Aligning NGSS with Locally Grown Curriculum

Aligning NGSS with Locally Grown Curriculum
Dr. Jay Marquand, Principal
Kristen Lively, 6th Grade Science Teacher and Science Department Chair
Melody Jensen, 8th Grade Science and Technology Resource Teacher (TRT)
Today’s Meet Discussion
Please go to
Use this discussion forum to ask questions,
answer questions, and share ideas.
Goal: Designing and implementing Next Generation Science Standards
(NGSS) curriculum in the classroom through a digital platform
o Assessments – Federal, state, local (mandates)
o Preparing students and staff who are “Future Ready”
o District – Mission, vision, board goals, strategic plan
Shareholders - School board, district, students, staff and parents
Education meetings - Board updates, staff meetings, parents (PTO), “face to
Website, Emails, Facebook, Twitter
● District – Technology support, hardware, software Jay notes = Policy(cies)
Williams Law, equal access, Mission, working with district level / board, vision,
strategic plan
Freedom / “Give Permission” – classroom environment; quiet vs. engaged,
working, “chaotic”
Culture of Trust - Relationships, communication
Classroom - Students are challenged, wrestle with discovery / knowledge
(staff and students)
Before: The beginning of our implementation journey
After: OK, we are finally getting this!
NGSS Structure
Disciplinary Core Ideas
Crosscutting Concepts
Science and Engineering
Integrated Model of NGSS
NGSS Curriculum Design
Translating the matrix into instruction:
Begin by looking at the Performance Expectations. What will the students need to DO in
order to demonstrate what they KNOW?
Determine the content that students will need to learn in order to meet the PE—reference
the Disciplinary Core Ideas
What do the practices look like?
Design activities and locate resources.
“It’s what I’m already teaching and it's how I’m already teaching it.”
The danger is in shifting only the content instead of shifting to all three
dimensions of NGSS and design of curriculum based upon performance
Old Standards
Students know heat flows in solids by
conduction (which involves no flow of matter)
and in fluids by conduction and by
convection (which involves flow of matter).
Apply scientific principles to design, construct,
and test a device that either minimizes or
maximizes thermal energy transfer.
Beat the Heat Project
Project Graphic Organizer
Grade 6
Grade 8
Old Standards
Students know the appearance,
general composition, relative position
and size, and motion of objects in the
solar system, including planets,
planetary satellites, comets, and
Students will develop and use a model
of the Earth-sun-moon system to
describe the cyclic patterns of lunar
phases, eclipses of the sun and
moon, and seasons.
Shifts in the Teaching and Learning of Science
Shifts in student learning
● Active rather than passive learning
● Students will be challenged
Shifts in teaching practice
● Disciplinary core ideas favor depth and coherence over breadth of coverage
● Disciplinary core ideas need to be revisited in increasing depth across years
● Guide on the side
● Focus needs to be on connections (crosscutting concepts)
Shifts in curriculum
● Integrated Model
● Incorporate engineering
Technology in the Classroom
Over 50% of students bring their own device
to school daily
Classrooms have chromebook or netbook
carts to supplement devices
CMS BYOD Program video
Coronado Middle School
Bring Your Own Device Program
CMS Implementation Experience - OER
Team commitment to developing a digital textbook
Administrative support
Advantages and disadvantages
Importance of collaboration during textbook development
● Formatting consistency
● Accurate content aligned to standards
● Inclusion of supplemental features
● Determine the role of the textbook in instruction
Haiku Learning Management System
Post student resources (web links, notes, videos, assignments, etc.)
Discussion Boards
Tutorial: Navigating through Haiku
Example of a Haiku Chapter
Haiku Unit Example
Where Did You Get Your Resources???
YouTube- Videos
TedEd- Videos and lesson extensions
Newsela- News aggregate resource with adjustable lexile levels
OER Commons
Khan Academy- Instructional videos
NASA-NGSS aligned lessons
National Geographic- Lessons, activities, articles, videos, images
PhET- Interactive Science and Math Simulations
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Paid for by District
BrainPop- short animated videos, games, and extension activities
Discovery Education- activities(ex. virtual volcano), videos, and science information
Digital Content Portal- World Book, Video Streaming, EBSCO Research
NGSS-aligned Resources on the Web
RESA Lesson Plans
Sample Assessment Tasks
PBS: Teaching NGSS Engineering Design through Media
Einstein Project NGSS on Pinterest
CSTA- California Science Teacher Association
NSTA- National Science Teacher Association
Technology Tools for Instruction
Today’s Meet- Synchronous discussion forum tool
Socrative- Instantaneous formative assessment tool aligned with BYOD
Google Drive- Collaborative documents (research tool within Docs), presentations,
Speak It- Google Chrome Extension
Next Vista Resources- Aggregate site for different technology tools
Vocaroo- Online voice recorder
Screencast-o-matic- Screencasting Tool
Animoto- Video making tool (produces video from images, video , and text and syncs
with music)
iMovie- Video making tool (ex. digital storytelling, PSA, news report)
Understanding NGSS
Three Dimensions of NGSS
NGSS Science and Engineering Practices
DCI Learning Progressions K-12 NGSS
How to Integrate NGSS
NGSS Frequently Asked Questions from the CDE
Anatomy of an NGSS Performance Expectation
Bozeman Science
NGSS Conceptual Shifts
NGSS Sample Assessment Tasks
How Will Science Education Change with NGSS?
Thank you for your time! Any Questions?
Dr. Jay Marquand -
Melody Jensen -
Kristen Lively -