the capacitance is approximately the oxide capacitance: C WIRE = C thickox ( W m ⋅ L m ) where the oxide thickness = 500 nm + 600 nm = 1.1 µm. * For large digital systems, the parasitic interconnect capacitance can dominate the load capacitance -CL = CG + CP = CG + (CDB + CWIRE) EE 105 Spring 1997 Lecture 11 EE 105 Spring 1997 Lecture 11