The Auk 116(4):994-1000, 1999 PLASMA LIPID METABOLITES CHANGE OVER PROVIDE SEVERAL WESTERN INFORMATION ON MASS DAYS IN CAPTIVE SANDPIPERS TONY D. WILLIAMS,• CHRISTOPHERG. GUGLIELMO,OLIVER EGELER,AND CHRISTOPHER J. MARTYNIUK Department of Biological Sciences, SimonFraserUniversity,8888 UniversityDrive,Burnaby, British Columbia V5A 1S6, Canada ABSTRACT.--Individual quality is often assessed usinga staticmeasureof body condition, suchas size-corrected body mass.Plasmametabolites havethe potentialto provideinformationonthedynamicsof physiological stateandthusmaybebettermeasures ofindividual performancecapacity(and fitness).We studiedrelationships betweenrate of masschange and circulatinglevelsof triglycerides,glycerol,and ]•-hydroxybutyrate in captiveWestern Sandpipers(Calidrismauri).The rate of masschangeoveroneand two daysprior to blood samplingwas positivelyrelatedto residualtriglyceride(controllingfor body massat sampling) and negativelyrelatedto residualglyceroland residual]•-hydroxybutyrate. The relationshipbetweenmetabolitelevel and masschangewas still apparentover a seven-day intervalfor glycerol,but not for the othertwo metabolites. In a stepwisemultipleregression of masschangeovertwo days(controllingforbodymass),only]•-hydroxybutyrate andglycerol were enteredin the model at P < 0.15. Analysisof group meansfor sevensampling eventsshowedthat body-masschangein a groupof individualswasrelatedto meancirculatinglevelsof eachmetabolite,i.e. to a characteristic metaboliteprofile.Thus,it maybe feasibleto employthesemetabolites to assess habitatqualitybasedon animalperformance ( migratorystopoversites),or to understandthe effectsof climaticor anthropogenic factorsonthehealthandsurvivalof animals.Received 19May1998,accepted 8 February 1999. INDIVIDUALQUALITY(variationin body condition or "health") is a widely usedconceptin behavioraland ecologicalstudies.Body condition perhapsis most simply definedas the degree to which an organism'sphysiological state influencesits performance(e.g. production or activity;Brown1996),which,in turn, is assumedto be positivelyrelatedto fitness(sensu Arnold 1983). Traditionally, measuresof conditionhavebeenbasedon someaspectof body composition,such as nutrient reserves. More recently,studieshaveattemptedto usea wide range of physiologicalmeasuresof conditionthatarenot directlybasedonnutrientreserves,includingplasmametabolites(Andersson and Gustaffson 1995, Dawson and Borto- lotti 1997), glucocorticoids(Wingfield et al. 1992),hematocrit(Piersmaet al. 1996),andimmune-systemfunction (Lochmiller et al. 1993, Ots and H6rak 1996). In almostall cases,compositional,morphological, or physiologicalindicesof body condition or quality provide only a staticassessE-mail: 994 mentof the individualat a singlepointin time, usually the time of capture.This might be a majorproblemif two individuals(or two sampledpopulations)areundergoingrapidchanges in condition.For example,two individuals couldhavethe sameconditionindex or body massat capture,leadingto the conclusion that they are of equal quality (and predictedfitness).However,one individual might be on a trajectoryof rapid massloss,whereasthe mass of a secondindividual might be constantor increasingover time. In reality, the former individualwouldbe of lowerqualitythanthelatter individual. Physiologicalindicesof condition or quality are muchmorevaluableif theyprovide informationon the dynamicsor rate and directionof changein conditionovertime. Recently,Jenni-Eiermann andJenni(1994)reportedthat severalplasmametabolites(in particular, triglyceride and J3-hydroxybutyrate) couldpredictindividualmasschangeoverseveral hoursin captiveGardenWarblers(Sylvia borin),whicharesmallmigratorypasserines. In this paper,we showthat plasmalipid metabolites (triglycerides,glycerol,and J3-hydroxybutyrate) can provide information on rates of October1999] LipidMetabolites andMassChange 995 TABLE1. Detailsof bodymass(œ-+SE)in experimentalWesternSandpipersat thestartandendof sampling periods.Masschangein birdsfrom samples5 to 7 wasexperimentally inducedvia short-termfooddeprivation. Body mass (g) Sample Date No. No. Start End Rate(g/ day) days birds 1 2 3 4 18 January 20 February 3 April 12 July 25.2 _+1.1 33.1 _+1.4 34.2 _+0.9 34.2 _+1.5 25.9 _+1.2 34.0 _+1.6 31.7 _+0.8 29.8 ñ 1.1 0.31 _+0.11 0.13 +_0.08 0.36 _+0.08 -2.16 +_0.32 2 7 7 2 13 17 16 14 5 6 7 3 & 29 November 4 November 30 November 22.6 _+ 0.6 21.1 _+ 0.7 23.0 _+ 0.7 20.1 _+ 0.5 23.7 _+ 0.5 25.1 _+ 0.8 -2.41 _+ 0.27 1.31 _+ 0.24 2.13 _+ 0.20 1 2 1 12 6 6 lite levels).Time fromcaptureto bloodsamplingwas lessthan 3 min in all cases.Blood(up to 200 •L) was collectedin heparinizedcapillarytubes,transferred to 0.6-mLEppendorftubes,and centrifugedat 5,000 rpm (2,200 x g) for 10 min. Plasmawas storedat -20øC until furtheranalysis.Wepresentpooleddata fromthe two experimentson plasmametabolitecontats or relative to different climatic conditions centrationsandbody massat the time of bloodsamor anthropogenicdisturbances. plingrelativeto therateof masschangebeforesampling at intervalsof one,two, and sevendays. METHODS Metabolite assays.--Plasma triglyceridesand glycerol weremeasuredwith enzymaticendpointassays Experimental protocoL--Juvenile WesternSandpip- (WakoDiagnostics, Richmond,andSigma),andplaserswerecapturedin mistnetsduringsouthwardmi- ma [B-hydroxybutyrate wasmeasuredby enzymahc grationin August1994and 1995at BoundaryBayin assay(Sigma).Wefollowedmanufacturers' protocols British Columbia, Canada (49ø10'N, 123ø05'W).Anexceptthat the assayswere modifiedfor use with imal handling protocolsconformedwith Canadian small volumesof plasma(5 •L) using96-well microCommitteefor Animal Care guidelines,and birds plates,with assaysbeingread on a Biotek340i miwere captured and maintained under permits from croplatereader.Sampleswere assayedin triplicate. Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, Becausethe triglycerideassayalso measuredfree and SimonFraserUniversityAnimal CareCommittee. Birds were maintainedin groupsof 12 to 16 in glycerol,true plasmatriglyceridelevelswere calcuoutdoorpens(3 x 6 m) on naturaldaylengths,with latedby subtractingglycerolfrom total triglyceride. food (Clark'strout chow)and water providedad li- Assayswere validatedusing referencevaluesfrom bitum.Infraredheatinglampswereprovidedduring normal and abnormal human control sera (Wako). winter months,and experimentsbegana minimum Coefficientsof variationbetweenassayswere 6.2%(n ofthreemonthsaftercapture.Masschangeandplas- = 11), 8.1% (n = 5), and 18.1%(n = 8) for triglycerrespectively. ma metabolitedata were obtainedfrom two experi- ide, glycerol,and [B-hydroxybutyrate, Small volumes of plasma precluded us from assaymentalgroupsof sandpipersfor a totalof sevensamin somesamples,sosampling periods(seeTable1): (1) naturalmasschange ing forall threemetabolites (n = 17birds,4 sampleperiods),in whichbirdswere ple sizesvary. Statisticalanalysis.--All plasma metabolite data weighed at either two or sevendays beforeblood sampling; and (2) experimentallyinduced mass were distributednon-normally(Shapiro-Wilk'stest, change(n = 12 birds, 3 sampleperiods),in which P < 0.05), so we transformedthe data using masschangewas inducedby short-termfood dep- In(metabolite + 0.5). Data were analyzed in two rivation(24h) andre-feeding.Thebirdsin group2 ways. First, at the level of the individual, we comwere differentfrom thosein group1, and we sam- pared rates of masschangewith plasma levelsof pled their blood after one or two days of mass each of the three metabolites over three time interchange.Birdswerecapturedoneat a timeandsam- vals (one, two, and sevendays) using multiple repled indoorsawayfrom the penssuchthat individ- gressionanalysis(to controlfor the effectof body uals not being sampled were left undisturbed to massat the time of sampling).To avoid pseudorefeed, bathe,etc. For all birds, blood was sampled plicationwe randomlyselecteda singlerecord for mass changein captive WesternSandpipers (Calidrismauri)overtime periodsup to at least two days(48h). We alsoillustratehow plasma metaboliteprofiles may be used to determine mass-changetrajectoriesof different sample populationsof birds, e.g. from differenthabi- from the brachial vein between 0930 and 1130 PST each individual (to control for possiblediurnal variationin metabo- of the seventotal samplingperiods.Second,in a bird for each time interval from one 996 WILLIAMS ETAL. [Auk,Vol.116 population levelanalysis, wecompared themean .,_, 4 rateof masschangefor eachsamplingperiodwith "• Triglyceride mean plasmametabolitelevelsfor the sevensam- plingperiodsusingSpearman rankcorrelation. We considered thatthissecond analysis moreclosely ap- proximated thesituation thatwouldoccur in the fieldwheredatawouldbeobtained fromseveral • 0 groupsof individuals(e.g. at differenttimesor in differenthabitats) with a variableandunknownpe- -4 riod of masschangeprior to captureandbloodsampling.Wehad a prioriexpectations of directionalre- 4 lationships betweenmetabolites andmasschange, so we used one-tailed -0.50 -0.'15 0.•0 Glycerol statistical tests. All values are ßß ß given as œñ SE unlessotherwisestated. ß ' RESULTS Absolutebody mass and the rate of mass changevariedwidely amongsamplingperiods;data on body massat the start and end of -0.35 theperiodofmasschange, rateofmasschange, andthetimeintervalfor eachsampling period 4 0.•0 0.35 B-OH-butyrate aregivenin Table1. Plasma•3-hydroxybutyrate concentrations were negativelycorrelatedwith triglyceride(r = -0.53, n = 50, P < 0.001)and positivelycorrelatedwith glycerol(r = 0.43,n = 50, P < 0.002) amongindividual birds. Plasma triglyceride and glycerol concentrations were not significantlycorrelated(r = 0.11, n = -4 -2.0 210 66, P > 0.30). Plasmatriglyceridelevelswere Residual In(metabolite + 0.05) positivelyrelatedto body massat the time of blood sampling(F = 65.5, df = 1 and 37, r2 = FIG. 1. Relationshipbetweenindividual rate of 0.64,P < 0.001),whereasplasma•3-hydroxy- body-mass changewithin two daysof bloodsambutyratelevelswerenegativelyrelatedto body plingandlevelsof plasmatriglyceride(n = 20),glycmass (F = 5.70, df = 1 and 31, r2 = 0.21, P < erol(n = 20)and[3-hydroxybutyrate (n = 19)in cap0.01). Regressionequationsfor theserelation- tive WesternSandpipers.Metabolite concentrations shipswere: (mmolper L) areresidualsfromtheregression with triglyceride= 0.06(mass)- 1.12 (1) body mass. and •3-hydroxybutyrate = -0.04(mass)+ 1.96. (2) 0.80).Theequation fortherelationship between mass change and mass-corrected triglyceride Plasmaglycerolconcentration was independent of body massfor our dataset(F = 0.04,df for the two-dayinterval,for whichwe had the = 1 and 37, P > 0.80). Nonetheless,we con- largestsamplesize,was: trolledfor body massin subsequent analyses masschange= 7.61(triglyceride) - 0.05. (3) for all threeplasmametabolites(whichdid not affectany of our resultsor conclusions). Masschangeovertwo dayswasnegativelyreRates of mass changein individual birds lated to plasmaglycerol(F = 27.98,df = 1 and were positivelyrelated to plasmatriglyceride 19, r2 = 0.61,P < 0.001;Fig. 1) and •3-hydroxyat thetimeof bloodsamplingfor theone-day butyrate(F = 26.71,df = 1 and 18, r2 = 0.61,P (F = 3.93,df = 1 and 10, P = 0.04)and thetwo- < 0.001;Fig. 1). The equations for therelationday(F = 12.09,df = 1 and19,P < 0.01;Fig.1) shipsbetweenmasschangeandmass-correctsamplingintervals,but not for masschange ed metabolite concentrations for these data over sevendays(F = 0.07, df = 1 and 13, P > were: October 1999] LipidMetabolites andMassChange mass change = -7.77(glycerol) - 1.34 (4) and 997 •.. 0.3 + mass change = -1.74([•-hydroxybutyrate) • • -o.3o. (5) [ o.o Plasma glycerol levels were also negatively re- • '• lated tomass change over one day(F= 9.37, df • = 1 and 10, r2 = 0.51,P < 0.025),and this relationshipwasstill apparentoversevendays(F = 24.71,df = 1 and13,r2 = 0.67,P < 0.001). Thelevelof [•-hydroxybutyrate wassimilarly • rs= 0.857 -0.3 0.3 •.. relatedto masschangeoveroneday(F = 4.22, .• + (F = 0.23,df = 1 and12,P > 0.60). '• df =1aand 9,P=0.035) but not over seven days •-- 0.0 In stepwise multiple regression of mass •= change overtwodays inwhich residual tri- • glyceride, glycerol, and[•-hydroxybutyrate -• wereenteredas independent variables (con- r•= -0.786 -0.3 trolling forbodymass), only[•-hydroxybuty•.. 1.5 rate (partial r2 = 0.54,P < 0.001)and glycerol • (partialr2 = 0.10,P < 0.05)enteredintothe + model atP< (nmeans =20). Analysis of0.15 group forthe seven sam-•--• pling periods showed asimilar overall pattern• .• 0.0 totheanalysis attheindividual level(Fig.2): • • rate ofmass change was positively correlated • withtheresidual level ofplasma triglyceride (r• _•'-1.5 = 0.857,P < 0.025) and negativelycorrelated with residuallevelsof plasmaglycerol(rs = -0.786, P < 0.05)and plasma[•-hydroxybuty- -3 -0.898 -1.5 0.0 1.5 3 Rateofmass change (g.d -1) rate (rs = -0.898, P < 0.01). FIG.2. Relationship betweenaverage rateofmass changein captiveWesternSandpipers andmeanlevDISCUSSION elsof plasmatriglyceride, glycerol,and13-hydroxybutyratefor eachsamplingevent(n = 7). Metabolite (mmolper L) areresidualsfromthe Jenni-Eiermann andJenni(1994)showedthat concentrations with bodymass.Numbersreferto samplasmametabolitescouldprovideinformation regression on ratesof body-mass changeovera fewhours plingevents(seeTable1). in a small migratory passerine.Our results with WesternSandpipers extendthistechnique using plasmameand clearly demonstratethat certain plasma cess,and conditionassessed metabolitescanbe usedto provideinformation tabolitesshouldthereforebe directlyrelatedto on ratesof masschangebeforea captureand an organism'sperformance.Plasmatriglycerbloodsamplingeventin individualbirdsover ides increasedwith increasingmass gain, ina periodof at leasttwo days.Lengthsof stayat whereasglyceroland [•-hydroxybutyrate stopoversitesduringmigrationaveragethree creasedwith increasingmassloss,consistent functioning of these to four daysin the WesternSandpiper(War- with knownphysiological nock and Bishop1997),so analysisof plasma metabolites.During fat deposition,triglycermetabolitescan predictmasschangefor bio- idesincreasein theplasmaowingto transport eitherdilogicallyrelevanttimeintervalsin thisspecies. of lipidsto peripheraladiposetissue, or indiIn addition,rateof masschange,whichlargely rectlyfrom the gut (asportomicrons) reflectsrate of fat deposition(Lindstr6m and rectlyvia the liver asverylow-densitylipoproPiersma1993,C.,is a teins (Robinson1970,Ramenofsky1990).Durvery important predictor for migratory suc- ing massloss(i.e. when birds are in negative 998 WILLIAMS ETAL. energy balance),glyceroland free fatty acids (FFA) are releasedinto the plasmaduring lipolysisof triglycerides in adiposetissue,and hydroxybutyrate(a ketone body) is synthe- sizedfrom FFA,replacingglucoseasthe principal fuel for respirationin sometissues(Ramenofsky 1990, Horton et al. 1993). Thus, glyceroland •3-hydroxybutyrate increasein the plasmaduringmassloss,whichis indicativeof lipid catabolismand glucoseshortage(JenniEiermann and Jenni1994). Althoughwe report an experimentalstudy using captive birds provided with artificial food, we seeno reasonwhy the samegeneral relationship(s) betweenmasschangeandplasma metabolite levels should not occur in free- [Auk, Vol. 116 stantaneous (i.e.short-term)masschange, then we would have predictedmore consistentrelationships between metabolites and mass changeregardlessof the time interval used (giventhatmasschangewaslinear).In fact,of the threemetabolites measured,only glycerol wasstill relatedto masschangeoverthelonger (sevenday)interval.Thissuggests thatcertain metabolitesindeed"integrate"informationon physiologicalstateover severaldays,in addition to reflectingshort-termchangesin mass. For example, in long-term-fastingpenguins, concentrationsof plasma •3-hydroxybutyrate andureaincrease throughout stageII offasting (protein sparing; Cherel et al. 1988b), even thoughmasslossis constantat thistime (Cher- livingbirds,because masschanges in captivity el et al. 1988a).Thus, in this caseabsolutemeandin the wild shouldinvolvea commonphys- tabolite concentrations reflect both the rate and iologicalmechanism andthusgiveriseto sim- the duration of massloss.Somesupportexists ilar changes in plasmabiochemistry (Cherelet for this interpretation of our datain that glycal. 1988a).However,our data shouldbe extrap- erolwasthe onlymetabolitewe measuredthat olatedto free-livingbirdswith caution,partic- was not related to body mass at the time of ularly with regardto masschangeoverthelon- bloodsampling;i.e. plasmaglycerolappeared ger seven-dayinterval. Plasma levels of all to be lessdependenton the bird'scurrentphysthree metabolitesreflectedmasschangeover iologicalstatethan weretriglycerideand •3-hyoneand two days,but theserelationshipswere droxybutyrate. lessconsistentover the seven-dayinterval.It is Anotherpotentialdifferencebetweenour expossiblethat plasmametaboliteprofilessimply perimentalstudyandthat for free-livingbirds reflectinstantaneous ratesof masschange,or is that someof our birdsgainedand lostmass changeoververy shorttime intervals( at relativelyhigh rates (up to 2 g per day). half to oneday).Assumingthatmasschangeis Zwarts et al. (1990) predicted maximum rates linear, any relationshipbetween changesin of increase in mass of 4 to 5% of "winter" mass massoverlongertime intervalswouldthenbe per day,using data on fat depositionfrom 42 due to the effectof the singlemost-recent day. studiesof shorebirds.This would represent1.1 Our experimentalprotocolmeant that mass g per day for a 22.7-gWesternSandpiperSimchangein our birdswasmoreor lessconstant ilarly, Lindstr/Sm(1991)gavea range of maxiand linear;e.g.masschangeovertwo daysbe- mum fat depositionratesof 2.6 to 4.3% of lean forebloodsamplingwashighlycorrelatedwith mass,i.e. 0.59 to 0.98 g per day for a 22.7-g masschangetwo days after sampling(T. D. WesternSandpiper Maximum rates of fat deWilliams unpubl. data). This may not be the positionreportedfor congeneric Semipalmated caseundercertaincircumstances in free-living Sandpipers(C. pusilla)are 1.1 to 1.26g per day birds (e.g.with markeddiurnalfluctuations in (Lank 1983,White 1985).However,in our study mass in small passerines;Meijer et al. 1994, the relationshipbetweenmasschangeoverthe Witter et al. 1995), althoughseveralstudies seven-dayinterval and plasma glycerol ocsuggestthat rapid massgainduringfat depo- curredover a range of masschangesof +1 g sition is approximatelylinear and constantin per day,whichis within therangereportedfor migratoryshorebirds overseveraldays(Zwarts field studies.Furthermore,for the populationet al. 1990,Lindstr/Sm1991).Thus,the relation- level analysis,the relationshipbetweenrate of shipbetweenglycerolandmasschangethatwe masschangeand plasmametaboliteswas still reportfor the seven-dayintervalmay be an ar- apparentwithin the range of _+1.5g per day, tifact of our particular experimentaldesign. especiallyfor plasmatriglyceride(seeFig. 2). However,we do not believethat this is entirely Similaritiesand important differencesexist the case.If metabolitelevelsreflectedonly in- betweenour studyand that of Jenni-Eiermann October 1999] LipidMetabolites andMassChange 999 andJenni(1994).In thelatterstudy,•-hydroxy- the time of bloodsampling.Usingconventional butyrate and triglyceridetogetherexplained measuresof condition,birds in sample4 would asbeingin bet61%of the total variationin body-masschange, likely havebeencharacterized with partial r2-values of 51%and 44%,respec- ter conditionthanbirdsin sample1. However, tively. Jenni-Eiermann and Jenni(1994:table4) birds in sample4 were on a steeptrajectoryof did not find a significantrelationship between masslosscomparedwith birds in sample1, masschangeand plasmaglycerolin a multiple which were maintainingmore or lessconstant regressionanalysis.Variation in rate of mass mass.This differencein masschangewasclearchangein captiveWesternSandpipersovertwo ly revealedby the metaboliteprofilesof these ofbirds,with birdsin sample4 bedayswas significantlyrelatedto plasmalevels twosamples by high •-hydroxybutyrate of all threemetabolites, but glyceroland •-hy- ing characterized droxybutyratewere betterat explainingvaria- and glycerollevelsand low triglyceridelevels tion (each61%) than was triglyceride(40%).In comparedwith birdsin sample1 (Fig. 2). The profilesto comparethe the multiple regressionanalysis,•-hydroxy- useof suchmetabolite stateand mass-change trajectory butyratewasenteredfirstinto themodel sug- physiological of birdsmightrepgestingthat it was the singlebestpredictorof of differentsubpopulations masschangeovertwodays,whichis consistent resentthemostusefulapplicationof thistechand management, for exwith the finding of Jenni-Eiermann and Jenni niqueto conservation thehealthof populations in (1994).It is unclearwhetherthe differencebe- amplein assessing factween our results and thoseof Jenni-Eiermann relationto habitatqualityor anthropogenic andJenni(1994)with regardto glycerolreflects tors. 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