Particle Astrophysics Lecture 3 Cosmic Rays Kael HANSON Université Libre de Bruxelles Service de physique des particules élémentaires ULB Particle Astrophysics Cosmic Rays I Cosmic rays mostly protons accelerated at sites within the galaxy. I As they are charged and thus deviated in galactic and inter-galactic and solar and terrestrial magnetic fields, it is extremely difficult to point observed events back to sources. Charged particle astronomy only possible for E > 1019 eV I At this point,interactions with CMBR limit horizon to only nearby sources within tens or hundreds of Mpc. I One century after discovery, origins of cosmic rays, in particular UHECR, remain unknown. I Field of high-energy gamma rays identifies point sources where acceleration of EM components at least is taking place - still not clear if hadrons are involved in some of these accelerators. I Hadronic acceleration would lead to production of chargeless neutrinos which if detected would be smoking gun of hadronic particle accelerators. Larmor Radius and Rigidity Larmor radius, or gyroradius, rL , is the radius of the orbit of a charged particle moving in a uniform, perpendicular magnetic field, obtained by simply equating the Lorentz force with the centripetal force: qvB = p mv2 ⇒ rL = rL ZeB (1) where p has replaced mv in the classical limit. However, this also holds for the relativistic generalization by considering p to be the relativistic 3-momentum. There are several adaptations of this formula, tuned to units natural to various scenarios. One such is 1 G p rL = 33.36 km GeV/c Z B In cosmic ray physics, one often sees references in the literature to the rigidity of a particle, defined as pc R ≡ rL Bc = (2) Ze which has units Volts! A 10 GeV proton has a rigidity of 10 GV, etc ... Hillas Plots Hilla s -p lo t (c a n d id a te s ite s fo r E=100 Ee V a n d E=1 Ze V) 15 Hillas[?] arguing that in order for it to accelerate CR particles to high energies, the size of the acceleration region must be at least twice the Larmor radius: Size (m) 3 × 1022 2 × 1017 1019 109 108 Emax 1019 log(Magnetic field, gauss) Field (G) 10−8 10−6 10−6 0.5 50 GRB Protons (100 EeV) 9 Protons (1 ZeV) White dwarf 3 nuclei Fe (100 EeV) ve s ti ie Ac lax ga Source IGM Gal. Disk Gal. Halo Ter. Field Fridge Magnet GRB Neutron star jets hot-spots lobes -3 Colliding galaxies SNR Clusters Galactic disk halo -9 3 × 1021 3 6 9 12 1 au 15 1 pc 1 kpc 18 21 1 Mpc log(size, km) (Fermi) E max~ ZBL E max~ ZBL K (Ultra-relativistic shocks-GRB) Fermi Shock Acceleration I I Fermi’s original 2nd-order Fermi acceleration (referring to the dependence on β2 ) involved randomly moving magnetic clouds that swept up charged particles in the ISM. This mechanism is not efficient at energy transfer and has trouble even explaining intermediate-energy CRs, Later, he and others hypothesized that shock waves expanding from SNe can give rise to first-order acceleration sometimes diffusive acceleration - energy gain proportional to β which can extend acceleration to higher energies. A simplified model is I Particle moves along +x with energy E, shock is moving opposite with velocity β 1. The CR particle is reflected back and gains an energy (prove this!) ∆E 'β E (3) Particle is somehow reflected back, either by magnetic cloud or outer shock shell moving with lower velocity than the inner shell. The particle may lose energy here. At each cycle particle gains fractional energy α, thus, after n cycles the particle will have energy E = E0 (1 + α)n , alternatively n= I ln(E/E0 ) ln(1 + α) (4) At each cycle there is a probability, P, that the CR does not escape. Realistically P = P(E), and you are encouraged to model this general case numerically. However, to make the math tractable, let’s assume P is fixed. So the fraction of particles left after n cycles is expressed as N = Pn N0 (5) Fermi Acceleration Continued If one takes the logarithm of both sides of Eq. 5 and insert n from Eq. 4 one can find the power-law behavior typical of Fermi acceleration: ln(E/E0 ) ln P N ln = n ln P = ⇒ N0 ln(1 + α) ln P = s ln(E/E0 ), s ≡ ⇒ ln(1 + α) N(> E) ∝ Es which, when turned into a differential flux, becomes, dN(E) ∝ E−γ , γ = 1 − s dE (6) As we shall see in a bit, the observed value for γ is 2.7 so taking a typical shock wave velocity of 10,000 km/s gives an escape probability 1 − P = 0.05. Note that ponderance of the problem immediately preceeding Eq. 3 leads to realization of favorable energetics of extremely relativistic acceleration regions such as those thought to exist in jets of galactic or extragalactic objects. Instead of energy gain which goes as β one profits from γ (usu. Γ for some reason). Galactic Sources I Supernova remnants (SNR) remain the most likely candidates for CR acceleration up to at least 1014 eV via the Fermi shock mechanism. I Neutron stars Neutron stars, especially young fast-rotating pulsars and magnetars possess extreme magnetic fields (up to 1012 G in the case of magnetars) with complex structure that could accelerate CR up to the highest energies. These objects are far rarer than SNRs, however, only a dozen magnetars are known in the Milky Way, although many could exist in the local neighborhood. I Microquasars are radio-intense X-ray binary stars with companion orbiting an accreting black hole. They are particularly interesting particle accelerators due to observation of VHE gamma ray emission and highly relativistic jets which could provide energy for UHECR. Extragalactic Sources I Active Galaxies (AGN) are radio loud galaxies with SMBH at center and often some jet structure, observed or not. Blazars are subclass of AGN with jet pointed in direction of observation. Blazars often have highly time-variable structure with eruptions in radio, optical, gamma. Jets are highly relativistic and, especially those pointed at observer are ideal candidates for particle acceleration. I Gamma Ray Bursts (GRB) are among the most violent events known in universe and have been hypothesized by Waxman-Bahcall to be potentially the only source of UHECR in the universe. They are extremely distant objects with redshifts ranging from minimum of 0.05 to most of order unity. Intergalactic Propagation On larger distance scales, other effects become important: I I On scales where redshift is signficant, CR energies are red-shifted down in energy: E → E/(1 + z). At energies above ∼ 1015 eV the pair-production process p + γCMB → p + e+ + e− (7) becomes possible. Because the fraction of energy lost in each interaction is small the effective interaction distance is still quite large: R= I mp 1 ' 600 Mpc 2me σpγ nCMB At energies above 1020 eV pion production becomes possible p + π0 + X p + γCMB → n + π+ + X (8) (9) This interaction, called GZK, dominates in this energy regime, and ultimately limits observation of the extreme energy universe to R= mp 1 ' 100 Mpc 2mπ σpγ nCMB (10) Intergalactic Propagation Continued I For heavier nuclei the dominant loss mechanism at UHE is photo-disintegration A + γ → (A − 1) + N which for He begins at 3 × 1019 eV and for Fe at 8 × 1019 eV. A summary plot showing the effective charged particle horizon for UHE protons is given below (thick solid line / thin solid line is pion / pair production). Astronomy with Charged Particles Shown is a map of magnetic deviations in degrees as indicated by color bar for particles of rigidity 40 EV in galactic coordinates (galactic center at center of Aitoff projection, galactic disk in line that bisects projection). In fact, galactic magnetic fields are not well understood especially outside of the galactic disc, and models of such should be judged as being very speculative. Solar Modulation I I CR below several TeV are affected by solar wind which varies on 11-year solar cycle. At times of peak intensity the wind CR Figure: Oxygen component of CR during different phases of solar cycle There is also dip in CR intensity following CME - the following plot demonstrates this "Forbush Decrease" following a solar flare event in 2006 Figure: Forbush decrease event observed simultaneously in August 2005 in IceTop tanks as well as NM16 and NMD neutron monitors at South Pole Terrestrial Effects I I Earth’s magnetic field well-modeled as dipole of moment M = 8 × 1022 A · m, giving rise to equatorial field µ M 0 (11) B= 4π r3 of approximate intensity 0.3 to 0.6 G at the surface of the Earth. CR below several tens of GeV are affected by the terrestrial magnetic field: a cutoff which deflects particles of rigidity less than Rmin = [1 + 59.6 cos4 λ GV 1 − sin θ cos3 λ]2 √ (12) where λ is the magnetic latitude (recall that currently the magnetic North Pole is Canada at 75◦ N, 101◦ W, and θ is the "East-West" angle: particles from the East, West, and vertical have sin θ = 1, sin θ = −1 and sin θ = 0. I Straighforward subsitution of values at the magnetic equator in Eq. 12 gives a rigidity cutoff of 59.6 GV for particles from the East, 10.2 GV from the West, and 14.9 GV for vertically incident particles. This gives rise to the "East-West" effect: due to the steep spectrum of cosmic rays many more particles arrive from the West than from the East. I The latitude effect is apparent by examination of Eq. 12 dependence on λ: at magnetic poles the geomagnetic cutoff vanishes, however low energy CR are still cutoff by atmospheric thickness. Toy Simulation Here’s what 63 lines of Python can do - simple simulation of rays in magnetic equatorial plane launched from x = 10rE and various ordinates. You are looking at the South Pole so eastbound rays are coming in counter-clockwise. Toy Simulation Continued Same but rigidity increased to allow vertically incident rays. The All-Particle Cosmic Ray Spectrum I The flux CR particles at the top of the Earth’s atmosphere is very nearly a perfect power law spectrum from several tens of GeV to roughly 5 PeV following the flux dN 1.8 × 104 (E/GeV)−α = dE m2 · s · sr · GeV I Composition I I H and He form 85% and 12%, respectively of all CR, with contribution from Z > 3 only at 3%. CR relative abundances follow closely those found natively in Solar System with exception of elements Li, Be, B which are comparatively rare output of stars but are formed in CR spallations with C and O nuclei. 100 -2 -1 -1 E dN/dE, m s sr GeV 2 Cosmic Ray Electrons positron/electron ratio 10 0.10 3 0.05 0.02 1 1 10 100 Energy, GeV 1000 10000 UHECR I CR leaking from galaxy I Dominance of another source or sources The observed behavior of the UHECR spectrum above 1019 eV has been contested by HiRes / Akeno groups. New high-statistics PAO measurement seems to indicate a real cutoff at 1020 eV. 10 5 Knee E 2.7F(E) [GeV1.7 m−2 s−1 sr−1] For log1 0E/eV > 15.7 (CR "knee") the CR spectrum steepens to spectral index of -3.0 from -2.7 and steepens even further. The causes for these phenomena are not well understood: 10 4 10 3 10 13 2nd Knee Grigorov JACEE MGU TienShan Tibet07 Akeno CASA/MIA Hegra Flys Eye Agasa HiRes1 HiRes2 Auger SD Auger hybrid Kascade 10 14 10 15 Ankle 10 16 10 17 E [eV] 10 18 10 19 10 20 Composition of UHECR I The CR composition above the knee must be measured using indirect techniques which must be modelled using Monte Carlo techniques. These are subject to large theoretical errors due to lack of knowledge of cross-section behaviors in the extreme forward region x 10− 8. I Composition using these techniques involves only two archetypes: light nuclei (protons) and heavy nuclei (iron). I The panels at left show Auger / HiRes measurements near GZK cutoff, all favoring at least a mixed composition tending toward heavy at the higher energies. Intermediate-Energy CR Anisotropies The terrestrial, solar, and galactic fields do a good job of isotropizing the CR flux at Earth. However, small anisotropies remain which Tibet Air Shower Array, Milagro, and IceCube-22 have all measured. For case of IceCube, the a sample of 5 billion muons collected during 2007 with median energy per cosmic ray of 20 TeV were plotted against the southern sky with anisotropies of order 0.2% being observed. Explanation due to Compton-Getting effect of our movement through bulk CR fluid has been rejected to high confidence. Explanations still unknown. Anisotropies at UHE Structure of the Atmosphere I Atmosphere below 86 km is to very good approximation an ideal gas composed of 0.78 N2 and 0.21 O2 : P= ρRT M0 (13) where M0 is the mean molar mass of the air: 28.5 g/mol and R = 8.31 J/mol · K I In this model the pressure P(h) and the thickness X(h) are roughly exponential functions of the height: P(h) = P0 exp(−h/h0 ) (14) X(h) = X0 exp(−h/h0 ) (15) where the scale height h0 = 6.5 km, P0 = 101 kPa, and X0 = 1000 g/cm2 . Particles in the Atmosphere Altitude (km) 15 10000 10 5 3 2 1 0 Vertical flux [m–2 s–1 sr–1] 1000 _ νµ + νµ µ+ + µ− 100 10 p+n 1 e+ + e− π+ + π− 0.1 0.01 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Atmospheric depth [g cm–2] Electromagnetic Showers in the Atmosphere If EM particle such as photon or electron initiates shower in atmosphere ... I Longitudinal development reaches maximum at depth ln(E/Ec ) (16) Xmax = ln 2 where critical energy Ec ' 100 MeV for air and Xmathrmmax is given in units of EM radiation length which is approximately X0 = 40 g/cm2 for air. I Lateral development is characterized by Molière unit equal to approximately 0.2X0 , about 100 m at sea level. I Air is calorimeter, that is total integrated track length of particles (which determines signal strength in Cherenkov or fluorescence detector) L∼ E Ec Extensive Air Showers If hadron initiates the cascade ... I Longitudinal development also reaches shower maximum, however, in hadronic case it must be modeled numerically. In general showers max out deeper in the atmosphere due to longer hadronic interaction length Xhad ∼ 90 g/cm2 I Hadronic showers are typically muon-rich with both penetrating muon component and soft EM component reaching ground level. I Lateral development is much broader than EM cascades with sizes reaching km for UHECR primaries. Heavier nuclei interations described well by superposition model: nucleus of A nucleons and energy E acts like A protons of energy E/A giving rise to: I I I I Equivalent total number of charged particles as proton case Number of muons increases, weakly, with A Shower max is achieved at higher altitudes AMS The AMS (Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer) will be deployed on the ISS perhaps 2008/9 and run for 3 years. It is a very ambitious detector that will measure and identify in detail the cosmic rays in the GeV - TeV range. It is looking specifically for positrons, antiprotons, signs of dark matter, antimatter in universe. Its detector systems are: I Transition radiation detector (TRD): transition radiation is produced when ultra-relativistic charged particle travel through dielectric boundary - emit X-rays which can be used to measure directly γ. I TOF - time-of-flight system I Silicon tracking magnetic spectrometer. I Ring-imaging Cherenkov counter: particle ID in GeV region. I Electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL). PAMELA PAMELA was a cheaper and smaller competitor to AMS which flew as a secondary payload aboard a Russian satellite. It was launched in 2006 and has accumulated an excess of high energy positrons - above what would be expected from theoretical model of positrons produced as secondaries in CR interactions. The excess has been interpreted as many things including signal of dark matter. The source is not settled at this point. Ballooning Detectors carried aloft on balloon payloads, say ballooners at least, are the most cost-effective above-the-atmosphere experiments. They fly at altitudes of 25 - 30 km where there is very little thickness left. Mission durations can last, in the case of ultra-long duration missions around Antarctica. I Cosmic Ray Energetics and Mass (CREAM). Pierre Auger Observatory The Pierre Auger Observatory is 4 fluoresence detectors and 1600 water Cherenkov surface tanks deployed over area of 3000 km2 in pampas highlands of Argentina for UHECR study. The two detector types unite techniques of AGASA (Akeno) and HiRes into single site allowing cross calibration on hybrid events, reducing greatly the systematic errors. PAO - Surface Detectors I Each surface detector is 10 m2 plastic tank filled with water. I As the charged particles pass through the water, they emit Cherenkov light which is picked up in 3 down-facing PMTs. 1 VEM (vertical equivalent muon the standard calibration unit for surface detectors) is approx 100 p.e. in the 3 tubes. I The distance from tank-to-tank is large - 1.5 km. I The array is networked to a central facility using radio uplinks and each tank is solar powered. PAO - Flourescence Detectors I 4 FDs - each 12 m2 reflector telescopes with 400-pixel PMT camera in the focal plane I Each camera views about 30◦ × 30◦ patch of sky I FD can record shower profiles versus depth and has very good energy resolution from measurement of the fluoresence output of EAS. I Duty cycle of FD is poor - must be moonless clear night.