PHYSICAL REVIEW E VOLUME 55, NUMBER 3 MARCH 1997 Relaxation time for nonlinear response of a Brownian particle subject to a step external force: Analytical solutions for one-dimensional models Yu. P. Kalmykov Centre d’Etudes Fondamentales, Université de Perpignan, 52 Avenue de Villeneuve, 66860 Perpignan Cedex, France and Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vvedenskii Square 1, Fryazino, Moscow Region, 141120, Russian Federation J. L. Déjardin* Centre d’Etudes Fondamentales, Université de Perpignan, 52 Avenue de Villeneuve, 66860 Perpignan Cedex, France W. T. Coffey Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland ~Received 1 November 1996! The nonlinear response to a step external force of a system with relaxational dynamics governed by a one-dimensional Fokker-Planck equation is considered. An exact analytical expression for the step response nonlinear relaxation time is derived in terms of an integral ~which can be evaluated numerically!. Applications to nonlinear problems concerning the dynamic Kerr effect, dielectric relaxation of liquid dielectrics, and magnetic relaxation of systems of single domain ferromagnetic particles are given. The results are compared with solutions previously obtained. @S1063-651X~97!08503-6# PACS number~s!: 05.40.1j, 76.20.1q, 77.22.Gm, 78.20.Jq I. INTRODUCTION A system initially in an equilibrium ~stationary! state and suddenly disturbed by an external stimulus ~e.g., by applying a step external field! will evolve into another equilibrium ~stationary! state. Presently a satisfactory theory is available for linear response only where the energy of the system arising from the external stimulus is much lower than the thermal energy @1,2#. Here we need only linear ~in the external stimulus! deviations of the expectation value of the dynamical variable of interest in the stationary state in order to evaluate the generalized susceptibility and/or response functions in terms of the appropriate equilibrium ~stationary! correlation function. Linear response theory is widely used for an interpretation of nonequilibrium phenomena such as dielectric and magnetic relaxation, conductivity problems, etc. Here we wish to study relaxation following a steplike stimulus in systems described by one-dimensional FokkerPlanck equations for the distribution function W(x,t) of a variable x @2#, ] W5L FPW. ]t ~1.1! L FP5 G 0 5L FP ~ x ! 1L ext~ x ! F ~ t ! , with 0 L FP ~ x !5 F G ] ] V~ x ! e D ~ 2 ! ~ x ! e 2V ~ x ! , ]x ]x L ext~ x ! 5 ] @ D ~ 2 ! ~ x ! B 8 ~ x !# , ]x 0 L FP ~ x ! W 0 ~ x ! 50, ~1.2! B 8~ x ! 5 d B, dx 0 where L FP (x) is the Fokker-Planck operator in the absence of the perturbation, W 0 is the equilibrium ~stationary! distribution function, V is called a generalized ~effective! potential @2#, D (2) (x) is the diffusion coefficient, and B(x) denotes a dynamical quantity. The step-off and step-on relaxation functions ~when, on the one hand, a small constant force F 1 is suddenly switched off and, on the other hand, switched on at time t50, respectively, statistical equilibrium having been achieved prior to the imposition of the stimulus in both instances! for a dynamic variable A(x) are then We shall therefore first summarize the principal results of linear response theory ~@2#, Chap. 7! for systems where the dynamics obey a diffusion equation like Eq. ~1.1!. Thus let us consider the Fokker-Planck operator L FP of a system subject to a small perturbing force F(t). On account of this, L FP may be represented as ^ A & off~ t ! 2 ^ A & 0 5F 1 C AB ~ t ! , ^ A & on~ t ! 2 ^ A & 0 5F 1 @ C AB ~ 0 ! 2C AB ~ t !# ~ t.0 ! , ~1.3! where the quantity *Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. 1063-651X/97/55~3!/2509~7!/$10.00 F ] ] V ~ x ! 2B ~ x ! F ~ t ! e D ~ 2 ! ~ x ! e 2V ~ x ! 1B ~ x ! F ~ t ! ]x ]x 55 2509 © 1997 The American Physical Society 2510 YU. P. KALMYKOV, J. L. DÉJARDIN, AND W. T. COFFEY C AB ~ t ! 5 ^ A„x ~ 0 ! …B„x ~ t ! …& 0 2 ^ A & 0 ^ B & 0 5 E x2 x1 0 @ A ~ x ! 2 ^ A & 0 # e L FPt @ B ~ x ! 2 ^ B & 0 # W 0 ~ x ! dx ~1.4! is the equilibrium ~stationary! correlation function, and the symbols ^ & and ^ &0 designate the statistical averages over W and W 0 , respectively, with x defined in the range x 1 ,x,x 2 . Furthermore, the spectrum of ^ A & (t) ~ac response! is F ^ A & v 5F v C AB ~ 0 ! 2i v E ` 0 G C AB ~ t ! e 2i v t dt , 1 t A5 C AA ~ 0 ! 5 1 C AA ~ 0 ! 3 FE x2 x1 E E ` 0 C AA ~ t ! dt x2 x1 1 ~2! D ~ x ! W 0~ x ! are interested in the relaxation of the system starting from an equilibrium ~stationary! state I with a distribution function W I(x) which evolves under the action of the stimulus to another equilibrium ~stationary! state II with the distribution function W II(x). Our goal is to evaluate the relaxation time tA of a typical dynamical variable A. This problem is intrinsically nonlinear, because we assume that changes in the magnitude of the potential are now significant. Thus the concept of relaxation functions and relaxation times must be used rather than correlation functions and correlation times. We define the normalized relaxation function f A (t) of a dynamical variable A by H ^ A & ~ t ! 2 ^ A & II , f A ~ t ! 5 ^ A & I 2 ^ A & II ~1.5! where ^ A & v and F v are the Fourier components of ^ A & (t) and F(t), respectively. We remark that Eqs. ~1.3! and ~1.5! are particular examples of Kubo’s linear response theory @1#. Moreover, an exact integral formula exists for the correlation time tA @defined as the area under the curve of the normalized autocorrelation function C AA (t) as is apparent from Eq. ~1.4! for A5B#. This is @see Eq. ~S9.14! in Ref. @2## 55 1, t.0 ~2.1! t<0, where ^ A & I and ^ A & II are equilibrium ~stationary! averages defined as ^ A & I5 E x2 x1 ^ A & II5 A ~ x ! W I~ x ! dx, E x2 x1 A ~ x ! W II~ x ! dx, ~2.2! and ^ A & (t) is the time-dependent average, ^A&~ t !5 G 2 @ A ~ x 8 ! 2 ^ A & 0 # W 0 ~ x 8 ! dx 8 dx. ~1.6! In contrast, nonlinear response theory has been much less well developed by reason of its inherent mathematicalphysical complexity ~see, e.g., @3,4#!. The calculation of the nonlinear response even for systems described by a single coordinate is a difficult task as there is no longer any connection between the step-on and step-off responses and the ac response because the response now depends on the precise nature of the stimulus—as no unique response function valid for all stimuli unlike linear response exists. Such results as have been obtained have mainly emerged either by perturbation theory or by numerical simulations. However, a few exact analytical solutions of particular nonlinear step response problems exist ~e.g., @5–7#!. We shall now demonstrate that it is possible to derive an exact general equation in terms of an integral @similar to Eq. ~1.6!# for the nonlinear step response relaxation time of a system governed by onedimensional Fokker-Planck equation ~1.1! just as in linear response @2#. II. ANALYTIC EQUATION FOR THE NONLINEAR RESPONSE RELAXATION TIME We consider the one-dimensional Brownian movement of a particle subject to a potential V(x), and we assume that the relaxational dynamics of the particle obeys the FokkerPlanck equation ~1.1!. Let us suppose that at time t50 the value of the generalized potential V is suddenly changed from V I to V II ~e.g., by applying a strong external field or by a change in some parameter characterizing the system!. We E x2 x1 A ~ x ! W ~ x,t ! dx. ~2.3! The relaxation time tA defined as the area under the curve of f A (t) at t.0 is then given by t A5 E ` 0 f A ~ t ! dt5 lim s→0 E ` 0 e 2st f A ~ t ! dt5 f̃ A ~ 0 ! , ~2.4! where f̃ A (s) is the Laplace transform of f A (t). On interchanging the orders of integration over x and t in Eq. ~2.4!, we have t A5 1 ^ A & I2 ^ A & II E x2 x1 @ A ~ x ! 2 ^ A & II# W̃ ~ x,0! dx, ~2.5! where W̃ ~ x,0! 5 lim W̃ ~ x,s ! ~2.6! s→0 and W̃ ~ x,s ! 5 E ` 0 W ~ x,t ! e 2st dt. ~2.7! The quantity W̃(x,0) can be calculated analytically by quadratures as follows. On using the final value theorem of Laplace transformation, viz. lim sW̃ ~ x,s ! 5 lim W ~ x,t ! 5W II~ x ! , s→0 t→` and on taking into account Eq. ~1.2!, from Eq. ~1.1! at t.0 we obtain 55 RELAXATION TIME FOR NONLINEAR RESPONSE OF A . . . W II~ x ! 2W I~ x ! 5 where S F d d d W̃ ~ x,0! 1W̃ ~ x,0! V ~x! D ~ 2 !~ x ! dx dx dx II DG D ~ 2 ! ~ x ! 51/z b . ~2.8! The solution of Eq. ~2.8! is W̃ ~ x,0! 5W II~ x ! E F ~ y ! dy , D ~ y ! W II~ y ! x ~2.9! ~2! x1 F~ y !5 E y x1 and the constants N i and S i must be determined from the boundary and the normalization conditions @2#. On the other hand, for potentials, where the probability current S50 at the stationary state @e.g., for the bistable potential V(x)52V 0 (bx 2 2x 4 )#, W I(x) and W II(x) are the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution functions, viz. W i ~ x ! 5e 2 b V i ~ x ! /Z i where @ W II~ z ! 2W I~ z !# dz. ~2.10! 1 ^ A & I2 ^ A & II 3 E x x1 E x2 x1 t A5 F~ z !5 F~ y ! dy dx, ~2! D ~ y ! W II~ y ! 1 A 2 ^ & II ^ A & I E x2 x1 E x x1 E z 2` C~ z !5 F~ x !C~ x ! dx, D ~ 2 ! ~ x ! W II~ x ! ~2.11! where C~ x !5 bz ^ A & II2 ^ A & I @ A ~ y ! 2 ^ A & II# W II~ y ! dy. ~2.12! Equation ~2.11! is an exact equation for the nonlinear step response relaxation time, which is analogous to Eq. ~1.6! for the linear response. III. EXAMPLES As a first example, we consider the one-dimensional noninertial translational Brownian motion of a particle in a potential V(x), where the variable x specifies the position of the particle. The relevant Fokker-Planck ~Smoluchowski! equation for the distribution function W of the position x is given by @2# S D ~ t.0 ! , ~3.1! with the initial conditions W(x,0)5W I(x), where z is the friction coefficient and b51/kT. For potentials, where the probability current S in the stationary state is not equal to zero @e.g., for the tilted periodic potential V(x)5V 0 ~cos x2ax!#, the relaxation time is given by Eq. ~2.11!, with the stationary distribution functions W I(x) and W II(x) defined as @2# W i ~ x ! 5N i e 2 b V i ~ x ! 2S i e 2 b V i ~ x ! E x x0 e b V i~ y ! dy D ~ 2 !~ y ! ` 2` e b V II~ x ! F ~ x ! C ~ x ! dx, ~3.2! ~ i5I,II! , 2 b V II~ y ! 2 b V I~ y ! 2Z 21 @ Z 21 # dy, II e I e E z 2` ~3.3! @ A ~ x ! 2 ^ A & II# e 2 b V II~ x ! dx. ~3.4! Similar results are obtained for the longitudinal relaxation arising from the noninertial rotational Brownian motion of a dipolar particle in an external uniaxial potential V. The relevant Fokker-Planck equation for the distribution function W of the orientations of the particle is @8,9# 2tD ] 1 ]2 ] ] W5 V II~ x ! 1 z W W ]t ]x ]x b ]x2 E where @ A ~ x ! 2 ^ A & II# W II~ x ! so that, on integration by parts, t A5 ~ i5I,II! . Here Z I and Z II are the partition functions, and x 152` and x 25`. The relaxation time is therefore given by Thus from Eqs. ~2.5! and ~2.9! we obtain t A5 2511 F ] ] b ] W5 sin q W V ~q! ]t sin q ]q ]q II 1 F ] 1 ] sin q W sin q ]q ]q G G ~3.5! ~ t.0 ! , ~q is the polar angle which specifies the orientation of the particle! or introducing a variable x5cos q 2tD S S ] ] ] ] W5 W1 b W V ~x! ~ 12x 2 ! ]t ]x ]x ] x II ~ t.0 ! , DD ~3.6! where tD is a characteristic ~Debye! relaxation time. In this case W I(x) and W II(x) are the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution functions W I~ x ! 5e 2 b V I~ x ! /Z I , W II~ x ! 5e 2 b V II~ x ! /Z II , ~3.7! x 1521, x 251, and D ~ 2 !~ x ! 5 12x 2 . 2tD Thus Eq. ~2.11! yields t A5 2tD ^ A & II2 ^ A & I E 1 21 e b V II~ z ! F ~ z ! C ~ z ! dz , 12z 2 ~3.8! 2512 YU. P. KALMYKOV, J. L. DÉJARDIN, AND W. T. COFFEY where F~ z !5 E Z i5 z 21 C~ z !5 2 b V II~ y ! 2 b V I~ y ! 2Z 21 @ Z 21 # dy, II e I e E z 21 @ A ~ x ! 2 ^ A & II# e 2 b V II~ x ! dx. ~3.9! ~3.10! IV. APPLICATION TO NONLINEAR DYNAMIC KERR EFFECT, DIELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC RELAXATION Equation ~3.8! can be used to calculate the relaxation time of the nonlinear dielectric and dynamic Kerr effect step responses of systems consisting of permanently polar and polarizable molecules. It may also be applied to the calculation of the nonlinear relaxation time of nematic liquid crystals as well as single domain ferromagnetic particles where the amplitude of a strong dc field F0 ~electric or magnetic as appropriate! is suddenly changed at t50. The longitudinal relaxation of all these systems ~excluding interparticle interactions! is governed by the Fokker-Planck equation ~3.5!, with a uniaxial potential V given by b V ~ cos q ! 52 s cos2 q 2 j cos q 1/2 e 2 s i h i $ erf i @~ 11h i ! As i # 2 1erf i @~ 12h i ! As i # % ~4.6! is the partition function, and erf i ~ x ! 5 E Ap 2 x 2 ~4.7! e t dt 0 is the error function of imaginary argument. From Eqs. ~2.11!, ~4.5!, and ~4.6!, we have 2tD t n5 ^ P n & II2 ^ P n & I E 1 21 F ~ z ! C n ~ z ! e 2 s IIz 12z 2 22z z II dz , ~4.8! n51 and 2, where E 2 p 1/2e 2 s IIh II F~ z !5 @ W II~ z 8 ! 2W I~ z 8 !# dz 8 5 2 s 1/2 21 II Z II z 3 $ erf i @~ z1h II! As II# 1erf i @~ 12h II! As II# % or b V ~ z ! 52 s ~ z 2 12hz ! ~ z5cos q ! , ~4.1! h5 j /2s ~4.2! 2 p 1/2e 2 s Ih I 2 $ erf i @~ z1h I! As I# 2 s 1/2 I ZI where s 5 b K, j 5 bm F 0 and are the appropriate dimensionless anisotropy and external field parameters and their ratio, respectively, K is an anisotropy constant, and m is the ~electric or magnetic! dipole moment. The appropriate interpretation of the parameters tD , j, and s in each case is given, e.g., in Refs. @8–16#. The potential Eq. ~4.1! is symmetrical when j50 and has a barrier at q5p/2, where the potential has a maximum where the height relative to the minima at q50, and q5p is equal to s. The potential becomes asymmetrical for jÞ0 and the double well structure disappears at h5h s 51. The quantities of greatest interest in the nonlinear response of these systems are the relaxation times tn ~n51 and 2! of the relaxation functions f 1 (t) and f 2 (t) of the first and second Legendre polynomials, viz. f 1 ~ t ! 5 ^ P 1 ~ cos q ! & ~ t ! 2 ^ P 1 ~ cos q ! & II ~4.3! f 2 ~ t ! 5 ^ P 2 ~ cos q ! & ~ t ! 2 ^ P 2 ~ cos q ! & II . ~4.4! and Equation ~4.3! governs the dielectric and magnetic relaxation, and Eq. ~4.4! governs the dynamic Kerr effect. The distribution functions in the equilibrium states I and II are given by W i ~ z ! 5e where S D 1 p 2 si 55 s i ~ 2h i z1z 2 ! /Z i ~ i5I,II! , ~4.5! 1erf i @~ 12h I! As I# % , E C 1~ z ! 5 z 21 @ P 1 ~ z 8 ! 2 ^ P 1 & II# e s II~ z 8 ~4.9! 2 12h z ! II 8 dz 8 1 2 @ e s II~ z 12h IIz ! 2e s II~ 122h II! # 2 s II 5 2 2e s II~ 12h II! p 1/2 sinh~ 2 s IIh II! $ erf i @~ z1h II! As II# 2 s 3/2 II Z II 1erf i @~ 12h II! As II# % , C 2~ z ! 5 5 E z 21 @ P 2 ~ z 8 ! 2 ^ P 2 & II# e s II~ z 8 ~4.10! 2 12h z ! II 8 dz 8 H 3 2 e s II~ z 12h IIz ! ~ z2h II! 1e s II~ 122h II! ~ 11h II! 4 s II 2 2e s II~ 12h II! p 1/2@ cosh~ 2 s IIh II! 2h II sinh~ 2 s IIh II!# s 1/2 II Z II J 3 @ erf i @~ z1h II! As II# 1erf i @~ 12h II! As II## , ~4.11! ^ P 1& i5 e s i sinh~ 2 s i h i ! 2h i , s iZ i ~4.12! RELAXATION TIME FOR NONLINEAR RESPONSE OF A . . . 55 ^ P 2& i5 2513 3e s i @ cosh~ 2 s i h i ! 2h i sinh~ 2 s i h i !# 2 s iZ i 1 3h 2i 2 2 3 1 2 4si 2 ~4.13! ~ i5I,II! . First, we shall compare the foregoing results with those previously given. We have obtained in Refs. @6,7# by solving the infinite hierarchy of differential-recurrence relations for the averaged spherical harmonics, the exact analytical solution for the relaxation time t2 for the nonlinear rise transient of the dynamic Kerr effect for nonpolar polarizable molecules, which is ~in the notation of Ref. @7#! t 25 64M ~ 12 , 32 , s ! M ~ 32 , 72 , s ! 3 S D ` 45p t D ( 2 n51 s 2 2n22 ~ 4n11 ! G ~ 2n ! M 2 ~ n1 21 ,2n1 32 , s ! ~ 2n11 ! G 2 ~ 2n1 23 ! ~4.14! . Here G(z) is the gamma function @17#, and M (a,b,z) is the confluent hypergeometric ~Kummer! function defined as @17# ^ P 2& 05 a ~ a11 ! z a z M ~ a,b,z ! 511 1 b 1! b ~ b11 ! 2! 2 a ~ a11 !~ a12 ! z 3 1••• , 1 b ~ b11 !~ b12 ! 3! s5 ~ a 1 2 a 2 ! F 20 2kT , and a1 and a2 are the components of the electric polarizability parallel and perpendicular to the axis of symmetry of the molecule. We remark that all the confluent hypergeometric functions appearing in Eq. ~4.14! may be expressed in terms of the more familiar error function of imaginary argument erf i(x). In particular ~@18#, pp. 580 and 581!, M ~ 12 , 32 ,z ! 5 M ~ 32 , 72 ,z ! 5 SD 1 p 2 z F 1/2 erf i ~ Az ! , SD 15 312z p z 2 3e 2 8z 2 z 1/2 G erf i ~ Az ! . Equations for the other M functions occurring in Eq. ~4.14! may be obtained from Table 7.11.2 of Ref. @18#, and the recurrence relations for the confluent hypergeometric function. In our notation the model considered in Refs. @6,7# corresponds to Eq. ~4.8! for n52 with h I50, s I50, h II50, s II5 s , ~4.15! where according to Eqs. ~4.9!–~4.13! and ~4.15!, F~ z !5 C 2~ z ! 5 F erf i ~ As z ! z 2 , 2 2 erf i ~ As ! FIG. 1. Nonlinear dielectric relaxation time in the form ln~t1/tD ! calculated from Eq. ~4.8! as a function of s and j for a suddenly reversed dc field: jII52jI5j, and sII5sI5s. ~4.16! G erf i ~ As z ! 3 2 ze s z 2e s , 4s 2 erf i ~ As ! ~4.17! 3 4s F G 2e s As 1 21 2 . 2 Ap erf i ~ As ! ~4.18! The result of calculations of the correlation time t2 from Eq. ~4.14! is in complete agreement with that predicted by Eqs. ~4.8! and ~4.16!–~4.18! ~e.g., for s55 we obtained t2/tD 50.281 269... in both representations!. In Ref. @7# we also evaluated the nonlinear dielectric and birefringence rise transients for a more general model of polar and polarizable molecules ~the solution was obtained in terms of matrix continued fractions!. The model corresponds to s I50, h I50, h II5h, s II5 s . ~4.19! Here we have also complete agreement between the relaxation times yielded by both solutions. Equation ~4.8! can also be applied to other nonlinear problems of the dynamic birefringence and dielectric relaxation considered by Morita and Watanabe @4,5#. In particular, Eq. ~4.8! for h I52h II ~or jI52jII!, sII5sI5 s yields the nonlinear dielectric relaxation time for a transient process where a homogeneous electric field F0 applied to a system of polar and polarizable particles for a time sufficient to allow the system to reach the equilibrium state for t,0, is suddenly reversed at t50 ~Fig. 1!. Furthermore, Eq. ~4.8! ~for h IÞh II , sIIÞsI! gives the exact solution for the nonlinear birefringence and dielectric relaxation times when a strong homogeneous electric field F0 is suddenly applied to the system where a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of the orientations of particles has been established by another homogeneous electric field F1 . Let us now suppose that the amplitude of the strong dc field F0 is suddenly altered at time t50 and that, unlike in Eq. ~4.19!, the value of the anisotropy parameter s remains unaffected, i.e., we assume h IÞh II , sII5sI5 s . ~4.20! YU. P. KALMYKOV, J. L. DÉJARDIN, AND W. T. COFFEY 2514 FIG. 2. ln~t1/tD ! calculated from Eqs. ~4.8! and ~4.19! as a function of s for h I50.1→h II50.15 ~curve 1!, h I50.1→h II50.25 ~curve 2!, h I50.1→h II50.5, ~curve 3!, and h I50.1→h II51 ~curve 4!. This form of the model is appropriate to the nonlinear dielectric response of nematic liquid crystals and to the nonlinear magnetic response of an assembly of single domain ferromagnetic particles, where s is mainly determined by the crystalline ~or shape and magnetic! anisotropy rather than the external field, in contrast to nonlinear dielectric and Kerr effect relaxation of an assembly of permanently polar and polarizable molecules. The linear response of this model has been evaluated elsewhere @13,16# ~this corresponds to an infinitesimal change in amplitude of F0!. The step-on, step-off, and ac linear responses are now entirely determined by the equilibrium dipole autocorrelation function C 1 (t) 5^cos q~0!cos q(t)&02^cos q~0!& 20 @13#, where E * E p ^~ * !& 05 0 2 q 1 j cos q ~ ! e s cos p e sin q d q . s cos2 q 1 j cos q sin q d q 0 55 FIG. 3. ln~t1/tD ! calculated from Eqs. ~4.8!, ~4.19!, and ~4.20! as a function of s for linear response h II5h I2«50.1 ~«→0! ~curve 1!, nonlinear decay transient h I50.25→h II50.1 ~curve 2!, nonlinear rise transient h I50.1→h II50.25 ~curve 3!, and linear response h II5h I2«50.25 ~«→0! ~curve 4!. bias parameter h is shown in Fig. 2, and the linear and nonlinear relaxation times for the rise and reverse decay transients are shown in Figs. 3 and 4. It is apparent from Figs. 2–4 that the relaxation process obeys an activation ~Arrhenius! law behavior ~i.e., an exponential increase of t1 with increasing barrier height s! in a restricted range of the parameters j and s only. This may be explained as follows. The relaxation dynamics in the potential given by Eq. ~4.1! ~which has in general two potential wells! is determined by two relaxation processes. One relaxation ~activation! process governs the crossing of the potential barrier between two positions of equilibrium by a current of particles. Another process describes relaxation inside the wells. Potential ~4.1! becomes more and more asymmetrical with increasing j, and the activation process is suppressed due to the depletion of the upper well @16#. This depletion is achieved at values of the constant electric field F0 which are considerably smaller than the value of a critical field at which the double well In particular, the relaxation time t lin 1 of the linear response step-off relaxation function f lin 1 (t)}C 1 (t) is @16,21#, cf. Eq. ~1.6!, t lin 1 5 2tD ^ cos2 q & 0 2 ^ cos q & 20 3 FE z 21 E 1 21 2 e 2sz 2jz 12z 2 ~ z 8 2 ^ cos q & 0 ! e s z 8 21jz G 2 8 dz 8 dz, ~4.21! where ^cos q~0!&05^P 1&0 and ^cos2 q~0!&05~2^P 2&011!/3 may be readily extracted from Eqs. ~4.12! and ~4.13!, respectively. Equation ~4.20! may be obtained from Eq. ~4.8! by writing jI2«5jII , and proceeding to the limit «→0. Alternative methods of derivation of Eq. ~4.20! are given, for example, in Refs. @19–21#. The results of our calculations of the nonlinear step response relaxation time t1 and comparison with those of the linear response are given in Figs. 2–4: the relaxation time of the rise transient as a function of s for various values of the FIG. 4. ln~t1/tD ! calculated from Eqs. ~4.8!, ~4.19!, and ~4.20! as a function of s for a further selection of values of h: linear response h II5h I2«50.1 ~«→0! ~curve 1!, nonlinear decay transient h I50.5→h II50.1 ~curve 2!, nonlinear rise transient h I50.1→h II50.5 ~curve 3!, and linear response h II5h I2«50.5 ~«→0! ~curve 4!. 55 RELAXATION TIME FOR NONLINEAR RESPONSE OF A . . . 2515 structure of the potential disappears ~this critical field is given by j/2s51!. In the case of the strong bias field ~j→`!, when the potential ~4.1! transforms to the single well potential j cos q, we observe intrawell relaxation modes only. Similar results have been obtained for the linear response in magnetic relaxation of single domain ferromagnetic particles with high anisotropy barriers in the presence of a strong constant magnetic field following an infinitesimal change in that field @13,16,21#. It is also apparent from Figs. 3 and 4 that nonlinear relaxation times for the step-on ~h I→h II! and the reverse step-off ~h II→h I! responses may differ considerably in marked contrast to the linear response step-on and step-off solutions where according to Eq. ~1.3! the relaxation behavior is characterized by the same relaxation time. In other words, in linear response the rise and decay transients are mirror images of each other. 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