Bulletin DP-KIP-A-08 Key Interlock Mounting Key interlocks are an effective way to interlock main and ground switch operating pipes. With key interlocks there are no constraints as to structure type or distance between the operating pipes. The Cleaveland/Price key interlock mounting assembly has provision for mounting two key interlocks so that the switch can be interlocked in both opened and closed positions if called for in the interlock scheme. The standard interlock mounting assembly is designed to accept either Kirk or Superior brand interlocks. An assembly for accepting a Castell brand interlock is also available. Key interlock mountings are available for both 1½” IPS and 2” IPS vertical operating pipe. Cleaveland/Price Inc. 14000 Rt. 993, Trafford, PA 15085 (24) 864-4177 FAX (724) 864-9040 E-mail: sales@cleavelandprice.com