D id you know?
We offer one to one support in your
home. All families ex perience difficulties
at some time and it can be hard to know
what to do for the best.
F amily Support can help to guide you
through these times.
N ew mobile number?
N ew email address?
N ew child in the family?
Change in circumstances?
Please let us know – ask
for our Change
Change of D etails
F orm
Citiz en’s Advice
A dvice B ureau
(CAB )
An Advisor can help
with issues
issues such as
debt, benefits,
employment, housing,
discrimination etc R ing
0 8444 111444
O r ring the Children’s
Centre and we will pass
your phone number to
the CAB Advisor on your
behalf and they will ring
you back.
An advisor will be
present at the 1st & 3
week of the month at
the Community Clinic;
and the 2nd & 4th week of
the month at the Stay &
Play in Princetown.
N eed Help?
L one parent support: www.gingerbread.org.uk
Child B enefit: www.hmrc.gov.uk/ child benefit
D omestic V iolence: www.devon.gov.uk/ community/ social_ issues/ domestic_ violence.htm
Supported L odgings
odgings for young people: www.homelessuk.org
B reast F eeding:
eeding www.breastfeeding.see.nhs.uk
Public Health N ursing Team: 0 1822 61970 0
Midwives: 0 1822 619711
Issues: www.adviceguide.org.uk
D ebt Issues
Addaction – D rugs and Alcohol Addiction and R ecovery
ecovery:: 0 1392 431588
Citiz ens Advice B ureau (CAB ): 0 8444 111 444
… … … . O r ask us, we’re here for you!
Meet the Team
O llie – Centre L ead
Shona – Project Administrator
K atie – Project Worker
Teresa – Play L eader
K aren – Project Worker L ead
R achael – Project Worker
N ick – Project Worker
E mily Sc – Student Social Worker
Clare – Play Worker
E mily Su – Project Worker
Sarah – Play Worker
Mary – Administrator
Sheree – Project Worker
K aren – Play Worker
Monica – Student Social Worker
We say a sad Goodbye to Anne, our Play Worker, as a permanent member of staff – although
she might c ontinue to help us on an ‘As and When’ basis. We w ish her all the v ery best.
L et’s Talk
A group aimed at promoting and
developing speech, language
and communication for all
Activities, strategies and
resources will be available to
help a child’s attention and
listening, understanding and to
encourage ex pressive language.
B ooking only
Healthy Start V itamin D rops & V itamin tablets for women
Healthy Start V itamin D rops are for children over 6 months old. Ask your Health V isitor
whether you are eligible to get the above, free for your baby, and free vitamin tablets for
The Children’s Centre holds a supply for any
parent who has a signed form from the
Health Team.
Tavistock Area Children’s Centre, Abbey R ise, Tavistock, PL 19 9F D
E mail: tavistockchildrenscentre@barnardos.org.uk
Tel N o: 0 1822 614210
Web site: www.barnardos.org.uk/ devoncc/ tavistockcc
Registered Charity No 216250 and SCO 37605
Parent Survey
Safety around dogs
dogs,, parents are bei ng enc ouraged to teac h their
F ollow ing a spate of tragic ac c idents around dogs
c hildren to:
10 .
never touch a dog without asking the owner first
never get too close to a busy, bored, ill dog
never get close to a dog tied up
never touch a loose dog
never make sudden movements when close to a dog
never tease a dog
never play with a dog unless an adult is nearby
never put their face so near so that a dog can lick them
never touch a dog that is sleeping
never smother a dog when cuddling
never eat when close to a dog
never go near a dog when it is on its own territory
never stare at a dog
never touch a dog that is with its puppies
never run from a dog, screaming or waving their arms
never ignore a dog’s warning growl
always wash their hands after touching a dog
pretend to be a tree if a dog jumps up
Thank you to everyone who took part in our survey, it helped us to understand where we are making an
impact and which services needed improvement. Importantly it also gave the Children’s Centre a clear
guide from you on what services and support families want in 20 14 -15. We listened to you and have
ensured your views have shaped the Children’s Centre priorities.
Y our Top Priorities:
Support for parents during and after pregnancy especially those affected by low mood and
B reast feeding support and advice
O pportunities to attend sessions and courses that help you understand your child’s behaviours
and emotional development
Support for parents wishing to get back into work, education and employment
In addition to this many of you asked for more services to focus on ex ercise, music and movement in
sessions with a focus on developing speech and language.
We look forward to seeing you at our sessions this year that have been developed around your need and
hope to work more in partnership with families to continue to make Tavistock Children’s Centre the Hub
in the community. (F ollow the link on our website to see the Children’s Centre Plan)
Ask us about:
It’s that time of year! Treating head lice… ..
If head lice are present, you need to treat your child. Y ou should only treat your child if you find live head lice,
which confirms a live infestation. D on't treat 'just in case'. Head lice are tough. They can’t be killed by washing
with normal shampoo or normal combing. B ecause they reproduce so q uickly, you’ve got to kill them before they
If your child has head lice, check everyone in the family. Y ou'll need to treat everyone affected to get rid of them.
Y ou can treat head lice by wet-combing hair with a special comb, or by using medicated lotions or sprays
available over the counter at pharmacies.
B aby Massage
B oobie B abies
F .O .O .T
Parents With Prospects – a session for carers under 21yrs starting in June
Pattern Changing
B aby Clinics
Y oung Parents
Solihull Approach group for Parents/
Parents/ Carers
Tuesday G roup
Tavistock Area Parent Support (ASC )
The baby clinics support you with the
early development of your baby. The
local Health V isiting Team runs these
clinics along with the Children's
Centre staff.
The Y oung Parents group is run as
an Informal ‘D rop-In’. It is available
for parents aged 21 or less with
children aged 0 -5. Pregnant under
21’s (both partners) are encouraged
to attend.
The Solihull Approach was initially designed for
Health V isitors to work with families who had
children with feeding, sleeping, toileting and
behaviour difficulties. The Solihull Approach has
developed further and is now used by a wide range of
professionals from different agencies working with
At the Tavistock Area Children’s Centre
D o you have a son or daughter with a
diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum
Condition (ASC) or Aspergers
Syndrome? (Confirmed or in the
process of being assessed).
The session enables families/carers to
have their baby weighed by a Health
Professional and you can get advice
and support from the Children's
Centre staff and the Health V isiting
The group is facilitated by a
Tavistock Area Children's Centre
Worker, with the Community
N ursery N urse from the Health
Team attending for baby weighing
and to answer any q uestions.
B aby Clinic times and dates
C hatterbox - E very Wednesday
10 .30 am - 12.30 pm at the Community
Centre, Woolwell - This is run by the
E stover Health Team
T av istoc k C ommunity C linic - E very
Thursday 1.30 - 3.30 pm at Tavistock
Area Children's Centre, Abbey R ise
If you would like anymore
information on the group or to have
a chat with a member of staff then
please call the Children's Centre.
E very Thursday
3.30 pm - 4.30 pm
At the Children’s Centre
The programme is designed to run for 2 hours per
week over 10 weeks.
E x amples of what is covered in the sessions:
• how to know what you and your child are feeling
• tuning into your child's developmental needs
• having fun together
• sleep and anger
• different styles of parenting
• communication
• how to recover when things go wrong
Please contact the Centre for details of the nex t
Support G roup for those suffering mood
changes around childbirth
childbirt h
This group is provided for all parents or
parents-to-be who are ex periencing very
unpleasant mood changes during pregnancy or
after childbirth e.g. antenatal or post natal
Y our Health V isitor, Midwife or G P may have
identified this by using a screening
q uestionnaire.
Would you like to meet other parents
and share your ex periences?
A group of local parents are aiming to
set up a support group for parents of
children with ASC in the Tavistock
D ads can also ex perience these feelings too and
are welcome to join the group.
If you would like to be involved or just
want to register your interest and be
kept updated please E mail Mo
Stephens on mo-stephens@talktalk.net
To book please contact:
Jo Martin (Health V isitor): 0 1822 61970 0
O r
R achael Pickett (Project Worker): 0 1822
We are hoping to have the first
planning meeting at the beginning of
May at St Andrew’s School.
Julia Marks. Parent Support Advisor